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I'm working on an encounter for a level 16 party venturing deep into the land of Black Blood. I've been working with a player who has been running a paladin for several levels and he is looking for a way for his character to go out with a bang.
He is a heavy hitting THW with the oath of vengeance. Very optimized character. His weapon is Drow bane, ect I've had trouble legitimately killing him because we want it to be a surprise for the party. While I realize I could just fudge some rolls I would The party will be ambushed by a group of Drow lead by a Drow Nobel.
I need help building a Paladin slaying Drow.
Your task if you choose to accept it is to construct a 17th level Drow Nobel using a 20 point buy that will wipe the floor with the paladin and remind the party that even their strongest can fall.
He/She will be part of a group so if you would like to add some advice on other tings that would go well with your builds I would love to see what you have.
Thanks for your help.

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What race is your Paladin? I am assuming he is human but let me know. My thought is of a 17th level Drow Priestess with a contingent of Drider assassins. You could also go with a super monk assassin that fights in anti-magic with flurry of maneuvers. He could have your paladin pinned in one round and pummel him to death. I don't know if that will leave everyone with the heroic exit you are looking for though because he will look pretty pathetic. I will come up with both if you want and send you the stat blocks. Send me a private message.

Claxon |
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I just finished playing a campaign full of undead where I was playing a StoneLord Paladin of Torag. My DM allowed my character to wade off into the horde of undead to hold them off sacrificing himself. Later that night a huge light was seen shooting miles into the sky. The next day they found him turned into a statue and an area a mile in diameter where all the undead had been destroyed and others refused to enter.
Totally absent of rules support via the game except the rule of cool.

Marthkus |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I just finished playing a campaign full of undead where I was playing a StoneLord Paladin of Torag. My DM allowed my character to wade off into the horde of undead to hold them off sacrificing himself. Later that night a huge light was seen shooting miles into the sky. The next day they found him turned into a statue and an area a mile in diameter where all the undead had been destroyed and others refused to enter.
Totally absent of rules support via the game except the rule of cool.
I think "Divine acts" are well within the rules.
Upon seeing his valiant champion bravely facing down impossible odds, Torag perserved the mighty hero in his final moments as stone and bless the land around him to destroy all vile creatures that may enter.

Mysterious Stranger |

If you are looking to kill a paladin the first thing to do is to make sure the foe is not evil. Any evil foe with the raw power to take down a paladin is going to be trouble for the rest of the party. This does not mean the foe can't be working for evil, just his alignment should be neutral. With his strongest abilities and spells being useless his death is going to be a lot easier.
Two possibilities spring to mind right of hand. One could be using a construct like a golem. If the drow noble is a spell caster it could be something he created. The second is a neutral outsider the drow noble has either summoned or allied with. A protean seems like a good fit.
Have the paladin swear to fight the creature alone or become the servant of the drow. This way if the party helps the paladin he falls and at that point is easy to kill. The paladin should not know in advance what he is fighting.

master_marshmallow |
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Drow Noble Knight of the Sepulcher:
Point Buy: 20 points
(-1)STR 9
(+7)DEX 15 (+4 race)
(+5)CON 14 (-2 race)
(+0)INT 10 (+2 race)
(-1)WIS 9 (+2 race)
(+10)CHA 16 (+2 race)
Ability Boosts:
lvl 4 +1 DEX (20)
lvl 8 +1 CHA (19)
lvl 12 +1 CHA (20)
lvl 16 +1 WIS (12)
Character Sheet:
Drow Noble Knight of the Sepulcher
Female Antipaladin Knight of the Sepulcher 17
CE medium humanoid [elf]
Init +10; Senses Darkvision 60ft; Low-Light Vision 120ft; Perception +20
Aura cowardice (10 ft.)
AC 30 (38), touch 15 (23), flat-footed 25 (33), (10 +10 armor +4 shield +5 DEX +1 Natural Armor +6 Deflection[smiting] +2 Profane[smiting])
HP 162 (17 d10 + 34 CON + 17 Toughness + 17 favored class)
75% chance of ignoring critical hits and sneak attacks
Fort +18, Ref +17, Will +18; +4 against mind-affecting effects, +2 against poison, enchantment.
DR 5/bludgeoning and good; Immune: energy drain, disease, sleep, death effects, paralysis, poison, stunning, fatigue effects (becomes fatigues instead of exhausted); SR 28
Weakness Negative Energy Affinity
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 Agile Unholy Dueling Sword +33/+28/+23/+18 (d8+14/17-20 plus 2d6 unholy)
Ranged masterwork light crossbow +24/+19/+14/+9 (d8/19-20 plus poison)
Special Attacks channel negative energy (DC 23, 9d6); smite good 5/day; touch of corruption 13/day +22 melee touch (8d6)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 17th, concentration +22)
Constant—detect magic
At will—detect good, dancing lights, deeper darkness, faerie fire, feather fall, levitate
1/day—divine favor, dispel magic, suggestion (DC 19)
Poison Use (Ex)
Drow Poison—injury; save Fort DC 13; frequency 1/minute for 2 minutes; initial effect unconsciousness for 1 minute; secondary effect unconsciousness for 2d4 hours; cure 1 save.
Tears of Death-contact; save Fort DC 22; frequency 1/minute for 6 minutes; effect 1d6 CON and paralyzed for 1 minute
Antipaladin Spells Prepared (CL 16th, concentration +21)
4th- Greater Invisibility, Poison
3rd- Greater Magic Weapon, Nondetection, Dispel Magic
2nd- Corruption Resistance, Vestment of the Champion, Desecrate, Undetectable Alignment, Pernicious Poison
1st- Death Knell, Doom, Bane, Inlfict Light Wounds (3)
Before Combat The Drow Noble casts Greater Magic Weapon, Nondetection, Undetectable Alignment, and Corruption Resistance. She may also begin the fight if undetected by casting Greater Invisibility, Vestment of the Chamption, and uses her Divine Favor SLA.
During Combat The Drow Noble smites the strongest good opponent and proceeds to engage them in melee combat. She uses her Stealth skill to remain difficult to find or hit while invisivle. If she takes damage, she uses a swift action to use her touch of corruption on herself to heal. For area attacks, she casts desecrate and uses her negative energy channeling. She can attack enemies at a distance using poisoned crossbow bolts.
Base Statistics
Without Greater Magic Weapon, Vestment of the Champion, or Divine Favor, her statistics are
+26/+21/+16/+11 (d8+7/17-20)
AC 27, touch 15, flat-footed 22
STR 9, DEX 22, CON 14, INT 12, WIS 12, CHA 22
Base Atk +17; CMB +16; CMD 32
Feats Weapon Finesse, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Dueling Sword), Weapon Focus (Dueling Sword), Toughness, Improved Critical (Dueling Sword), Improved Initiative, Additional Traits, Combat Reflexes,
Traits Sword Scion, Magical Knack
Skills Bluff 16, Craft (alchemy) 12, Linguistics 2, Perception 20, Stealth 31(35)
Languages Undercommon, Elven, Drow Sign, Common
SQ Surface Infiltrator, Plague Bringer, Keen Senses
Gear +1 Agile Unholy Dueling Sword (mithral), Masterwork Hand Crossbow, +1 Dastard Creeping Shadow Breastplate (mithral), +2 Heavy Shield (mithral), Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Belt of Physical Might +2 (CON/DEX), Headband of Alluring Charisma +2, Drow Poison (4), Tears of Death (1), 6,265gp
She's actually short a feat, originally I had dodge, but I didn't want to go over the cap of 30 AC for a CR 17, unless she's smiting that paladin of course. Skill Focus (stealth) may be a good one.

Zog of Deadwood |

Just spitballing here, but you could throw in a bevy of half-fiend drow witchfires as backup (maybe the undead sisters of the BBEG). Witchfires fly, making it hard to come to grips with them; as half-fiends they can smite good 1x/day as an antipaladin can; and with a Charisma of 29 (25 base plus 4 from half-fiend) their smites will usually hit (esp. using their unlimited ranged flame bolts vs. touch AC) and do decent damage. If the pally is fire-resistant, you can make some or all of their firebolts made up of unhallowed divine damage (like the Flame Strike Spell).

Threecopper |

I have a couple questions before I go to make this a fun Sunday morning project, if you don't mind.
First I'd like to make sure the game hasn't already happened and I missed that window of time to help out.
Second, is this to be an isolated event, some random drow heard of the might of this paladin and came to put him down? Or would this have longer lasting plot implications, be woven into the story like another strand of a spider's web? Do you want the Drow Noble to kill the paladin and dip out to plague the party later? Or are they going to avenge thier fallen companion?
Does the character have any resistances besides the normal paladin stuff going on? (My first thought would be a drow with a shocking personality, but if the paladin has a ton of electricity resistance that would not be as helpful) Lastly, you know your group better than anyone, is there going to be a way that the paladin could find himself alone while dueling a baddie, or is the rest of the party always going to find a way to help since they don't realize he wants the character to bite it? If so, what tactics does the party typically use to help him out?

Tryn |

I would go with the "Last Stand" scenario.
Maybe a large Drow party tracked down the party. The party has to do something which needs a few rounds to safe some innocents (e.g. cutting the menacles of several slaves)
[Paladin name]: "Take care of the people, I will buy you the time you need!" [Paladin name] close his eyes "Imodae guide my sword and bring justice to my foe!" He raise his weapon and charge into the advancing dorw army.
Hopefully the other players get this and rescuing the slaves instead of charging too :)
This scenario gives the character a heroic end (which is what every paladin deserves!) and you (and the player) have the possibility to bringing back the character if the player regret his decision.

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Thank you everyone for your interest the Paladin was laid to rest a few games ago. His fate was left uncertain as he was taken to the abyssal plane. The party had run into an Abyssal Harvester and a few poor members had failed to escape its grasp. He bravely grappled the beast and was pulled through to allow the rest of the party to escape. It was a brave and inspiring end that was completely unplanned by any of us. In fact they weren't even supposed to find the Harvester till they had learned about its lair from a different encounter. They followed a light in the distance and now have learned how dangerous lights are in the
We currently believe that he is slowly being tortured and corrupted on the other side and may return as an Anti-Paladin in a future evil aligned campaign. All in all a very satisfied group and I still have a wonderful deadly fight planned for later when they are ready to move on to the next story.

Hobgoblin Shogun |

Excellent point. I wouldn't focus so much on assembling the raw power needed to take him down, for two reasons:
1. If you can take down Thor, the rest of the Avengers don't have a prayer; and
2. A paladin isn't about tanking loads of damage; he's about being a noble hero and defender of justice.
Still got Hulk.

Well, Conan's prayer to Cromm probably isn't pious enough.
Channelling Samson's...Let me die with the Dark Elves!
probably doesn't do it either.
But perhaps 'Blaze of Glory'
Lord, I've got to ask a favor, and I hope you'll understand, cause I've lived life to its fullest, let this boy die like a man,
Staring down the dark one, let me make my final stand
Yes, I could see a paladin making a prayer like that in desperate straits.