[Kobold Press] Deep Magic—300 new Pathfinder spells and more!

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i bet he's the $50,000 stretch goal guy :P

In like a thing that was always designed to be in things....

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

And Hero Lab is a go! Super excited! ^_^

Liberty's Edge

goldomark wrote:
Marc Radle wrote:

Heh, yeah ...

Although we can't know for sure until that $26,000 goal is met and the next 2 goals are revealed ... I'm pretty sure WotC's Character Builder is *not* the popular character creation software in question :)

I am curious, Marc. You seem to know a lot about the project, are involve somehow?

Nah, I'm just a good guesser :)

In all seriousness, you can probably get a pretty good idea by clicking that link (ignore the big hair :)

Marc Radle wrote:
goldomark wrote:
Marc Radle wrote:

Heh, yeah ...

Although we can't know for sure until that $26,000 goal is met and the next 2 goals are revealed ... I'm pretty sure WotC's Character Builder is *not* the popular character creation software in question :)

I am curious, Marc. You seem to know a lot about the project, are involve somehow?

Nah, I'm just a good guesser :)

In all seriousness, you can probably get a pretty good idea by clicking that link (ignore the big hair :)

O_o It is impossible to ignore the hair. :-P

Has there been any discussion anywhere about potential add-ons? I'm thinking things like print copies of the scrolls (both the pledged for one and the PDF ones).

I pledged. And I love checking every morning and seeing another stretch goal or more added. :D

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

Lord Mhoram, the momentum has been great. And I can't even talk about a couple of the upcoming stretch goals, but... Might be we're *just* getting started.

Steve Geddes wrote:
Has there been any discussion anywhere about potential add-ons? I'm thinking things like print copies of the scrolls (both the pledged for one and the PDF ones).

There's a stretch goal now to provide backers with PDFs of hand-lettered scrolls, but for right now, the print versions are just for major backers. I'm debating whether to make them add-ons, but I think it might not be worth it unless people can *see* the scroll they're getting. Posters and art people (quite reasonably) want to see an image before buying the print.

So real scrolls might come later, or as a convention-only item, or something along those lines.

So I was reading the Prices at what price do i get the book the PDF and all the stretch goals and the Hero labs is it 65?

Under the Stretch Goals it appears that All Backers will get the HeroLab files, so in answer to your Question I would guess that the $40 pledge would get you everything your were asking about.

I could be wrong though.

Joey Virtue wrote:
So I was reading the Prices at what price do i get the book the PDF and all the stretch goals and the Hero labs is it 65?

I think it is the $60 level. Looking at the page under the "Pledge Level" portion, $60 is the first time that they list the book and pdf. The $40 level only lists the print edition.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

I thought I would post before Marc Radle and Amanda Hamon could, because I'm mean!

A new stretch goal has been revealed!

Wolfgang Baur and Stephen Radney-McFarland to team up! They will write the astronomer archetype, and expand the school of illumination with new stars and spheres (with Mythic variants). This will be a major update to star and shadow magic!

And besides, Marc Radle doesn't know nuthin'. Just hunches. I bring the facts, Jack!

(just kiddin'! Marc, congrats on being Kobold Art Director! Congrats on the Developer/Editor gig, Amanda!)

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

Umarian wrote:
Looking at the page under the "Pledge Level" portion, $60 is the first time that they list the book and pdf. The $40 level only lists the print edition.

Confirmed. The "Pledge Level" section at the bottom spells out exactly what is in each level. The $60 and $65 are the "everything" levels: book, PDF, Hero Lab, exclusive Kickstarter adventure, and a ton of extras from stretch goals.

(The book without extras is $35, the PDF-only is $15.)

And yep, there's a team-up in the works. Two designers tackle the same topic, then we cross the streams.

Liberty's Edge

Jim Groves wrote:

I thought I would post before Marc Radle and Amanda Hamon could, because I'm mean!

And besides, Marc Radle doesn't know nuthin'. Just hunches. I bring the facts, Jack!

(just kiddin'! Marc, congrats on being Kobold Art Director! Congrats on the Developer/Editor gig, Amanda!)

Ha! You can be as mean as you want, Jim! ;)

Thanks for the 'congrats', by the way :) No 'Art Director, Kobold Press' forum tag to give me away ... I'm a ninja art director!

Liberty's Edge

Very cool article on io9

Check it out! :)

I have a question;

Is anyone else not able to see the entire list of backers? The most I get is about 30 or 40 then I get a "Please wait" but it never finishes.

This happens on both my laptop and desktop.

Scarab Sages Contributor

Jim Groves wrote:

(just kiddin'! Marc, congrats on being Kobold Art Director! Congrats on the Developer/Editor gig, Amanda!)

Thanks, Jim! I'd claim to be a ninja, too, but mad ninja skillz ... I has none. :D

One more backer until we hit 600 and our stretch goal of wizard's scroll PDF handouts! Woot!

Liberty's Edge

I saw a few other people say they were having that problem.

I can scroll through the entire list with no problem (I tried it on two different computers) if that helps.

An e-mail to Kickstarter's customer service might not be a bad idea ...

Just sent an email to their Customer Service. Now let's see what happens.

A new Mythic Path, and a Saint at that!? November is too far away. :(

Out of curiosity, how close will it be to the old Dragon mag article that featured Saints (#79)? Will good and naughty characters be able to be a Mythic Saint?

I wonder if Mythic Adventures will have more than just the 6paths we saw in the playtest...

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Dark creepers and dark stalkers have been favorites of mine since I purchased the Fiend Folio over 30 years ago.

I'm looking forward to seeing impart death throes in print. :)

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

$219 away! Then, it will be on to the next stretch goal. :)

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

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Just $34 to go and the fans put you to work, Mike!

Would it help any if I mentioned that the original illustrator of the Field Folio, Russ Nicholson, may do the illustration for Mike's spells?

Linkie link: Deep Magic and Dark Creepers

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

That may have worked, Wolfgang. The project just crested $36,000! :D


* Any chance a stretch goal could be support for other 3PP Spellcasting Base Classes? (Can't actually think of any off the top of my head, but there must be some)
Whether completely new spells or just suggested new spells to add to existing lists...

* Will there be any support for the KP Geomancer? White necromancer/Shaman/Battle Scion?

* AND: Russ Nicholson?!? How can you tease like that. You know I venerate the man's artwork. May is altogether too vague. Tell him I asked personally. And have been asking for artwork from him via you for years. He'll respond. Most likely with "Who?"


I have mentioned the Geomancer stuff, but I don't know if that will get pulled in or not. I'm in the mines finalizing Dark Deeds with the editor and working on "Freeing Nethus," so I don't know that the Overlord wants me anywhere near this book.

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Yay! Underworld Alchemy is in. Now where did I put my slime and fungus? (Runs frantically about the cave beakers in hand)

I just want to know does kickstarter begin the charging process when you pledge or at the end of kickstarter?

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:


* Any chance a stretch goal could be support for other 3PP Spellcasting Base Classes? (Can't actually think of any off the top of my head, but there must be some)
Whether completely new spells or just suggested new spells to add to existing lists...

* Will there be any support for the KP Geomancer? White necromancer/Shaman/Battle Scion?

* AND: Russ Nicholson?!? How can you tease like that. You know I venerate the man's artwork. May is altogether too vague. Tell him I asked personally. And have been asking for artwork from him via you for years. He'll respond. Most likely with "Who?"

Death Mage

R.C. Jr's Mosaic Mage
Eldritch Godling
ZSP's Sublime Transmuter and Sacred Necromancer...

There are a bunch of other ones from smaller 3pps, of course. But I'm guessing KP would like to hit the major ones. (And the Mosaic Mage would be verrrry interesting tosee).

havoc xiii wrote:
I just want to know does kickstarter begin the charging process when you pledge or at the end of kickstarter?

When the kickstarter funding period is over 26 days from now.

Well I'm in then.

::Nods at what Oceanshieldwolf and Cheapy say:: Yeah, those 3PP classes.

With the rate this KS is blowing through the stretch goals, I didn't even register already achieved goals on a recent skim of the scroll, like mythic path and saint magic from Tim Connors or Wolfgang and SRM writing the Astromancer (!) archetype and additions and mythic variants for the Illumination school. Boom, more content, blink and miss thresholds being crossed.

The next goal with the arcane college map, is that a specific institution or a generic one?

Game maps already look somewhat like them already with the numbered location keys, but the arcane college map could be rendered to look like the maps in the orientation folders universities gives newly arrived freshmen.

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:

* Any chance a stretch goal could be support for other 3PP Spellcasting Base Classes? (Can't actually think of any off the top of my head, but there must be some)

Whether completely new spells or just suggested new spells to add to existing lists...

Maybe? So far this is the first request, but now I am curious about mosaic mages. Sacred necromancer is a bit too similar to the white necromancer that Kobold Press did a while back to support both.

Will there be any support for the KP Geomancer? White necromancer/Shaman/Battle Scion?

There is no geomancer class from KP available (yet), and this book does not contain new classes (archetypes, but not classes). So probably not there.

The New Paths classes are likely to get support, though I'll just note in passing that the battle scion just uses the wizard/sorcerer list, so that class gets a LOT of new spells. Hundreds. :)

* AND: Russ Nicholson?!? How can you tease like that. You know I venerate the man's artwork. May is altogether too vague.

LOL, Russ is a splendid man, but very busy, so I can't do better than "may" right now. But he has done a fair bit of art for Kobold Press over the last two years or so, and I am hoping he can work us in for a single piece here, or maybe two.

Isuru wrote:
The next goal with the arcane college map, is that a specific institution or a generic one?

I was hoping it to be fairly generally useful, though if I had to be specific it would likely be an institution from the Midgard Campaign Setting like a Bemmean Academy or the Arcane Collegium of Zobeck. I rather like the "orientation folder map" idea.

Will there be hard copies of the arcane college map (and other such things) or are they PDF only?

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

goldomark wrote:

A new Mythic Path, and a Saint at that!? November is too far away. :(

Out of curiosity, how close will it be to the old Dragon mag article that featured Saints (#79)? Will good and naughty characters be able to be a Mythic Saint?

Well, it's not connected to the old article except that the theme is similar. However, I can confirm the Mythic Saint path works for both good and naughty characters. Tim's still writing it... More details when it's done!

Steve, these maps are currently envisioned as PDF items for printout or online play. Though they might turn into addons in print form, I'm just not able to say at this point. I'm still chasing down a couple freelancer requests.

Our editor is going to be BUSY in July. :)

Cheers, Wolfgang. I'll keep my fingers crossed for an addon option to get them printed on nice, thick paper.

Liberty's Edge

And we just passed $38,000!

Next goal - we need around 20 or so more backers to reach 700 backers!

Spread the word :)

Wonderful, $38K means the maps (arcane college, world tree grove, and dimensionally-twisted wizard tower) are in.

@ Wolfgang, I look forward to them either way, maps are always welcomed. Besides, any institution worth its parchment will have some similar and necessary facilities.

What's the 40K goal? It's right around the corner.

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

40K goal is completely AWESOME and has gotten me quite excited. But it will take 20 more backers to pry it out of me.

[Deep Magic link]

The 700 backer goal comes first, and involves the Adventurer-Backers submitting spells. When we reach that goal, a full 60 submitted spells will be accepted for publication in Deep Magic.

For some reason I think this number will increase as the weeks go on and I also think I should prepare a spell submission.

I have been wrong before though.

The Exchange Contributor; Publisher, Kobold Press; RPG Superstar Judge

And you are right. We hit 700 backers this morning. Hope you have a cool spell idea coming along.

Can an incantation be submitted instead of a spell?

$78 to go until they add the new chapter for Familiars, Golems and summoned creatures written by Richard Pett!

The project benefactors have retained the services of Pett & Co.


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I want a ley line map of Midgard!

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I agree with Christina, A Ley Line map of Midgard would be excellent.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Christina Stiles wrote:
I want a ley line map of Midgard!

Thirded! Me too!

And lots of good stuff on Ley lines in general.

Ok. Alright. Everybody calm down already. I'm in. So spells are ok. Great. But so is all the other awesome being offered. Let's see where this concept can go...

So what's the 42,000 stretch cause I see we've passed it. ;)

Starfinder Charter Superscriber
havoc xiii wrote:
So what's the 42,000 stretch cause I see we've passed it. ;)

From the comments section:

$42,000 Sonic Magic ---- New spells of sound by Jeff Lee, the winner of the Lost Magic spell design contest!

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