I was under the understanding that if you don't have the Improved Grapple feat, you only provoke when you first initiate the grapple, not every subsequent round you maintain it. GM believes that you provoke every round you make your combat maneuver check to maintain, in addition to the initial grapple maneuver. I found several flow charts that agree with my side of the discussion, but he says the flowcharts are "fan-made rules," and not official. Can someone point me to some clarification on this? Thanks,
I know traits don't normally stack, but Blessed Touch doesn't read as a trait bonus (at least, it makes no mention of bonuses). The Rescued campaign trait from Jade Reagent adventures, on the other hand, explicitly gives +2 trait bonus to HPs healed with cure spells. Blessed Touch: You heal 1 additional point of damage when using lay on hands, channeling energy, or casting a cure spell. Rescued (relevant part): You gain a +2 trait bonus whenever you use cure spells to heal damage. Yay, or nay? ![]()
Alchemical Mummy (the burning kind) Tiefling
[Discovery 2] Immolation Bomb
[Trait] Fast Drinker (awesome when combined with prehensile tail, Alchemical Allocation, and potions of Good Hope and Improved Invisibility [the ones made by summoners])
[Feat 1] Throw Anything
Items: The usual, but you'll want either a Darksire Amulet to boost resistances on the cheap, or (better) Major Ring of Energy Fire Resistance. Resist Fire 12 (20 with ring), Electricity 12, Immune Cold Combat Methodology: Step 1) Start by making a full attack on yourself (five attacks at level 10 w/ rapid shot, two-weapon fighting, and improved two-weapon fighting), using Immolation, Precise, Directed, Fast Bombs. Take care if you're using budget build, as you only have 12 fire resist to work with (5 base damage from immolation bomb + int + other mods). Step 2) In subsequent rounds, do whatever you want, as you now have a 60-damage fire aura/cone (5 @ 12 damage a piece, save for half) for next the five rounds. Damage can scale quite high if you budget for better resistance and high int. And being passive damage allows you to do other things, like drinking one of your unlimited potions of Good Hope to buff the party. Notes: This hasn't in any way been optimized. Its a rough concept that I've only gotten to try out in a single game so far*, but it was fun. :) I hope to bring a version of it to a PFS game at some point, and to have my character cackle wildly whilst smashing all his bombs over himself and proceeding to immolate everything around him for next several rounds. * (It was a mythic game, and GM was kind enough to let me take a Mtyhic Discovery for bombs to spontaneously change the damage type to cold) ![]()
Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote:
Brain: Are you pondering what I'm pondering? Pinky: Uh... yeah, Brain, but where are we going to find rubber pants our size?![]()
Also, House of Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne is rife with double crossings, murders, bad dealings, corrupt judges, etc. Would be a good one to adapt into an adventure. And speaking of the aforementioned, Alexander Dumas' "Count of Monte Cristo" could also be a good backdrop for an adventure. Pathfinders become involved in a deep conspiracy for revenge. Do they expose the conspirator (murder is murder, after all), or do they help him exact justice? ![]()
Charlotte Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" would make for a good investigative-type adventure. Teaser: A Blakros baroness has just given birth to twins, but the mother has mysteriously gone missing! The only thing left in her room is a diary, but the observations recorded therein quickly turn from loving memoirs to twisted horrors lurking in the shadows and walls. ![]()
This actually answers my question quite well. In addition to making the target more squishy vs ranged attacks, it would help my luchador, El Vato del Rio*, when he does his special move: The Cascada Muerta pile driver! Was hoping that after knocking someone prone form ki throw/binding throw shenanigans, that when I moved them up into the air 10ft (20ft next level!), that they'd be able to fall prone upon taking the falling damage. Seeing as people tend to agree that yanking someone up 5ft and dropping them would work, then 10ft or more should also do the trick. 1) El Vato Charges and clothesline the enemy! (Ki Throw / Binding Throw)
Next round: 1) Arm lock! (Maintain grapple + constrict)
** El Vato and grappled target leap skyward 10ft (20ft next level!) in a column of smoke and flame. El Vato slams the target into the ground. Target takes 1d6 points of falling damage and is knocked prone, triggering Vicious Stomp, which I just flavor as part of the pile driver or as a leg drop. Fortunately, I can do all this while maintaining grapple because Tetori are awesome like that and threaten even whilst grappled. And add +2d6 tag team damage to everything, since getting flank is super ez with Ki/Binding Throw ** Repeat awesomeness! * Currently 7th level @ 3 ninja and 4 tetori. El Vato can currently auto-succeed a DC 40 jump to carry his opponent 10ft up ezpz by spending 1 ki point for the +20 bonus. His heavy load is also 3600 lbs, so weight is rarely an issue. ![]()
Assuming I have control of the grapple, can I can use the Move action of the grapple rules to place my opponent upright (no longer prone) in an adjacent square when I'm done moving him or her about? Or, perhaps, upright before hand as part of the movement? Was trying to find some rules for forcing an opponent out of prone position, and this was the closest I could find. ![]()
Just noticed in the AR all that beautiful red text lifting the Ratfolk embargo (main ARG heading still says nothing from Ratfolk is legal, but the red text below says it is... assuming the former is an oversight?). Were there Ratfolk boons given out at GenCon? Or is this some clever foreshadowing? :o) ![]()
Hey All, Was reading up on the treesinger archetype, and saw that the treant does double damage vs objects. This got me thinking about making a sunder specialist -- of sorts. I'm keen on the idea of a hulk-smash treant, but I'm not sure how effective it would be. Here are my initial thoughts on feats and such at each level for the treant (PFS, so level 10 is about where it caps for animal companion in regular play). 01 Toughness OR Extra Item Slot for some future beneficial item
At level 10, vanilla STR 26 treant would be: +20/+20/+20 @ 4d6 + 24 damage vs objects. Does this seem viable at all, particularly with lack of adamantine? What other feats would you suggest (for both the druid and treant)? Thanks,
Question about further enchanting an item that appeared on my #00-34 Encounter at the Drowning Stones chronicle. There are three Core Rule items that were fluffed to use a different item slot. The one of particular interest is this one: Spoiler:
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (Crocodile Skull Headdress) Is this item considered unique, or can I enchant it beyond the +1? ![]()
Sniggevert wrote:
TY. ![]()
Spoiler: In Destiny of Sands Part 3, you gain 3 mythic tiers for the duration of the adventure. The Mythic book says, " Upon reaching the 2nd mythic tier, an ability score of your choice permanently increases by 2." Emphasis mine. If the ability increase is permanent, wouldn't that mean you get to keep the stat increase regardless of losing your mythic tiers at the end of the scenario? ![]()
thejeff wrote:
Fortunately, things are changing. While the procedure was developed to correct Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome, I could see it being used for intersex people who want to have children, but could not normally do so due to under developed sexual organs. Exciting times! ![]()
graywulfe wrote: Whimsy is still legal. The version from Blood of Angels is no longer legal, but the one from Inner Sea Gods is legal. Ah, didn't know they reprinted it. Thanks. [edit] Eh... yeah. Wow. So, I guess I'm going to be spending some prestige and gold to retrain. *sigh* [edit 2] Dagnabbit! Tyranny was also changed drastically. There goes my sword saint... [edit 3] On the flipside, flotsam subdomain is now legal and super awesome. Anyway, thanks again. ![]()
I was looking up some unrelated stuff, and just now noticed that Whimsy subdomain is no longer legal. I know I can pick a new subdomain for free, but I picked up the subdomain via the Separatist archetype and it was the sole reason for taking the archetype. As such, am I limited to only selecting a new subdomain, or can I change archetypes (or remove it completely) for free since that was the whole purpose of taking said archetype? Or is intent irrelevant and I'm stuck with it? Thanks everyone,
The Spontaneous Alchemy rules are reminiscent of a classic CRPG called Darklands -- one of my very favorite CRPGs of all time. I'd really like to know from the devs if these new rules were inspired by the game. In any event, I'm a happy camper, to say the least. :) This book really made my day and I'm nearly teary-eyed over all the new fireworks and the ability to light off a whole shenanigans worth after one has acquired a few ranks of craft alchemy. *sniff* Next game is going to be glorious... *queue epic Tchaikovsky* ![]()
Hey Everyone, I have a bazillion prestige right now after a long period of slow advancement + Borderland Keep (generates +1 prestige in place of day job). Aside from Pathfinder Society Field Guide and the the Pathfinder Society Primer, are there are any other sources of vanities or prestige purchases? I have a whole lotta' prestige I need to spend. [edit] p.s. Thank you for the responses! ![]()
There are also a few miscellaneous AC bonuses as well from things like Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone (+1 insight, 4000g) and Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier (+1 luck, 5000g). They also add to your your touch/flat footed ACs and CMD, which is double-plus-good for spellcasters. The ioun stone adds a further +2 to CMB/CMD as its resonance power with wayfinders. ![]()
I'd suggest Sleeves of Many Garments from Ultimate Equipment. Then you can create the swarmsuit on the fly when needed, as it normally imposes a 50% movement loss while worn. Or, for a bit more, make it a tear-away swarmsuit so it can be removed quickly if the 1/2 movement penalty is getting in the way. ![]()
Maulium wrote: About spellcasting, I will give wizards the chance to hide their books. And witches the chance to keep their companions aslong as they can be hidden. Baldur's Gate II wrote:
So, I got the race boon yesteryear at DundraCon, and recently discovered the firesight feat. Was thinking that it was a natural fit with an eversmoking bottle, but then I realized that ifrit aren't immune to the effects smoke inhalation. Was hoping to do an alchemist or investigator (something with craft alchemy), but I'm running into the smoke inhalation problem. Any suggestions for getting around that? I could spend 9k for a necklace of adaptation, but I figured it'd be more fitting for an ifrit to have an innate ability of some sort (feat, persistent class ability, etc.) to avoid choking to death on smoke. Something other than holding ones breath, of course. Sadly, smoke isn't considered a poison, otherwise that'd be an ez fix by merely leveling as alchemist. Thanks,
And to add to the late game purchases (though, it's more a mid-game purchase): Figurine of Wondrous Power (Ivory Goats) :: For 3 hours, once per two weeks, you get a +3 heavy lance and +5 longsword for 21k. And none-too-shabby companion to help fight beside you. Even more epic if you have Companion Figurine feat from Classic Treasures Revisited. You can activate the Goat of Terror two times per two week period at 6 hours a piece. And your horse gains an 30' aura of terror... how badass is THAT? ![]()
Chris O'Reilly wrote:
Yup. Not ez not spending the money. I saved up nearly all my gold except for a few necessary purchases (+2 int headband) until I hit about 8th level to get my Orange Prism Ioun stone (only 27k for us Qadirans), but now that I have it, I love it. Every spell I cast now adds another 0 - 3 caster level as its resonance bonus. I feel like a wild mage. :D But yeah, it's difficult, not just resisting the urge to spend all that coin on your character sheet, but only just now at 9th level getting a +3 cloak of resistance. Gah. Saves are rough. ![]()
Have a couple questions for this feat: 1) Since it no longer requires Ability Focus (a monster feat), and it's not explicitly listed as being banned in the Additional Resources, am I to assume I can now take this feat, providing I meet all other prerequisites? Was thinking of taking this chain for my crawling vine companion. 2) This feat references old mechanics, and hasn't been updated to reflect the change in Bestiary 2 to what sizes grab and constrict abilities can affect. As such, does this feat no longer provide any benefit to a creature that already has grab and constrict (e.g. crawling vine)? ![]()
James Jacobs wrote:
Bag of Devouring is my personal favorite means of disposal. Even if they get they drop the ducats on a true resurrection / miracle / wish, it only has a 50% chance of working. ![]()
You can get the Bane Baldric if all you want is the bane class feature from inquisitor. Then you can put most of your levels back into gunslinger. And speaking of criticals, since you're a dhampir, I would also suggest taking the Numerological Gift trait from Blood of the Night flopbook. If you're not familiar with it, you roll 3d6 when you take the trait and record the number (it can't be changed). From then on, once per day, you can turn any d20 roll that comes up as that number into a nat 20. ![]()
Bill Dunn wrote:
It's because, as Bill Dunn stated, the original wands were 100-(1D20-1) charges. However, Pathfinder is twice as good as 2e, and we also have the maximize metamagic feat, so it becomes 100-MAX(1D20-1)*2. Which comes out to 62. And as we all know, the octal form of 50 is 62. So, naturally, we have 50 charges in wands now. In addition, Pope Anastasius II was the 50th pope of the Catholic Church. He died in 498, and if we add the "+2 backscratcher" reference from the original AD&D DMG comic, you get an even 500; which of course is divisible by its page number (10), and gives you 50 again. It's all perfectly clear as to why we have 50 charges. Not sure why nobody else has figured it out... ![]()
PatientWolf wrote:
Pretty much my line of reasoning. Taking Racial Heritage followed by Tail Terror wouldn't give you a tail any more than Power Attack would provide you with a weapon with which to power attack. To me, qualifying for a feat does not guarantee a means by which to carry out the feat, unless said feat explicitly says so, such as the Tengu Wings. ![]()
David knott 242 wrote:
Sorry, maybe my question wasn't clear. Let me clarify. Can investigator use Craft (Alchemy) to make alchemical items? DETAILS: Crafting is prohibited in PFS, excepting rogue poisoners, alchemists, and of course exemptions noted on chronicle sheets. MORE DETAILS: Investigator lists rogue and alchemist as alternate classes. Which leads me to: Does that mean investigator is an alternate class for both rogue and alchemist? If so, then I've answered the first question, as an alternate class counts as its base counterpart, yes? |