2014 AP is Iron Gods

Iron Gods

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Liberty's Edge

Sebastian wrote:

More details:*

The first five volumes of the AP will deal with the PCs locating five robot lions. In the final volume, the PCs must unlock the secrets of combining the robots into a single giant robot with a blazing vorpal sword!

*Made up by me.

I saw that cartoon....

I'm really excited for this AP ^^ I've gotten to a point now where I'll only run unique or different APs (which I thought would give me more time out of the GM chair, but of course, my players are awesome and immediately started planning their Gunslingers and Androids).
Now, if only there was an engineer base class to go with it all...

Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetal Gooooooooooooods!

dathunk dathunk

Dark Archive

Link it!

Adam Daigle wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:


I am just finding out about this now.
I just watched the end of the first season of big o.
Where you been, Freehold? Hop on board! :)

I have no idea but I'm here now!

James Jacobs wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I have a plea for James Jacobs, Rob McCreary and Adam Daigle, PLEASE NO POWER SUITS OR GIANT ROBOTS YOU CAN PILOT, lets keep the tech more fantasy and less battle tech-ish.


At this point, I'm really not looking at including much at all in the form of technological vehicles in Iron Gods. That includes cars, helicopters, giant robot suits, spaceships, and the like. Purely on a complexity issue—the vehicle rules are complex and this AP is already going to be doing all sorts of crazy things, and I'm not interested in complicating that more by expecting people to add in vehicular stuff. There's PLENTY to do in Numeria that doesn't involve car chases and the like.


There WILL be big robots in the AP. Just look at the opening illustration for Numeria in the Inner Sea World Guide for proof of that.


There WILL be powered armor in the adventure, akin to what you see Iron Man wearing. A suit of powered armor showed up in Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, after all. It won't be as superheroy as Iron Man, of course... but power armor is an excellent example of a category of technological items I'm calling "Technological Artifacts." These items are akin to magic artifacts; they are EXCEPTIONALLY powerful and expensive, and do things most tech cannot do. And by the same extension, they will be used sparingly in the adventures, as the story demands them to be used, in the same way you see us use magic artifacts in other APs.

In any event, I'm fully aware that some of the things in Iron Gods are going to turn folks off and make them not want to buy the AP. That's an intrinsic part of an AP that's so unusual and different. But I like to point out the critical acclaim and excellent reception that a similar wild adventure got—"Rasputin Must Die." That adventure's acceptance by the community after a relatively long period of "I don't know" or "This makes me hate things" or the like is a HUGE part...

while I would prefer giant robots, I will accept hardsuits.

That said, I would like some giant robots. Fighting them from the inside out, would be nice, fighting them with a giant robot of your own would br optimal.

Mikaze wrote:
Unseelie wrote:
Mikaze wrote:
Divinity Drive makes me think of the Numerian shipwreck itself. Who know's what was powering that thing?
"What does a starship need with a God?"
To move at the speed of God.

does this mean that God may want to move at the speed is a starship? Maybe on cruise control? Hmm.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Just saw this. Must finish up some of my other games so I'll be able to run it...

You've got ten months or so.

Sigh, I'm torn...
Given my playing group schedule, I won't be able to finish Wrath of the Righteous in time to start Iron Gods from the get go!
Why are you doing such great APs one right after the other? :D
Can't wait to play an Android Cleric of whatever Iron Deity happens to grant spells, if that's available for PCs!

Dark Archive

I am looking forward to this. I like all the ap's some a lot more then others but this sounds cool and can't wait.

Have Paizo indicated when in 2014 Iron gods will be released/started?

prototype00 wrote:
Have Paizo indicated when in 2014 Iron gods will be released/started?

If I counted right, APs start on February and August. February 2014 will be Masks so Iron Gods start will be August. Unless Paizo changes its releasing schedule.

Iron Gods will debut at GenCon 2014, so early august:)

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This image reminded me of Numeria. And Mr. Jacobs.

Scarab Sages

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Cheapy wrote:


This image reminded me of Numeria. And Mr. Jacobs.


Hey James, quick question: Just how afraid is the technic league of the Black Sovereign? Is he completely enthralled at this point or can he be saved?
Have you even thought this far ahead yet?

The Exchange

captain yesterday wrote:
Iron Gods will debut at GenCon 2014, so early august:)

And LO, I shall subscribe to the AP for the first time. I MUST have this AP and associated books.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Major_Blackhart wrote:

Hey James, quick question: Just how afraid is the technic league of the Black Sovereign? Is he completely enthralled at this point or can he be saved?

Have you even thought this far ahead yet?

He's pretty enthralled, but even then, most of the city of Starfall obey pretty much because of him. So while the Technic League isn't that afraid of the Black Sovereign, they ARE nervous about keeping him happy and in control because when he throws a temper tantrum, riots and worse can happen.

It's actually even more complex than that, but you'll need to wait and see in December of 2014 for more details.

Dark Archive

James I have a question - in the Iron Gods Android thread you mentioned some sci-fi movies from the 50's had some influence in the genesis (and maybe even some of the action) in this AP. Can you tell me which movies?

I collect sci-fi and horror movies from all eras, but I have a huge block of movies from the 50's.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Auxmaulous wrote:

James I have a question - in the Iron Gods Android thread you mentioned some sci-fi movies from the 50's had some influence in the genesis (and maybe even some of the action) in this AP. Can you tell me which movies?

I collect sci-fi and horror movies from all eras, but I have a huge block of movies from the 50's.


Forbidden Planet
The Thing From Another World
The Day the Earth Stood Still
Invaders From Mars
The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms
It Came From Beneath the Sea
The Quatermass Xperiment
Quatermass 2
The Crawling Eye
It Came from Outer Space
The Blob
The Monolith Monsters
It: The Terror From Beyond Space
The Monster that Challenged the World
War of the Worlds
Journey to the Seventh Planet
Angry Red Planet
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
The Deadly Mantis

Some of those may be pre or post 50s... but the idea is that it's not one movie in particular but the whole vibe of them.

The Creeping Terror.

We need a Pathfinder version of that thing (and a picture of it half-swallowing Seoni, Alahazra or Freiya, of course).

No seriously, I'd like to see you guys find a way of making that thing a legitimate threat.

I want a rat spider myself...

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
Auxmaulous wrote:

James I have a question - in the Iron Gods Android thread you mentioned some sci-fi movies from the 50's had some influence in the genesis (and maybe even some of the action) in this AP. Can you tell me which movies?

I collect sci-fi and horror movies from all eras, but I have a huge block of movies from the 50's.


Forbidden Planet
The Thing From Another World
The Day the Earth Stood Still
Invaders From Mars
The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms
It Came From Beneath the Sea
The Quatermass Xperiment
Quatermass 2
The Crawling Eye
It Came from Outer Space
The Blob
The Monolith Monsters
It: The Terror From Beyond Space
The Monster that Challenged the World
War of the Worlds
Journey to the Seventh Planet
Angry Red Planet
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
The Deadly Mantis

Some of those may be pre or post 50s... but the idea is that it's not one movie in particular but the whole vibe of them.

Thank you for the list. I have all of them but Journey to the Seventh Planet.

So lets see - we have giant/atomic bugs (the best of the lot actually) starting with Them, then Tarantula and The Deadly Mantis (I still remember the Easter egg in the Bestiary) while the rest of the list is a series of alien invader movies with little focus on robots (Day, Forbidden Planet).

Everyone is focusing on the machines, tech and even the ships/ruins but not that much on the pilots. I wonder what the original alien pilots were and if they have any impact during the Iron Gods AP? Did they crash or was their visit to Golarion intentional...maybe a botched invasion? Probably nothing.

Thanks again for the list - my favorite from you list is Them, followed by the Quatermass movies.

Sovereign Court

Iron Head!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

SAMAS wrote:

The Creeping Terror.

We need a Pathfinder version of that thing (and a picture of it half-swallowing Seoni, Alahazra or Freiya, of course).

No seriously, I'd like to see you guys find a way of making that thing a legitimate threat.

It's pretty close to a shoggoth...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Auxmaulous wrote:

Everyone is focusing on the machines, tech and even the ships/ruins but not that much on the pilots. I wonder what the original alien pilots were and if they have any impact during the Iron Gods AP? Did they crash or was their visit to Golarion intentional...maybe a botched invasion? Probably nothing.

Thanks again for the list - my favorite from you list is Them, followed by the Quatermass movies.

Yeah, the tech is definitely gonna be in the AP, but there's a lot of other sci-fi meets fantasy tropes I'm eager to explore. The alien aspect and the mutant giant animal aspect are two of them.

And check out Journey to the Seventh Planet! It's pretty similar to Angry Red Planet except that the ship's traveling to Uranus, not Mars. It's not as awesome as Angry Red Planet, but still pretty cool.

The Exchange

*raises eyebrow* Would we perhaps have the mutant character options? Like the mutant critters in the manawaste, Numeria running around with strange 'growths' and 'powers'.

Yes, I'm hinting at a Gamma Golarion option.

Such is the deviltry of the green glowing goop!

Any weird horrifying twists in the vein of 'To Serve Man' or the realization that the robot was the master in "Farewell to the Master" (the story that The Day the Earth Stood Still was based on)?

James Jacobs wrote:
SAMAS wrote:

The Creeping Terror.

We need a Pathfinder version of that thing (and a picture of it half-swallowing Seoni, Alahazra or Freiya, of course).

No seriously, I'd like to see you guys find a way of making that thing a legitimate threat.

It's pretty close to a shoggoth...

I thought it was a shoggoth...

James, I gotta say, I love you in a completely hetero way for all of this.

Also, will you be making Kevoth Kul's stats appropriate for a charismatic Conan-like Barbarian warlord? (basically all stats very good for a human)

In a way, that's how I see him, although at this point he's a bit sidetracked with the fun the technic league will be offering him.

Also, will new prestige classes and archtypes be available for play before this is released? Like how Viking archtype was released before the Baba Yaga campaign?

Will there be some sort of guide to Numeria and other barbarian wastelands that border it (such as the realm of the mammoth lords to a lesser extent) similar to the People of the North?

I mean, yeah, Kellids are kellids are kellids, but at the same time, these Kellids have adapted to fighting the technological monstrosities of the Technic League time and again. They gotta have some abilities and skills that they've honed over the centuries, passed down from one generation to the next, that's helped them survive.

Plus, it's not just Kellids, but also Varisians, and anyone in the neighboring River Kingdoms.

Dammit I am so friggin pumped for this, I completely hate you guys for telling me that this won't be completed until December 2014.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

TheLoneCleric wrote:

*raises eyebrow* Would we perhaps have the mutant character options? Like the mutant critters in the manawaste, Numeria running around with strange 'growths' and 'powers'.

Yes, I'm hinting at a Gamma Golarion option.

Such is the deviltry of the green glowing goop!

Nope; mutant PCs aren't really an option... although the ability to gain mutations later on as the AP progresses isn't completely out of the question.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Major_Blackhart wrote:

James, I gotta say, I love you in a completely hetero way for all of this.

Also, will you be making Kevoth Kul's stats appropriate for a charismatic Conan-like Barbarian warlord? (basically all stats very good for a human)

In a way, that's how I see him, although at this point he's a bit sidetracked with the fun the technic league will be offering him.

Also, will new prestige classes and archtypes be available for play before this is released? Like how Viking archtype was released before the Baba Yaga campaign?

Will there be some sort of guide to Numeria and other barbarian wastelands that border it (such as the realm of the mammoth lords to a lesser extent) similar to the People of the North?

I mean, yeah, Kellids are kellids are kellids, but at the same time, these Kellids have adapted to fighting the technological monstrosities of the Technic League time and again. They gotta have some abilities and skills that they've honed over the centuries, passed down from one generation to the next, that's helped them survive.

Plus, it's not just Kellids, but also Varisians, and anyone in the neighboring River Kingdoms.

Dammit I am so friggin pumped for this, I completely hate you guys for telling me that this won't be completed until December 2014.


As for the questions... you'll have to wait and see. Remember... we're about a year away from this AP starting!

James Jacobs wrote:


As for the questions... you'll have to wait and see. Remember... we're about a year away from this AP starting!

You know I'm dying on the inside, right?

The suspense is killing me.
But eh, hopefully this wasting disease won't take me before the AP is released.

The Exchange

James Jacobs wrote:
TheLoneCleric wrote:

*raises eyebrow* Would we perhaps have the mutant character options? Like the mutant critters in the manawaste, Numeria running around with strange 'growths' and 'powers'.

Yes, I'm hinting at a Gamma Golarion option.

Such is the deviltry of the green glowing goop!

Nope; mutant PCs aren't really an option... although the ability to gain mutations later on as the AP progresses isn't completely out of the question.

Kinda how the Demonic Grafts work now in WoTW? You atttack or alter yourself as a semi-perm magical effect item?

*Suddenly has visions of Bio Booster Armor*


We know it's a year out. But man, we are excited. Numeria fans have been begging for this AP for ages. We are just geeking out to the max.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm guessing what we might have for this APs supplements would be....
Campaign Setting: Guide to Numeria
Player Companion: Androids of Golarian/players guide to Numeria including tech rules

Rough estimate.

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It's going to be a long, painful year for my wallet with both Mummy and Iron Gods coming out....

But I will, without hesitation, be subscribing to both APs. (I have no fear of mixing my SF with my F.) :)

The wait begins........... :(

The Exchange

zergtitan wrote:

I'm guessing what we might have for this APs supplements would be....

Campaign Setting: Guide to Numeria
Player Companion: Androids of Golarian/players guide to Numeria including tech rules

Rough estimate.

Guide of Numeria

People of the Stars
Construct Builders Handbook (or Construct Hunters)
Inner Sea Technology

Is my guesses so far.

I am guessing we won't get as specific as Androids of Golarion, but it would surprise me if some android options weren't in some companion book released around that time.

Denizens of the Dark Tapestry Revisited I could see being on the docket. We got Demons Revisited for Wrath of the Righteous, and I know James Jacob has expressed interest in a revisited volume on lovecraftian monsters.

While we wait for more info on Androids, Kobold Press just released a book on Gearforged.

Scarab Sages

James Jacobs wrote:
Auxmaulous wrote:

James I have a question - in the Iron Gods Android thread you mentioned some sci-fi movies from the 50's had some influence in the genesis (and maybe even some of the action) in this AP. Can you tell me which movies?

I collect sci-fi and horror movies from all eras, but I have a huge block of movies from the 50's.


The Crawling Eye

Some of those may be pre or post 50s... but the idea is that it's not one movie in particular but the whole vibe of them.

Just like the Andes...


Auxmaulous wrote:

Everyone is focusing on the machines, tech and even the ships/ruins but not that much on the pilots. I wonder what the original alien pilots were and if they have any impact during the Iron Gods AP? Did they crash or was their visit to Golarion intentional...maybe a botched invasion? Probably nothing.

Could be pilgrims to see the iron gods. The gearsmen could be initiates of the faith, or holy sacrifices.

Smoke_Jaguar wrote:
Auxmaulous wrote:

Everyone is focusing on the machines, tech and even the ships/ruins but not that much on the pilots. I wonder what the original alien pilots were and if they have any impact during the Iron Gods AP? Did they crash or was their visit to Golarion intentional...maybe a botched invasion? Probably nothing.
Could be pilgrims to see the iron gods. The gearsmen could be initiates of the faith, or holy sacrifices.

I had the theory the ship was in fact a mercantile one, explaining why it was full of "tiberium", and it crashlanded on Golarion after being attacked by the space station orbiting Eox or an Eoxian vessel. I also played with the idea some of the crew members survived the impact and had been manipulating Numeria trough the Technic League (as a reference to the old modules Temple of the Frog and City of the Gods) until they died of old age.

Being the nature of the spacecraft mercantile and not military would grant an explanation why no army or androids/robots has gone full Worldwound on Avistan, most of them are just designed for security, being the Annihilators the only ones which are really belligerent in design (perhaps because they were part of the shipment along with the strange goo like substances and other products).

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Lemartes wrote:

Yay now I can have a Gunslinger with rail guns and laser pistols.

Want to play this one forsure.

Yeah, because nothing says 'epic fantasy' like rail guns and laser pistols.

This is exactly why I don't care for these kinds of settings/campaigns. I am incredibly excited about Mummy's Mask, but I'm pretty sure I'll kill the subscription for six months when this one comes out.

Clearly though, I'm in the vocal minority.

Liberty's Edge

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The great thing is Paizo can offer something for everyone and we can pick and choose what we want to include in our game world.

Xuttah wrote:
The great thing is Paizo can offer something for everyone and we can pick and choose what we want to include in our game world.

Xuttah gets it. Yeah, I'd like crazy stuff for this AP, though I'd probably not allow them in my games personally.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

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TheLoneCleric wrote:

Guide of Numeria

People of the Stars
Construct Builders Handbook (or Construct Hunters)
Inner Sea Technology

Is my guesses so far.

I'd like to see "Inner Sea Technology." Not just for lasers, but for Printing Presses, Steam engines, and the like. Does Galt have printing presses? Does Taldor?

I'm pretty sure there's some mention of the use of printing presses in spreading the texts of Jubannich and the other guy (whose name I can't remember right now) in building-up-to-revolting Galt.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The main reason printing presses exist in Golarion at all is to give us an excuse to make up cool flyers and other handouts as needed in adventures. A region like Taldor or Galt is VERY MUCH the type of place that would have stuff like that.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

James Jacobs wrote:
The main reason printing presses exist in Golarion at all is to give us an excuse to make up cool flyers and other handouts as needed in adventures. A region like Taldor or Galt is VERY MUCH the type of place that would have stuff like that.


I was thinking Taldor would be just the opposite, with any presses bieng 'underground'. The Bearded like their illuminated hand drawn manuscripts, and they don't care if the beardless can read.

Likewise, I was thinking that printing presses would be seized/destroyed as the revolutionar council shifted in Galt.

Andorans of course I assumed were churning away their propoganda.

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