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Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
For Wes: What's the number 1 word that you most commonly misspell/mistype?

Skipping ahead.

Normally, I would say "silhouette."

This week, I would say "pharaoh." Because I done @#$%ed it up in a very visible way that thousands of people are going to see in just a few more weeks here.

As soon as the product page goes live I plan to being my public flagellation. :(

It's cool, though. The shelf life on cover-bound spelling errors is only about 10 years, so in about 2024 I should have lived this down.

Have you considered committing "sekkupu" to regain face?

I'm not sure what that entails. I imagine something different from
Seppukaki (feel free to imagine a definition for that. You're probably right.)

Jeff Erwin wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
For Wes: What's the number 1 word that you most commonly misspell/mistype?

Skipping ahead.

Normally, I would say "silhouette."

This week, I would say "pharaoh." Because I done @#$%ed it up in a very visible way that thousands of people are going to see in just a few more weeks here.

Well, nobody could agree on how to spell it until fairly recently, anyway. "Faro," the Western (and French) card game is named for the Biblical figure/the title; and the medieval spellings for him tended to be "Faraon."

French use "Pharaon"... it's interesting to note that lower case "h" and "n" are similar enough to be misspelled as/mistaken for the other.

Time to repost and expend...

1.) Wes, you mentioned liking Suikoden, have you ever wanted to make a Pathfinder / d20 version of it/them?

2.) I was thinking about "how to make a lycanthropes module", and it hit me, how would one make it challenging without every NPC and their mothers having either Magic, Silver Weapons, or both? Is that one of the reasons why paizo doesn't make one?

3) If you could, would you write an Adventure Path for Evil and/or Monstrous PC?

4) What is your opinion on the Young Characters rules in Ultimate Campaign?

5) Do I annoy you?

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Ross Byers wrote:

Where in Mendev would you place the Leaden Cathedral (former headquarters of the Order of the Godclaw)?

I asked James Jacobs, he said to ask you.


Psiphyre wrote:

Hey Wes.

Since you've put a lot into developing devils & Hell in Pathfinder (such that you're probably the "devil-guy at Paizo" - in as much as James is the "demon-guy at Paizo"), I was wondering whether or not you've seen these?:

Consorts to the Archdevils

Although the consorts referred to above (DeviantArt page) apply to the D&D Lords of Hell, the illustrations just might be of interest to you...

So, will we be learning more on any consorts to the Pathfinder Archdevils? Do they all even have consorts? I'm pretty sure there was mention of Dispater having one (of a few?)...

Carry on!


I HAVE! And frickin' love them!

Lets see here. Who would even have them.

Not Barbatos... because reasons.
Not Mammon, since he's a genus loci.
Not Belial, since he can be his own consort.
Not Geryon, because he's snaky smart Godzilla.
Not Moloch, cince he.s made of fire.
Not Baalzebul, since he's insane and flies.
Not Mephistopheles, since he's A) alien enough to be beyond that or B) is married to Hell.
And probably not Asmodeus, because he only loves himself.

Really, Dispater is the only one I'd say definitely had past romances. I could see exceptions and arguments for some of the others, but personally I don't think their existing themes and trajectories set them on that course.

As for Dispater's exes, you'll want to check out Kobold Quarterly #23, which touches on Erecura, Feronia, and another.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

2 people marked this as a favorite.
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
And probably not Asmodeus, because he only loves himself.

He really needs to get over Ihys.

Just spit-balling here, but what would you think of these two specific instances of non-Dispater consorts?

Mammon doesn't have a consort so much as an ex-consort, someone discarded after his ressurection. Something exploring the misogyny of hell and what happens when someone who is invested with the power of a unique devil is considered worthless by the Machine.
Geryon's consort is Echidna mother of monsters and false prophets. Each child reflecting one of Geryon's two natures.

Also I personally use Baalphegor nearly unaltered as a hint back to the ancient Baatorians, though I know that's be impossible in an official Pazio publication.

Shadow Lodge

Alex Smith 908 wrote:

Just spit-balling here, but what would you think of these two specific instances of non-Dispater consorts?

Mammon doesn't have a consort so much as an ex-consort, someone discarded after his ressurection. Something exploring the misogyny of hell and what happens when someone who is invested with the power of a unique devil is considered worthless by the Machine.
Geryon's consort is Echidna mother of monsters and false prophets. Each child reflecting one of Geryon's two natures.

Also I personally use Baalphegor nearly unaltered as a hint back to the ancient Baatorians, though I know that's be impossible in an official Pazio publication.

Another one I could see having consorts is Baalzebub. Like a whole cult he's fathered amongst mortals devoted to lusting after and envying him and his power as a way to both boost his ego and help prove his assertions of superiority to Asmodeus. That being said I could see it being composed of as many mortals as devils or other outsiders since I think the lord of the flies is still a little too crazy obsessed with himself and his aspirations to both ascend above and stand beside Asmodeus to necessarily be picky so long as they continue to divulge their love and envy of him.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Tirisfal wrote:


How did your Bastardhall game go at the PaizoCon this year?


Frickin' fabulously! It was one of those times where you're GMing and know that if the PCs go left they'll find what's to the left and if they go right... well, they'll find what's on the left.

But it was good times! They met a very grabby old tree, almost got killed by their own wall of fire, and ventured into the servant's chapel... where some old magic was keeping a pair of nasty soul eaters contained. Well, contained until the PCs decided to tinker.

We had a harrower in the group who was quite adept at reading her cards, so that was a great addition!

Overall, good times. And I'm already gearing up for this year's game. In fact, I just got to re-run a group through the Black Gardens of Bastardhall, which I'll talk about here on the blog soon.

Thanks for asking!

Dark Archive

When are we going to see Bastardhall as a mega-dungeon?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
brad2411 wrote:
When are we going to see Bastardhall as a mega-dungeon?

The same day I faint from excitement.

Sovereign Court Contributor

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Tirisfal wrote:


How did your Bastardhall game go at the PaizoCon this year?


Frickin' fabulously! It was one of those times where you're GMing and know that if the PCs go left they'll find what's to the left and if they go right... well, they'll find what's on the left.

But it was good times! They met a very grabby old tree, almost got killed by their own wall of fire, and ventured into the servant's chapel... where some old magic was keeping a pair of nasty soul eaters contained. Well, contained until the PCs decided to tinker.

We had a harrower in the group who was quite adept at reading her cards, so that was a great addition!

Overall, good times. And I'm already gearing up for this year's game. In fact, I just got to re-run a group through the Black Gardens of Bastardhall, which I'll talk about here on the blog soon.

Thanks for asking!

I'll see if I can make it in July.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
I get a very Charles Xavier vibe off this. The idea that an Arshea worshiper would want to create a place to teach people about themselves and hone their abilities in an environment free of prejudice sounds pretty noble to me.

That would explain why superheroes have perfect bodies and flattering outfits, and I believe James said that sorcerers are basically mutants. Questions in that vein will have to wait, I've already thought up 10 other questions:

1. How would an Arshean kingdom work, particularly militarily?

2. How would Arshea feel about (consensual!) S&M and the like? Besides non-con, where would Arshea draw the line?

3. On what do Arshea and Lymneris disagree about?

4. What would you guess Arshea’s CR is?

5. What would his spell-like abilities be like?

6. How did you feel about the write-ups the empyreal lords got in Bestiary 4?

7. How do you feel of my critique of said write-ups?

8. Would you bribe James to give empyreal lords more love?

9. Would you also teach James more about empyreal lords? I wanna get a reply out of him besides “That’s a Wes question.”

10. Besides you, who else is knowledgeable about empyreal lords?

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Batman Arkham Origins and Pokemon Y are near next on the list, but either Stick or Truth or Bravely Default may jump them.

I rarely care for the story in RPGs, but I am enjoying the one for Bravely Default. I am also enjoying the job system for that game. Stick of Truth is next on my play list.

Vagrant Story is my old fav thats keeps popping into my play list. It makes for a great low level mini campaign for PnP roleplaying.


If you're on this thread, this might interest you.

Author Dave Gross was kind enough to include me in his Creative Colleagues series of interviews. Check it out to hear more from me about creating some of the most terrifying parts of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, “consensual trauma,” writing GLBTQ characters, and my long hinted at secret project!

RPG Superstar 2009, Contributor

Already read it. Some interesting insights there. Including that open secret project of yours.

Good afternoon Wes! Hope the projects you are working on are progressing smoothly. And now, some questions!

1. Have you ever heard of the Wi-Lu-Gho-Yuk? Nasty little creature from inuit mythology, seems like he'd fit right into Golarion.
2. As I understand it, you're the office devil supporter and James is the office demon guy. Is there a big daemon supporter in the office?
3. I found the fact that Asmodeus wasn't in the Dragon Empires Gazetteer a little odd. Is he simply not interested in the region, or was he not mentioned to give the new gods a little breathing space?
4. Has it been established where General Susumu stays in hell, assuming he has a region there being LE and all? I'd imagine he's in Malebolge, I can picture he and Moloch getting along as well as immensely powerful evil beings can.

And, to finish with a little book suggestion, I found the Wi-Lu-Gho-Yuk in "The Field Guide to North American Monsters" by W. Haden Blackman. It's not the greatest book ever, but it is fun and it introduced me to a lot of monsters when I was little. It was the first place I ever learned about wendigos, the baykok, the Flatwoods Monster, and even really weird ones like the Mad Gasser of Mattoon. Just something to pick up if you want a fun read.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Steve Geddes wrote:

Hi wes. I probably asked you about this before, but there's been a flurry of similar requests recently so I thought I'd ask again in the hope momentum was building..

Any chance for a devils revisited in a year or two? Is spare time really that important?



I mean. There's certainly a chance. I've got a few other pressing things I need to get through (see that interview I just linked above for the primary example). Beyond that though, more on devils could be fun!

And so could Bastardhall...

And so could writing another creepy AP...

And so could a book on hauntings...

And so could more fiction...

And so could...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

Hi wes. I probably asked you about this before, but there's been a flurry of similar requests recently so I thought I'd ask again in the hope momentum was building..

Any chance for a devils revisited in a year or two? Is spare time really that important?


Well it would take me a while for me to read Devils Revisited. So writing that should give you some respite for a while, at least. *inno*


donato wrote:
GTA 5 approaches. Thoughts?

Soooo late on this, but I really enjoyed it. The torture scene was fantastically uncomfortable. Like I REALLY didn't want to keep playing it, and I don't know that I've ever had that visceral a reaction to a game. While there's certainly plenty to criticize—it's FAR from PC or anything like forward thinking on a range of fronts—it was enjoyed for what it was.

Also, I didn't expect to enjoy Trevor at all, but his writing was great.


Kittyburger wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:

And because you asked for meaty, here's something that I think would be right up the cult of Arshea's alley:
I'd imagine that many transgendered people within the Cult would still probably prefer the girdle over the cord, if only because the "cursed" magic item doesn't require you to wear it after it has changed your gender.
That or the cord should be much much cheaper.
I think most would prefer the elixir over either - it's an instant one-and-done, not vulnerable to disjunction, remove curse or other similar magic. :)

Well good news!

Keep an eye out in 2014. :D


Rysky wrote:
Since we have obediences for Demon and Empyreal Lords and the core Deities in the upcoming Gods of the Inner Sea, what would you put as Obediences for the Archedevils? If not all of them what about Dispater?
doc the grey wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Since we have obediences for Demon and Empyreal Lords and the core Deities in the upcoming Gods of the Inner Sea, what would you put as Obediences for the Archedevils? If not all of them what about Dispater?
With this guy. Also is there any way we will see obediences for the 8 in print some time in the future?

I'm going to skip questions about this for two reasons: not to hedge future me in when I can actually dedicate some design time to creating these, and to provide a PrC that ties in with them.

For now, indulge whatever you feel like the archdevils' vibes and areas of concern suggest. Sacrifices of favored animals (see Inner Sea Gods), corruption of other creatures, contributing toward long term seductions, and self debasement all seem like general way to please these guys.


137ben wrote:

1. What are the top 5 reasons that Daemons are more awesome than Demons?

2. What are the top 5 reasons that Daemons are more awesome than Devils?

To each his own, but ultimately, I'm quite pleased with the tact we ended up taking with daemons in Pathfinder. I was a big Planescape fan back in the 90s, but the yugoloths always felt so tacked on. The nihilistic, screw law, screw chaos, burn it all down then burn the ashes direction fits nicely with my sense of the neutral alignments being, the "pure" alignments. That folks actually care about daemons at all has been fantastically gratifying, especially since at one point we were having conversations like "Do we even want to bother with a daemon book?" Turns out it as worth it. :)

As for the top 5 reasons they're awesome, it's the same for both: The Four Horsemen—which readers of Pathfinder #2 can see that I slipped in the game even that early on (though their direction was since refined)—and thanadaemons, which are hardcore. :)

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:

If you're on this thread, this might interest you.

Author Dave Gross was kind enough to include me in his Creative Colleagues series of interviews. Check it out to hear more from me about creating some of the most terrifying parts of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, “consensual trauma,” writing GLBTQ characters, and my long hinted at secret project!

So you were the guess of Horror?

Have you seen any of the following animated films: Frozen, ParaNorman, Coraline, Wreck it Ralph, Hotel Transylvania, or Mr. Peabody and Sherman? If so what did you think?

Liberty's Edge

what is your favorite pet?
What is your favorite food?
What happens if I release bunnies in your workspace?

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

What do you do if you want to play a certain class, but feel it'd be redundant because EVERYONE is playing some variant of it (like a rogue in Skull and Shackles, or a Paladin in Wrath of the Righteous)?

1) Does the church of Asmodeus try to appeal to the common people and convince them that they are "Good"?

2) If so, what methods do they use?

3) How does the church of Asmodeus portray/villify celestials in it's sermons and teachings in a way that would make it's followers not want to venerate them?

4) Does the average citizen of Cheliax hate House Thrune, or do they support it?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
Kittyburger wrote:
doc the grey wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
F. Wesley Schneider wrote:

And because you asked for meaty, here's something that I think would be right up the cult of Arshea's alley:
I'd imagine that many transgendered people within the Cult would still probably prefer the girdle over the cord, if only because the "cursed" magic item doesn't require you to wear it after it has changed your gender.
That or the cord should be much much cheaper.
I think most would prefer the elixir over either - it's an instant one-and-done, not vulnerable to disjunction, remove curse or other similar magic. :)

Well good news!

Keep an eye out in 2014. :D

I'm looking forward to it!


Tirisfal wrote:
1) Do you have any future plans for the Devil in Gray?

Not specifically. If you want more ideas for it or that area, watch Brotherhood of the Wolf.

Tirisfal wrote:
2) Do you have any tips for building a haunted castle super dungeon? :)

Variety. A haunted castle doesn't need to just be a castle. With Bastardhall I've detailed a now nearby, a ruined village, the lake surrounding it, the grounds beyond, the gardens, and only recently a chapel and ruins within its outermost walls. So far, my haunted castle has very little actual castle.

Each of these areas has also had its own distinct theme of monsters and threats, making each quite distinct. Many players have come to the dungeon expecting it to be thick with undead, but thus far there's been more fey, vermin, and haunts than anything else.

So don't feel like your dungeon has to have just one physical structure or genre of monsters.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
doc the grey wrote:
Can you give us any idea on what hell was like before Dahak scorched it through, how different was it from what it is now, were the asura and kytons roaming about it during that time or did they not appear till after, if the were around how did Dahak's inferno affect their lives on that plane?

Someday we'll get into the history and prehistory of the planes, but for now the specifics range from being pretty academic to purposefully vague. All I'm really comfortable with saying about this right now is that in a time before most deities, in epochs beyond any sane reckoning, before mortal life was a thing that was considered significant, things in the multiverse were different. How folks want that to impact their games is up to them.


The NPC wrote:

Mr. F. Wesley Schneider,

This was written on the "Ask James Jacobs" Thread. Do you have an answer to this question?

James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Why are all the violent Empyreal Lords Archons? Why no combat heavy Azatas ?
You'd have to ask Amber and Wes. My guess? Archons, being lawful, are more intolerant and thus more prone to aggression, whereas the azatas are chaotic and a lot more easy-going.

What's suggested here is not some subtle design philosophy. It's purely coincidence.

While archons are highly organized and many lean toward military-like hierarchies, that is not meant to suggest that all archons are martial-minded. It's also not meant to suggest that the empyreal lords of other races are less prone to or skilled at combat, strategy, or violence.

The empyreal lords presented in Chronicle of the Righteous are but a handful of the empyreal lords in existence. We'll certainly learn about more in the future, many likely designed to take advantage of creative opportunities like those singled out here.

If anyone wants to jump in and create their own empyreal lords to fill in some of these spaces sooner rather than later, though, by all means!

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Which of the deities that sponsor paladins (Abadar, Erastil, Iomedae, Sarenrae, Shelyn and Torag, specifically) would you feel this quote resembles best?

"Reach down into your heart and you'll find many reasons to fight. Survival. Honor. Glory. But what about those who feel it's their duty to protect the innocent? There you'll find a warrior savage enough to match any dragon, and in the end, they'll retain what the others won't. Their humanity."

Dark Archive

Where do I submit my resume?

Dark Archive

F. Wesley Schneider wrote:
The NPC wrote:

Mr. F. Wesley Schneider,

This was written on the "Ask James Jacobs" Thread. Do you have an answer to this question?

James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Why are all the violent Empyreal Lords Archons? Why no combat heavy Azatas ?
You'd have to ask Amber and Wes. My guess? Archons, being lawful, are more intolerant and thus more prone to aggression, whereas the azatas are chaotic and a lot more easy-going.

What's suggested here is not some subtle design philosophy. It's purely coincidence.

While archons are highly organized and many lean toward military-like hierarchies, that is not meant to suggest that all archons are martial-minded. It's also not meant to suggest that the empyreal lords of other races are less prone to or skilled at combat, strategy, or violence.

The empyreal lords presented in Chronicle of the Righteous are but a handful of the empyreal lords in existence. We'll certainly learn about more in the future, many likely designed to take advantage of creative opportunities like those singled out here.

If anyone wants to jump in and create their own empyreal lords to fill in some of these spaces sooner rather than later, though, by all means!

Do we have a thread for this?

Dark Archive

Did I really just kill this thread? :(

Cr500cricket wrote:
Did I really just kill this thread? :(

The thread is usually under the effects of a SuperSlow spell.

Liberty's Edge

Wes, which are the most player friendly hellknight orders?

Guy St-Amant wrote:
Cr500cricket wrote:
Did I really just kill this thread? :(

The thread is usually under the effects of a SuperSlow spell.

Plus it's the weekend. Most Paizo folks post from the office. I wouldn't expect a response before Monday.


Orthos wrote:
Guy St-Amant wrote:
Cr500cricket wrote:
Did I really just kill this thread? :(

The thread is usually under the effects of a SuperSlow spell.

Plus it's the weekend. Most Paizo folks post from the office. I wouldn't expect a response before Monday.

If you follow Wes on Twitter, he's been lying on the floor of his home all weekend playing Hearthstone now that it's an iPad app. I imagine that even the most stalwart of editors need a break after/during the dreaded Con Crunch month.

Dark Archive

Yep I killed it.

Patience, dude. Really, you need some. The thread is not dead. It just doesn't move at James Jacobs's bazillion MPH.

Paizo Employee Developer

Yeah, the rest of the Ask *Staff* threads don't have near the momentum as James' thread.

Dark Archive

Oh, I'm sorry to everyone else

Adam Daigle wrote:
Yeah, the rest of the Ask *Staff* threads don't have near the momentum as James' thread.

You aren't all workaholic on the same things...

So, have you heard of any of these monsters?

huge list:

2.Binaye Ahani
8.Horned Alligator
9.Hvcko Capko
24.Fsti Capcaki
32.Tisikh Puk
37.Pal Rai Yuk
48.Black Tamanous
51.Mi Ni Wa Tu
53.Michi Pichoux
55.Nalusa Falaya
61.Raw Gums
62.Sa Yin
105.Iron Fingers

1)Is each Malebranche interested/devoted to a different planet in the golarion solar system?

2)If so wich planet(s) is each Malebranche tied too?

3)What are your top 5 favorite sorcerer bloodlines?

4)What are your top 5 favorite cleric domains?

So, I was listening to the recent episode of Know Direction, and now I'm wondering what you would say if I informed you that inquisitors of Shelyn are known as The Hounds of Love (and coming at you thru the trees)?

And if this question is weirder than I think right now - I've been awake for 30+ hours, so please have some forbearance with me.


Mark Sweetman wrote:

Originally asked over on the Chronicle of the Righteous thread, but someone else was directed here re: questions on Empyreal Lords... so I've shamelessly jumped that bandwagon.

I was browsing through the Empyreal Lords while brainstorming for a character to build for Wrath of the Righteous - and noticed one in the big list that I'd not focused in on before: Reymenda - the Lady of the Martyred Womb, CG Azata of Childlessness, endings, and responsibility.

I've searched on the boards and only found a mention that she was a legal deity for PFS, and have similarly searched google without luck.

There is a tiny bit more info in the alt text (about how she provides agents for dangerous missions) but it just left me wanting for more.

Wes - were there any more details written up for her that had to be cut for length? I think she's got awesome potential as a character's patron.

A lot of characters in this book and many others are seeds for future development. That's one of the points with these projects, to leave not just our readers but ourselves room to expand and explore over the years.

So, for the time being, no, there's not.


donato wrote:
When has an offhand comment or theory of a players inspired you or been directly stolen for your plots or stories in a game? Also, has this happened for Golarion?

I tend to do that on the fly a lot during adventures. Like I knew a player in a horror game I ran hated mushrooms so I made the zombies all fungal. I love customizing my adventures to the players. I've played the adventure in question 6 times now (it's a sci-fi Dread adventure from that game's main book) and it's been radically different each time.

As for Golarion, it's hard to point at any one thing that was 100% born on the boards. A lot of the discussion about Vudra and Arcadia have happened here. Much of the reaction and reforging also happens here. So, like, when we were getting the chance to tinker with Erastil again in Inner Sea Gods this was the first place I went to make sure we were readdressing the concerns about some of his past flavors.

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