Fiendish Baboon

SilveryDread's page

12 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Gentlepersons of Paizo Customer Services,

thank you for your diligence and forebearance over the last few years, but with a heart filled by sorrow due to a change in my personal circumstances, please cancel my Pathfinder Legacy AP subscription after the dispatch of 150....

It's been a long strange trip and I've loved every minute of it!

Peace and warmth,

Katina Davis wrote:
SilveryDread wrote:

Hi, please cancel my Adventure Path subscription, thank you!

Hi SilveryDread,

Thanks for letting us know! I've canceled your subscription, and you should be all set. Just let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.


Thanks Katina!

Hi, please cancel my Adventure Path subscription, thank you!

Backed! Looking forward to piloting a golem....

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello SilveryDread,

Did you mean to have the subscription cancelled? It sounds like you want to skip the next Adventure Path, but suspending the subscription means they will still be generated as normal and sent out all together when the suspension is lifted. So you will still get them all. If you are looking to skip them then canceling it is what you would want to do.

Additionally 6 months is longer than we normally suspend subscriptions as the order that will ship when the suspension is lifted can become very large and expensive.

Thank you for the clarity! As that is the case, will you please cancel my AP subscription (effective from shipping of 102) thank you Diego & Customer Services

- SilveryDread

Hi Customer Services people!

Will you kindly suspend my AP subscription from 103 through to 108 inclusive please?
Thanks in advance...

Kickstarted for the hardback... looking forward to more success LG!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

...just a thought in the early hours, so;
Temporary Negative Levels remain in place for an unknown (but effectively unlimited) duration until removed by a spell such as Restoration or the affected creature succeeds at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 draining creature's racial HD + draining creature's Cha modifier; the exact DC is given in the creature's descriptive text). On a success, the negative level goes away with no harm to the creature. A seperate save is required for each negative level. A failed Fortitude save may be retried after twenty four hours have elapsed.

Thats my version as it stands...

You may want to take a look at "Heroes Of The Jade Oath" from Rite Publishing... lots of applicable fluff and more than enough extra crunch...

In like a thing that was always designed to be in things....

A big thank you to angelrobe for that. much appreciated

Runefont would be a very handy addition.... if you could link me up, please?
