When she does so, all her other natural attacks count as secondary attacks and don’t benefit from shifter’s claws.
Refers to this part of Shifter's Claws
Shifter's Claws wrote:
While a shifter uses wild shape to assume her aspect’s major form, her natural attacks gain the same benefits granted by her shifter claws ability. If the form she takes has claw attacks, she can use either the base damage of her shifter claws or the damage of the form’s claws, whichever is greater. If the form does not have claw attacks, she can choose up to two natural attacks that would deal less damage than her shifter claw damage and have those attacks instead deal the same damage as her shifter claws.
Essentially, when you're wildshaped, you can use your shifter's claws damage in place of the normal damage for two of your attacks.
If you're using shifter's fury, any other natural attacks other than the one you're using do not benefit from this ability (in addition to counting as secondary natural attacks.
If you're in your natural form, that section does not apply. You would be able to attack with one claw and make iteratives with it, while the other would become a secondary natural attack.
willuwontu - Where does it say that?? You don't get a 2nd claw when using the iterative attacks "other natural attacks count as secondary attacks and don’t benefit from shifter’s claws." Sounds like it removes your 2nd claw, shifter's claws is what gives you the claws.
Belafon - That how I read it also.
And that does not make a lot of sense to me. Isn't the idea of the shifter to attack with 2 claws at the same time?? Granted she is "better" at fighting in wildshape, but lets not make 1 of her core ability's make no sense outside of that?
How does Shifter’s Fury work outside of wildshape?? Does the shifter still attack with 2 claws or one.
"When she does so, all her other natural attacks count as secondary attacks and don’t benefit from shifter’s claws."
This line sounds like 1 claw attack, because shifter’s claws give you the claws to begin with & now you secondary attacks "don’t benefit from shifter’s claws."
So animal ally says "If you later gain an animal companion through another source (such as the Animal domain, divine bond, hunter’s bond, mount, or nature bond class features), the effective druid level granted by this feat stacks with that granted by other sources."
Do we just ignore that? How do we justify getting multiple companions with this feat? Does that line of text not mean that our animal ally gets wrapped into our other animal companion progression and we still only get one companion?
But archetypes like, Beastmaster (Ranger), Pack Lord (Druid), & Packmaster (Hunter), can all spilt their effective druid levels between multiple AC's. I have seen that no AC can have more levels then the masters CL, I have seen no limit on the amount of effective druid levels the character can have. If you can have effective druid levels above your CL, can you not spilt them amongst multiple AC if you have one of the above archetypes? LordKailas's guide seems to play with the idea you can. If I understand it correctly.
Animal Ally Animal at Character Level - 3 (15th) AND then I have
16 levels in Beastmaster that can be divided up.
Can I divide up the Animal Ally Levels because of beastmaster, provided they divide between that "Ranger" animal list. Giving me 31 levels (at CL 18) to divide.
Has any one converted the Dagger Claws ability form the Daggerspell Shaper PrC (3.5 Complete Adv) into something a Shifter could substitute into? Like an archtype ability? What could this archtype do / look like?
1st edition was GREAT. However due to lack of time to play ANY RPG, 2nd edition is just not does not hold my interest. Please cancel my Pathfinder RPG subscription. Thanks Hope 2nd edition works out as well as 1st did.
Sorry not sure how to get links to work..but. Not much back & forth and a touch old but seem to be for melee touch attacks working w/finesse. Only think close to a rule chain I can find (my search fu sucks:) )
Davor / toastedamphibian (& anybody on the "not work wagon")
Why does Finesse not work?? I thought all touch spell where finessable (could be remembering just a 3.5 thing but...)? Weapon focus (Touch Spell) is still a thing right?? So Flame Blade w/ Weapon Finesse & Weapon Focus Done.?? Right?
"Animal companions with more than one
natural attack and only primary natural attacks can’t take
a companion archetype that trades out Multiattack." for the Ultimate Wilderness pg. 186 Companion archtypes.
So if I understand this line correctly an cat (big or small) cannot take archtypes like Bully, Bodyguard, Daredevil, or Wrecker, Because they trade out multiattack & all their attacks are prinary. WHY??? These all fit my thinking of the cat companions anyway.
Muliattack is already a wasted ability for them (unless I have missed something). Anybody else see this or am I just crazy?
I have both a Pathfinder RPG Subscription & Pathfinder Comic Subscription & have a question about both.
First: Book of the Damned IS part of the RPG line right? If so It never showed up on my subscription page nor have I received a copy (physical or digital)? What is the delay??
Second: At GenCon I was able to pick up issue 3 of runescares however I have not gotten issue 2. And on my subscription page, my side cart has issue 2, 3, & 5. But not 4??
I have not scanned the 970+ post about this book, but have any of you that have the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Subscription, had any problems with this title? Like not being in their Subscription orders page, never getting the free download email or book, & it generally looking like its not part of the PRGS at all? I emailed CS about this a week ago but have not hear anything???
Your BAB is +8 (NOT 8/8/3/3), giving you +3 dodge to AC. NO MORE. The other 8/3/3 are attack bonus to your additional attacks. "When a creature’s base attack bonus reaches +6, +11, or +16, he receives an additional attack in combat when he takes a full-attack action." Pg 11 CRB
You get WIS to AC, the ability to always threaten, flurry of blows (which scales with character level), a bonus feat, and Stunning fist which is a fun side trick to have.
Bold mine & what are you talking about. How do you get with CHARACTER LEVEL not Monk Level?
Real question not trying to say "NOT", but know where your line of thinking is coming from.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the "Spells per Day" section of Class Features it does not require your to add the levels to an arcane caster class? Requirements for the class aside, could you have a "Divine" Trickster, adding the +10 levels to a divine class?
Can ANY elf use a weapon with the word "elven" in its name? Example: can a elf druid wield a Elven Curved Blade? This is probably common knowledge, but I have looked for a long time and can't find the answer.
Yes & No
"Weapon Familiarity: Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon."
Druid Weapons:
"Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Druids are proficient with the following weapons: club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, scimitar, scythe, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear. They are also proficient with all natural attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume with wild shape (see below).
Druids are proficient with light and medium armor but are prohibited from wearing metal armor; thus, they may wear only padded, leather, or hide armor. A druid may also wear wooden armor that has been altered by the ironwood spell so that it functions as though it were steel. Druids are proficient with shields (except tower shields) but must use only those crafted from wood.
A druid who wears prohibited armor or uses a prohibited shield is unable to cast druid spells or use any of her supernatural or spell-like class abilities while doing so and for 24 hours thereafter."
Druids are not proficient with Martial Weapons, so no.
But nothing stops them from taking the Exotic (or Martial in this case) Weapon Proficiency (Elven Curved Blade)feat, so yes.
Does this count as "Animal Companion" for class/feat/anything prerequisites. Looking at nature warden for a gestalt 20+ (Epic) game & the animal companion is the only thing I don't directly have.
This is mostly for Slayers, but it has to do with the workings of the Ranger Combat Style:
Combat Style Feat (Ex): At 2nd level, a ranger must select one of two combat styles to pursue: archery or two-weapon combat. The ranger's expertise manifests in the form of bonus feats at 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level. He can choose feats from his selected combat style, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites.
That sentence doesn't say he can choose "these bonus feats", it just says "feats". So, can a Ranger/Slayer also ignore prerequisites on combat style feats when using his regular feats?
You're right...that sentence doesn't say anything about it. The previous sentence however, tells you which specific feats his "expertise" helps, allowing him to gain the benefit of the sentence you bolded.
My 2 CP... Also "He can choose feats from his selected combat style, even if he does not have the normal prerequisites." The name of the ability is Combat Style Feat so (as I said my 2 CP) to me this indicates that only the 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, & 18th Ranger feats are free from prerequisites.
Epic Toughness. +20 hp (3.0 Epic Handbook) / +30 hp (3.5 Complete Warrior) each time you take it. But it is an Epic Feat, aka +20 Levels before you can take it.
Perhaps because I'm a long time Black Library listener I'm rather accustomed to the prices and the difference between an audio drama and an audio book.
I love the sound effects and large cast in Burnt Offerings. I felt the whole adventure come to life. Makes for an great commute to work, and I found myself waiting in the car a few extra moments to finish off a scene when I arrived.
Common misconception: Dead Monster = XP, no. Defeated ENCOUNTER = XP, Dead, Ran away, turned into a good guy, whatever, unless, as ace said, the "encounter" did not "reset" it self.
The only hard rule is no doing two prc at the same time
It is suggested to not allow things like mystic thurge
The person you are quoting was misinformed/in error
O.K. good just checking. And I never did understood the "No 2 PrC Levels at the same time" thing anyway. How is that any different than 2 normal levels??
Prestige classes are allowed, they just take up both "slots" when using Gestalt rules.
Side A: Wizard 10
Side B: Cleric 10
Both Sides: Mystic Theurge 10
Level: 20
Side A: Fighter 6
Side B: Ranger 6
Both Sides: Horizon Walker 1
Level: 7
Where does it state that about non-"gestalt" PrC. I Get the Wiz / Cle / MT, But the other would be a Fighter 7 / Ranger 6 HW 1. I though you could not do 2 PrC at the sametime, & MT type PrC are not used, but you still used the normal rules?
I don't have the book with me at this min. But if I remember right, brawling can only be added to light armor, & as such, NOT added to Bracers because they are not Armor (light, medium, or heavy). I tried this trick & this was the answer I was given.
Why is Mythic Power Attack so hard for people to understand??
If you have MPA the Bonus is -1 attack, +3 Damage (One-handed).
The non-mythic PA states: this damage is increase by +50% if 2 handed.
BAB 1-3 -1 Attack, +3 Damage (+50%)= 4 (round down) yes not too dif from the normal PA.
BAB 4-7 -2 Attack, +6 Damage (+50%)= (6+50%) = 9
On a Crit that 9 is doubled = 18. Str & magic are still multiplied by the weapons mod & so is the MPA damage. And so on per 4 BAB.
So the damage for a Str 18 (4 mod) nonmagic weapon used 2 handed w/ MPA,a BAB of 4 & x2 critical weapon is
((4*1.5 str) + (0 Magic)+ ((9MPA*2)=18)) x 2 = ((6 + 0 + 18)x2) = 48
Your critical strikes with your chosen weapon are deadlier
than most.
Prerequisite: Improved Critical, base attack bonus +8.
Benefit: Your critical multiplier with your chosen
weapon is increased by 1 (to a maximum of ×6).
Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. The
effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies
to a different non-mythic Improved Critical feat.
Ok so I thought that critical multiplier was the x2, x3 etc part of critting but it appears that its the number rolled to threaten a critical hit, as the mythic monster entries show that a monster that would normally crit on a 20 only, that have this feat in mythic form, have the chance to crit increased to 18-20.
So now I get that bit, but what does the to a max of x6 mean?
If you have a 18-20 crit weapon and take improved crit that range would increase to 15+. If you then took the mythic version would it be increased to 14+?? The feat doesn't say you can take it multiple time for one weapon so how cold you ever get to x6?
Do they mean that x6 is 15+ as you threaten a crit of 6 possible outcomes of a d20 roll and therefore you don't gain anything from this feat if you have regular improved crit on a 18+ weapon?
Bold me. What monster...where??? The non-mythic improved critical improves the threaten critical range. A Longsword is 17-20, a rapier is 15-20, both x2 damage. With The mythic feat the range for a longsword is 17-20, a raiper 15-20, both x3 damage. If your a 20th level fighter the multiplier is uped 1 more, x4. Use this on a Scythe you got a 19-20/x6 (20th Fighter).
Why is Mythic Power Attack so hard for people to understand??
Power Attack: You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.
Mythic Power Attack: When you use Power Attack, you gain a +3 bonus on melee damage rolls instead of +2. When your base attack bonus reaches +4 and every 4 points thereafter, the amount of bonus damage increases by +3 instead of +2. In addition, the bonus damage from this feat is doubled on a critical hit, before it’s multiplied by the
weapon’s critical multiplier.
You can expend one use of mythic power when you activate Power Attack to ignore the penalties on melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks for 1 minute.
If you have MPA the Bonus is -1 attack, +3 Damage (One-handed).
The non-mythic PA states: this damage is increase by +50% if 2 handed.
BAB 1-3 -1 Attack, +3 Damage (+50%)= 4 (round down) yes not too dif from the normal PA.
BAB 4-8 -2 Attack, +6 Damage (+50%)= (6+50%) = 9
On a Crit that 9 is doubled = 18. Str & magic are still multiplied by the weapons mod & so is the MPA damage. And so on per 4 BAB.
So the damage for a Str 18 (4 mod) nonmagic weapon used 2 handed w/ MPA,a BAB of 4 & x2 critical weapon is
((4*1.5 str) + (0 Magic)+ ((9MPA*2)=18)) x 2 = ((6 + 0 + 18)x2) = 48
On the nature warden, Why not? I will have 2nd Level Spell casting as a ranger, if I can add the levels to the non-caster side I will only be screwing myself out of some casting power?
And does anyone know where I can find more "full" rules on Gestalt other than UA from 3.5?
Say I Have a Single Class Ranger (Beastmaster) as one side (Side A), & other Side (Side B) is Monk/Fighter/Prestige Class's. Can I use Mammonth rider & add it's levels to one of the beastmaster animals? Can I take Nature Warden (on the B Side that has no spell casting using the ranger caster level to get in) & not gain the caster levels?
I realize that the more animals I have the "less money the Ranger will have" but I play for fun not power. And I know that this is all up to the GM but thought I would ask you all what you think.
Apparently it could take until the 23rd before all of the orders are processed.
23RD Does this include subscription orders? I know Gen Con is cool & all but right now it is in the way!! I still can not download my subscription PDF!?!?!
I know I read this somewhere but where in the book does it state that a skill is considered a class skill if the creature has a racial skill bonus for that skill?
For example elves get a racial skill bonus to perception so perception is always considered a class skill for elves.
Nowhere!! Some traits give a trait bonus to some skills then make it a class skill for you. But that is a trait bonus not racial bonus.
They stack! Your "Same Source type (a feat)" would be Skill Focus (Acrobatics) & Skill Focus (Acrobatics), or Acrobatic feat & Acrobatic feat. They are two different feats w/ no named bonus, if they where named then they may or may not stack depending on the name type.
Are there any feats / ability's or other things that would let a mount charge & attack one target & the rider jump off in mid-charge (or some other point) to attack another? Is this covered by a CMB roll? If so what one? How can I pull this off?
For example, a beast master with an effective druid level of 4 can have one 4th-level companion, two 2nd-level companions, or one 1st-level and one 3rd-level companion. Each time a beast master's effective druid level increases, he must decide how to allocate the increase among his animal companions (including the option of adding a new 1st-level companion).
The AC's do not have to be even (as I understand the bold). And Handle animal is a free action for any AC Char. It does "sound" fun, I just don't want to be too over the top (to powerful). So I though i'd ask the game community. :)
Not sure I follow?? Under the normal system a 20th Level Beastmaster w/ boon companion taken twice can have a 20th level (16 ranger, 4 boon) & 8th Level (4 ranger, 4 boon) companion.
My idea is a 3rd animal (mount) at 16th level (10 rider, 2 ranger, 4 Boon), a 2nd animal (Scout) 6th (2 ranger, 4 boon), & a 1st animal (Battle buddy) 20th (16 ranger, 4 boon)?
And on the OP? The guys (my game group) use gestalt rather than play 2 characters & one if them said that 2 animals & 1 character is "better" than 2 animals & 2 characters?
from the PRD:
"The beast master may have more than one animal companion, but he must divide up his effective druid level between his companions to determine the abilities of each companion. For example, a beast master with an effective druid level of 4 can have one 4th-level companion, two 2nd-level companions, or one 1st-level and one 3rd-level companion. Each time a beast master's effective druid level increases, he must decide how to allocate the increase among his animal companions (including the option of adding a new 1st-level companion). Once an effective druid level is allocated to a particular companion, it cannot be redistributed while that companion is in the ranger's service (he must release a companion or wait until a companion dies to allocate its levels to another companion). The share spells animal companion ability does not give the ranger the ability to cast a single spell so that it affects all of his animal companions. This ability replaces hunter's bond."
From the Nature Warden PRD (Same text in the Rider):
"At 1st level, a nature warden's class levels stack with levels in all classes that grant an animal companion for the purpose of determining her animal companion's abilities."
So, if I take the rider as side B can I add it's levels to one animal of the beastmasters (Side A) animals
Should a Gestalt Druid / Ranger get the animal companion from BOTH sides. Or can a Gestalt Fighter Mammoth Rider / Ranger (Beast Master) Be able to add the Mammoth Rider PrC to one of his Beast Master animals.
Look at the "tags" not the chart. The bonus is a "Style Feat" not a "feat in the tree". If you look at the 1st feat in the chain they are (Combat, Style), the other two are just (Combat). This is what they mean by bonus "Style" feat.