Is Mythic Adventures out yet or not?

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I'm confused. It seems to be released according to the Paizo store, but Amazon says the book doesn't come out until September 3 and can't be ordered. What's going on?

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Amazons' release dates for RPG books are notoriously out of synch with, well, anything.


Yeah, I noticed that on Amazon, too. I believe the subscribers have their copies, and the Paizo crew posted pics of the book ready for the GenCon rush.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Christina Stiles wrote:
I believe the subscribers have their copies...

This subscriber does not have his copy yet...

Doug Hansen wrote:
Christina Stiles wrote:
I believe the subscribers have their copies...
This subscriber does not have his copy yet...

neither does this one

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Some of us do >slinks off before he's beaten<

I got my pdf copy on Monday evening.

Well I submitted a correction. Hopefully they get to it and I can order my copy.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Shalafi2412 wrote:
I got my pdf copy on Monday evening.

Just curious--when did you get your shipping notification?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm a subscriber and can't even download the PDF of it yet.

The store says it's available today, yet I seem unable to buy the PDF.

Mine says the PDF is available today as well (currently Thursday afternoon, for reference). Hopefully it's an automated process that ticks over to "available" soon.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It might become available when the GenCon floor opens and the hardcopies become available.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Which is at what time locally? They are six hours behind Germany, so I'd like to know when to check back.

Cori Marie wrote:
It might become available when the GenCon floor opens and the hardcopies become available.

aww good grief. I'll just watch the entire season of MLP:FiM and come back.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

PDF is available now!

magnuskn wrote:
PDF is available now!

I wuv u~

1 person marked this as a favorite.
magnuskn wrote:
PDF is available now!

Sigh. This is the first time the PDF has been available for purchase before I've received my download. This makes me a sad, sad panda.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Me too Tinker :( One of the reasons I subscribe is to get it early and yet now I get to watch non-subscribers get it first :(

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Same situation I am in with my adventure path PDF and I feel your pain.

That being said, browsing the book now, artwork looks great! Now on to actually reading the book...

Cori Marie wrote:
Me too Tinker :( One of the reasons I subscribe is to get it early and yet now I get to watch non-subscribers get it first :(

Given that I got the first part of my shipping notice this morning, I'm hoping it can't be too far away. It looks like my copy of the Visions of WAR limited edition is shipping separately.

Fingers crossed that by the time I get home from the gym (say in two... no, three hours time, please take note friendly and beloved warehouse staff...) it'll be ready for me to download.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The warehouse staff starts their work at 08:00 a.m. of their local time, that's about seven hours in the future from now. ^^

magnuskn wrote:
The warehouse staff starts their work at 08:00 a.m. of their local time, that's about seven hours in the future from now. ^^

Curse you and your blasted logic! More to the point, curse the time difference that dictates that I'll either be a) asleep or b) at work when my download is available.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Just saving you from bitter disappointment when you come back from the gym. ;)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

same boat. Subscriber that can't download the PDF :(

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm answering questions in this thread. :)

Subscribers usually get their PDFs before they are officially released. Unfortunately, it seems to me that the most common exception to that is the massive gencon shipment - when there's always a couple of highly desirable releases.

Last year was even worse for me - not only was I late in the run, but it was big enough to get stuck in customs so I got my August shipment almost the same time I got the September one. That was frustrating! :/

Steve Geddes wrote:

Subscribers usually get their PDFs before they are officially released. Unfortunately, it seems to me that the most common exception to that is the massive gencon shipment - when there's always a couple of highly desirable releases.

Last year was even worse for me - not only was I late in the run, but it was big enough to get stuck in customs so I got my August shipment almost the same time I got the September one. That was frustrating! :/

Aye, I know it's not a guarantee, but it certainly can't help but be disappointing. I've had a few instances of delays in customs causing physical shipments to arrive very close together, but as I said I've never had the actual shipping notice (and therefore my PDFs) take this long.

Still, patience is a virtue... one that I'm sorely lacking in...

On another note, I did find it kind of amusing that for about three or four shipments in a row, Customs here in Australia had them marked as having been opened due to suspecion of containing illegal substances. Obviously nothing was found, but something kept setting off alarms.

Perhaps someone misheard it as "Stop the Books!"

Well, I've had Mythic Adventures (the PDF, because I'm very poor and because I really don't want to pay Australian shipping costs) for a few hours now (I do hope people will permit me a little bit of gloating time).

Good book, I think. Well worth the $10 or so that it cost, so far.

Steve Geddes wrote:
Perhaps someone misheard it as "Stop the Books!"

Somehow that wouldn't surprise me... Nah, in all seriousness Customs here is generally pretty good.

On the topic of the "Stop the Boats!" BS, one of the guys at work today sent around THIS little gem from The Daily Show. The bit starting at 2:08 is brilliant.

"We have a plan, we have a six point plan to stop the boats."
"Six points? Could you run through them please?"
"Well..." *cue desperate umm sounds until he comes back with* "Well, one of the points, the key point would be... stopping the boats..."

The whole thing is worth a watch though.

Oh. Oh that's cold Warehouse Staff, that's cold...

I just woke up and saw another shipping notice. Huzzah I thought. This shall surely be... nope, it's for King of Chaos and book one of Wrath of the Righteous. While both of those interest me, I'm in the middle of reading a long list of books, and have no need for an adventure path at the moment.

EDIT: GASP! IT's HERE! Turns out the email stating that it was being shipped was hidden behind the email about the novel and AP volume. Cursed nested email chains...

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Grrrr. Hate you guys, I want my Wrath of the Righteous module. :-/

magnuskn wrote:
Grrrr. Hate you guys, I want my Wrath of the Righteous module. :-/

Sadly I haven't even had a chance to look at either the module or Mythic Adventures yet. Ended up working a much longer shift than intended, and have to get ready to go out to dinner. So I'm not going to get a chance to look at it til much later tonight.

Curse you real life! From Hell's heart, I stab at thee!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Still waiting...

Doug Hansen wrote:
Still waiting...

Apparently it could take until the 23rd before all of the orders are processed.

Tal_Akaan wrote:
Doug Hansen wrote:
Still waiting...
Apparently it could take until the 23rd before all of the orders are processed.

23RD Does this include subscription orders? I know Gen Con is cool & all but right now it is in the way!! I still can not download my subscription PDF!?!?!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Is the Warehouse crew working on Saturday? Or does this mean we have to wait till Monday to hurry up and wait?

So I'm guessing that Paizo isn't allowing retailers to sell this book until September then? I don't really like that, it's kinda bogus. Some of us need the Amazon discount in order to really afford these books.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
DreamGoddessLindsey wrote:
So I'm guessing that Paizo isn't allowing retailers to sell this book until September then? I don't really like that, it's kinda bogus. Some of us need the Amazon discount in order to really afford these books.

It has nothing to do with Paizo "not letting" anything happen. Retailers can sell the book starting on the street date, which is (as far as I know) the same date that the PDFs become available here.

Amazon has a history of long delays after the street date before they commit to having the products available to ship. Several weeks' delay isn't unusual. Whether this is because of something between them and their distributor, or because of Amazon's own business practices, is anyone's guess. But it isn't something that Paizo causes. It's apparently an Amazon business practice somewhere that's behind it. (My guess - they build in a delay on their shipping commitment so that if they have a ton of preorders, they have time to bring in multiple shipments from their distributor.)

That doesn't make sense since this is the first time I've personally seen it. I've ordered all my Pathfinder books through Amazon, and they all became available when they were supposed to. Same for the hundreds of other items I've bought. I don't see a history of delays. This is the first time I've ever seen it happen.

On the Paizo side, there's the whole GenCon thing going on, which I'd call a debacle at this point. I've seen a lot of people complaining about even Paizo fulfilling orders, even online PDF orders, which in my opinion is damn near inexcusable.

It just feels like Paizo stopped retailers from selling in order to milk the GenCon release. I've sent in the correction multiple times to Amazon, showing the evidence on this web site as proof that the book's already out, and Amazon has stayed silent. Further proof that this is a Paizo thing is that all the other retailers are also saying the book isn't out yet and won't be until September 3rd (with Barnes & Noble saying August 27th). So that disproves your Amazon delay theory.

This is really just starting to bug the crap out of me. Whoever is responsible, I'm ticked off about how this release has been botched.

Liberty's Edge


I can honestly say I found all of this month's releases in a local game store. So Paizo is not preventing it from being sold through other stores.

I have seen this complaint a ton of times pop up for different products. I am waiting for Mythic to show up in a local bookstore as well, but I am inclined to think the problem is on Amazon not Paizo.

I bought my copy at my FLGS last Friday...over here in eastern Wash state...your mileage may vary.

Justin Riddler wrote:

We are processing subscriptions as fast as we can. August is the largest subscription month of the year and as such our window for shipping packages is August 12th-23rd. We hope to have all pending subscription packages processed for shipping by that date.

~Justin Riddler
Customer Service

This is the response I received when I posted on the customer service boards about my subscription order. I don’t know anything about Amazon or local stores release dates.

Well I can't find any online retailers that are selling it, they all say September 3rd. All of them. The evidence is clear: Paizo isn't allowing at least online vendors to sell the book yet. It's not an Amazon problem as clearly proven by the fact that all the online vendors are having this problem.

Liberty's Edge

Barnes & Noble has it listed for the 27th, but truthfully most online retailers will not list it as available until it is in their warehouse. They put up a date as the latest they expect to have it and then change it to available once they have it. I would just be patient really as it will change and hopefully for those ordering from online retailers it be sooner rather than later.

I wish you luck in getting your copy of the book.

Webstore Gninja Minion

DreamGoddessLindsey wrote:
Well I can't find any online retailers that are selling it, they all say September 3rd. All of them. The evidence is clear: Paizo isn't allowing at least online vendors to sell the book yet. It's not an Amazon problem as clearly proven by the fact that all the online vendors are having this problem.

We're not restricting anybody from selling it online—it's still making its way through distribution channels.

Grand Lodge

Everyone is becoming so frustrated so quickly. You have to realize that they are putting out a lot this month due to the upcoming convention and the fact that this release seems like one that so many people were anxious about. Once they are ready you will get your things. My fiancee and I only subscribe to the paths, but we already have our PDF. However it's one that we are gonna have to wait on running until we can afford the Mythic Adventures book.

Quick note, don't get discouraged or mad, just be patient and things will be fixed. They are taking your money after all, they will make sure you are recompensed for it. =P

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm not complaining at this point, but I have to admit the delays are a concern because they're disrupting my purchasing planning. Yesterday the exchange rate between NZ and the US took a bit of a drop, which means that suddenly I'm going to be paying more for the same order, and until I get shipping information, I have no idea whether the shipments will come in under the taxation threshold, and thus whether I'm stuck paying about $60 more in taxes. There's stuff I'd like to buy elsewhere, but until I know the total of what I'm paying, my other purchases are in limbo.

Patience is a virtue, but the people still waiting do have genuine cause for concern. This delay literally has cost me money already.

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