Chemlak |

Have you considered using Sourceforge.net for this project. Sourceforge makes it much easier for tracking, updating, etc.
Example: http://sourceforge.net/projects/yapcg/
Not a bad idea, but I think I probably won't - I'm a casual user, I'm fundamentally quite lazy, and setting it up as a "project" would make it feel like work. I'm doing this for fun, for my own use, shamelessly stealing from anyone who sends me ideas and suggestions, and sharing it with everyone.
Whilst I'm not blind to the advantages of using Sourceforge (and those advantages certainly do exist), I'm comfortable with the way it's been going here, not to mention it keeps things nice and simple and all in one place (well, one thread, at least).

On the "Overall" page the columns seem to go wide. See column "AD" I only mention this for printing purposes as it makes it harder to get it zoomed in to allow larger text.
1. Can you add a Print option where it grabs certain sheets then outputs them to give the players. Like a new Tab called Printing where you can select the sheets you want to print along with incorporating the requst below. Basically, anything you can do top get a larger font in the print (old eyes) to make it easier to read/see.
2. Can you do a print to PDF option?
Great work and thank you!

Chemlak |

Thanks Terokai! All words of encouragement are gratefully received.
Lacy, thanks for the suggestions: I'm going to be hitting up the Grand Rebuild this weekend, with a bit of luck, so if there's any scope for fiddling with cells, I'll do it then.
As far as a printable version... ummm... No real comment at this time. One of my biggest aims right now is reducing the number of cells in use (to see if I can get a viable Google Docs version working), so adding another sheet might be counterproductive at this stage of the game. I'll definitely bear it in mind, though.
And as for a print to PDF, quite frankly I have no clue where to even begin. I like the idea, but I'm not sure what requirements there might be to setting it up (or even if it's something that I have to set up at my end).

![]() |

Hey chemlak do you have any suggestions for how to manipulate the sheet to allow for an oligarchy or any of the various forms of government? The way the sheet is set up now you have to have at least one declared ruler or else the unrest penalty is pretty high.
Should i just make a gestalt pseudo character representing all of the players to fill the ruler role? or should i just leave it blank?

Chemlak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Good question (and glad to see you came up with a solution that suits you).
As I understand it, the various leadership roles are pretty mutable, so while the "fluff" of the rules says that there must be a ruler, councilor, etc. the precise hierarchy of the leadership is very much up to the characters involved.
In any given group of rulers, there will be certain areas of expertise and authority, so one person will be in charge of money, another who deals with the judicial system, another who considers himself the "voice of the common man", another who manages the intelligence and counter-intelligence, and ultimately one person who manages all of the others. That last person is the Ruler. It's his job to make sure all of the other leaders are doing their jobs. He could just be the guy who takes the minutes of the council meetings. He could be the Emperor. Whilst to outside appearances he could just be one of many whose task it is to manage the kingdom as equals, in the halls of power, he is the one with the best handle on the big picture. He may hold no greater authority than the High Priest, but the scope of his (possibly self-determined) responsibilities means that he affects the kingdom in ways none of the other leaders do. In game terms, he holds the position of Ruler.
That's actually part of the reason I included the Titles cells on the Overall sheet: the Leadership Roles are game terms, and may bear no resemblance to the actual in-world explanations of the positions of the people holding those roles. Just because in my game the Ruler is titled King, his co-ruler is Queen, the Royal Enforcer is Lord Justice, and the Councilor is Lady, there's nothing stopping you deciding that in your kingdom everyone is just titled Master, and that's that.

Philip Knowsley |
Hi Chemlak,
Played the 1st session with your builder at the table - WOW! Life is so
much easier than doing it in your head, inputting after the session,
realising you did it wrong, explaining to your players next time around! ;-p
I've come across one thing I may may be wrong on, but bear with me please.
My player's kingdom (the VERY fancily named 'Greenland') is showing as
earning 4BP/turn on top of Econ rolls.
The only BP I can see earned in the rules is for mines which give +1 Econ
& +1 BP...yes?
However - they only have 2 mines, both built on resources...so that should
be giving +1 Econ for the resource & +1 Econ, +1 BP for the mine.
All I can think is that I'm wrong (highly possible!), or the sheet is
somehow doubling up the BP for mine + resource...
Any ideas please?

Ravingdork |

Pretty sure you double all the bonuses provided by the mine when it is built on a resource hex.
Relevant Rule: If you claim a hex with a Resource, Economy increases by 1. If you construct a Mine, Quarry, or Sawmill in a hex with a Resource, all of its benefits increase by 1. If you construct a Farm or Fishery in a hex with a Resource, those improvements decrease Consumption by an additional 1 BP.

Justabloke |

Following on from Chemlak's and those who also helped, I offer an extracted version of Building tab from the spreadsheet.
I added a:
"Discount From:" column
"Economy/BP" column
"Loyalty/BP" column
"Stability/BP" column
"Unrest/BP" column
The last four allow users to easily sort to see what will give the best "bang for buck". The "Discount From:" aids in planning.
Positive numbers in the "Unrest/BP" column are bad :-)
It can be found at: Building Sheet
Chemlak and others should feel free to take it and use it as you will :-)
PS Let me know if you have any issues accessing it, I don't have much experience in sharing docs like this.

Chemlak |

Nice idea!
Oh, and just to mention (read: brag a bit), I believe I'm about 5 cells, 24 copy/pastes, and several find/replaces away from finishing the "Grand Rebuild", which has proven to be a total pain (spent 5 hours on it so far).
Due to the fiddling I've already had to do on the Buildings sheet, I'll probably end up putting those columns in myself, just to make sure I don't throw too much else off. The amount of data I'm modifying makes changing the Buildings sheet non-trivial, now.
But I think everyone can expect the rebuilt sheet to be available within the next day. There should be no change in function, it's all background stuff that's necessary to simplify future changes. And I can't believe it's almost done.

Chemlak |

The Grand Rebuild is complete!
There's a fair chance that some bugs have crept in with this one, so please keep an eye out for me.
I didn't incorporate Justabloke's suggestion in this version - I really just wanted to get the core of my update finished. Which I now believe it is.
Next step: Ultimate Rulership.

Chemlak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Er...what does this latest update include exactly?
Version 5.3 includes everything from version 5.2j. There are no additional functions. It should look and work exactly like 5.2j (with a couple of minor formatting tweaks that most people won't even notice are different).
I completely reworked the guts of how the City sheets function. In all previous versions, each City sheet had a complete copy of the Building data. So, if the GM decided that the Magical Academy should (say) add +1 Loyalty as well, he would have to Unhide Cities 7-25, unprotect all 25 City sheets, and (at the very least) Unhide the city data cells of the Magical Academy on City 1, input 1 in the Loyalty column for the Magical Academy, re-hide the city data, then copy and paste that city sheet across the other 24, then re-protect them all (possibly hiding the ones he doesn't want visible).
In version 5.3, all you have to do is go to the Buildings sheet, find the Magical Academy, and put a 1 in the Loyalty column for the same result.

Chemlak |

I'm confused by the request, Lacy.
I host the grand total of 1 version of the spreadsheet via Drop Box. Every single link to it I've put on this thread links to it. In fact, the only legacy version I've saved is the one from before the inclusion of city map sheets. I couldn't recover a copy of even 5.2j unless someone somewhere sent it to me.
In other words, if you click on any link I've put on this thread to the sheet, you will always get the latest version.
I therefore cannot conceive of a single reason to include the version number, since that would mean that a) different links would be trying to link to different version of the sheet, and b) to maintain my own peace of mind, I'd have to host multiple sheets.
What would obtaining an older version do for you?

I'm confused by the request, Lacy.
I host the grand total of 1 version of the spreadsheet via Drop Box. Every single link to it I've put on this thread links to it. In fact, the only legacy version I've saved is the one from before the inclusion of city map sheets. I couldn't recover a copy of even 5.2j unless someone somewhere sent it to me.
In other words, if you click on any link I've put on this thread to the sheet, you will always get the latest version.
I therefore cannot conceive of a single reason to include the version number, since that would mean that a) different links would be trying to link to different version of the sheet, and b) to maintain my own peace of mind, I'd have to host multiple sheets.
What would obtaining an older version do for you?
When you save it in Excel add the version number to the file name. Just made easier for tracking and downloading. I'll just be more careful in future.

Chemlak |

Chemlak wrote:When you save it in Excel add the version number to the file name. Just made easier for tracking and downloading. I'll just be more careful in future.I'm confused by the request, Lacy.
I host the grand total of 1 version of the spreadsheet via Drop Box. Every single link to it I've put on this thread links to it. In fact, the only legacy version I've saved is the one from before the inclusion of city map sheets. I couldn't recover a copy of even 5.2j unless someone somewhere sent it to me.
In other words, if you click on any link I've put on this thread to the sheet, you will always get the latest version.
I therefore cannot conceive of a single reason to include the version number, since that would mean that a) different links would be trying to link to different version of the sheet, and b) to maintain my own peace of mind, I'd have to host multiple sheets.
What would obtaining an older version do for you?
I'm not necessarily averse to including the version number in the file name. I just need a good reason to invalidate every single link I've put in this thread so far.
To explain that: Drop Box seems (from my limited experience) to generate a unique link to each file name (if you compare the .ods and the .xlsx links to the sheet, you'll notice that more than the file extension is different in the link, even though they're in the same folder in my Drop Box, with the same file name, just a different file extension). However, because I save over the existing file with updated versions (so that the file name doesn't actually change), it keeps the same link.
If I append version numbers to the file name, it will need a new (unique) link for each version, which will do two things:
1) Make all of my links to date useless.
2) Require users to click the specific link for that version.
Number 2 is actually the worse problem, in my eyes, because if a new user hunts up one of my links (but not the latest one), it will error (since the file won't exist, because I'm not going to clog up my Drop Box with an indefinite number of files). Same if anyone's bookmarked it: if I change the file name, their bookmark becomes useless every time I update.
I am not a professional, here. I am accountable to no one (subject to the terms of the Community Use Policy). Whilst I'm caretaker of this sheet, I want to make it easy to find, and a dozen links in one thread, all of which will take you to the current version of the sheet, is more useful, in my eyes, than a dozen broken links and only one correct one.
I'm not rejecting the idea out of hand: I've considered it many times. And every time, I reach the same conclusion - any one of my links points at the latest version, and that's an ease-of-access point that is important to me. More important to me than making it obvious which version is the "right one", since there is only one "right one". The latest one. Whatever version that might happen to be at the time.

Jblues |

in 5,3 version few new errors found (open office versio)
Rulers leadership dropdown just 0 as an option.
Army sheet active? dropdown broken.
Army sheet Unit CR does not allow values of under 1 as CR.
And a big thank you for your work my current campaign would be difficult to run without these sheets :)

Ravingdork |

Don't use separate links. That's inefficient as hell.
Just post the version number in thread and the document and let the guy rename the document whenever he re-downloads it. It's not hard for him to fix a problem that only he is having.
Don't make it harder on the rest of us for the sake of one guy.

Chemlak |

Did I break the Rulers sheet again? Dagnabbit. Still, easy fix.
Same with the Army Active dropdown. Odd, though, since I haven't touched Army sheets for ages.
And I'll investigate the CR problem. Should be easy.
In fact, all of those surprise me, because none of them should have changed from the last version.

Chemlak |

Don't use separate links. That's inefficient as hell.
Just post the version number in thread and the document and let the guy rename the document whenever he re-downloads it. It's not hard for him to fix a problem that only he is having.
Don't make it harder on the rest of us for the sake of one guy.
My sentiments exactly, RD. Point taken on the version numbers in-thread, though. I should have been doing that already.

Chemlak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Philip Knowsley |
Ok Chemlak,
I think you deserve a looong holiday now! :)
Thanks again for all your efforts...
And, now to raise a question I have before about populations.
You said previously that I'd have to amend every city sheet if I wanted
to change populations per block.
But, as I understand it, all sheets now point to one place.
Am I correct in assuming that if I wanted to change populations now - I'd
only have to do it once? And...the $100 (sorry, don't have any pound keys
on my keyboard) question... How might I do that...?
Also - re the 'extraneous external link'. Is it a sheet breaker - or just
something you tidied up whilst you were there kinda thing...?

Chemlak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Actually, that's still being calculated on all the city sheets - I changed the building info on the city sheets, but the population calculation is still the same. As a QoL feature for you, I'll add that feature tonight. Should make my life a little easier when handling URule, too.
Where do you think would be a good spot for user-defined population density?
The "extraneous external link" was pointing to a spreadsheet on my hard drive when figuring out if a character on the Rulers sheet has the leadership feat. Shouldn't be a problem in most cases. 5.3a just tells that link to look in the right place (rather than on an old version of my players' Kingdom).
Edit: *Double facepalm* And I think I just figured out the last cell that has an external link, which should stop the OO version from cursing every time you open it. I'll sort that one out, later, too.
So much to do, so little time.
I will be taking something of a break for May - I'll do bug fixes but won't be making any major changes. I have a week in the back end of nowhere with family in early June, so I'll take a crack at URule then.

Chemlak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Version 5.3b
User-defined population density (as promised), plus a few other tweaks, including a tidy up of some formatting on the Overall sheet, and a defined print area for that sheet.
Edit: Seems I was wrong about where the external link is buried. More hunting for me, it seems.

Philip Knowsley |
Version 5.3b
User-defined population density (as promised), plus a few other tweaks, including a tidy up of some formatting on the Overall sheet, and a defined print area for that sheet.
Oh wow - oh wow - oh WOW!
You are too fast! :)
Just signed in & as I had my PCs sheet open, thought I'd make a few suggestions
about where you could put it! (Heh, just playing with ya!) :)
I haven't looked at the new sheet yet, but... Bro, you are da MAN!
Enjoy hols with your family. DON'T try UR then - I've had a read of those
rules dude & they'll do your head in trying to create a sheet! Take a well
earned break instead!
(Mind you, I have a friend who is a programmer...everything I think should
be mega-difficult - he says "nah - that stuff is easy", & everything I think
should be easy - he says "nah - that's hard & here's why..."
Moral of the story - don't trust me when it comes to IT...)

Chemlak |

Chemlak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

No further action from me for at least a few hours, but I did want to respond to Philip's comment about URule.
The single hardest thing to implement will be the variable consumption from some of the new edicts.
First draft will be getting the new buildings put in (as well as snipping the images for use on the map sheets, thank you, Mister Nelson!). That will almost certainly break something (most likely Shrines/Temples/Cathedrals).
The new population calculation will be a big headache for me, as I'll need to come up with some way to retain my sanity on the Kingdom sheet - I have two possible methods in mind, and I'm hoping the easy one works, because the other will be ugly as all sin.
The new edicts are looking surprisingly simple, it's the means of getting them to display properly in the Consumption section of the Overall sheet that's the pain.
I'm still figuring out my plan for variable build times, so that'll probably be quite low on my list.
I do intend to input the various titles as dropdown options, but there are some other peculiarities I need to work through for people using their own custom titles for rulers.
Please, please, PLEASE report any bugs on the existing sheet as soon as possible, because once I throw a URule sheet up, any bug fixes will have to be done twice, if they affect both sheets.
Thank you, all.

Philip Knowsley |
And if that doesn't work... (it's really hard to identify a problem with your own Drop Box)
Nope - sorry Chemlak.
Just tried again, & neither of the Excel sheets can be accessed, even viathe direct route. (However, the OO can.)
It gives the same error message as noted above...
Humble apologies for being the bearer of bad tidings.
As for your comments above on URule...
Could population be just another modifier (like Loy, Econ etc) attached to
individual buildings...?
e.g. +2 Econ, +1 Stab, +50 Pop...
As for rulership titles? Why not have the titles as a separate list, with
drop-downs, on the same page as potential rulers? That way people can then
either select from the dropdown, or manually input whatever title they want,
but it all points to the correct cell...
Hope these help dude. I thank you for all of the hard yards you've put in!

Chemlak |

It has been brought to my attention that Dropbox has identified a flaw in their file-sharing service, and as such have disabled links to many files which have previously been shared.
It is currently unclear to me when the fix will be implemented that will allow me to share the file properly again.
I'll have a go at a workaround tonight (possibly curtailed because tonight is gaming night, and the PCs are in the lair of the Rakshasas that are trying to take over an entire country...), but it might not work until Dropbox actually fix themselves.
Anyway, on to other things:
The population problem is that in URule hex population is determined as a base (dependent on the terrain type of the hex), and modified by improvements in the hex, doubled for river or coast, tripled for river AND coast. Then settlements modify the kingdom's population dependent on the buildings.
That last bit will be easy. Column in Buildings sheet, Population, multiply that by the number of buildings of each type, total it up at the bottom, throw that number in the population cell.
Now consider how to hold a 285 hex kingdom, with a spread of the 12 terrain types, each of which has a different set of improvements.
My two choices are:
A table: 36 rows (one for each terrain type, one for each terrain type plus river/coast, and one for each terrain type plus river and coast), 10 columns (one for each improvement that modifies population), multiply lots of pretty numbers together and sum them up.
A HEEEUGE list of cells, one for each hex, ten columns for improvements.
I'm hoping the first one will work.
And yes, I think you might have solved the Titles problem. I know what I'm going to do with that, now. Thanks!

Philip Knowsley |
You're a god! :)
Errrm, well, what I mean to say is that the link worked.
(I've been out for the count with food poisoning for a couple of days,
otherwise would have been able to supply positive feedback before now!)
As for the population - yes, I see what you mean. I hadn't actually read
URule completely through, on the basis that until some bright chap/chappette
came up with a sheet - I couldn't keep track of things. As a result, I knew
that populations were more, shall we say...malleable, but not to that degree.
Anyway - good luck on that.
I keep having a half-formed idea on something that might work to solve
the problem, but each time I try to think it further logic fails me...
Which is to say - I have no idea...(& I am sooo very tired right now.)
Cheers & have a coolio weekend!

Chemlak |

Phew! Glad that link works. Bit of a pain, since it appears to mean that my original link won't work.
Anyway, I'm quite looking forward to digging in and taking a crack at URule now that the UCam one has all the bells and whistles in place. You never know, I might make a start sooner than I expected. It sort of depends on how many things get broken when I do it.

Chemlak |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well, I've started on URule. Not going to post a sheet up until I've actually got a fair bit done (so far I've spent an evening creating building tiles for the city map sheets and resizing them to fit - and I'm having font problems, not to mention the fact that I seem to be missing a Windmill).
Once I've got the buildings properly in place in the actual city sheets (and fixed everything I break in the process), I'll link it.

Chibeles |

Your sheet is simply amazing. I can not imagine playing Kingmaker without it.
I incorporated fragments of Ultimate Rulership on my campaign, so I am really looking forward to the new version.
Força nisso!

Philip Knowsley |
Hi Chemlak,
Hope URule is going better than expected... ;-p
Bug report on the last version of the UCam sheet.
My players added a library in a recent session & I noticed that the 'Lore'
didn't increase in the 'Overall' sheet...
Then I noticed that there were actually no increases or decreases at all
in the 'Cities' column for any of the secondary kingdom characteristics...
(i.e. corruption, crime etc etc...)
Can anyone else comment on this?
Sorry dude.