Bestiary 5 Wish List

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Dark Archive

Apostle of Gygax wrote:
I think that a series of all lawful dragons and a series of all chaotic dragons would be a great addition too. I would also like to see something like 4E's Catastrophic dragons, i.e. a series of dragons thematically tied to natural disasters.


Like very much

Dark Archive

I'd also like to see a creature based on Nightmare from Soul Calibur 3+
-massive claw is a must
-an ability like Jotungrip that allows it to use a greatsword in 1 hand
-a soul feast ability that heals or empowers it when it consumes souls
-non unique
And to avoid copyright call it a soul wrecker

Odraude wrote:

I'm hesitant to change something from its original mythology for no good reason. Like "too many river dragons" is not a good reason. We actually don't really have a lot of "river dragons" in the bestiary. River drake, maybe black dragons, but can't really think of any beyond that. Most live in mountains or forests. I think it'd be a huge disservice to the original mythology. I mean, we have a lot of siren-wannabes in the Bestiaries already (some of which you wanted if I recall correctly Sincubus). I'm sure we can make room for another river dragon, especially one as different as this.

Over at the Arcadian Resources Thread, I had an idea of the Gaasyendietha joining the Cipactli and the Cherufe as titanic beasts of different elements in Native American folklore. Almost like Native American behemoths. Thought it was a good idea.

I think the Sincubus version of the Gaasyendietha also sort of overlaps with the Outer Dragons a bit too much, being an alien space dragon.

I am sure if Paizo was inspired by a video game(or other media) for stats for a creature they would call it something else;)

Not too interested in "catastrophic dragons" or anything else from 4E.

Which reminds me. Certainly not Bestiary but... I really want a Pathfinder video game. Like, really badly.

Odraude wrote:
Which reminds me. Certainly not Bestiary but... I really want a Pathfinder video game. Like, really badly.

There are several topics on this matter if you would wish to discuss. Here's mine ^_^ and here's another of mine XD.

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I thought they were working with some company to make a videogame?

Dragon78 wrote:

I thought they were working with some company to make a videogame?

Yeah Pathfinder Online. It looks really good the stuff that has been released.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Lava Weasels.

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A monster made of force would be cool.

A creature that can absorb evil spells and effects and convert them to good damage.

Creatures that look like they were molded from a star filled night sky.

More creatures based on light, sound, gravity, and time.


I am sure if Paizo was inspired by a video game(or other media) for stats for a creature they would call it something else;)

Dont be too sure, there are always the Alraune, Salamander, ChonChon, Cerberus, Barghest and Leshies to prove you wrong.

So a Gaasyendietha that resembles the demons (armored destroyer) from Diablo III that crash from the sky like a meteor, isn't too far off, of course they would be dragon versions and not demons, but they would have the same skin and meteor-attack.

I really love mythological plant monsters and there are far too little numbers of them, Jubokko the vampire tree and Jidra the terrorplant are musts in Bestiary 5.

Considering none of those creatures you mentioned are unique to videogames and are from myth and/or old literature then I am still correct. Also none of those creatures are copyrighted and can be used as they are.

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Alraune is not a plantwoman in real myth, more like Mandragora so she is from a game (castlevania) also Vouivre, ChonChon.

D&D is also a game, and many creatures from there are very different from the myth.

List of monsters that are not 100% to their mytho-roots, and a reason why Cherufe, Gaasyendietha, Batibat and all those others should not be 100% copies from their real-myth also.
Don't see why all those creatures should be 100% accurate versions while the following lists are really not.

Slighty Different::
Bugbear / Erinyes(fury) / Gargoyle / Djinn / Efreet / Marid / Harpy / Lindworm(all) / Manticore / Medusa / Minotaur / Naga / Troll / Yeti

Banshee / Catoblepas / Chupacabra / Draugr / Dullahan / Gremlin / Mothman / Oread / Pech / Spriggan / Sylph / Triton

Ahuizotl / Akhlut / Baku / Baykok / Carbuncle / Dybbuk / Ghul / Globster / Hodag / Humbaba / Jorogumo / Kami / Kappa / Nixie / Nuckelavee / Nue / Peri / Popobawa / Sea Bonze / Simurgh / Stymphalian Bird / Tupilaq / Valkyrie / Vanara / Yuki-Onna

Abaia / Soucouyant / Einherjar / Fachen / Fossegrim / Graeae / Haniver / Harionago / Huldra / Hyakume / Isitoq / Jack-o-Lantern / Jinmenju / Leanan Sidhe / Ningyo / Oceanid / Pooka / Qalupiluk / Rat King / Rokurokubi / Svartalfar / Tikbalang

Extremely Different::
Barghest / Basilisk / Boggard(t) / Chimera / Couatl(quetzalcouatl) / Lemure / Drow / Ettin (needs 3rd head) / Shaitan / Gorgon / Hobgoblin / Kobold / Lamia / Mara(Nightmare) / Rakshasa / Salamander / Tarrasque / Tengu / Yeth Hound

Athach / Bodak(Bodach) / Bunyip / Charybdis / Ifrit / Kelpie / Leucrotta(Crocotta) / Merrow / Undine / Wendigo / Xtabay

Adaro / Adlet / Alraune / Black Annis / Berbalang / Bhuta / Cerberus / Incubus / Akvan / Ghawwas / Sepid / Eidolon / Garuda / Fuath / Grootslang / Guecubu / Huecuva / Iku-Turso / Kirin / Kongamato / Leshy / Lukwata / Maftet / Oni / Pukwudgie / Rusalka / Sabosan / Siyokoy / Tanuki / Taotieh / Tatzlwyrm / Thriae / Hekatonkheires / Tzitzimitl / Vodyanoi

Almiraj / Alpluachra / Ankou / Aoandon / Apocalypse Locust / Argus / Barometz / Buggane / Chaneque / Dossenus / Drakainia / Erlking / Gaki / Guardian Dragon / Hypnalis / Ijiraq / Kapre / Karkinoi / Lampad / Lorelei / Myrmecoleon / Pard / Peluda / Nosoi / Sayona / Selkie / Springheel Jack / Fomorian / Tooth Fairy / Vouivre / Wayang / Xanthos / Yaoguai / Ypotryll / Zomok

And I probably would dislike many of these creatures if they were 100% based on their true myths so i'm very happy they changed them and I hope they keep doing it in the bestiary 5. Some like Barghest and Salamander would be cooler in their real-myth version, but D&D changed many things and Shadow Mastiff really makes up for it as that would be much like the real Barghest, another Salamander would be cool tho to make up for the humanoid form.

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If we get 3 more Kaiju, I would like them to be Igroon, Lord Varklops, and Ebeshra(or Yathoon).

If we get 3 more Empyreal Lords I would like them to be Black Butterfly, Immonhiel, and Halcamora(or Tanagaar).

Silver Crusade

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KYTONS....Kytons, Kytons, and then some more Kytons with a nice tasty topping of Kyton overlords and a Kyton demagogue or two.

Also no necessarily that they have to do so in its own bestiary but I would love for them to compile all of the supplemental monsters that make it into modules and APs into one book.

Dark Archive

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If we have any more empyreal lords I want Ragathiel to be 1 of them
I agree with mswbear about the kytons

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Some robots even if they are reprints.

More creatures from outer space/other planets.

More creatures with psychic powers.

Dark Archive

Dragon78 wrote:

Some robots even if they are reprints.

More creatures from outer space/other planets.

More creatures with psychic powers.

definitely but not plants I'm kinda getting sick of them

Cr500cricket wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:

Some robots even if they are reprints.

More creatures from outer space/other planets.

More creatures with psychic powers.

definitely but not plants I'm kinda getting sick of them

How can you get sick of plants? They are the group that has the less entries of all groups...

Dark Archive

Gancanagh wrote:
Cr500cricket wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:

Some robots even if they are reprints.

More creatures from outer space/other planets.

More creatures with psychic powers.

definitely but not plants I'm kinda getting sick of them
How can you get sick of plants? They are the group that has the less entries of all groups...

I just don't like the concept of them,the shambling mound and the Mi-go are all I need

Lol those are really the only plants I really dislike.

I can see where you taste is at. Well everybody his own of course.

Dark Archive

Yes I see what you mean I really like robots and other constructs and I know you don't. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion
I would like to see the Silence but it has to have the lightning/disintegration ability and the modify memory aura

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The plant type could use a group though, like... I don't know...

Treants (different kind of treats based on different trees):
- Oak
- Ash
- Cactus
- Sycamore
- Maple
- Birch
- Sequoia
- etc

Flower-kin (faerie-like plants based on flowers):
- Rose
- Delilah
- Lilipad
- Cherry-blossom
- Dandelion
- Jonquil
- Sunflower
- Petunia
- etc

Ok, cheesy as ever, but still...

Animals and vermins got more attention than plants.

We could use more cacti, kelp, weeds, vine, and fern based plant creatures. We already have a lot of tree and fungus/mold based plant creatures though I never get tired of flower based monsters.

I find it really strange that after 4 hardcover bestiaries we have no giant sundew or giant pitcher plants.

Also we need a plant monster that sings and has bardic music abilities.

I dunno...giant pitcher plants and sundews just feel more like environmental hazards than monsters, given the way they trap food.

I like the idea of some sort of flower fey/flower creature...seems to fill an empty niche in Pathfinder

Not sure how I feel about Treant variations...What would really be the difference for instance between an Oak or Ash Treant? Seems like something that could be more usefully done with reflavoring or in a Monsters revisited book.

That said there are a few "trees" that strike me being different enough to require their own entries. Reign of Winter had basically Pine "Treants" (Can't remember there name). And Bestiary 4 has Saguaro "treants" What about a Bald Cypress Treant? That seems like a pretty distinctive type of tree.

I just want a re-worked Umbdlebi. And the vampire tree or Jubokko.

But my new favorite plant-creature from mythology is the bizarre and ever-hungry Jidra, what an awesome creature that is!

And there is a plant-like fae creature, its called Tunche.

I won't really like 10 kinds of treants, I like the Treant and the Kapre being the evil/neutral/not-so-kind Treant version.

Well, ok, 10 new variations of the same treant would be a waste of space. HOWEVER, I could see ONE monster entry with MULTIPLE variants, for two pages MAX.

For instance, let's say there is a species of plants called "florakin". Well the layout could go like this:

Florakin, Rose
Medium Plant
Natural attacks with a thorny whip or rapier
Spell-like abilities
Other abilities

Then on the second page, there's a column with multiple variants, like a Jonquil Florakin, with a different natural attack, SLAs and abilities, a Lilypad Florakin, a Delilah Florakin, a Sunflower Florakin, etc.

That shouldn't take much more space than this.

Same goes with treants... well, "Arboreal Sentinels", with stats for one type of tree and variant rules for other types of trees.

Dragon78 wrote:
We could use more cacti, kelp, weeds, vine, and fern based plant creatures. We already have a lot of tree and fungus/mold based plant creatures though I never get tired of flower based monsters.

Well, I feel like it's lacking a bonafide "Advanced awakened tree"-type of plant.

MMCJawa wrote:
I like the idea of some sort of flower fey/flower creature...seems to fill an empty niche in Pathfinder.

I haven't seen monsters... at all... since D&D began at least.

Gancanagh wrote:
And there is a plant-like fae creature, its called Tunche.

Except that it's Fey creature, not a Plant creature.

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Mythological beasts:
Nyami Nyami
Ninki Nanka

A Celestial Humanoid whom can only be active a few minutes per day, and can link him/herself to a PC or NPC(A cookie to whomever gets the reference).

A Fiendish Kaiju that can split itself into smaller versions and re-form.

A Cyberne- Sorry, Half-Construct, Space Kaiju linked to the Dominion of the Black

An Elephant-man from Vudra. Were- or otherwise.

Anything from the Advanced Race Guide that hasn't got an entry yet.

Tiny- or Small-sized creatures with voracious appetites that usually show up in large hordes.

Grand Lodge

I wouldn't mind seeing an ihagnim* statted out. It hasn't had stats since 1st edition.

* What's an ihagnim?:
It's the creature at the other end of a Bag of Devouring.

Giant Pitcher and Giant Sundew as hazards!!!, with that kind of logic then all plant creatures should be hazards.

A plant based creature that is mistaken for a type of fey sounds interesting.

The only things left from the ARG that isn't in a hardcover bestiary are the Gillmen and the Strix.

All this plant talk has inspired me to want a Biolante style plant kaiju

Dragon78 wrote:
The only things left from the ARG that isn't in a hardcover bestiary are the Gillmen and the Strix.

They were added in the Advance Race Guide though, even if they were introduced in the Inner Sea World Guide... and hinted as exclusive content.

A plant Kaiju, maybe some day:)

The statement is still correct Jici, those two are the only ones left from the ARG that are not in a hardcover bestiary.

I would also like to see some vudra/India inspired elephant humanoids and other creatures would be nice.

Silver Crusade

Oliphant like critters


some sort of spider based outsiders/magical creatures that are tricksters and either CN or CG (Ananzi)

Gan Ceanach

Warhaven wrote:

I wouldn't mind seeing an ihagnim* statted out. It hasn't had stats since 1st edition.

** spoiler omitted **

Do you have any source on that? All I have is the dragon magazine article that just seemed to call them devourers. Even then they were more a series of traps and terrain than a creature. They were a neat concept along with their dead world.

Silver Crusade

a Nisser/Nisse. They're little creatures from scandanavian lore, who live on farms, protect the inhabitants of the farm, function as a father Christmas figure, and will play rather nasty pranks if insulted by the farm's dwellers. Would make a fun improved familiar, and would be amusing to have a tiny creature who has unusually high strength

I have never seen the creatures in a bag of devouring statted so that would be more interesting then it just being a hazard.

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Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

Oliphant like critters


some sort of spider based outsiders/magical creatures that are tricksters and either CN or CG (Ananzi)

Gan Ceanach

Do you mean Anansi, Gancanagh and Leanan Sidhe?

Leanan Sidhe is already in Bestiary 4.

Dark Archive

Warhaven wrote:

I wouldn't mind seeing an ihagnim* statted out. It hasn't had stats since 1st edition.

** spoiler omitted **

definitely we need more lurker types who kill from near magic items

Silver Crusade

Gancanagh wrote:
Mystic_Snowfang wrote:

Oliphant like critters


some sort of spider based outsiders/magical creatures that are tricksters and either CN or CG (Ananzi)

Gan Ceanach

Do you mean Anansi, Gancanagh and Leanan Sidhe?

Leanan Sidhe is already in Bestiary 4.

No, I mean the Leanhuam-Shee

The Leanhaum-shee is an Irish vampire fairy that engaged in vampiric activities. She would use her beauty to lure men to her; then she would use her charm to place the men under her spell. The victim would waste away, as the Leanhaum-shee drained away her victim’s life’s essence through exhaustive love making.

Silver Crusade

Argopelter- A fearsome critter that amused itself by throwing twigs and sticks at passers by
Glawackus- A fearsome critter that is a cross between a puma(cougar), bear and a lion.
Hidebehind- A fearsome critter never seen because despite its strength it can hide behind the thinnest tree. The only way to prevent an attack is to be slightly drunk at all times, because it has an aversion to booze.
Squonk- a very ugly creature that would cry (and then apparently dissolve into tears) if ever sighted
Drop Bear- From austrailia, an evil koala that drops on people and eats their brain parts

Dark Archive

Ergios (Corvus from DQ9)

Seahorse Merman? Are there any known in real mythology?

A merman with the lowerbody of a seahorse?

Never heard of a seahorse merfolk from myth but it would still be interesting regardless if it was or not.

We have asked for the Drop bear many times but it never hurts to keep asking.

While they probably put the Argopelter in the same cage as the Squonk and Drop Bear as humon-related creature, it is far from that.
It is one of the more dangerous and horrid creatures from woodcutter stories.

Whipping arms, appearance of a black feral baboon-like ape, mastery over wood and the ability to move fast in trees, also it can throw woodsplinters like they are bullets so deadly.

Silver Crusade

I'd love a wild haggis familiar

Well saying that it throws sticks like bullets sounds much more threatening then just saying it throws sticks.

The Questing Beast from Arthurian lore could be pretty cool and feels like it should already be in pathfinder.

Dragon78 wrote:
Well saying that it throws sticks like bullets sounds much more threatening then just saying it throws sticks.

From Wikipedia:

The Argopelter is a mythical fearsome critter said to inhabit hollow trees of the conifer woods from Maine to Oregon.[1] From this vantage point, the creature would await an unwary person and hurl wooden splinters and branches at the intruder.[1][2][3][4] Some have described the creature as being so quick that it has never been seen.[2] One reference describes the creature as having a "slender, wirely body, the villainous face of an ape, and arms like muscular whiplashes, with which it can snap off dead branches and hurl them through the air like shells from a six inch gun."[4] The argopelter subsists on woodpeckers, hoot owls,[4] high-holes[clarification needed], and dozy (rotten) wood.[3] Its pups are born on February 29 and always arrive in odd numbers.[3]

Dark Archive

can I make an Argopelter Monk of the empty hand... Please? :)

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