[Super Genius] I'm Not At Gen Con and I Aim to Misbehave.....

Product Discussion

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Minister of Propaganda, Super Genius Games

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So the other two Geniuses are at Gen Con and will have limited Internet access. Following in Owen's footsteps, I'm going to give product away to whoever posts to this thread with a new product idea you'd like us Geniuses to do, or something that's missing from one of our existing product lines and the PDF you'd like.

To get your PDF I need you to send me a PM with your email address and a reminder of what you'd like me to send.

So Paizoians, what's missing from the Genius Portfolio?

The Genius Guide to Riven Magic - An expansion on the system touched on in the Riven mage, with archetypes to add riven magic to other spellcasting classes in place of normal spellcasting, OR just a genius style archetype that can be plugged in as needed (would work 6 and 4 level casters but not 9 level casters as they dont trade out spells for genius archetypes).

And I'd like the talented cavlier

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The Genius Guide to Medicine-Induced-And-Not-Quite-Right-In-The-Head Product Giveaways?

Sovereign Court Contributor

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Well, considering you're the go-to people for quality 3pp classes, I want the Genius Guide to the Swashbuckler. With new and interesting mechanics, elan, and covering both gritty and dashing archetypes.

Every other thing I'd want for PF pales in comparison.

A super genius take on a swashbuckler might actually interest me in the concept.

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I would still like the Genius Guide To The Artificer.

And Genius Guide To More Apeiron Staves. That might be nice.

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Trove of Treasure Maps, i.e. short writeup of location + puzzle + guardians + legend. Fakes, baits welcome.

Cursed Lineages, a bunch of secret backgrounds to pin on player characters to invite them on journeys of dark discovery of skeletons in closets.

Flowers of Evil, objects of art with dark history and terrifying haunts.

Mysterious Societies, 10 secret groups or cults to upset balance of power in your campaign.

PR is Everything, short list of good deeds for your villains to win over local populace so that the job of the PCs became that much harder.


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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The Genius Guide to the Balloonist

Romantic swashbucklers in flying gondolas, gnomes of dubious mental stability taking to the skies, elves spinning silk and moonlight into flight, grim zeppelin marauders from inimical neighboring demiplanes....

Blowing the dust off some product lines, perhaps, but how about:

Codex Draconis: Bronze Guardians of the Coast


Mythic Menagerie: Skulkers in the Dark (dark creepers, dark stalkers, and their ilk)

Ruemere read my mind for about half of his entries! I'd love to see

Takes on Paladins of the remaining 7 alignments

A Christina Stiles take on Hobgoblins

A less marshal and more spell heavy priest type

Codices Draconic on the metallic dragons

A full chronomancer type class

Talented versions of all the remaining classes

Hellfire magic items

Examples of new classes as NPC's at 3 different levels as part of the product's content

Monster books using the actual physical descriptions and abilities listed in fable and mythology

Cross company support for Cerulean Seas and Midgard

*pauses for breath*

There. I think that's it........for now.

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A few requests from, many of them repeats from above.

-A Genius Guide to More Riven Magic: I don't care if it's just more riven spells, archetypes, or even more classes. I would love more riven material.

-The Genius Guide to the Artificer: This is actually a really good idea.

-The Genius Guide to the Chronomancer

-Anarchistic Adventure Technomacy: I know you are working on Warlords and it will probably include things like this, but I would love rules for advanced tech like lasers and cybernetics and spaceships. I've been on a big sci-fi kick lately.

-The Genius Guide to Races of Fin and Flipper: I really liked your other guides to races, and with a planned Cerulean Seas game coming up I could use more aquatic races.

-The Genius Guide to Paragons: Playing Dawnforge again reminded me of how awesome species can be by just by being them and I would like to see a similar system for Pathfinder. I think you guys over at SGG could device a system of racial progression; or at the very least give us even more racial feats and archetypes.

-The Genius Guide to Psionic Archetypes

-The Genius Guide to Scribes: It dawns on me that there is a serious lack of love for the scroll. I would really like to seek a book released that features more options, feats, and maybe even an archetype or two focused on writing magic down.

-The Talented Alchemist: I haven't been as excited with the talented class line as many others have, however I really want to see this one.

-The Genius Guide to Companions: I would like to see a release with rules for familiar, cohort, and animal companion archetypes.

That's all I got for now.

I will second the npc specs for your classes. I think you have some great classes to show off. I would like to see some one-shot/short adventures that are geared to show off some of the classes.

More "After Lovecrafts," please.

"The Colour Out of Space" had something of a sequel setup, with the area being flooded and possibly becoming part of the local water supply.

"From Beyond" could easily lead to a subsequent rediscovery of the Tillinghast Resonator or another means of peering Beyond.


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The Talented Magus

The Talented Adventurer (A new skill monkey class that isn't a rogue)

The Talented Runecaster

The Genius Guide to Scooby Doo & the Gang

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The Genius Guide to More Riven Magic

The Genius Guide to the Shadow Mage (->Shadow Assassin)

Shadow Assassin expansion

The Genius Guide to Death Ascendant (Death Mages and Knights - Expansion)

More Gruesome Templates

A whole compendium of Apeiron Staves! (Psionic Apeiron Staves? Tige Vierge-rules for Apeiron Staves?)

Genius Guide to Hazards

Genius Guide to Diseases & Poisons

Genius Guide to Combat Drugs

Genius Guide to Power Components (see RiP's Special Materials and Power Components)

Support for the Samurai

More Bullet Points for 3pp classes

Waysides with player-friendly maps

Christina Stiles taking on uncommon races

Genius Guide to Downtime-Rules (New teams, new rooms etc.)

Krazy Kragnar's slightly leaky boats

Krazy Kragnar's mostly buoyant balloons

Relics of the Dead (akin to Relics of the Godlings)

The Genius Guide to Vile Options (Expansion for Hellfire Magic, Argonax and similar painful options to make villains truly hurt PCs)

Personally, and I don't want to harp on anyone's parade - this is just my personal preference, I wouldn't be too keen on another Artificer-class - with Interjection Games' Tinker, LPJr Design's Machinesmith and Drop Dead Studios' Artisan, that area is quite covered - though perhaps SGG could bring something new to the table.

The Genius Guide to Exalted Characters (for character who are capital GOOD - exalted deeds done right)

The Genius Guide to Madness

The Genius Guide to More Options for Chaos Magic

P.s.: If you choose any of these, give the pdf someone else and tell them I said "hi". :)

Genius Guide to the Mythic Godling
Genius Guide Mythic Options

Genius Guides: New Archetypes for Anachronistic Classes by theme (Pulp, Horror, Golden Age Heroes etc.

New Racial bullet points ala 3 simian races.

Genius Guide To Gunslingers
Genius Guide To Advanced Guns

And then Endzeitgeist got everything else. ^^;; "Genius Guide to Downtime-Rules (New teams, new rooms etc.)" in particular.

Requested PDF: Time Thief

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an archetype gunslinging Alchemist


DungeonmasterCal wrote:

A Christina Stiles take on Hobgoblins


For my line, or for me to write?


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Realmwalker wrote:

Genius Guide to the Mythic Godling

Genius Guide Mythic Options

Genius Guides: New Archetypes for Anachronistic Classes by theme (Pulp, Horror, Golden Age Heroes etc.

New Racial bullet points ala 3 simian races.

Owen SO needs to write a mythic Golding book!


What uncommon races in particular, End? I have a lizardfolk manuscript to look over this weekend. I've given a manuscript to Hyrum for something from Mike Welham, too.

The Genius Guide to Mercenary Companies

The Genius Guide to Temples

The Genius Guide to Thieves' & Assassins' Guilds

The Genius Guide to Arcane Academies

The Genius Guide to Forbiden Cults

The Genius Guide to Knightly Orders

The Genius Guide to Secret Societies

-All of the above would be a SGG treatment on forming, running, and integrating said organization into a campaign.

The Genius Guide to Expanded Kingdom Events

The Genius Guide to Expanded Downtime Events

Additional votes for expanded Downtime Rules, mythic Godling, & Christina Stiles' line.

Liberty's Edge

The Genius Guide to Wood Magic

The Genius Guide to Metal Magic

(Focusing on Non-Occidental Elemental Magics)

The Genius Guide to Genie Magic


I would like the The Genius Guide to the Talented Monk

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Genius Guide to Mythic Threats

Christina Stiles wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

A Christina Stiles take on Hobgoblins


For my line, or for me to write?

Either one, really. Hobgoblins are one of my favorite monster races. I don't care especially for the Pathfinder versions, but still. I think you or whoever else offers it up would do a great job.

So many good ideas here! Are you writing these down, Hyrum? ;)

Liberty's Edge

To begin with I'm going to copy the ideas I especially like. (I'm not going to try and include names, but please don't think I'm stealing these ideas, I'm just supporting them.)

The Genius Guide to Thieves' & Assassins' Guilds

Genius Guide to the Mythic Godling

Genius Guide to Mythic Threats

More Bullet Points for 3pp classes

Genius Guide to Combat Drugs

The Genius Guide to the Shadow Mage (->Shadow Assassin)

Shadow Assassin expansion

The Genius Guide to Death Ascendant (Death Mages and Knights - Expansion)

And a few ideas of my own:

The genius guide to:

Steam Punk

Air Ships

Wyvern Riders (the long awaited supplement to dragonrider)

Christina Stiles wrote:
What uncommon races in particular, End? I have a lizardfolk manuscript to look over this weekend. I've given a manuscript to Hyrum for something from Mike Welham, too.

Bugbears, Ogrekin, Mongrel Men, Minotaurs...all would be awesome choices

Christina Stiles wrote:
DungeonmasterCal wrote:

A Christina Stiles take on Hobgoblins


For my line, or for me to write?

Either :)


What are your thoughts on the Waysides PDFs?

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Mostly just going to echo some suggestions from other posters above:
- Chronomancer
- More Hellfire magic and related vile-able magics.
- Shadow magic, Shadow Assassin support, the Shadow Mage
- Death magic support (Death Knight, Death Mage)
- More Hellion-like stuff
- Mythic support, starting with Godling expansions. Maybe a guide to a whole campaign centered on Mythic demi-god (godling) heroics as in classical mythology
- Wood and Metal Magic
- Guide to applying the Anchronistic Adventure classes to the pulpy Sword & Planet genre
- A swashbuckler class with its own mechanical schtick
- Weird pseudoscience magic

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The Waysides are very good in my opinion. Definitely keep them in production

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I've not looked at any of the Waysides, but they do seem interesting. I tend to go for more crunch than fluff, but I'm sure I'll pick them up at some point.

The Sword and Planet pulp genre would be a great subject to explore!

Scarab Sages Contributor; Developer, Super Genius Games

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HEY! This is MY scheme!!! Does Hyrum think no one will notice...

R. Hyrum Savage wrote:
Following in Owen's footsteps




The Genius Guide to Anti-paladin Archetypes

The Genius Guide to the Great Inquisitor (an alternate Justicar focused on inquisitions more than judgments)

The Genius Guide to Paladins for All Alignments!

...and maybe some day my long forgotten Book of Peace XD

Updates for some of the outdated products, bringing them in line with the newer books [ultimate magic, ultimate combat, advanced race guide, etc]

The Genius Guide to ... Archetypes
The Genius Guide to Expanded Favored Class Options
The Genius Guide to Apprentice Level Characters

ARG information for the race books [hoof & horn, wind & wing]

Talented Ranger, Talented Wizard/Sorcerer

Would love paragon classes for the races.

Some nice simple templates for PCs...

I'd love to see your take on Serpentfolk. I know Paizo has the actual Serpentfolk, and the Vishkanya, but something closer to the Yuan Ti would be nice.

I'd also be interested in seeing some new base classes to fill the Warlock/Dragonfire Adept role from 3.5. Sure they weren't always an optimal choice, but they were always fun to play and had plenty of flavour to them.

As for the PDF, could I please get the Races Revisited: The Kitsune Clans? I love me some Kitsune, and I'm curious about the options you've provided for them. Cheers :)

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I know I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'd still like to see a take on Truenamer Magic.

More on Shadow Magic and really, a take on it's opposite as well.

I like the cross support of other companies products that get done. Cerulean Seas especially.

Once the Geniuses have digested the Ultimate Campaign, expansions to the systems there.

Continue the Talented class line. I'm really liking these options!

The Waysides line is nice as well and you certainly can continue that.

Further, I have to agree more support for the Riven Mage.

I'd like Owen to finish the Sinful Feats line.

More Apeiron Staves

And by all means, what the heck is Krazy Kragnar up to now?

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My sources tell me that Krazy Kragnar was considering a deal with a traveling merchant peddling Ape Iron Staves, but the monkeys proved too much of a nuisance for him to sell them!

Totally a +1 for anything Kragnar, and also like the idea of an updated/expanded favored class options product. I love the SSG classes, but alot of them dont have anything for the ARG races in terms of favored class options, and I'd love to be able to combine the two smoothly.

Kyonko, what do you mean by "Genius Guide to Advanced Guns," exactly? I ask, because I've mentioned to Owen a while back that I'm working on a "gun-building system" for real-world to sci-fi weapons. (Also nice to see some pulp and sci-fi love in this thread!)

OmNomNid, I'm working on some stuff you might be interested in. Do you GM any?

(Not trying to steal SGG's thunder, I've just been talking to Owen a bit about some high- and ultra-tech stuff already. And if there's more interest than just me, well, YAY!)

Cheapy wrote:
My sources tell me that Krazy Kragnar was considering a deal with a traveling merchant peddling Ape Iron Staves, but the monkeys proved too much of a nuisance for him to sell them!

Lol My Vanara Monk could use one of those.

Genius Mythic anything.

More Talented classes. I really love the concept.

Dunno if anyone's mentioned it but Monster Options. New tricks, takes, feats, ability reorganization, archetypes, adaptations, alterations on both classic AND rarely-used monsters.

More Horrifically Overpowered Feats! Those are fun.

More Gruesome Templates.

More on Dragons!
And by extension, more on Dragonrider. Looks like a fun class, though I haven't gotten to try it.

More on Shadow Magic and really, a take on it's opposite as well.

Yes please! Give us Light Magic!

And a Genius take on artificer, mad scientist, and/or technomancer would be awesome.

That's all for now. Might be back with more later. =)

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Doc_Outlands wrote:

Kyonko, what do you mean by "Genius Guide to Advanced Guns," exactly? I ask, because I've mentioned to Owen a while back that I'm working on a "gun-building system" for real-world to sci-fi weapons. (Also nice to see some pulp and sci-fi love in this thread!)

OmNomNid, I'm working on some stuff you might be interested in. Do you GM any?

(Not trying to steal SGG's thunder, I've just been talking to Owen a bit about some high- and ultra-tech stuff already. And if there's more interest than just me, well, YAY!)

In the five different groups I tend to game with, I run three out of those five. You might say I GM. I GM a lot.

Realmwalker wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
My sources tell me that Krazy Kragnar was considering a deal with a traveling merchant peddling Ape Iron Staves, but the monkeys proved too much of a nuisance for him to sell them!
Lol My Vanara Monk could use one of those.

Good news!

Ok, I'll stop muddying this thread.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

There are a lot of great ideas already. I would love to have a guide on playing vampires and were-creatures as a PC.

The vampire template (at least according to Hero Lab) requires 5 HD to be. It would be great to have a Pathfinder class that would become what the vampire is in class levels. Yeah, sure 3rd edition had racial levels from Savage Species, so that part is not new.

However, giving options each level or so for different Vampiric Gifts makes it so that while you CAN be a cookie-cutter vampire you do not have to. There could also be a base vampire class and some Bloodline archetypes, so different vampire "sub-races" could be allowed in the game while keeping the same basic framework. This could also be tied into the new Mythic Vampire from Mythic Adventures.

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How generous, Geniuses! Both a free PDF AND the ability to possibly dictate a future product! I have a few ideas apart from those listed above. Please note that I REALLY want support for the Death Knight/Mage classes and stand behind that idea wholeheartedly! Now, for the things people haven't asked for yet.

Mythic Menagerie: Alien Horrors- A MM book about Aberrations, particularly antediluvian Lovecraft-style aberrations.

Mythic Menagerie: On Benighted Wings- A MM book about dragons, particularly ones that go beyond 'standard dragon ability suite with breath weapon element x' implementation. Who guessed I would pick this topic considering my avatar?

The Expanded Anachronistic Adventurer- A book compiling all of the AA classes with several new archetypes, new classes, feats, some unique rituals, ect.

The Genius Guide to the Fiendbinder Class- Just because regular casters and Summoners do not properly capture the feel of a powerful demonologist character. Regular casters have spells that either temporarily summon Outsiders or are risky and involve bargaining and the Summoner's Eidolon is more of a Final Fantasy-style creature than an actual fiend. Perhaps make a chart of what type of fiends can be bound at each level (Perhaps simply a CR number, allowing multiple lower CR creatures to be bound in place of a higher CR one,) and set a DC for the summoning and binding, which would simulate the somewhat dangerous nature of the class, but still allow it to be a better option than pre-existing ones. Wow, that was longer of a description than I anticipated.

Chronicles of the Archangel series- Similar to the Chronicles of the Archfiend series (Well, one book series,) but featuring an Archon or Angel. There has been a massive push for similar products in mainstream Pathfinder and speaking personally, it would be great support material for heroic backgrounds and options, plus great fun for DM/GMs who have villainous or extremely morally ambiguous PCs!

And support for pretty much any of SGG's classes. I mentioned the AA series above simply because I want it more.

Well, that sums most of it up! Hope some of these ideas make it.

My mistake, it was Annals of the Archfiend series!


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Alright, I kinda just skimmed this but here are my thoughts:
The Genius Guide to the Fool
The Genius Guide to the Charioteer
The Genius Guide to the Strongman
The Genius Guide to the Priestess
The Genius Guide to the Emperor
The Genius Guide to the Lunatic
The Genius Guide to the Solaris
The Genius Guide to the Fortunate
The Genius Guide to the Hermit

---In other words, a line of classes inspired by the themes of Tarot cards.

The Genius Guide to Races of Claw and Carapace (Crustaceans)
The Genius Guide to Races of Sweets and Stingers (Insects, possibly wasp-centred)

Cavalier's Options: Knacks of Knighthood (I know it could be considered to step on the toes of the talented cavalier, but I see this as being options for the standard cavalier, while the talented one completely rebuilds it.)
Summoner's Options: End of Evolutions (Things that replace evolutions, of course, but also things that replace eidolons.)

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I agree with the many comments above on a Godling according to the Mythic rules.

It's the one Genius class set I've had very little interest in because I always saw it as more of a bloodline than a class. Since the Mythic playtest began I've been speculating about turning the Godling classes into a set of Mythic paths once the final rules were out. It just seemed to fit the concept better to me.

Oh, and any of the Talented line (except fighter, which I already have), please.

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