>>Blame *Cosmo* for ALL your problems here<<

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Dark Archive

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Alexander Augunas wrote:
Mythic JMD031 wrote:
I blame Cosmo for Alexander Augunas misspelling Cobra Commander.
I meant exactly what I said.

Now I blame Cosmo for that image of cobras that *are* seen / found in underwear...

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Set wrote:
Mythic JMD031 wrote:
I blame Cosmo for Alexander Augunas misspelling Cobra Commander.

I blame everyone for the existence of Cosmo Commander and his evil clown-snake army of mercenaries.

I Blame Cosmo for the mental image of a bunch of evil clown-snake mercs with mustaches.

Dark Archive

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I blame Cosmo for causing insanity in paizoians.

Silver Crusade

Cr500cricket wrote:
I blame Cosmo for causing insanity in paizoians.

I thought insanity was a pre-req... Is this one of those chicken or the egg scenarios?

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Rysky wrote:
Cr500cricket wrote:
I blame Cosmo for causing insanity in paizoians.
I thought insanity was a pre-req... Is this one of those chicken or the egg scenarios?

I Blame Cosmo for the chicken or the egg scenarios.

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I Blame Cosmo that my friend's book Hellbow Rune (that you can find on Amazon) is not a bestseller by now.

I Blame Cosmo for the shameless plug for my friend's book above.

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Rysky wrote:

I hope we eventually extend to all Paizo Personnel :3

So without further adieu:

This morning I wanted a glass of milk with my waffles but I was out of milk... I blame Cosmo.

(I know it's silly and I'm Evil)

This is the very first post in this thread. I would like to point out the Rysky wanted to extend this to all Pazio Personnel...but of course Cosmo can't let that happen.

I Blame Cosmo for hogging up all the blame.

I Blame Cosmo also for my cat throwing up all over my room.

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I blame Cosmo for John not getting a dog. Sure we might also throw up all over the room, but at least we'll clean it up ourselves.

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Dogfort Communications Officer wrote:
I blame Cosmo for John not getting a dog. Sure we might also throw up all over the room, but at least we'll clean it up ourselves.

What a absurd idea...a dog...I am almost speechless at the implication that a dog could replace me....ME!!!

I Blame Cosmo for allowing dogs to even post on the Pazio boards.

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I blame Cosmo for small cuts right under fingernails and the tips of fingers.

I also blame Cosmo for the realization that I didn't realize how much I use a certain parts of my body until there is pain involved with them.

Dark Archive

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I blame Cosmo for unwieldy splints.

I blame Cosmo that I can't type on a computer with this splint and therefore I have to use my phone.

I blame Cosmo that I didn't break my dominant hand and therefore get out of schoolwork.

Silver Crusade

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I love both dogs and cats. I blame Cosmo that they don't get along more often.

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Emperor Floyd wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for allowing dogs to even post on the Pazio boards.

I blame Cosmo for Floyd's ignorance of the Poodle Lords.

Miss Kitty wrote:
Emperor Floyd wrote:
I Blame Cosmo for allowing dogs to even post on the Pazio boards.
I blame Cosmo for Floyd's ignorance of the Poodle Lords.

I am aghast...just aghast at this....this...rubbish!!!

Actually I guess it fit under fantasy.

Rysky wrote:
I love both dogs and cats. I blame Cosmo that they don't get along more often.

I do to...unfortunately His Imperial Majesty Floyd does not like dogs.

Grand Lodge

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I blame Cosmo for the delayed blast concrud.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I blame Cosmo for two things:

1. Rightfully taking the image of my favorite monster and using it for his own, thus rendering any usage of it by me a cheap and desperate imitation.

2. Coming up with the Curse of Burning Sleep spell, because only Cosmo would.

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I blame Cosmo for my sister giving birth to my first niece. Now I have several months of statements like the following:

"Look at this new dress I got her!" ... "Awwwwwww, it's sooo cuuuuuute!"

"Oh, look at her in her dress... Awww... she's so adorable!

"OMG she looks just like you!" "And not at all like a winkled lump of skin like all new-born babies do."

"Oh wow! She's so intelligent! Just like her Daddy/Mommy!"

I ****ing hate fawning over babies.

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Tels wrote:

I blame Cosmo for my sister giving birth to my first niece. Now I have several months of statements like the following:

"Look at this new dress I got her!" ... "Awwwwwww, it's sooo cuuuuuute!"

"Oh, look at her in her dress... Awww... she's so adorable!

"OMG she looks just like you!" "And not at all like a winkled lump of skin like all new-born babies do."

"Oh wow! She's so intelligent! Just like her Daddy/Mommy!"

I ****ing hate fawning over babies.

Parenthood seems to be a virus—transmitted by all of the numerous liquid and semi-solid substances that leak constantly from the child—that rewires your infected brain, similar to the propagation of Toxoplasma gondii or the Cordyceps fungi. As such, many parental thought processes and actions seem unusual, even alien, to the rest of us. Be warned, if you are asked to babysit your niece, you are also at risk for infection.

I blame Cosmo that I couldn't think of a decent punchline for a "fawning—>Bambi" joke, and so I instead wrote the above drivel.

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Tels wrote:

I blame Cosmo for my sister giving birth to my first niece. Now I have several months of statements like the following:

"Look at this new dress I got her!" ... "Awwwwwww, it's sooo cuuuuuute!"

"Oh, look at her in her dress... Awww... she's so adorable!

"OMG she looks just like you!" "And not at all like a winkled lump of skin like all new-born babies do."

"Oh wow! She's so intelligent! Just like her Daddy/Mommy!"

I ****ing hate fawning over babies.

Parenthood seems to be a virus—transmitted by all of the numerous liquid and semi-solid substances that leak constantly from the child—that rewires your infected brain, similar to the propagation of Toxoplasma gondii or the Cordyceps fungi. As such, many parental thought processes and actions seem unusual, even alien, to the rest of us. Be warned, if you are asked to babysit your niece, you are also at risk for infection.

I blame Cosmo that I couldn't think of a decent punchline for a "fawning—>Bambi" joke, and so I instead wrote the above drivel.

I'm already infected, thanks to my two siblings with kids both being unreliable parents. My first nephew (11 years old) was raised by me as his pseudo-father for the first 6 years of his life before his mother moved to Washington and took him with him. My brother was out of the picture at the time, and the mother is an alcoholic; enough so that when she got out of the hospital, she left the kid with my family and I and didn't come back for 2 weeks while she was partying. I was 14 at the time and it was my responsibility to take care of my newborn nephew.

During this 6 year time period, he lived mostly with us while his mother ran around drinking, dealing/using drugs and partying.

While not as extreme as the first one, the same case has played out with each of my other 3 nephews that followed. Up until a few months ago, I was taking care of my sister's two sons due to issues with drugs and mental stability she had. She finally cleared up a bit and moved back in, but mostly because we found out she was 5 months pregnant, though she didn't discover this until she'd been staying with us for a week or so.

I've been the primary or third parent for each of my 4 nephews, and since my niece's father is a criminal and in jail for the foreseeable future, I expect I'll be a parent for her as well.

I blame Cosmo for my siblings not sorting out their life.

Good GOD. Thank Sara Marie that my brother and sister-in-law have their heads on straight for my own niece's sake.

At least those kids have someone sane in their life, so good on you for that man.

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On a slightly different topic, I blame Cosmo for the fact that the moustache wax I bought makes my face smell like the inside of an empty wardrobe.

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So I was organizing my room...packing away some books for storage when I came across my favorite horror fiction writer (Robert McCammon if your curious) and noticed I am missing 5 of his novels. So I went online and saw no easy way to replace them.

So for this I Blame Cosmo.

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I blame Cosmo for there not being enough footage of Patrick Stewart doing the mambo whilst in the guise of Captain Picard.

I blame Cosmo I didn't get Friday off this week. Now I have to cram in all my weekend chores and weekly task with one less day to work with.

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On top of the whole shorter weekend problem I blame Cosmo because my car blew a break line. Luckily I was nowhere dangerous and very close to home. You're really upping the ante a little much here aren't you Cosmo?

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Drock11 wrote:
On top of the whole shorter weekend problem I blame Cosmo because my car blew a break line. Luckily I was nowhere dangerous and very close to home. You're really upping the ante a little much here aren't you Cosmo?

I believe you should be praising Sara Maria for the lack of cliffs nearby!

I blame Cosmo for posting jobs up thread, and I am qualified for none!

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I blame Cosmo for my roommate's antics.

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I blame Cosmo for having "Far From Any Road" stuck in my head on infinite repeat.

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While I applaud his initiative and entrepreneurship, I really wish Cosmo hadn't decided to redevelop my back garden as West Yorkshire Pussycats' Toilet World.

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Limeylongears wrote:
While I applaud his initiative and entrepreneurship, I really wish Cosmo hadn't decided to redevelop my back garden as West Yorkshire Pussycats' Toilet World.

Have you tried sitting out there with a microphone and narrating their activities in a polite matter-of-fact cat-show-announcer voice? Many cats seem very shy about their bathroom breaks, and maybe an audience will persuade them to potty elsewhere?

Edit: I blame Cosmo if Limeylongears' neighbors call 911 on his backyard announcing.

The neighbours have already called the Police once this year, because they thought I was dead (I wasn't). I don't think that would worry them. The cunning devils (cats, not neighbours, although... Waaait a moment...) always do it while I'm asleep, though, so tit might not work. I shall buy a replica of the Giant Rat of Sumatra instead and put that in the back garden . That'll learn 'em.

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I Blame Cosmo for my glasses breaking at work today.

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I blame Cosmo for the absolute disaster that was work today. Dealing with hungry patients in a hospital when their food is almost an hour late...not fun.

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I blame Cosmo for only now discovering one of the cats is a superpowered villain. She parked herself in front of her usual chair but refused to jump up, instead staring at me contentedly and happily blocking the aisle. So I bent down and picked her up, only to discover she is the newest incarnation of Graviton; she increased her gravitational attraction by at least an order of magnitude, wrenching my back. The locking & jerking spasms have subsided enough I was only able to slowly stand up a few minutes ago, but even with the naproxen and acetaminophen it is almost excruciating... it hurt less after I fell down that flight of stairs a couple years ago.

Dark Archive

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
So I bent down and picked her up, only to discover she is the newest incarnation of Graviton; she increased her gravitational attraction by at least an order of magnitude, wrenching my back.

Clearly the cat was Jormungandr, which means Cosmo is Utgard-Loki!

Or, at least, we've discovered one of Cosmo's 66 secret names...

Set wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
So I bent down and picked her up, only to discover she is the newest incarnation of Graviton; she increased her gravitational attraction by at least an order of magnitude, wrenching my back.

Clearly the cat was Jormungandr, which means Cosmo is Utgard-Loki!

Or, at least, we've discovered one of Cosmo's 66 secret names...

Being only familiar with Marvel's Thor (and really only through the Avengers comics), Jormungandr was new to me. Thanks!

Edit: HA! Jormungandr is surprisingly appropriate now that I think of it. She (the cat) is extremely water phobic, but I now suspect this just part of her disguise.

I blame Cosmo for Ambrosia Slaad clearly not having discovered the best comic-book version of the various adventures of the Aesir: the Danish title Valhalla.

Cosmo likes to spend his spare time helping little old ladies walk their puppies.

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I blame Cosmo for me having off from work tomorrow, but not Friday.

...and Friday is only a 5 hour (work) day.

Seriously, dude.


Dark Archive

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Randarak wrote:
...and Friday is only a 5 hour day.

What perfidy is this? Cosmo has somehow stolen 19 hours from Friday!?

Madness! He must be stopped!


Or, possibly, propitiated...

Set wrote:
Randarak wrote:
...and Friday is only a 5 hour day.

What perfidy is this? Cosmo has somehow stolen 19 hours from Friday!?

Madness! He must be stopped!


Or, possibly, propitiated...

As long as he's produced all the proper paperwork for the City Council.

Grand Lodge

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Set wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
So I bent down and picked her up, only to discover she is the newest incarnation of Graviton; she increased her gravitational attraction by at least an order of magnitude, wrenching my back.

Clearly the cat was Jormungandr, which means Cosmo is Utgard-Loki!

Or, at least, we've discovered one of Cosmo's 66 secret names...

Loki, Raven, Coyote, Whiskey-Jack, Anansi, Brer Rabbit, Bugs Bunny, ...

7 down, 59 to go.
Sorry, those were all of the Trickster Gods I could come up with without going down the internet rabbit-hole.

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A poster on Facebook mentioned rewriting Aqua's Barbie Girl to instead be Barbarian Girl...

I came up with the following:
"I'm a raging girl, in a violent world.
Constant fighting, endless dieing!
Looting monster's lairs, with bodies everywhere,
Confrontation, it's bloody altercation!
Come on Barby, join my party!

Ooh! Argh, Ugh, RAWR!"

I blame Cosmo.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
I blame Cosmo for only now discovering one of the cats is a superpowered villain. She parked herself in front of her usual chair but refused to jump up, instead staring at me contentedly and happily blocking the aisle. So I bent down and picked her up, only to discover she is the newest incarnation of Graviton; she increased her gravitational attraction by at least an order of magnitude, wrenching my back. The locking & jerking spasms have subsided enough I was only able to slowly stand up a few minutes ago, but even with the naproxen and acetaminophen it is almost excruciating... it hurt less after I fell down that flight of stairs a couple years ago.

You haven't been feeding them Starmetal again, have you?

(nb: Hope you're OK, or at least recovering...)

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I blame Cosmo that that the previously mentioned cat has me too well trained. She came over around 10AMish, stood up on her hind legs, waved/reached a front paw at me, and did her best "Mew?" begging to be picked up. Without thinking, I started to bend over to do so... ARRRRRRRGH!

She is now napping contentedly under the azalea bush, likely dreaming of further Evil.

Paizo Employee Sales Imp

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I blame Cosmo that that the previously mentioned cat has me too well trained. She came over around 10AMish, stood up on her hind legs, waved/reached a front paw at me, and did her best "Mew?" begging to be picked up. Without thinking, I started to bend over to do so... ARRRRRRRGH!

She is now napping contentedly under the azalea bush, likely dreaming of further Evil.

I gotta say... I kinda love this cat. :)

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Army of

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It seems as if every time I come to a four way stop I'm the only person that understands the rules about who is supposed to go in what order. Don't even get me started on what happens when more than one person arrives at the stop at once. Really, I'm I the only one that paid attention to this stuff in those driver training classes? I can only assume everybody around me at that time is under some order from Cosmo to make it a hassle. You already have found a way to conspire and make me get stopped at almost every traffic light I come to. Did you really have to go there with this too Cosmo?

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Drock11 wrote:
It seems as if every time I come to a four way stop I'm the only person that understands the rules about who is supposed to go in what order. Don't even get me started on what happens when more than one person arrives at the stop at once. Really, I'm I the only one that paid attention to this stuff in those driver training classes? I can only assume everybody around me at that time is under some order from Cosmo to make it a hassle. You already have found a way to conspire and make me get stopped at almost every traffic light I come to. Did you really have to go there with this too Cosmo?

Fun Fact: All gremlins are certified electricians and traffic engineers!

For these wonderful skill sets, we must all blame Cosmo! >:D

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