Bestiary 5 Wish List

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I could see dividing up the Water Orm as a good idea. We'd certainly have a lot of options there. It's not like there's a small number of lake monsters out there, both modern cryptids and mythic beasts.

In fact, judging by this, I'd say the same could be done with Sea Serpents. tml

A weaker freshwater version of sea serpents would be interesting.

Freshwater Serpents can't be called sea serpents. I think Lake Serpents would be better or Orms.

I think there are already the sea serpent line, with the deepsea serpent and the sea serpent.

It would be nice to see the pearls of mythology being added to that list, especially Haietlik, Bakunawa and Ikuchi, the best sea serpents from mythology as they have awesome powers other more typical sea serpents dont' have.

I want to see more kaiju since we've only seen four so far (I think), and to be specific I'm really hoping Zimivra, the Endless Coils of the Trackless Desert is going to be a Rainbow Serpent.

You are correct Milo v3, we have stats for 4 kaiju so far: Agmazar, Agyra, Bezravnis, and Mogaru.

Also the Julunggali(B4 page 164) is the rainbow serpent.

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

2456 unique requests now, and I have reached early August posts, so catching up at last :)

Paizo Employee Developer

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Thanks for making this effort, Anthony. As someone who tried to do something like this in the past and got way behind when the thread began repeating itself with frequency, I know that it can be a chore. Making the data easy to sort is super helpful on my end of things. I'm of course selfishly talking about monsters I can pluck for the AP bestiaries. :)

Again, the bad thing of those lists is that you can't mention the ideas people have about creatures, the extra stats, and the wishes to make it an ooze or an aberration, or to make it huge or small, those things are important too. If not this would be just a boring topic about people mention some names, and not the way they like to see stuff.

But that is just me, if people still search the monsters name on the search-machine then its good. But beware, Uktena for example has a very boring version (without the gem) and a very awesome version (with the gem) spreading around on google, I wouldn't become warm for the boring version, but would really like the gem-version, if the non-gem version appears in the bestiary, the creature is broken, many other myth creatures suffer the same fate. So before anyone picks a monster, do mind to study it further than just google or just wiki, make it past page 1 of the google search. (The books of Carol Rose seem really lacking for example, they describe many creatures, but many lack abilities, mostly the more interesting abilities and physical appearances)

Anyway, I wish for a creature that has Dorian Grays ability.
The ability to have a painting/picture of itself that gets all the damage done to it. When you destroy the painting, you destroy the creature.














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Agathion,Blink Dog











































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Agathion,Monitor lizard




Agathion,Phase spider




Agathion,rust monster

Agathion,sea serpent


Agathion,shocker lizard





Agathion,Winter wolf




Agathion,honey bee




















































It would maybe help if you gave us some descriptions of the creatures with it? The ones that don't sound obvious like Mantis Agathion of course :-p

Wow, 2456 unique requests, just think how many there will be when B5 does come out.

Agathion,Cervinal-From Chronicle of the Righteous

Angel,Balisse-From Chronicle of the Righteous

Angel,Choral-From Chronicle of the Righteous

Archon,Spyglass-From Chronicle of the Righteous

Azata,Veranallia-From Chronicle of the Righteous

The Karkadann just made its way into Far Cry 4 (at least the name)

If that big brown, mean desert unicorn still doesn't make it into bestiary 5, i'm going insane.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Adam Daigle wrote:
Thanks for making this effort, Anthony. As someone who tried to do something like this in the past and got way behind when the thread began repeating itself with frequency, I know that it can be a chore. Making the data easy to sort is super helpful on my end of things. I'm of course selfishly talking about monsters I can pluck for the AP bestiaries. :)

You are quite welcome.

If you ever get a spare few minutes, and are willing, I would dearly love any design feedback from the master of monsters on my monster design the Nightmare Child (it's what I would have submitted to the urban monster round for RPG Superstar last year had I qualified as a finalist).

Posted here for your convenience - and to share to the appetite of this thread ;)

Nightmare Child CR 1 (Words 542)

The crimson skin of this misshapen, hairless humanoid is mottled with purple blotches giving it a malnourished and unhealthy pallor. Large soulless black eyes are mute testimony of a lifetime of nocturnal existence.

Nightmare Child CR 1
XP 400
CE Small outsider (native)
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., dream scent; Perception +6

----- Defense -----
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 size)
hp 13 (2d10+2)
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +1
Defensive Abilities dream existence; Immune sleep

----- Offense -----
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee bite +4 (1d3+1), 2 claws +4 (1d4+1, plus sandman touch)
Special Attacks dream twister, dream siphon, sandman touch

----- Statistics -----
Str 13, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Improved Initiative
Skills Climb +14, Disable Device +7, Escape Artist +7, Perception +6, Stealth +11
Languages Common

----- Ecology -----
Environment any urban
Organization solitary, pair, or trance (3–6)
Treasure none

----- Special Abilities -----
Dream Existence (Su) The nightmare child has a transient existence, in the same manner of the nightmares that created it. Once created, a nightmare child fades away with the morning mists caressed by the rising sun, coalescing again within 20 feet of where it faded to hunt again as dusk deepens into night.
Dream Scent (Ex) A nightmare child prowling the streets at night tastes the air for the energy of dreams. It senses creatures deep in dreams within 120 feet as if using scent.
Dream Siphon (Su) Once per night, as a free action, a nightmare child siphons life energy from a sleeping creature within 10 feet without awakening it, granting the nightmare child 5 temporary hit points. The target’s sleep may be normal, magically induced, or as a result of sandman touch. So long as the nightmare child remains within 10 feet of the target, it gains a +1 profane bonus to attack rolls. When the target awakens, it gains the fatigued condition.
Dream Twister (Su) As a swift action, a nightmare child within 10 feet of a sleeping humanoid twists the target’s dreams into a nightmare unless the target succeeds at a DC 12 Will save. The nightmare prevents restful sleep and leaves the target fatigued and unable to regain arcane spells for the next 24 hours. A target can only be affected once per day. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Sandman Touch (Sp) A creature struck by a nightmare child’s claw attacks must succeed at a DC 12 Will save or fall asleep (as the sleep spell). Whether or not the save is successful, that creature cannot be affected again by the same nightmare child's sandman touch ability for 24 hours.

Nightmare children are most commonly found in gothic Ustalav, but can spawn in any urban settlement where the population is experiencing great trepidation and tension. A nightmare child coalesces into existence when a group of humanoids in close proximity experience simultaneous nightmares.

Normally a single nightmare stalker prowls the streets, but a greater population of sleepers, in the throes of nightmare, spawn multiple nightmare children who disperse immediately to hunt. When cornered, it ululates with the chilling sound of overlapping voices drawn from the nightmare that gave it life.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Myth Lord wrote:
It would maybe help if you gave us some descriptions of the creatures with it? The ones that don't sound obvious like Mantis Agathion of course :-p

Once I have caught up, I may go back and start adding some shorthand notes where requesters have provided them - at the moment, it's just an index of names found in the thread - for searching with and allowing requesters to see if their wants have already been asked for.

It's taking a daily investment of about an hour a day to build and catch up with posts already, if I try to do too much at once, it would never be completed and caught up >.<

p.s. the next issue has swarms pulled out to their own column, there are quite a few swarms now :)

Grand Lodge

Put my vote in for an updated version of the vrykolakas.

Vrykolakas could use a reprint in B5 with better artwork. In fact there are so many creatures from older APs that need some love.

Vrykolakas is one of the only creatures from the AP's (together with Raiju) that don't need a art update. They are perfect as they are.

What I would love to have is an "advanced bestiary guide" or something of that sort. It would be like the advanced race guide in how you build races, except it would be with monsters.

Myth Lord wrote:
It would maybe help if you gave us some descriptions of the creatures with it? The ones that don't sound obvious like Mantis Agathion of course :-p

All of the creatures i asked for are pretty much self explanatory

Race(Agathion)+Theme(honey bee)=honey bee Agathion?

And Agathion Themes are animals and Magical Beasts. the Magical Beasts are all in Bestiary1,2,3 or 4

xavier c wrote:
Myth Lord wrote:
It would maybe help if you gave us some descriptions of the creatures with it? The ones that don't sound obvious like Mantis Agathion of course :-p

All of the creatures i asked for are pretty much self explanatory

Race(Agathion)+Theme(honey bee)=honey bee Agathion?

And Agathion Themes are animals and Magical Beasts. the Magical Beasts are all in Bestiary1,2,3 or 4

I think he means what would you like the agathions to do/what purpose do they fulfill? Traditionally the agathions/guardianels represented virtues associated with the animal. For example, a honey bee agathion could represent industriousness and teamwork. From that, I would say a low CR creature with a good con score, and outside of the normal agathion magic, it probably wouldn't use magic except as a group ritual (like the vrock dance of ruin). At this moment, a virtue associated with a mantis escapes me, but that doesn't mean there isn't one.

Speaking Agathions how about some more Agathions.


Agathion,axe beak















Agathion,Blue jay

Mechagamera wrote:
xavier c wrote:
Myth Lord wrote:
It would maybe help if you gave us some descriptions of the creatures with it? The ones that don't sound obvious like Mantis Agathion of course :-p

All of the creatures i asked for are pretty much self explanatory

Race(Agathion)+Theme(honey bee)=honey bee Agathion?

And Agathion Themes are animals and Magical Beasts. the Magical Beasts are all in Bestiary1,2,3 or 4

I think he means what would you like the agathions to do/what purpose do they fulfill? Traditionally the agathions/guardianels represented virtues associated with the animal. For example, a honey bee agathion could represent industriousness and teamwork. From that, I would say a low CR creature with a good con score, and outside of the normal agathion magic, it probably wouldn't use magic except as a group ritual (like the vrock dance of ruin). At this moment, a virtue associated with a mantis escapes me, but that doesn't mean there isn't one.

I just like the way the creature looks mostly and to a lesser extent what it does. I just want to see what a Agathion of that creature would look like and what it would do.

And there are NOT enough good outsiders compered to large amount of evil outsiders. I mean go add up all of the Asuras,Daemons,Demodands, Demons,Devils,Divs,Kytons,Oni,Qlippoth,Rakshasa. And then add up the good outsiders.

There are more demons then all the celestials combined, that is not including the rest of the evil outsiders. But the real outsider groups that are shafted are the CN and LN ones.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
xavier c wrote:
And there are NOT enough good outsiders compered to large amount of evil outsiders. I mean go add up all of the Asuras,Daemons,Demodands, Demons,Devils,Divs,Kytons,Oni,Qlippoth,Rakshasa. And then add up the good outsiders.

That's because Bestiaries should be mostly about things adventurers kill.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Gorbacz wrote:
xavier c wrote:
And there are NOT enough good outsiders compered to large amount of evil outsiders. I mean go add up all of the Asuras,Daemons,Demodands, Demons,Devils,Divs,Kytons,Oni,Qlippoth,Rakshasa. And then add up the good outsiders.
That's because Bestiaries should be mostly about things adventurers kill.

And things that kill adventurers! ;)

Were going to need more types of good outsiders and other good aligned creatures if were going to get that "Evil AP" that a lot of people been asking for;) Besides just because there good doesn't mean they will not kill you since most adventurers spend there time breaking into places, killing everyone/thing there and taking there/it's stuff;)

Gorbacz wrote:
xavier c wrote:
And there are NOT enough good outsiders compered to large amount of evil outsiders. I mean go add up all of the Asuras,Daemons,Demodands, Demons,Devils,Divs,Kytons,Oni,Qlippoth,Rakshasa. And then add up the good outsiders.
That's because Bestiaries should be mostly about things adventurers kill.

Our things that help you kill other things

yes, but you still need more creatures to kill you, otherwise the adventure would be way too easy if you get more help than enemies. :-p

I'm not a huge fan of good-natured creatures at all, rather see neutral ones.

I want more good outsiders, but I don't see them ever reaching anything like parity with Demons/Daemons/Devils

Still feeling a bit fatigued about demons, and if we are getting more evil outsiders, I would rather they belong to other groups. Granted, if Bestiary 5 happens it will probably continue this trend, since Wrath + The Worldwound introduced a ton of new demons.

I appreciate the skill and creativity it takes to come up with interesting good outsiders (who aren't just paladin/clerics with wings).

Hmm, I really don't think we get a lot of demons in Bestiary 5 though, even though Wrath AP was there. I think the Water Leaper will be one of the few creatures that comes into bestiary 5, and maybe some of the demon lords, but I think the bestiary 5 has devil lord.

My hero on deviant-art has created some awesome new monster models from myth again! I really love the ideas for these and want to share them.

His Ly Erg for example has two forms, one normal form which it uses to challenge other creatures with, and one battle form in which it turns when challenged or when its own challenge is heard.

This creature has a battle form in which it transforms during battle.

It also has a curse on it, when you accept his challenge you be cursed, a death curse that can only be broken when the Ly Erg is killed and destroyed entirely.

His Cadejo idea is also very cool, a gentle and evil cadejo twin are bound together with a magical chain. This could make some interesting monsters that doing good and evil at the same time, while eternally being chained together.

Cadejo by Emeraldfury

Katawa Guruma is a Japanese jokai that is much like the Wanyudo, but more like a tortured woman that rides the wheel. This version could be an awesome Kyton-variant.

Last but not least is this dangerous Kappa variant named Suiko

While normally Kappa's are weak and whimpsy foes, the Suiko changes all that. If a Suiko leads a group of Kappa's their CR is higher, their stats increase and their fear disappears.


And an UPDATE for a creature I have wished for in the past, the awesome blood-lords or Raktavija:
I want this to be blood mages that work magic with their blood, not only creating copies of themselves from their blood but also create weapons and items from their own blood. Much like Witchblade

I really can see this happening, turning their own blood into shurinken/ninja stars and then creating a huge scimitar or sword from the blood of their wrists they cut open themselves.

Muiraquit is a mythology item. There are next to monsters many mythological strange items to be found.

Can somebody name a few very strange, interesting and bizarre ones? Or open a topic about it? If I open a new topic, it will 100% sure be ignored because i'm hated. So I have to post everything here :-(

Fey who cast spells as witches or psychic magic casters instead of just sorcerers and druids would be nice. More psychic themed fey as well would be cool.

More fey creatures that inflict a death curse like if they are killed the person who killed them is marked and all other fey and/or animals will attack them. Also ones that function as the curse spell or linnorm's death curses and other stranger effects.

Some colossal size giants would be cool such as a mountain giant wich would be more inline with the size of the ones from European myth. Also some titans from the elemental planes or at least elemental themed.

Seeing the stats of a Primal Inevitable would be rather cool, though new inevitables at all would be rather cool.

Perhaps an inevitable of prophecies that are considered broken by the rest of inevitable-kind because of prophecy ceasing to function correctly in golarion.

Or a low-CR inevitable of probability (not luck) that is against gamblers, cheats and coins that circumstantially always end up landing heads.

An inevitable that hunts down aberrations and the insane, because their minds are too chaotic.

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Angel [Primal], Ariel (CR 17/MR 7) (Angels infused with the element of earth that seek to protect those living above and below the surface)

Angel [Primal], Azrael (CR 22/MR 9) (Angels infused with the element of shadow who are often referred to as angels of death that wage an eternal war against the Kytons and Nightshades of the Plane of Shadow)

Angel [Primal], Cherub (CR 18/MR 7) (Angels infused with the element of air that are often tasked with protecting the children of benevolent races and pushing those that would harm them)

Angel [Primal], Seraph (CR 21/MR 8) (Angels infused with the element of fire whose heavenly flames can scorch even the likes of devils and often lead crusades against the fiends of the Multiverse)

Angel [Primal], Tharsis (CR 20/MR 8) (Angels infused with the elemental of water often tasked with protecting entire kingdoms of benevolent ocean dwelling creatures)

Elemental [Primal], Air (CR 16/MR 6) (An Air elemental of primal mythic power regarded with awe and fear by other elementals)

Elemental [Primal], Earth (CR 16/MR 6) (An Earth elemental of primal mythic power regarded with awe and fear by other elementals)

Elemental [Primal], Fire (CR 16/MR 6) (An Fire elemental of primal mythic power regarded with awe and fear by other elementals)

Elemental [Primal], Ice (CR 16/MR 6) (An Ice elemental of primal mythic power regarded with awe and fear by other elementals)

Elemental [Primal], Lightning (CR 16/MR 6) (An Lightning elemental of primal mythic power regarded with awe and fear by other elementals)

Elemental [Primal], Magma (CR 16/MR 6) (An Magma elemental of primal mythic power regarded with awe and fear by other elementals)

Elemental [Primal], Mud (CR 16/MR 6) (A Mud elemental of primal mythic power regarded with awe and fear by other elementals)

Elemental [Primal], Water (CR 16/MR 6) (An Water elemental of primal mythic power regarded with awe and fear by other elementals)

Ape, Tyrant [Megaprimatus] (CR 12/MR 5) (Occasionally, a dire ape tribe will end up siring a child of progidious size, strength, and power. These Tyrant Apes possess mythic strength and are often worshiped as gods by the tribes of entire swathes of jungles or whole tropical islands)

Devil, Addiction (Atropocustra) (CR 7): Devils dedicated to spreading hell's influence through addiction to infernal drugs and narcotics.

Devil, Crusader [Ascensoriel] (CR 8): Centaur-like devils who function as an elite cavalry in hell's rigid and merciless military machine.

Devil, Desert [Ghalshoaton] (CR 9): Scorpion-handed, crocodile headed, devils that plague desert regions and arid worlds looking for good souls to tempt and despoil.

Devil, Hellforge [Savnogon] (CR 13): Masters of Hell's infernal forges who continually reforge souls into hellish abominations for the glory of Asmodeus.

Devil, Hunter [Edavagor] (CR 12): Two-headed wolf-like devils that scour the planes of existence looking for souls that have escaped hell's infernal grasp.

Devil, Physician [Paigeon] (CR 10): While contract devils and cabal devils tempt with the promise of a wish or magical aid, the grotesque physician devils tempt mortals with the promise of healing.

Devil, Rumor [Dababum] (CR 6): These devils act to ruin the reputations of good-aligned mortals and the enemies of hell itself.

Devil, Seduction [Lilim] (CR 11): These sensual and seductive female devils seek to despoil and destroy the families of mortals by offering untold pleasures at a terrible cost.

Golem, Amber (CR 11) (Golems often shaped like large-sized hunting cats which ignore difficult terrain and are capable trackers)

Golem, Ash (CR 3) (Golems that cause fire and cold energy damage to the foes they damage)

Golem, Blade (CR 13) (Dangerous golems made of bladed instruments and weapons of all kinds that can become a wall or circle shape barrier of blades which affects all in the area of effect as a blade barrier spell)

Golem, Chalk (CR 7) (Golems made of chalk which can mark certain foes with symbols designating them as assailants)

Golem, Gemstone (CR 14) (These incredibly powerful golems are made of rare gemtones can unleash a burst of prismatic color which affects anyone in the area of effect as a prismatic spray spell)

Golem, Coin (CR 10) (Golems capable of taking the form of large piles of copper, silver, gold, or platinum coins)

Golem, Manacle (CR 12) (While the Rope Golem is made to capture people the Manacle Golem is designed to keep them imprisoned)

Golem, Mud (CR 2) (Akin to the paper golem, this Golem is made of mud and muck yet is capable of smothering the unwary)

Golem, Obsidian (CR 9) (Obsidian golems possessing the ability to shroud themselves in flame)

Golem, Paper (CR 1) (Often called the peasant's golem for it's incredible frailty yet it never the less is dangerous to some)

Golem, Rope (CR 5) (Golems made of roap often created for capturing individuals alive)

Golem, Salt (CR 8) (Golems made of salt which leave particularly deadly and painful wounds)

Golem, Sand (CR 4) (Golems made of sand that are often found guarding the tombs of desert pharaohs)

Golem, Soap (CR 6) (Slippery soap golems made of animal fat [and unfortunate, sometimes the fat of sentient beings as well])

Lycanthrope, Werecrow [Template] (Lycanthropes of neutral good alignment who can not only take the form [both animal and regular] of crows but also can become swarms of crows or even summon them but they also possess a unique vulnerability to gold as well as silver)

Lycanthrope, Weresaurian [Template] (Extraordinarily rare but horrifically strong Lycanthropes that many sages believe are on the verge of extinction which can take the form of carnivorous dinosaurs)

Lycanthrope, Wereskunk [Template] (Lycanthropes that dwell in temperate and cold forests and can take the forms of skunks)

Vampire, Strigoi [Template] (Members of this vampire bloodline are just as seductive as the Moroi and while they do not possess an energy drain ability they do have strange powers such as dominating individuals through their blood drain [for a prolonged time at a distance no less] as well as the ability to regenerate in moonlight)

Small size CN cherub/cupid like creatures who use magical arrows to make people fall in love with each other and spread a little chaos to boot.

Fat but fast moving good aligned fey that carries a magical bag that acts as a bag of holding and can summon useful items. creature has freedom of movement and ignores rough terrain, can use bag to summon magical items like wands, staves, and weapons for a time. Likes to reward good children with presents and punish bad ones with a cursed piece of coal that curses them until they learn a lessen, the curse is lifted, or after one year has passed.

How about a mythical God-slaying titan? Ok, hear me out on this one:

Back in an issue of Dragon Magazine, there was an article named "The Ecology of the Titan" (similar to what we've been getting in the APs). In this article, they stated out an epic monster based on... Cronos, the titan that waged war against Zeus.

In short, the Olympian Gods imprisoned Cronos and the Greyhawk Gods deviced ways to keep him imprisonned. The thing is that the Greyhawk Gods, just like the Golarion Gods, are "successors" to the Antiquity Gods, since D&D/Pathfinder is set in a in-between period of medieval/renaissance, so... it makes sense that they now have to deal with this problem. The Olympian Gods are ancient deities, similar to the Ancient Orision deities... which are all based on the Antiquity's Egyptian Gods.

So... yeah... a mythical titan who's back with a vengeance?

if it could slay gods then what are the players going to do too it... with that being said I would like to see a CR30 titan.

I wouldn't mind seeing Typhon. But too much of these unique creatures make my stomach turn as they destroy a lot of pages with their 2-page terror bulk :-0

Something like the Concordant Killer from 3.5's Monster Manual IV

A True Nutral outsider that can detect all alignments, has protection from all alignments and I forget what other abilities it had... I remember it looked cool and was CR 19

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