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Having heard Doyle talking to the creature in draconic, Wizzlefarb does the same, babbling rapidly as they run around the yard.
"So you understand draconic speech, eh? That makes you the smartest dinosaur I've ever met. Come to think of it, you're the only dinosaur I've ever met. But I'm pretty sure most velociraptor's don't understand any type of languages, so you must be pretty smart for a dino."
The saurian growls back something that might be "smart" in draconic.
Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 7
"So do you give people rides a lot? "
The creature rolls its eyes, stops to point at the saddle, and starts running up the steps.
"Is your halfling friend a druid or something that can communicate with you? And can you speak back, because this is an awfully one sided conversation so far. My name's Wizzlefarb. What's yours?"
Another series of growls follow, something like Rampaging Death.
"Well, thanks for the ride. That was fun!"

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"I would hear the words of those who support Andoran, Osirion, Qadira, The Silver Crusade, and Taldor if they would speak them, however. If there are any who would speak further of the goals and aspirations of these five, I will listen. If my presence shall bear no greater good within these Lodges, then I shall place myself at the disposal of the society in general by serving in the Grand Lodge."
Here's how I see it...
The society is sitting on 4 centuries of accumulated knowledge, wisdom, and power. We have members versed in everything from medicine to history to obscure ancient cultures. We have at our beck and call veritable one man armies, an arsenal of magical might, and skilled covert operatives.
How are you going to gather that kind of power and then NOT use it to help people? What else is it FOR if you're not going to use it to make peoples lives better? People are dying left and right from undead lords, demons, plagues, and.. things crawling up out of the ground and trying to eat the flesh off their bones.
The world can be better. We can make it better. We have an obligation to make it better. Simple as that.

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An elf comes into the room, a cake balanced on one hand as he strokes his beard with the other. He surveys the room, sees the Osirion sign, and puts the cake down near it.
"Eh? What's that? Oh, it is cherry cake with raspberry icing, the scarab is make of chocolate, the sun is a blob of lemon icing." He looks to the others. "Oh!! You want to know what faction to join. I suggest the Osirion faction. Knowledge never hurts, you know. Have you heard of the reward of Groetus?"
** spoiler omitted **
...I'd say I've heard about the reward of Groetus. I heard it was the same as the wrath of Groetus, only delayed until after you'd helped it with its wrath. What does that have to do with Osirion?

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The bearded elf smiles, a grin wide as he points to Vint.
"Good question, my boy!!! You see, if you seek the knowledge of the past and learn from it, you can prepare for such things as those poor, misdirected few that seeks to send the unfaithful to Groetus's reward. I, myself, having been denied once, will accept my fate when the reward of Groetus finds me again." He hops on the Dino, taking care to hold his beard on. "Orision will help you with whatever knowledge you seek through the lessons learned in the past. Join and help find those lessons so that we may all learn." He pats the Dino on the rump.
"in draconicYa, toothy!!"

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

At the head of a small parade sings an odd halfling Hellknight.
Hooray for Cheliax
Hooray hooray for Cheliax
Its the place to be
where the love is free
Hooray For Cheliax!
Then faintly you strain to hear in at an extremely rapid pace.
All rights reserved, satisfaction is not guarantee, except for Zarta's.

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"Perhaps if you value honor and pride, ka, you can join with us in the Silver Crusade, ka? We have much the same goals, ka, as the Lantern Lodge, Ka."
Kreeh, perhaps. Perhaps.
I've read missives from the homeland that a Celestial Tengu is holding court in Kwan Lai. And doing well, too! 'Tis a excellent leader that goes this long without being carved up and fed to the crows. The Silver Crusade would lend itself well to carry favour with this new leadership.
But Ollysta Zadrian would take one look at my file and blanch. Drinking, krooh. Swordfights in the geisha-houses. Krahk. Extortion. Public urination. Attempted drowning of Golden League gambler-lords. The list goes on. Misdemeanors that make Ambrus Valsin laugh are the same that make clerics start their sermons.
No, I think I'm a Pathfinder, and that means being loyal to the Grand Lodge. After all, Ambrus, Drengle, Kreighton and Zey helped Lady Amara when no-one else would. That counts for something. That's solid, krahhhk.

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Upon the back of the grand hall sits a woman of flowing brown hair and deep amber eyes, dressed in exquisite Tian livery of fiery red upon gold. Her fingers dance ever so gingerly upon a most peculiar stringed instrument of mahogany bound in brass and silver, plucking forth a melody which plucks at both heart and soul alike, harmonies that brings even kings and gods alike to tears.
Perform: String: 1d20 + 31 ⇒ (13) + 31 = 44
The young woman who brings forth such sweet melody to life is known by many titles in Absalom and beyond, but to her fellow pathfinders, she is Lei Xiao, the Mistress of the Strings; a bard most recently in the service of the Lantern Lodge and her beloved mentor Amara Li. Recently returned from a long voyage from the heart of her native homeland, she recently has spent many a day in the grand lodge of Absalom in silence. Pondering in silence what path to take now that her beloved Lantern Lodge is no more. Perhaps the answer lies in the strings...

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The hard-bitten, lightly-armored, kellish man with a case across his back looks to the quiet performer. He wipes a wrist across his mouth before speaking.
"Yer pretty good at that thing, there. Bet you were in the lantern lodge. Heard they were shutting down, just like Ol' Torchy is, least-wise here in the Society. I ain't got a clue who I'm gonna work for now. Still get missions from the VC's, I'm sure. Guess I'm gonna have to wait and see what's comin' up." He looks over the hall, and then to a sideboard. He comes back and presents the Mistress of the Strings with a waterglass half full of whiskey, but waits while she finishes her song.
OOC: Yeah, no social graces here...

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A tall, whip-thin young woman, wearing battered half-plate and a black patch over her left eye, approaches the speakers. "Good, true men and women are always wanted by we of the Andoran faction," she says politely. "In the fight to spread democracy and freedom from slavery across the world, your ethnic origins don't matter at all - all are equal in the struggle for freedom. She bows to Lei Xiao. "I think you'd do well...and may learn some things you'd be eager to bring back to your homeland."

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A stout monk of obvious Tian descent enters the room. Am I in the right place? With the coming dissolution of the Lantern Lodge, I have cast my eye upon three other factions, but am open to any of them if they can convince me that they are where I belong. Right now, I am looking at the Grand Lodge, Andoran, and Silver Crusade.
Fung Xi rubs the back of his neck and starts up again, I would have thought to join the Shadow Lodge, but it seems that you all are in the same boat, it would seem.

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As she converses with the hardy Kellish lad named Steel Arrow, she smiles as a pair of newcomers walks within. Nodding gently to the Tian monk, she smiles "Ah, Master Xi. I trust your travels to Minkai were fruitful. And I believe," turning to the fine wisp of a lady in Sichelgaita, "You must be Sichelgaita One-Eye, your reputation is well known and deserved, even amongst your own fellows." She smiles again, motioning to the chairs around her. "I've thought long these last several days about to whom I will pledge myself to amongst the remaining factions, and amongst those I must say I find the prospect of joining with the Andorans a distinct possibility. Talyn's rather colorful descriptions of them not included of course." She chuckles softly at that playful remark. "I believe their words and deeds to be honorable, but I would be remiss if I did not speak of the matter with one such as yourself. Perhaps you'd like to shed some light upon this bastion of freedom?"

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He shrugs to the Mistress of Strings, and downs the whiskey in a few swallows. There's a belch, not too resounding, and he wipes at his mouth with the back of a hand.
"Dunno who I'll work for. Thought I was doing the best tryin' to make sure agents weren't... spent by the Society on the treasure hunts we get sent out to do. Mebbe I'll just find out who pays the best." The lean northerner shrugs again, and looks over the newcomers.
To Fung Xi he comments. "Just guessin' here, but I bet Ol' Torchy has made some amends with the Council. I might learn who to go with when that gets all settled. Meantime, I'll go out and protect the teams I'm on, as I usually do."
He looks Sichelgaita up and down. "So you're Sea-Shell. Heard 'bout you a while back. Heard your blade can take down any slaver, anywheres."

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Looking at Lei Xiao, Fung Xi bows low, Lady Lei Xiao, my travels actually were to Ramparassad, I have not been to Minkai yet, or is Ramparassad in Minkai? Hazards of teleportation, I guess...
Nodding to Steel Arrow, Master Arrow, it was the noble goals of the Shadow Lodge that drew me to it. But those goals shall always remain within the hearts of those loyal to Grandmaster Torch and our fellow Pathfinders alike.
Addressing them both, What I would prefer is a faction that is not so self interested... and what concerns me about the Silver Crusade is that it calls itself a crusade. It seems a little zealous to me... What are your thoughts?

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Steel Arrow hawks, and then looks for a place, and realizing, swallows rather than spits. He shrugs as he looks back to the others.
"Silver Crusade seems good and all, but that's fer people who want to help others all the time. I mean, I'm all for keeping my team safe and making sure the enemy dies, but I don't need to waste my time on hurtin' guys don't need hurtin' or playing all nice with everyone else."

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Sichlgaita inclines her head to the Mistress of Strings. "You flatter me beyond my deserts," she says. "Though it's...definitely agreeable to know that my efforts for Andoran and the Society have been made known to others, especially one as famed as yourself." She takes a seat, removing the heavy spiked gauntlets that armour her fists and knuckles. "Part of my zeal for Andoran comes from being born there, of course, so perhaps I'm biased," she begins, smiling ruefully. "Though none in my village had to bow to any lord, and when I became a woman I never had to fear catching the eye of a young noble, the way many in other lands do.. What really inspired me to fight for it, though, was its dedication to justice. As a Paladin of Iomedae, of Justice Incarnate , I wanted to fight against the myriad injustices there are in this world. And Andoran is the one nation in the world that takes a stand against corruption, against slavery, and the one nation that upholds the cause of Freedom and Equality for all.. So what better faction for a lover of justice to follow?"
She looks to Steel Arrow. "Maybe I should just resign myself to always being called 'Sea-Shell'," she observes sadly. "Though I thank you for the compliment."

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He smirks back to the paladin. "If'n ya don't like a nickname, ya gots to do something to earn another one. It just sounds like your name, a little. Don't go thinkin' my mudder and fadder called me Steel Arrow when I was a kid. That came after, when I could put down a beast at range, even something big and mad."
He looks over to Fung Xi. "Self interested? I really think that ain't the Silver Crusade. Naw, they want to help people all the time, even people they don't know. I think they are too much the opposite of self-interested, leastwise, for me."

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A half-elven man with luxuriant beard* and some odd sailor's knots tied in his Katapeshi-style turban stops at the conversation he overhears. He gives a sideways, half-sad smile at the topic. "The Silver Crusade isn't going to judge if you arrive at their door looking to do good," the man says to them. "Freedom is fine, but not much good without purpose and clarity. If you want to do lasting good, you join the Crusade and guide people along the path. If you want to unmoor them and turn them adrift in a world that doesn't much care what current grabs them after they've been released."
He gives a small shrug. "If your heart is strong and your intentions are pure, the Crusade will forgive your past... infractions. There is not so much darkness in the world that every bit of light won't be appreciated or put to use. And you'd be surprised at the changes of heart that can occur in even the most hardened of criminals." His faces darkens more, as if embarrassed by a memory. "Redemption is always available," he says quickly, before leaving swiftly, hand on his scimitar.

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Markel Shinpop wrote:...I'd say I've heard about the reward of Groetus. I heard it was the same as the wrath of Groetus, only delayed until after you'd helped it with its wrath. What does that have to do with Osirion?An elf comes into the room, a cake balanced on one hand as he strokes his beard with the other. He surveys the room, sees the Osirion sign, and puts the cake down near it.
"Eh? What's that? Oh, it is cherry cake with raspberry icing, the scarab is make of chocolate, the sun is a blob of lemon icing." He looks to the others. "Oh!! You want to know what faction to join. I suggest the Osirion faction. Knowledge never hurts, you know. Have you heard of the reward of Groetus?"
** spoiler omitted **
A tall, dark skinned man with dark purple eyes enters the room. Across his back is holstered a massive silver heavy flail, its haft covered in ancient runes and its multiple heads molded like those of silver skull faced moons.
"I heard my gods name and thought I might chime in. The way of Groetus is not oblivion, it is truth. It is to see the very end of all that is and ever will be, to watch the turning of time until in the final hour he sweeps up all that is, was, and ever could be and in that instant be the final repositories of all of history. To be his follower is to be the gatekeeper of all fate itself, guarding the multiverse from oblivion until it's proper time has come, and then ushering it in in peace. That is what it means to be one with Groetus."
As he explains he opens his right hand revealing an ornate tattoo of a skull faced moon. Around it radiates groetean scripture in a kelish script, meant to appear as moon light radiating from the lunar source.
"Now if you are still questioning your way in this world might I offer the Silver Crusade? We are here to help promote good in the world, helping those in need, and stomping out evil wherever and however it decides to rear it's head. We do all this without worry of faction or country and without their politics hampering our primary goals of making this world and any world we set foot on a better place for it's inhabitants."

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He smirks back to the paladin. "If'n ya don't like a nickname, ya gots to do something to earn another one. It just sounds like your name, a little. Don't go thinkin' my mudder and fadder called me Steel Arrow when I was a kid. That came after, when I could put down a beast at range, even something big and mad."
He looks over to Fung Xi. "Self interested? I really think that ain't the Silver Crusade. Naw, they want to help people all the time, even people they don't know. I think they are too much the opposite of self-interested, leastwise, for me."
Ah, forgive me, Master Arrow. I meant the National factions seem self-interested. It is the Crusade aspect of the Silver Flame that has me hesitant... Fung laughs a bit and continues with a smirk, I would take to the Silver Crusade fairly well, I think, except that it seems too extreme. I believe that the goal of life is happiness, and I cannot see myself beating Evil into happiness.
Addressing Master Jetsam briefly before he slips out of the room, You make a good case for the Silver Crusade, but you and your leadership seem very militant. Is this, in fact, the case? You are lead by a paladin, so I would assume so, but perhaps my assumptions are incorrect...

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Vint Penal wrote:Markel Shinpop wrote:...I'd say I've heard about the reward of Groetus. I heard it was the same as the wrath of Groetus, only delayed until after you'd helped it with its wrath. What does that have to do with Osirion?An elf comes into the room, a cake balanced on one hand as he strokes his beard with the other. He surveys the room, sees the Osirion sign, and puts the cake down near it.
"Eh? What's that? Oh, it is cherry cake with raspberry icing, the scarab is make of chocolate, the sun is a blob of lemon icing." He looks to the others. "Oh!! You want to know what faction to join. I suggest the Osirion faction. Knowledge never hurts, you know. Have you heard of the reward of Groetus?"
** spoiler omitted **
A tall, dark skinned man with dark purple eyes enters the room. Across his back is holstered a massive silver heavy flail, its haft covered in ancient runes and its multiple heads molded like those of silver skull faced moons.
"I heard my gods name and thought I might chime in. The way of Groetus is not oblivion, it is truth. It is to see the very end of all that is and ever will be, to watch the turning of time until in the final hour he sweeps up all that is, was, and ever could be and in that instant be the final repositories of all of history. To be his follower is to be the gatekeeper of all fate itself, guarding the multiverse from oblivion until it's proper time has come, and then ushering it in in peace. That is what it means to be one with Groetus."
As he explains he opens his right hand revealing an ornate tattoo of a skull faced moon. Around it radiates groetean scripture in a kelish script, meant to appear as moon light radiating from the lunar source.
"Now if you are still questioning your way in this world might I offer the Silver Crusade? We are here to help promote good in the world, helping those in need, and stomping out evil wherever and however it decides to rear it's head. We do all this without worry of faction or...
"Hm. You make a good point. As for myself," he chuckles, "I really just joined the Society to get well-read, and to get out of Magnimar. There isn't anything I hate more than a person getting shoved into a decision they'd never want to make.
"Now, let me just think about this: Al'Hakam does some good divinations, but his focus is purely where the money lies; Li hung up her lantern, and last I heard, was heading back to Goka; I'm no Taldan, and never want to be, and while there are worse people, Karela's still a palm-greasing smuggler.
"I'll only mention the Paracountess to say: no. Never, refused, denied, hold the parsley, null and void. As well, I'm not the type to swing around a glowing blue broadsword while shouting, 'Freedom!' at the top of my lungs. As much as I like the Sage's modus operandi, if you'll pardon my Azlantin, I'm still afraid of being trapped underground. I like Valsin, the Society needs Venture-Captains like him, but I've come too close to him telling me to turn in my Wayfinder. Long stories, really.
"So yes, I think I'll have to join the Crusade. Torch owes me; before we put the final lid on that Consortium plot, I'll ask him for a letter of reference."
Slipping on his dark glasses, he smiles.
"The Shadow Lodge saga ends here/
but we've made our position quite clear/
if we're sent to our doom/
in a musty old tomb/
then we'll give you a reason to fear."

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Sunaki Hojo floats into the room his robes billowing behind him. He has balded more over his long career as a Pathfinder and grey has started to set in prematurely.
"There are so many important choices to make and so soon before my final mission.
"I am pleased to say that I have had the opportunity to adventure with almost all of you over my long career. The only faction here I do not believe I have been previously introduced to is the Scarny family. And perhaps that is for the best."
"But who will I come to know better as my new master. There is much that I can offer all of you, but what can you offer me?
Lady Gloriana Morilla and Paracountess Zarta Dralneen have already sent me offers of titles and glory should I choose to assist them. Andoran has offered me a similar proposal, but I find that their leadership is to willing to dispense with honor in his actions. I have also heard disturbing rumors that those from Andoran are known to practice cannibalism.
Qadira has offered me riches beyond my imagination and access to some discounts in the markets of Ketapesh. A tempting proposal certainly.
I have heard rumors that should I fall in service to the Ruby Prince he will have me brought back as one of his Risen. Is there any substance to this? The life of an adventurer does seem to be shorter on average.
Finally some of my companions have already made commitments to the Silver Crusade. Truly they are a good and honorable faction.
So many important decisions to make."
Hojo then picks up his mug using his eyebrows and takes a long drink. When he eventually gets up to leave he leaves a letter of credit from the Scarni covering all expenses for the guests.

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Steel Arrow wrote:He smirks back to the paladin. "If'n ya don't like a nickname, ya gots to do something to earn another one. It just sounds like your name, a little. Don't go thinkin' my mudder and fadder called me Steel Arrow when I was a kid. That came after, when I could put down a beast at range, even something big and mad."
He looks over to Fung Xi. "Self interested? I really think that ain't the Silver Crusade. Naw, they want to help people all the time, even people they don't know. I think they are too much the opposite of self-interested, leastwise, for me."
Ah, forgive me, Master Arrow. I meant the National factions seem self-interested. It is the Crusade aspect of the Silver Flame that has me hesitant... Fung laughs a bit and continues with a smirk, I would take to the Silver Crusade fairly well, I think, except that it seems too extreme. I believe that the goal of life is happiness, and I cannot see myself beating Evil into happiness.
Addressing Master Jetsam briefly before he slips out of the room, You make a good case for the Silver Crusade, but you and your leadership seem very militant. Is this, in fact, the case? You are lead by a paladin, so I would assume so, but perhaps my assumptions are incorrect...
The Silver Crusade? Militant? Nah... I'll admit there's lots of paladins who go around trying to find more evil to smite, but that's only part of it. We're just trying to make the world a better place. Our leader may be a paladin, but she's as interested in helping orphans as smiting evil, which I think is quite nice of her.
As for myself, I'm more of a performer than any sort of destroyer of evil. I like entertaining the kids at Auntie Baltwin's Home when I'm back in Absalom between missions. They like me, too, since I'm about their size. Though I did take down a walking skeleton one time, ironically using a wand of Cure Light Wounds as my weapon. But in 6 missions for the Society, that's the only time I've ever even attempted to damage an enemy. Mostly in battle, I just distract our enemies with insults or occasional magic, and sometimes heal my allies.
But I made it clear when I joined the Silver Crusade that I'm not the type to follow any sort of code or get caught up in honor or glory or any of that. I just want to spread some laughter to make the world a happier place. And they seem fine with that. I may be wilder than the average Crusader, but they say I've got a good soul, and that's really all that matters.

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Ah, forgive me, Master Arrow. I meant the National factions seem self-interested. It is the Crusade aspect of the Silver Flame that has me hesitant... Fung laughs a bit and continues with a smirk, I would take to the Silver Crusade fairly well, I think, except that it seems too extreme. I believe that the goal of life is happiness, and I cannot see myself beating Evil into happiness.
"Nuthin' to forgive. Folks want to get the upper hand sometimes. Andoran seems to want everyone free, which might be a good thing," The archer shrugs. "I'm out for protectin' me and mine. I'm looking at the Grand Lodge, since Ol' Torchy seems to think better of them now. I guess I ain't got a whole lotta direction in my life. Might be lookin' for a cause, or a goal." He looks over the gathering again, taking in the various people. Eyes linger on the women, but not long enough to be rude.

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Fung Xi smiles at Kelladorf, That was the sort of answer that I was going for. Perhaps after I finish a couple of things for Lady Amara, I will pay a visit to your Lady Paladin.
Turning to address Steel Arrow, the monk laughs, Of course, protecting our own has always been a worthy cause! But you are right, of course, life needs direction, else you wander aimless and without drive. What can you accomplish, if you don't want?
I am still teetering between Silver Crusade and the Grand Lodge, and aim to speak to both Captain Valsun and Lady Ollysta.

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Sunaki Hojo floats into the room his robes billowing behind him. He has balded more over his long career as a Pathfinder and grey has started to set in prematurely.
"There are so many important choices to make and so soon before my final mission.
** spoiler omitted **"I am pleased to say that I have had the opportunity to adventure with almost all of you over my long career. The only faction here I do not believe I have been previously introduced to is the Scarny family. And perhaps that is for the best."
"But who will I come to know better as my new master. There is much that I can offer all of you, but what can you offer me?
Lady Gloriana Morilla and Paracountess Zarta Dralneen have already sent me offers of titles and glory should I choose to assist them. Andoran has offered me a similar proposal, but I find that their leadership is to willing to dispense with honor in his actions. I have also heard disturbing rumors that those from Andoran are known to practice cannibalism.
Qadira has offered me riches beyond my imagination and access to some discounts in the markets of Ketapesh. A tempting proposal certainly.
I have heard rumors that should I fall in service to the Ruby Prince he will have me brought back as one of his Risen. Is there any substance to this? The life of an adventurer does seem to be shorter on average.
Finally some of my companions have already made commitments to the Silver Crusade. Truly they are a good and honorable faction.
So many important decisions to make."
Hojo then picks up his mug using his eyebrows and takes a long drink. When he eventually gets up to leave he leaves a letter of credit from the Scarni covering all expenses for the guests.
** spoiler omitted **
"Cannibalism!?* Sichelgaita initially seems to swell with rage, then suddenly laughs. "Let me guess - the Harlot Dralneen probably told you that. While leaving out, of course, any detail on the ritual sacrifices they hold to keep their Dark Prince's favour."
She sighs. "As to our lacking honour...well, to someone coming from a nation dominated by warrior aristocracy, I could see why you'd think that. But we are no bloodstained conqueror, no nation of assassins. We simply work to spread understanding and love of liberty across the world...particularly in those nations where liberty is needed most. It is a righteous cause, one that can be followed by all, whether Paladin or Ranger.""Oh, and Steel Arrow?" she adds. "If you did join our faction, I think you'd find a purpose very soon. Though don't run yourself down - you seem more than sufficiently 'Smart'"

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Posting as Kyrie Ebonblade, Gunslinger/Alchemist from Alkenstar.
A darkly tanned Varisian woman strode into the room, her leather jacket embroidered in the varisian style, her clothes still covered in the dust of travel from the boat landing. Clearly she had been traveling hard.
"I heard of this.. exposition.. on my way back from Riddleport." She said as she strode across the room with her musket, 'Ol Painless' under her arm. "I had thought that the rumors of things changing on the wind were just that.. rumors. What I found in Riddleport..well, you'll hear of it from more.. sedate speakers." She said as she pulled a poster from her kapenia, the ornately embroided and overlong scarf looped around her body like a sash, and pinned it to the wall with with an ornate dagger. The dagger looked familiar to some.
"I stood in the Shadows with Torch to look for the Venture-Captain who wantonly spent my parent's lives like pieces on a chess board." She says as she steps away from the portrait and strode across the room, pausing by the door. "I watched my companion's backs, held the way when I could, and faced all manner of foes by them. I protected friends and allies from hazards within and without. In any situation they, and the Society needed. 'No man left behind,' and 'Sully not the name' were not mere words to me, they were declarations of loyalty to everyone here and throughout the society. I'm proud to be named 'Pathfinder', my greatest joy is bringing some lost fact back to light or ensuring my companions returned to home and hearth." She kept her musket in the crook of her arm as she spoke, the well crafted musket still sheathed in it's doeskin travel scabbard festooned with all manner of tokens. Including a new addition, a gold Aspis badge with a ragged hole in it.
"Sully not the name." She says plainly. "I stand with the society. I will always stand for the society. Against any threat.. " She pulled a pepperbox pistol out of her bandolier and shoots the portrait twice. Two sizzling bullet holes replaced Torch's eyes on the portrait. "Any threat.. within or without. Sully not the name. I serve the society. Each of you are free to make your own choice. Choose a group that seeks to better the world, or serve some ruler, or... whatever." Her fury seems to melt away as she puts away the gun. "I choose the Grand Lodge and the whole of our Society. Know this.. I shall ALWAYS seek to aid my fellows whatever way I can and protect them as I can. If you fall, I shall try to recover you. If you need aid, I shall offer what I can." The flint blue eyes turn hard. "If you are betrayed.. I will avenge you. The Society is my family..and I shall always protect it" She walked away, leaving behind the signet ring she was given when she helped Torch bring the Shadow Lodge into the Society properly on the floor.

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Doyle blinks as he sees the knife "Hey isn' tha..." he yelps as the guns are whipped out, his already small form shifting down into that of a small brown bat as he dives into a small box on the back of his raptor. After a moment he pops his head out and continues in a squeaky voice "What was THAT for!?"

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"Well," Says the lean northerner, "Guess she's feeling a mite 'trayed over this. Cain't say as I blame her. Change ain't good for a lot of things." He shrugs his wide shoulders and looks around.
He regards the paladin, and shrugs another time. "I've met Smart People. I ain't one. What -I- am is dangerous, if my bow is out." He looks after the gunslinger again. "I wonder what Ol' Torchy got into this time that got her so upset. Guess I'll be finding out."

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The door swings open as a tall Chelaxian man, steps into the room, staggers a little bit, then rights himself.
"I heard shots? What happened?, he asks, hand resting on the long pistol hanging off his belt.
"She was making a point," someone said, gesturing to Kyrie, and then to the poster.
"Heh. I get that. With the Shadow Lodge goin' away, I too find myself in a bit of a predicament. I got no stomach for the petty politics, the pointless maneuvering, and the incessant bickering of the factions. Torch is the only one who's goals made sense, keep the Society in check, and watch each other's backs. Nothin' more, nothin' less." He pulls a chair up to the table, and slumps down into it.
"Now I've got find someone else to ride out the rest of my career with. I got no interest in Qadira, Osiria or Sczarni, and they've got no interest in me. Andoran's full of hypocrites, and petty thugs, killin', lootin', and terrorizin' all in the name of "freedom," 'sides, they wouldn't take me anyway. Not after that 'incident' with two of their agents." He punctuates the sentence with a long swig from a flask.
"The Chelaxians have made me a pretty good offer, I do some work for them, they forget about some 'unpleasantness' that occurred before I left. Now their brand of loyalty doesn't sit well with me, and I got no pressing need to go home, but they offer law and order, and it would be nice to see my sister again...
I'm not happy about it, mind you, but I think it's my best shot."

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An axe lays on the table before him. Blood still clings to the edge.
Silver Crusade's got enough paladins. Grand Lodge might change enough to be worth serving now that we cleaned out their ears. Maybe not.
He heaves a sigh, placing the weapon back in its holster.
Time to talk to the Sapphire Sage. We've got history, and I hear the places he sends you have plenty of abominations to root out.
Rising, he walks to the door, pausing to call over his shoulder before leaving.
Best of luck to you all. My shield is still for your protection, that much remains true.