Ogrork the Mighty |

How is this feat not broken?!?
For a -5 penalty everyone one of your melee attacks has the chance to stun an opponent with a Fort save equal to 10 + your BAB.
So for a minimum qualifying user that means a DC 26 Fort save every time an opponent gets hit.
Then look at the effects of being stunned. No actions for 1 round and drop everything in your hands. So even if you save next round you're weaponless and have to rearm.
Plus stun is one of the hardest conditions to get rid of.
This feat is so broken. Every combatant with a +16 BAB and Power Attack should be taking this, including monsters. And that's how you know the feat is broken!

StreamOfTheSky |

I actually greatly prefer the Dazing Assault feat. It's a weaker effect, but unlike stunning there's nearly NOTHING immune to it and you can get it 4 levels earlier. Not sure I'd ever even get Stunning Assault; it feels redundant w/ Dazing Assault and no way would I give up the trick that works on everything.

StreamOfTheSky |
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It's like witnessing how the universe was created.
You're seeing it here first, folks. The start of the chain reaction that leads to innumerable nerfs put upon noncaster classes by Paizo at the behest of its fans, while broken caster feats and spells remain unchanged forever and always.
I'm going to call it now. Within a year, Stunning and Dazing Assault will have been nerfed into near uselessness, yet Dazing Spell will still exist as will dozens of other save or lose spells. Someone please thread necro next year to see if my prediction held true.

7heprofessor |
7heprofessor wrote:No, it allows for a saving throw that equal CR creatures can make some if not most of the time.A mobile TWF fighter is probably going to force 2-3 saves even on the first round ...
Likewise a Persistent Spell or Echoing Spell using caster. It's not much different at all.

Pinky's Brain |
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Persistent/bouncing/dazing spell are also broken ... and metamagic rods thereof even more so. I assume most DMs ban them on sight, or at least once their BBEG's start getting hit with them.
Do you really want to go back to high optimization 3e's "if it can hit you and you're not immune to it you're dead" style of play?

7heprofessor |
I haven't found anything in Pathfinder that I would outright ban, except PC's cannot purchase a Candle of Invocation with any starting wealth. Whatever house rules you choose to implement is, of course, up to you, but there were far worse things in 3.x D&D than this!
Please don't take away the melee character's nice things.

Grizzly the Archer |

Again, your talking about 16th level here. That's not too far away from level 20 or epic levels. What else do you want melee pcs to do? More damage? They do enough as is, and spellcasters get nice things EVERYTIME a new book, splat book,or the sort comes out, while combat oriented melee/range fighter types, have to skim and skim to find good things, even at such a high level like 16th.
This is in no way a broken feat. And as mentioned, many things are capable, at that level and beyond to get around, or to not be stunned.
Edit: plants, constructs, undead, oozes, inevitable subtype, and elementals are all immune to stun. the behemoth subtype can remove various conditions, one of which is stunned, at the end of its turn.

Wiggz |
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It's actually best on an AoO build, especially Come and Get Me barbarian.
In fact, Dazing/Stunning Assault is basically the only thing that currently exists that even makes a reach-based warrior worth playing, as far as I'm concerned...
Works pretty nicely on my WWA Weaponmaster too... between Dazing Assault and Critical Mastery, he's actually able to lay down some conditions in addition to killing things outright.
As to the OP, to gain the benfit 1) you have to hit and 2) your foe has to fail his save. Have you seen the Fort saves for creatures at that level? And that's assuming of course that the target isn't immune...
I'm going to have a hard time saying anything you can't even get until level 16 is broken.

1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I don't have a problem with stunning assault as long as it only forces one save per target per round. So I'm ok with the whirlwind assault/reach/enlarge/lunge/5' step in the middle of it move allowing a melee to dole out a very large AE stun with a 26-30 DC. I do have an issue with allowing 5-6 attacks against a single target forcing that many saves though.

Rakshaka |

Not broken.
I played a Ranger variant with it in a pathfinderized version of Savage Tide, and for the five levels that he had it in gameplay, its use was extremely situational. Here's why:
-As mentioned, the DC isn't high enough that most singular foes of the same level only need to roll a 2 or higher to succeed against it. This uselessness didn't occur in every fight, but against most of the foes we faced (Demons of CR 17 and higher), the stun ability rarely got off. While the couple times that it did was huge, it never happened against any of the 'end bosses' of the modules. Of course, against human opponents that aren't melee types, this feat will shine, but that's kind of the point, right?
-The -5 to attack can be a big deal in some fights, especially if you're more concerned about hitting your opponents with your iterative attacks. Sometimes, the extra damage is better than forcing a save against stun. Against a Balor, I'd rather be piling on the Favored enemy and Power Attack damage than hitting less at the cost of an unlikely save.
-Monks get a similar ability, and when was the last 'Monks are Broken" thread that you saw?
-It does combine well with Dastardly Finish (Lets you Coup-de-Grace stunned opponents), but that's more about group synergy than a singular feat.

Dekalinder |

Stunning assault is equivalent to any of the many save or suck spell that wizard or sorc have. The main difference is that said wizard can do it at most 3 or 4 times per day, while you can use stunning assault 5 or more times per round all day long. It's like giving sorc or wiz infinite level 5 slots. You just don't do that, not even at level 16.

Nordlander |

Stunning Assault is a melee effect, casters apply conditions at range. The -5 to hit will affect later iterative attacks. If the martial is applying it "hundreds of times in a session" then he is fighting low level mooks, who likely are dazed/rimed already dead from AOE spells.
It is a nice toy for Fighters and a great one for those classes built for 'pounce' type full attacks.

Jason S |

I actually greatly prefer the Dazing Assault feat. It's a weaker effect, but unlike stunning there's nearly NOTHING immune to it and you can get it 4 levels earlier. Not sure I'd ever even get Stunning Assault; it feels redundant w/ Dazing Assault and no way would I give up the trick that works on everything.
This. Daze affects everything.

Joanna Swiftblade |

Fort saves are easy to make for a good chunk of monsters. Practically anything large sized or larger is going to have a good fort save, and if you're fighting appropriately CRed enemies then they could probably make a DC26 on a 5.
If used against any fighter type they'll make the save more often then they won't, and good luck hitting them with the -5 to hit it imposes. It works on casters, who are probably flying 60 feet in the air, so that's off the list. So I guess it comes down to working on rogue types, who are already weak against melee brawlers anyway.
So no, it's not broken.

Ogrork the Mighty |

Stunning assault is equivalent to any of the many save or suck spell that wizard or sorc have. The main difference is that said wizard can do it at most 3 or 4 times per day, while you can use stunning assault 5 or more times per round all day long. It's like giving sorc or wiz infinite level 5 slots. You just don't do that, not even at level 16.
Also, a CR 16 monster has an average save modifier of +14 or +19 (and a CR 16 NPC with class levels will be much lower, either +5 or +10 base saves) so passing potentially multiple saves EVERY ROUND is unlikely.
And again, once you fail once you drop any weapons you might have so that makes you even less effective in the rounds that you may actually pass.
I've read the replies but I haven't seen anything convincing. I agree that the concept isn't entirely flawed but the implementation leaves much to be desired. This is just too obviously a MUST HAVE feat for any melee combatant that meets the pre-reqs and that's the sign of a broken feat.
IMO it should have some kind of limits on it because having the opportunity to stun (one of the most powerful effects in the game) on EVERY attack, EVERY round, all day long is way over the top.
Somewhere between a monk's stunning fist ability and the Stunning Assault feat as currently written would be more appropriate. I think Stunning Critical is closer to the mark because for that at least you need to score a critical hit.

Thomas Long 175 |
As I see it, unlike many save or sucks spells you need:
1. To hit in the first place (you're usually gonna have a 90%+ on the first attack so this isn't a problem but the 3rd attack moves into bad area and the 4th is nearly unhittable)
2. They then get a save that you have no way of actually improving yourself.
3. To AOE it you need certain long feat chains (definitely not going Whirlwind because its prereqs pretty much suck)
4. You're limited in your ability to use the feat by the number of attacks per round. Unless you have pounce or someone is teleporting you, most people will only get one a round unless the enemy sits in melee with them.
5. Dropping your weapon isn't a big deal. A weapon chain makes it a swift action to pick up again, still allowing you to full attack and not provoking AOO's
6. It's melee versus ranged AOE's, with the ranged AOE's having another ability that can be stacked on to force them to make the save twice.
7. Miss chance also will negate this. Unlike a dazing fireball, where you basically have to make the save no matter what, miss chance can outright negate your ability to hit regardless of whether you beat AC or not.
So basically, you're limited by mobility, have feat chains to spam AOE it, a person can get up to 3 "saves" against it (AC, miss chance, and Fort), it targets Fort instead of Reflex (or sometimes will) where reflex is generally lower, you have no actual way to pump the save (unlike spells) and you're taking penalties to use it.

Blueluck |
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IMHO Stunning Assault is strong, but not broken.
I understand why people say things like, "The main difference is that said wizard can do it at most 3 or 4 times per day, while you can use stunning assault 5 or more times per round all day long. It's like giving sorc or wiz infinite level 5 slots." But "Infinite level 5 slots" would barely increase the power level of that character! A 17th level Wizard can cast 4 X 9th level spells, 4 X 8th level spells, 6 X 7th level spells, and 7 X 6th level spells.
Also, with metamagic feats & rods, Spell Perfection, etc. many of those high level spells will be beefed up beyond their normal power level. The last time I played with a character like that, all of the hard fights started with Quickened Time Stop during the surprise round, initiative +10 or more, saving throws around DC 30 (roll twice because of Persistent Spell, +23 vs. spell resistance, etc. All of that happens from range, without having to engage the enemy.
Without Pounce, the fighter with Stunning Assault is only going to get one attempt on the first round of combat, (He'll probably provoke an AOO on the way in.) and he's only stunning one target rather than every target in an area. Yes, on later rounds he can make multiple attempts if he can pull off a full attack, but that's not going to be a sure thing.
It might be reasonable to say that a level 16 barbarian with Combat Reflexes, Come and Get Me, the three ability chain to get Pounce, and Stunning Assault could get enough attempts to be considered broken, but he's risking his life to do it.

andreww |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Stunning assault is equivalent to any of the many save or suck spell that wizard or sorc have. The main difference is that said wizard can do it at most 3 or 4 times per day, while you can use stunning assault 5 or more times per round all day long. It's like giving sorc or wiz infinite level 5 slots. You just don't do that, not even at level 16.
3 or 4 times a day, you are kidding aren't you?
More like 25-30 times per day with Spell Perfection. At level 16 you can force an enemy to make 4 reflex saves a round or be dazed for 4 rounds with a DC around 24-30 and a level 4 spell slot. Bump it to a level 6 slot with Persistent Spell and force those saves to 8 per round.
Casters also get to target their Daze effects against any of the three saves rather than being stuck on Fortitude which tends to be the highest save at most levels.

Stome |
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Dekalinder wrote:Stunning assault is equivalent to any of the many save or suck spell that wizard or sorc have. The main difference is that said wizard can do it at most 3 or 4 times per day, while you can use stunning assault 5 or more times per round all day long. It's like giving sorc or wiz infinite level 5 slots. You just don't do that, not even at level 16.3 or 4 times a day, you are kidding aren't you?
More like 25-30 times per day with Spell Perfection. At level 16 you can force an enemy to make 4 reflex saves a round or be dazed for 4 rounds with a DC around 24-30 and a level 4 spell slot. Bump it to a level 6 slot with Persistent Spell and force those saves to 8 per round.
Casters also get to target their Daze effects against any of the three saves rather than being stuck on Fortitude which tends to be the highest save at most levels.
It really is amazing the number for people that clearly don't understand how full casters work that try to post on things related to balance.
Not just what you pointed out but they are also able to buy spell slots with s number of items. And since they don't have to spend coin on extremely expensive gear just to do function as their class they have the coin to burn.
The whole "casters have limited resources" thing is vastly over stated. Ether by people with low system understanding or those that personally want to try and hide the power gap between melee and casters.

Dekalinder |

Dekalinder wrote:Stunning assault is equivalent to any of the many save or suck spell that wizard or sorc have. The main difference is that said wizard can do it at most 3 or 4 times per day, while you can use stunning assault 5 or more times per round all day long. It's like giving sorc or wiz infinite level 5 slots. You just don't do that, not even at level 16.3 or 4 times a day, you are kidding aren't you?
More like 25-30 times per day with Spell Perfection. At level 16 you can force an enemy to make 4 reflex saves a round or be dazed for 4 rounds with a DC around 24-30 and a level 4 spell slot. Bump it to a level 6 slot with Persistent Spell and force those saves to 8 per round.
Casters also get to target their Daze effects against any of the three saves rather than being stuck on Fortitude which tends to be the highest save at most levels.
I think i already pointed out that dazing spell is comparable in power. And is also banned at my games. Dazing perfected ball lightning is perfect to have fun for a day theoricrafting his OPness. Then, you go play something else, because autowin is not fun.
It belong to the same ballpark where pun pun and the other eldritch horrors like summoners pouncing with lance mounted on their eidolons with 4 arms dual wielding 2 lance and pouncing. You just don't play some things.
sunbeam |
Another Dazing Assault fan here. So much so that I wonder why people bother with the critical feats, even on high crit weapons.
" Dazing Assault (Combat)
You can daze foes with wild attacks.
Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +11.
Benefit: You can choose to take a –5 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to daze opponents you hit with your melee attacks for 1 round, in addition to the normal damage dealt by the attack. A successful Fortitude save negates the effect. The DC of this save is 10 + your base attack bonus. You must choose to use this feat before making the attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn."
A DC of 10 + bab isn't inconsequential even as you go up in levels.
Look, most of of the melees have something going on that boosts their to hit, which is the big separation between them and the monks and rogues of the world. Whether it is weapon training, massive strength, smite whatever.
How many times do you expect a melee to hit in a round? Particularly with a full attack? Once? Twice? Three or more? Based on personal experience I think between two and three in general. That is for a two handed weapon user by the way, dual wielding just doesn't seem to be too popular in games I play in.
Without doing any math, forcing even a high fort save monster to make several fort saves a round is pretty good. I'm willing to bet that it is going to fail one every few rounds at least.
Interestingly if you make a niche for yourself as a "stun locker," a high dex, dual wield build might be kind of nifty. The effect doesn't depend on strength, and the daze is what you are after anyway, not damage so much. Given enough risk free rounds you can beat anything down for the most part anyway. Although as I read it, you can daze something that has enough DR to ignore your damage anyway.
That said, casters do do it better. But how does the guy above force four saves a round? I'm not getting that one. Two is simple, but four?
Also nothing stops you from putting dazing metamagic on burning sphere or acid arrow to force saves round after round. It may even be legal to put on Black Tentacles.