Stunning Assault Feat Broken?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Jason S wrote:
StreamOfTheSky wrote:
I actually greatly prefer the Dazing Assault feat. It's a weaker effect, but unlike stunning there's nearly NOTHING immune to it and you can get it 4 levels earlier. Not sure I'd ever even get Stunning Assault; it feels redundant w/ Dazing Assault and no way would I give up the trick that works on everything.

This. Daze affects everything.

Perhaps one reason Stunning Assault is placed higher than Dazing Assault is the fact that a stunned opponent can be taken advantage of. They essentially do the same thing by negating your opponent's next turn (which we're all in favor of), but being dazed does just that. Having your opponent stunned, however, will let other folks come in and high-five you for setting them up for a good attack. (I'm looking at you, Rogues and Medusa's Wrath)

Stunned does more but Daze affects everything. Casters with No SR spells can Daze Golems for example.

Plus while a lot of problematic stuff don't really have good fort saves, and depends on being some special type of creature like golems or undead when a fort save arise.

I'm not sure if this was ever totally ironed out, but these two types are probably susceptible to Dazing Assault.

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I believe the answer is, of course, 'since schroedigner's wizard can do X at level Y, then all concerns about things martials can do are irrelevant and you should feel dumb for even thinking about it.'


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I don't see issue with this feat. Sure it's good but you can't take it till level 16 as you need 16 BAB. So the save DC 26 at that level and most CR appropriate encounters will have 18+ on their fortitude save which could be even higher if they have specifics bonuses or immunities, like construct, oozes, plants, undead, and elementals for example. For the lower saves those encounters are considered to be easy so this feat should be very effective on CR 16 encounter. It will be less effect for CR 19.

Liberty's Edge

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Here is why I think it isn't broken.

1. You are 16th level.

2. -5 is fairly substantial. And remember you also have a -5 if you power attack, meaning if you combine this with power attack you have a -10, and if you don't you lose a substantial amount of damage.

3. The save DC expectations for CR 16 creatures are High +19 and low +14.

It's good. But at 16th level it is supposed to be good. It is a good pick up combined with furious focus for a move and attack thing, particularly on a charge as you get +2 back on the attack, but not so great in a full attack situation where you either take -10 to all your attack or lose potentially 15 damage an attack and still have the -5.

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I don't think it's broken.
My Nodachi Weapon master (we played a Tian game) was really able to bring some serious pain with the Dazing assault (which I prefer to stunning assault) and Combat Reflexes, Lunge, and Stunning Critical. He'd line them up while the Katana wielding tengu Swordmaster rogue with Slaying Sprint would wipe them out.
Overall, a nasty combo. But the Assault feats are definitely not broken. It's a great way for a character with a low critical chance (through a x3 or x4 weapon) to really lay on some status effects. A weaponmaster with a Tetsubo can lay the pain, but not much by way of status simply because of the infrequency of the criticals.
I think it's a great way of balancing things out.

Major_Blackhart wrote:

I don't think it's broken.

My Nodachi Weapon master (we played a Tian game) was really able to bring some serious pain with the Dazing assault (which I prefer to stunning assault) and Combat Reflexes, Lunge, and Stunning Critical. He'd line them up while the Katana wielding tengu Swordmaster rogue with Slaying Sprint would wipe them out.
Overall, a nasty combo. But the Assault feats are definitely not broken. It's a great way for a character with a low critical chance (through a x3 or x4 weapon) to really lay on some status effects. A weaponmaster with a Tetsubo can lay the pain, but not much by way of status simply because of the infrequency of the criticals.
I think it's a great way of balancing things out.

umm dazing assault and stunning assault, have nothing to do with criticals. If you get the attack, the enemy gets a fort save. if they fail, the enemy is dazed/stunned. i'm not seeing how a high critical, or low critical weapon has anything to do with that.

Grizzly the Archer wrote:
Major_Blackhart wrote:

I don't think it's broken.

My Nodachi Weapon master (we played a Tian game) was really able to bring some serious pain with the Dazing assault (which I prefer to stunning assault) and Combat Reflexes, Lunge, and Stunning Critical. He'd line them up while the Katana wielding tengu Swordmaster rogue with Slaying Sprint would wipe them out.
Overall, a nasty combo. But the Assault feats are definitely not broken. It's a great way for a character with a low critical chance (through a x3 or x4 weapon) to really lay on some status effects. A weaponmaster with a Tetsubo can lay the pain, but not much by way of status simply because of the infrequency of the criticals.
I think it's a great way of balancing things out.
umm dazing assault and stunning assault, have nothing to do with criticals. If you get the attack, the enemy gets a fort save. if they fail, the enemy is dazed/stunned. i'm not seeing how a high critical, or low critical weapon has anything to do with that.

If you have stunning critical and you are using dazing assault and then you crit the target have to make two saves, one against the daze effect, and one against the daze effect.

Exactly. Forcing an opponent to make two saves instead of one is twice the fun.

andreww wrote:
Stunned does more but Daze affects everything. Casters with No SR spells can Daze Golems for example.

I fixed that in my game by making anything immune to stuns immune to being dazed as well.

Well someone asked for a thread necro a year down the road...

I can't believe nobody saw it but, obviously, these feats don't work on undead or constructs. Does dazing assault daze objects on a failed fortitude save? Is it harmless? No? Then it doesn't apply to undead or constructs (even if you implant them with living hearts and this is including inevitables and robots with the one exception of androids).

These are the only things affected by daze but not by stun:
Elementals, Oozes, Plants. I'm not so excited by those that I'd give up on Touch AC -2 plus weapon drop.

Ogrork the Mighty wrote:
Just because something else may be broken doesn't mean this feat isn't...

Crane wing nerf ho!

TheDailyLunatic wrote:
Well someone asked for a thread necro a year down the road...

Hey, I still have until May 26th! A lot can still happen between now and then. :p

TheDailyLunatic wrote:

Well someone asked for a thread necro a year down the road...

I can't believe nobody saw it but, obviously, these feats don't work on undead or constructs. Does dazing assault daze objects on a failed fortitude save? Is it harmless? No? Then it doesn't apply to undead or constructs (even if you implant them with living hearts and this is including inevitables and robots with the one exception of androids).

These are the only things affected by daze but not by stun:
Elementals, Oozes, Plants. I'm not so excited by those that I'd give up on Touch AC -2 plus weapon drop.

Yes they are immune to the Dazing Assault feat.

They are not Immune to something like a Dazing Acid Arrow. With SR: No Golem magic immunity doesnt apply. As Acid Arrow doesnt have a save then it forces a Will save to avoid the Daze. Golem Will saves in particular tend to be awful and Acid Arrow for example continues to potential Daze for multiple rounds.

For Undead it is trivial to attach Dazing Spell to Reflex based evocations or no save damage spells like Magic Missile which therefore target Will.

Really it just further emphasises that anything a martial can do a caster can do better.

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Zenogu wrote:

Perhaps one reason Stunning Assault is placed higher than Dazing Assault is the fact that a stunned opponent can be taken advantage of. They essentially do the same thing by negating your opponent's next turn (which we're all in favor of), but being dazed does just that. Having your opponent stunned, however, will let other folks come in and high-five you for setting them up for a good attack. (I'm looking at you, Rogues and Medusa's Wrath)

Just an fyi, dazing an opponent makes them vulnerable to Medusa's Wrath.

Whenever you use the full-attack action and make at least one unarmed strike, you can make two additional unarmed strikes at your highest base attack bonus. These bonus attacks must be made against a dazed, flat-footed, paralyzed, staggered, stunned, or unconscious foe

So Dazing Assault is a great choice for a Monk that can spare the attack bonus, like a Sohei using a Blade of the Sword-Saint.

Things that are broken:

Dazing Spell
old Crane Wing
Persistent Spell
Dazing Assault
Stunning Assault

Grand Lodge're taking a -25% chance to hit. That's pretty steep. I wouldn't consider it "broken"

Also, aren't fort saves the most common strong save? The DC isn't even that hard

Pinky's Brain wrote:
7heprofessor wrote:
No, it allows for a saving throw that equal CR creatures can make some if not most of the time.
A mobile TWF fighter is probably going to force 2-3 saves even on the first round ...

Not likely, that relies on the every unlikely iterative hits.

Ogrork the Mighty wrote:

So for a minimum qualifying user that means a DC 26 Fort save every time an opponent gets hit.

Then look at the effects of being stunned. No actions for 1 round and drop everything in your hands. So even if you save next round you're weaponless and have to rearm.

Ok, but do you know what a level 16 warrior is expected to face?

Here's an example of CR16 foes:
Ancient Black Dragon: Fort +20, AC 38
can fly, teleport, blind, blur, turn invisible, black tentacles, create walls of force, darkness
Perception +34, stealth +23

As you can see, if the black dragon doesn't want to be hit by a dude in melee, it has many many many ways to avoid being struck by a melee guy who may not even have pounce.

Planetar Angel: Fort +19, AC 32
Can fly, power word STUN (no save against foes under 151hp), turn invisible, plane shift, create barriers of blades and wind, etc.

As you can see, if the Planetar doesn't want to be hit by a dude in melee, it has many ways to avoid them.

Horned Devil: Fort +18, AC 35
Can fly, teleport at will, create persistant illusions, and has a spiked chain that STUNS WITH EVERY HIT

Stun (Su) Whenever a horned devil hits with a spiked chain attack, the opponent must succeed on a DC 27 Fortitude save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. This ability is a function of the horned devil, not of the spiked chain. The save DC is Strength-based.

As you can see the horned devil has a completely superior version of "stun with a melee attack"

When a PC is level 16, they are basically a CR16 threat. As you can see "take a PENALTY to hit for a chance to stun at DC26" is actually weaker than what some CR16 monsters can do at-will, all time every day.

So what is the nerf on crane wing? I've seen the feat in ultimate combat, the copy I have is 2 years old and currently an hour away at my home on a shelf. Any scholarly folks here that wouldn't mind drawing up the comparison of pre nerf vs. now?

Not to nit pick but I'm pretty sure a level 16 character is actually a cr 15...just sayin'.

ciretose wrote:

Here is why I think it isn't broken.

1. You are 16th level.

2. -5 is fairly substantial. And remember you also have a -5 if you power attack, meaning if you combine this with power attack you have a -10, and if you don't you lose a substantial amount of damage.

3. The save DC expectations for CR 16 creatures are High +19 and low +14.

It's good. But at 16th level it is supposed to be good. It is a good pick up combined with furious focus for a move and attack thing, particularly on a charge as you get +2 back on the attack, but not so great in a full attack situation where you either take -10 to all your attack or lose potentially 15 damage an attack and still have the -5.

I can't believe I'm agreeing with ciretose.

Majuba wrote:

Things that are broken:

Dazing Spell
old Crane Wing
Persistent Spell
Dazing Assault
Stunning Assault

Old Crane Wing and Dazing/Stunning Assault are not broken, and nowhere close to the same league as Dazing and Persistent Spell.

Where is Conjuration (Teleportation) Wizard and Spell Perfection on your broken list?

Daenar wrote:
So what is the nerf on crane wing? I've seen the feat in ultimate combat, the copy I have is 2 years old and currently an hour away at my home on a shelf. Any scholarly folks here that wouldn't mind drawing up the comparison of pre nerf vs. now?


Crane Wing (Combat)
You move with the speed and finesse of an avian hunter, your sweeping blocks and graceful motions allowing you to deflect melee attacks with ease.
Prerequisites: Crane Style, Dodge, Improved Unarmed Strike, base attack bonus +5 or monk level 5th.
Benefit: Once per round while using Crane Style, when you have at least one hand free and are either fighting defensively or using the total defense action, you can deflect one melee weapon attack that would normally hit you. You expend no action to deflect the attack, but you must be aware of it and not flat-footed. An attack so deflected deals no damage to you.


• Page 93—In the Crane Wing feat, replace the entire Benefit entry with the following:
Benefit: Once per round, when fighting defensively with at least one hand free, you can designate one melee attack being made against you before the roll is made. You receive a +4 dodge bonus to AC against that attack. If you using the total defense action instead, you can deflect one melee attack that would normally hit you. An attack so deflected deals no damage and has no other effect (instead treat it as a miss). You do not expend an action when using this feat, but you must be aware of the attack and not flat-footed.

OgreBattle wrote:

When a PC is level 16, they are basically a CR16 threat. As you can see "take a PENALTY to hit for a chance to stun at DC26" is actually weaker than what some CR16 monsters can do at-will, all time every day.

Daenar wrote:
Not to nit pick but I'm pretty sure a level 16 character is actually a cr 15...just sayin'.

While classed NPCs have a base CR equal to level-1, a level 16 PC wealth character increases by one to CR 16 (exactly where he should be for the CR system's internal math to work out).

A classed NPC encountered with no gear should have his CR reduced by 1 (provided that loss of gear actually hampers the NPC), while a classed NPC that instead has gear equivalent to that of a PC (as listed on Table: Character Wealth by Level) has a CR of 1 higher than his actual CR.

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