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One of the funniest parts of the 1st act of the Rise of the Runelords is when the daughter of the general store keeper seduces a member of the party to give her some "Lovin" in the confines of the store basement. This happened in a game when my Orc Fighter Dreggrod being the only male with the group got approached by her and asked to kill some rats in the basement. Being a war mongering intelligence 8, charisma 6 Orc he agreed and went to the shop to kill some rats.
When Dreggrod got there the woman gave her real motive. Being a Chaotic Neutral Orc, he decides to give in and ends up porking her over a barrel in the basement. That is until daddy comes home and catches Dreggrod in the act. Suffice to say things did not go well as the storekeep thought the daughter was being raped by the Orc. Despite being a 6th level commoner, my Orc beat him unconscious with unarmed attacks (Although was brought to 0 HP in the process). He is now infatuated with the Storekeeper's daughter and wants to make her his wife, once he claims Thistletop as his kingdom. The DM decided that the act of porking the woman got her pregnant and now the is going to be a little Dreggrod on the way.
So has anyone else had funny encounters with this part of the adventure?

Story Archer |
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So has anyone else had funny encounters with this part of the adventure?
Well, nothing as funny as the repeated use of the word 'pork', but we did do something interesting with Shayliss, one of our PC's and Aldern.
We had some interesting love triangles develop.
Shayliss became infatuated with our Arcane Duelist who initially returned those affections. His interest then shifted to Ameiko as the two of them became close, culminating in his carrying her from the Glassworks when she had been rescued.
Aldern meanwhile had become infatuated with Shayliss who used him in a juvenielle attempt to make our PC jealous. In the end, Aldern became lustfully obsessed with Shayliss and enviously obsessed with our PC, complicating in an awesome way the Skinsaw Murders part of the adventure and eventually resulted in Shayliss getting kidnapped by the Skinsaw Man with the PC's having to go to her rescue.
Finally, rather than have Tetsuo's infatuation be with Nualia, we had him living in fear of her and instead he had become obsessed with his half-sister (in a carnal fashion), believing her to be the only person who had ever cared about him. He escaped the Catacombs of Wrath and played a later role in the adventure as he sought to win back his sister's love from our PC.
Needless to say, our charismatic group leader had his hands full.

Tangent101 |

Shayliss failed to score with the articulate (and fairly intelligent) half-orc barbarian/scholar (he has the Scholar of the Ancients Trait). So now she's been going around badmouthing Lucian and claiming he's gay. ^^;; While the group didn't witness this, I did have the NPC thief get her revenge for Lucian by stealthing up to Shayliss and cutting her clothing ties off... causing her clothes to fall off. In public. (The NPC rolled an 18 for Stealth and has some significant bonuses.)
So yeah. Shayliss is truly torqued off at the group. I might take this a step further and have her get a few class levels for Witch... and start going after the group. Seeing that Nualia's free, she might be the instigator for this. =^-^=

Gwaihir Scout |

The party fighter ended up being the one falling for the Evil GM Trap. Ven Vinder won initiative and took a swing at him.
Critical hit. 12 points of damage. Almost dropped the fighter in one blow; would have if I had remembered to Power Attack.
The fighter fled immediately and got his armor tossed out after him (missing). We got a lot of glass jaw jokes out of it.

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Well my Orc Fighter Dreggrod is a pretty stubborn bastard. He's leary of doing anything unless he gets paid for it, he's a mercenary through and through. He killed Tetsuo in the fight (By accident, lucky critical hit that cleaved in him half) and then collected his head for a reward. He then helped deal with the creatures under the town. He then got PISSED OFF that they weren't going to pay him for taking out the goblins, Tetsuo and the creatures under the town. Only with some good social maneuvering of the rest of the party prevented him from shaking down the sheriff office and taking his share by force. He then refused to go to Thistletop as he expected that he wouldn't be paid for the job either. The only thing that convinced him was promise of riches to be found. Even then he decided that he would take Thistletop for his own because the town did not reward him for his work. So far he's taken down piles of goblins, the goblin king and the party is now exploring Thistletop to deal with the other threats. Then of course he's going to shower Shayliss with gifts and try and get her as his wife. If this dosen't work out, he'll probably nab her in the night as he's not taking no as an answer (Chaotic Neutral, he gets what he wants)

Aaron Bitman |

You can find over a dozen funny Shayliss stories in the following thread:
I'm curious if anyone else is having romantic relationships with the NPCs

Story Archer |
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You can find over a dozen funny Shayliss stories in the following thread:
I'm curious if anyone else is having romantic relationships with the NPCs
And Shayliss wasn't our only romantically involved NPC...
Andurian (Human Arcane Duelist) became involved in a love triangle with Shayliss and Aldern which eventually led to Shayliss's kidnapping and Aldern's death and also became involved in a love triangle with Ameiko and her half-brother Tetsu which eventually led to Ameiko's kidnapping and Tetsu's death - gotta love symetry, eh?
Tsara (Half-Elven Master Summoner) was one of a pair of twins in our party, and she became romantically involved with Ryhshinn, the attractive proprietor of the local clothing shop, but that relationship took place mostly in the background.
Tomas (Half-Elven Summoner) was the other twin, and was something of a womanizer, spending much of his time at the Pixie's Kitten and never developing any serious romantic relationships, though he did develop a strong bond with...
Kitra (Human Weaponmaster - Bow), a PC who took Shalelu's subplot with her father as her own (Shalelu was replaced by a Dwarven Ranger named Barnabus) and due in part to her Daddy issues, had a thing for ugly men. She also never became seriously romantically involved though she and Tomas spent many nights out carousing and its believed by other party members hooked up at least once despite the fact that he was 'too pretty for her'.
Ohlmin (Elven Void Mage) spent far too much time with his nose in his books to pursue any meaningful relationship that wasn't academic in nature.

Lithrac |
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Our group's shoanti fighter did not only shag the poor lass, but he discovered some time later she was with (his) child. Shoanti being traditionalists, his father (with Ven Vinder) forced him to marry the pregnant Shyliss.
Of course, the fighter tried to escape his fate by trying to bribe the Old Megus (who had performed the rites to know who was the child's father, as Shyliss refused to spill the beans), but she refused.
We are precisely at the end of book 4, and the PCs are returning to Sandpoint, and the shoanti brave is going to face his most dreadful trial so far... his wedding party!

Poldaran |

So has anyone else had funny encounters with this part of the adventure?
Playing in a game with myself, another player and the GM, so we're running two characters each(and the GM provided us with a support/healing oracle GMPC).
One of the two characters I'm running is in love with the other, so when Shayliss approached him, he wasn't inclined to go with her, despite the fact that when he's not pursuing someone, he's pretty much all for sleeping around. And that's before you consider the fact that he's a fair bit paranoid, so he suspected she was trying to get him alone to murder him.
After that encounter, the other character, who witnessed his interaction with Shayliss, rejected him, so he decided to go after the young woman. This was followed almost immediately by the trip to Thistletop and a side trip to Magnimar to sell a tiny dagger that we couldn't find someone to buy in Sandpoint. Between the two, he noticed that she was stalking him, but was approached by a farmer's daughter and had a bit of a side adventure there. According to my GM, this has led to a lot of jealousy on the part of Miss Vinder.
But it gets better. After finding
The GM tells me that she's going to find out who

The Numerator |

We just started RotR (I'm GMing), and I'm struggling as to whom I should play this scene out. The "party" consists of two gnomes (male druid, female alchemist), one half-orc (male neg-energy cleric), one elf (male wizard), and one human (female sorc). None is really a front line, beefy fighter type, so it's not obvious as to which she'd go after. I'm thinking for the fun of it to have her try for the elven wizard, who has a Cha of 7 and plays that out like he has asperger's, ignoring people outright when he's feeling socially awkward. I thought the father's interruption should be fun to behold (esp since he's not a fighter at all, and will probably run for his life!)

Trace Coburn |

I've seen at least one campaign journal where Shayliss’ ‘affections’ were offered to (and quite happily accepted by) a female barbarian from the Sodden Lands, so you could always sic Miss Vinder on the sorceress. :D

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I'd second this. The people of Sandpoint don't seem to much care who's sleeping with whom (unless they're a Scarnetti, naturally). The brothel has boy whores, for goodness' sake. The point of the scene is that Shayliss has the hots for one of the Heroes, and Ven is blind to his daughter's indiscretions. All he sees is someone taking advantage of his "innocent" daughter, even though she's the instigator!

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I'm going to be running this tomorrow, as the most likely PC to be Shay's target has been absent the last couple of sessions. I have two elf women (a ranger and a druid), one orc male (bbn), a Cha 4 human male (wiz/rog), and a female halfling (rog), so the remaining Cha 24 human male Sor seems to be somewhat of an obvious target. I think I'll pass on the idea of a f/f liaison because I think the threat of pregnancy will be a strong motivator to flip out the dad. I'll be interested in seeing how this goes tomorrow.

The Numerator |

That's not a half bad idea. I had mostly been thinking about who the best warrior was, not necessarily along M/F dynamics, but the character w/ the maxed out CHA would totally be the one the daughter would dig.
The player for the sorceress is... shall we say... traditional in many of his viewpoints, so this could provide an interesting stretching experience for him! I think the player of the female gnome in particular will enjoy his reaction (she's a therapist and fairly outspoken LGBT advocate).
Thanks for the ideas!

Damocles Guile |
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I'm going to be running this tomorrow, as the most likely PC to be Shay's target has been absent the last couple of sessions. I have two elf women (a ranger and a druid), one orc male (bbn), a Cha 4 human male (wiz/rog), and a female halfling (rog), so the remaining Cha 24 human male Sor seems to be somewhat of an obvious target. I think I'll pass on the idea of a f/f liaison because I think the threat of pregnancy will be a strong motivator to flip out the dad. I'll be interested in seeing how this goes tomorrow.
24 Charisma? Aren't the characters only 1st or 2nd level at this point?

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Samy wrote:I'm going to be running this tomorrow, as the most likely PC to be Shay's target has been absent the last couple of sessions. I have two elf women (a ranger and a druid), one orc male (bbn), a Cha 4 human male (wiz/rog), and a female halfling (rog), so the remaining Cha 24 human male Sor seems to be somewhat of an obvious target. I think I'll pass on the idea of a f/f liaison because I think the threat of pregnancy will be a strong motivator to flip out the dad. I'll be interested in seeing how this goes tomorrow.24 Charisma? Aren't the characters only 1st or 2nd level at this point?
They also have a character with a 4 charisma.
It is a different kind of game, I suspect.

Tinalles |
In our game, the PC was a half-elf ranger named Micah. Micah got to third base before Ven walked in, after which it went something like this:
Micah: Uh ... hi. Care to join us?
Ven: *inarticulate roar followed by a wild swing, which knocked over a rack and smashed several bottles of his best wine*
Shayliss: Daddy, stop it! You never let me have any fun, not like Katrine!
Ven: *struggling with Micah* You leave your sister out of this, young woman!
Micah: (to Shayliss) You have a sister? ... is she hot?
Shayliss: *murderous glare at Micah due to sibling rivalry*
Micah: Oookay, I'll just be going. *flees*
At the beginning of book 2, Shayliss ran away, leaving a note stating that she couldn't take it anymore ("it" being her overbearing father). We haven't finished book 2 yet, but I might have her pop up as an NPC at some point down the line. Or if we ever do Shattered Star, perhaps she ran off and became one of Sorshen's handmaidens.

Cynge |
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Shayliss hit up the party fighter in my campaign...or what the group thought was the party fighter.
After they made a trip to the swamp and the fighter got captured (and subsequently tortured and killed) by the Licktoad goblins, the group mounted a successful rescue attempt and brought back a Faceless Stalker to Sandpoint as the party fighter.
He awoke in his room to a half-naked Shayliss that wanted to reward him properly for everything he had done to help Sandpoint and her family. They got together at least one other time after that.
During the trip into the Glassworks, and their encounter with Tsuto (who knew the fact that the fighter was actually a Faceless Stalker under Nualia's control) the Faceless Stalker turned on the party, who managed to kill him.
The post-combat realization that Shayliss hadn't slept with their fighter but instead a shape changing aberration was fairly entertaining. They are all convinced that Shayliss is pregnant with a demon spawn, which one PC has declared dibs on (something about it being a perfect fit for the mercenary group he wants to start).

Mark_Twain007 |
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Our Party's half Orc Barbarian was the lucky one, I had him meet her in the tavern during a night of drinking, and he had his way with her until daddy showed up. He isn't the brightest half orc, and I rolled max damage on all of daddys punches, and brought down a barbarian in a few rounds.
Now he thinks the man is super bad ass because of that and because he thinks he is a General because he owns the General store.

Butch A. |

Our Party's half Orc Barbarian was the lucky one, I had him meet her in the tavern during a night of drinking, and he had his way with her until daddy showed up. He isn't the brightest half orc, and I rolled max damage on all of daddys punches, and brought down a barbarian in a few rounds.
Now he thinks the man is super bad ass because of that and because he thinks he is a General because he owns the General store.
Ha! That's funny!
Ven smacked our bard once, then critted on the second hit and KO'ed him. Ven then dumped the half-elf's naked, unconscious body over a hitching post in the street, and dumped his stuff in the watering trough. The bard never told the rest of the party what happened, but just walked back into the Rusty Dragon with a black eye and dripping wet clothes. The Ulfen was smitten with Shayliss immediately ("She's feisty!"). They've found out in dribs and drabs of conversation with the gossipy Sandpointers basically what actually happened.
The bard decided that Rynshinn was a softer target.

The NPC |

In go through I ran the group elven wizard was tagged by Shayliss. The bard and the summoner played around and convinced the elf that he should marry Shayliss and also convinced Vinder that it was a good idea. Especially since our wizard wanted to start a business and thus could support his daughter but also have ties to the community.
In an earlier go through. It ended with the bard and gorumite cleric keeping the sorceress from meddling as as Shayliss laid her paws into the gunglinger. It basically ended with the gunslinger running through town earing nothing but his gun and his duster about his waist.

SoylentG |

I plan on siccing Shayless on the party's duelist (fighter, cad archetype), who's currently playing at being a minor noble. I don't think I'll have much luck convincing him with the "rats in the basement" story, so I'm working up some double entendres to entice him:
"Milord, I, uh, my family would like to show their appreciation for saving the town from those wretched goblins. My father has a prize he's been guarding for sixteen summers, waiting for someone as handsome, er worthy, as you to claim it. It's in the basement of his shop, would you come with me and take your reward?"
Of course, the prize is Shayliss's virtue, and Ven has no idea about her plan to get knocked up by a noble and move on to the good life. ;-)

Fu-Man Chu |
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In the Runelords game I'm running, Shayliss sought out the high charisma drow warrior who was getting lots of attention for his "exotic" elven appearance. I had them previously at the store when they were looking for supplies and so had encountered her and her father before; unbeknownst to the group, they had left her smitten with him.
She stalked him until he was out alone one night after being fitted for a custom shield and lured him to the store to "show him something". He was stunned by the change in situation as the suddenly naked girl embraced him in the basement. Pushing her back, his reply of "I do not wish to have offspring with a surfacer" came out as a sneer with his Diplomacy roll of 3.
Rejected, Shayliss began to cry, sobbing about how her sister Katrine had Banny, but no one loved her; and what was wrong with her, wasn't she as beautiful as her?
Completely mortified, he tried to comfort her with a few words, enough that she once again embraced him. Just as he heard footsteps begin down the steps.
A clever use of darkness and stealth led him escaping without being caught.
I mainly wanted to use the opportunity to introduce Katrine before starting Skinsaw. However, the other players now bring up the incident every session at least once 8-).

Tangent101 |

She definitely should try to get back into his bed again. Just to totally make the situation awkward. ^^ (Even better, have her seek him out after her sister was killed and is all broken up and needing "comfort" (which threatens to escalate). Make the boy SQUIRM!!!)
I'll definitely have Shayliss end up taking levels of Witch in my campaign and teaming up with Nualia for vengeance against the "gay half-orc" who rejected her outright. ;) Though I might allow hints that she's being manipulated so that the group tries to go for a redemption route or the like. I like toying with my PCs. =^-^=

In_digo |

I'm probably going to skip the event with Shayliss altogether. Being a female GM in an almost all male group makes me feel like it would be awkward instead of just funny.
I've been trying to think of ways to get the PCs invested with the town in other ways, but I haven't been able to come up with much. I even briefly thought of sucking it up and having Shalelu make a remark to our Elven sorc about how "if he wanted to spend a little less time with a bunch of other races, he would be welcome to spend some time with her outside of Sandpoint", but my boyfriend immediately made a jab about "me ERPing with his character in the woods", implying thats already something he's not comfortable with, so I don't think that's a go either.

SoylentG |
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I've been trying to think of ways to get the PCs invested with the town in other ways, but I haven't been able to come up with much.
So, I made getting the PCs invested one of themes of our RotRL campaign. I specified that any character concepts would be welcome, but all they PCs had one thing in common: They had never lived up to their potential, never tasted true glory, and were altogether the dregs of the "adventuring" life.
The game opened with the PCs arriving in Magnimar and signing on as cheap caravan guards with an unscrupulous merchant for the 2-day travel along the goblin-infested Lost Coast Road to Sandpoint. As they were getting ready to leave the city, they overheard a dandy from Absalom arguing with a Magnimar gate guard, who was attempting to persuade the dandy that it was too dangerous to travel alone. The dandy laughed off the gaurd's suggestion, and departed moments before the PCs left themselves.
Midway along their journey, the PCs found the dandy's horse wandering the woods alone - The party Ranger tracked it's erstwhile owner to a small goblin camp, where the dandy was roasting over a spit. After dispatching the goblins, the PCs investigated the dandy's saddlebags, and learned:
- That the dandy was Lord Vancil, a minor noble who had donated his inheritance to the effort to rebuild Sandpoint Cathedral. In exchange, Father Zanthus had promised him the title to the temporary chapel the town had been using during the reconstruction.
- That Lord Vancil fancied himself a member of the Pathfinder Society, and had told Father Zanthus that he intended to set a new Lodge in Sandpoint, the better to discover the secrets of Old Light
- That Sheila Heidmarch, the Ventrue Captain of the Pathfinder Society in Magnimar, most definitely did *not* consider him a Pathfinder, and warned him against using the name of the Society in his future endeavors.
The party's thief, a halfling con-man, immediately conceived a plan: The party's fighter would pass himself off as Lord Vancil and take possession of the property in Sandpoint. They'd then sell the property once they'd bled the town dry with simple cons and schemes.
Of course, once the goblins attacked the consecration ceremony, the PCs were forced to play the part of heroes. Now they're finding it hard not to live up to the town's expectations of them as the Heroes of Sandpoint.

Anguish |

Shayliss went for one of my players' elderly Ustalavan Pharasman cleric. Poor guy had spent basically his whole life running a graveyard, had no social skills to cope with the girl. It didn't get physical before Ven showed up as the player was getting red-faced with embarrassment. This from a married adult.
Well, from there Ven eventually calmed down and decided to "make things legit" in the eyes of the town and demanded a formal "date".
Poor player didn't see it coming... Ven sat in as an escort. Uncomfortable much?
Well, it's been a repeated source of amusement amongst the party while not being needlessly salacious. I'm not done with it yet, but it served its purpose to bond the party with some NPCs.

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Our party having been all halflings, it seemed a bit odd at the time that she'd be interested in such things, but my character, the Paladin, was unwilling to let a lady stay in distress, so he went and helped her out with her "problem."
It all turned out ok (due to some quick talk and decent diplomacy score), no pregnancies, but whenever the party comes back to town, we need one fewer rooms at the inn.

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal |

Our party having been all halflings, it seemed a bit odd at the time that she'd be interested in such things, but my character, the Paladin, was unwilling to let a lady stay in distress, so he went and helped her out with her "problem."
It all turned out ok (due to some quick talk and decent diplomacy score), no pregnancies, but whenever the party comes back to town, we need one fewer rooms at the inn.
Maybe the Golarion equivalent of the 'Tijuana Bible' is the 'Kaer Maga Chapbook'? Something tells me Shaylis might have somehow heard about what goes on in the Warrens & decided to find out for herself if 'Smaller is Better'.
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I have had to deal with the “Shop keeper’s Daughter” twice. First as a player, I was playing an Elvin druid. Shayless Vinder convinced my character, Orion Ariketh, to go down to the basement with her and deal with some giant rats.
Once Shayless decided to reveal her intentions and herself to Orion, my character, I chuckled, and commented to the GM ‘ wow this is just like High school, we have all been there, at least I have.” the GM chuckled.
When I would visit my high school girlfriend’s home her mother had me stay in the basement where they had a spare room. The basement gave my girlfriend and I a little privacy…except my girlfriends mother must have had a virgin alert or something like that, because she always would come down the stairs and just the wrong moment for my girlfriend and I.
Upon hearing a creak on the stairs, (my character made his perception check), he summoned a big dire rat which he sent up the stairs. We heard a startled squeak and some thackings on the stair. I went up to “help out” with Shayless appearing, tousled, a round later. Mr. Vinder scowled looked at us and demanded….”what are you to doing down in the basement?”
Our characters both blurted out “hunting rats”. Mr. Vinder Grunted
As my character squeezed by Mr. Vinder on his way up the stairs and out of the basement, Mr. Vinder poked my character in the chest with a “ I don’t know what you are up to long ears, but don’t let me catch you sniffing around my daughter!”
A few years later I was running Rise of the Rune Lords at my local gaming store, and yes we had a 15-year-old player. He was super psyched when Sheyless took his character down stairs to help kill some rats. He was even more psyched when Sheyless began disrobing, I asked him if his character was doing anything, with a big “OH YES, I’m taking all my clothes off”. Then his character heard a creak on the stairs, and with a crestfallen look on his faced “OH NO that’s her Dad?” to which I said “ Oh yes”
And then he said, “Oh man this is just like real life Her Dad is going to beat my character”
We all laughed.
And much to the player’s delight Shelyss began sneaking into his character's room at the Rusty Dragon Inn.

Backfromthedeadguy |

I just ran this scenario last night with our elven rogue named Daeron. He was, of course, leery of the situation but went with Shayliss anyway. When they got to the basement and she revealed her true intentions he tried to hold her off and said that mating with a human was beneath him. She was rightly insulted by this so when Ven showed up she immediately claimed that Daeron tried to take advantage of her. Of course Ven immediately moved in to start pummeling while Daeron tried to intimidate him by yelling out that he was "one of the heroes of Sandpoint". This didn't impress Ven at all. Daeron decided enough was enough after Ven punched him in the face for max damage. He then made a spectacular acrobatics check and rolled under Ven. Daeron was able to smack Ven on the back of the head before he made a run for it up the stairs and out of the shop. He didn't stop running until he was on the other side of town.

Eltargrim |
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Yeah, I got picked as Shayliss' target, a half-elven Wizard. Went down into the cellar, hoping to impress the girl, got mightily impressed myself, and while busy in the act, neither of us made our Perception checks.
My character scrambled for words (and my pants), when Shayliss opened with the worst words possible...
Ven's sizing me up for a coffin, and the GM is already asking for initiative. But what do I do rather than run? I cast "Charm Person", of course!
Between that and a much better diplomacy roll, I quickly found myself getting married.
The other players keep wondering when I'm going to bolt, but we actually just got married (bought a house and everything), right before our second trip to Thistletop (last trip was a near TPK; I was the only one to survive).
Having just finished up RotRL#1, I'm curious where the GM is going to take it...

Aaron Bitman |

Yeah, I got picked as Shayliss' target, a half-elven Wizard. Went down into the cellar, hoping to impress the girl, got mightily impressed myself, and while busy in the act, neither of us made our Perception checks.
My character scrambled for words (and my pants), when Shayliss opened with the worst words possible...
Ven's sizing me up for a coffin, and the GM is already asking for initiative. But what do I do rather than run? I cast "Charm Person", of course!
Between that and a much better diplomacy roll, I quickly found myself getting married.
That has got to be the best use of Charm Person I've ever heard.

Tangent101 |

Hell yes! I'm still amused that the half-orc barbarian just ignored her (while the rest of the group were trying to volunteer to come along). I've since had the GMPC start a low-scale prank war against her, which is going to escalate to Shayliss taking levels of Witch and being recruited by Nualia (who escaped with Tsuto and Lyrie) to take on the PCs in the future. Sort of like the Linear Guild from OotS. ;)

Damascus121 |
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Our bard handled the situation expertly (he rolled really well).
When Shayliss came to the Rusty Dragon to seek him out, he knew rumors of her and could see through her simple lie. Nonetheless, he agreed to go with her. As they got down in the basement, she undressed, and he teased her as she moved to the cot. He heard her father coming, and tumbled to another part of the basement, after tossing his cloak over Shayliss. He popped up, looking inquisitive, and said hello to her father.
The father, surprised to see the large Shoanti man in his basement asked what he was doing there. He explained how Shayliss came to him in a fright over a giant rat, which he thought might have been a goblin or goblin dog. He assured her dad that he didn't see any sign of a threat. The father was so taken aback (and failed to see through his lie), he thanked the bard and went back out after grabbing a few supplies.
Our bard moved to Shayliss and whispered to her "I have a room at the Rusty Dragon, what was the point of coming here? Meet me back at the inn in a bit."
In a bit of DM cruelty I was running this concurrently with 'Monsters in the Closet'. The rest of the group that night were down in the bar of the Rusty Dragon drinking away their sorrows over having to tell the family their father / husband was dead, when the bard strolled downstairs with a big smile on his face, seeking a drink. He got caught up with the group, and as Shayliss tried to slip past out of the bar, he clasped her on the shoulder and asked "Where are you going, get back up there..." before slapping her ass as she slinked back up the stairs, blushing. He gave the group a big grin and disappeared back to his room.