
Ae the Verdant's page

8 posts. Alias of Gulian.


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"That will depend, Merlyn. If death comes only for you, then that is the natural order of things and it is not that we won't help you, but we simply wouldn't be able to. If death comes with other intentions, however, then we can surely assist in its temporary defeat." - said a soft-spoken voice as Ae descended from the tree, walking at a horizontal angle to the ground.

"As always, things are best served if first we wait and observe before acting." - he smiled in his typically shrewd, yet sincere manner.

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The Archdruids seemed confused at the presence of such a large statue within their forests, but decided that they would simply observe it for now, from a safe distance. Those of the low elves who came to pray to the tree would be led away from the statue by a Druid guide, while those of the High Elves and the druid-taught low elves simply walked upon the World Tree's bark up and down, as if gravity had shifted to somewhere within the tree for them. They seemed in no immediate danger as their city lay far above the statue.

-Unrelated information-

Apprentices and Druids-in-training recruited from the Low Elves are forced to climb until they were apt enough to walk upon the tree. None of those who passed by them paid any mind to them or laughed at them. The High Elves were a folk who, while highly magical beings, chose never to act upon this or display it. In a way, they were benevolent tyrants for their less magical brethren who lived upon the ground of the forest, upon a treetop city.


The Archdruids labored to erect a magical barrier around their forest, preventing things from simply entering their forest uninvited through magical means, unless allowed. Slowly, one by one, rhinestones appeared in a circle around the forest, hidden among the trees.

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Among the Archdruids, only Ae would stand beside Netura and comfort her fears and distress, he was her teacher after all. The rest of them would break into a fervent discussion as to the nature of this creature that had so seamlessly invaded their forest to gaze at the massive tree.

However, when trouble came, it marched not alone for it seemed a massive armed figure somehow made past the various forest defenses, as if simply appearing within the forest itself through some disturbing method of teleportation. Netura reacted quickly, while the Archdruids were content to merely observe for the time being, however each would move closer to the thing, including Ae, who left Netura with only a comforting smile to confront this structure.

Silence settled in, before finally one of the seven shrugged and folded his muscular arms over his chest, announcing: "That is it. We must devise a method to block any form of teleportation into our forest without our approval." - to which the others quietly agreed.

Ae spoke out: "Who are you, to invade our forest without any warning or invitation, intruder?" - his voice was calm, but there was an intentionally pronounced note of irritation hidden within the diplomatic skills of the Archdruid.

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"Well, if you want wine, then perhaps next time you could ask before entering, dear Trevor." - smiled the refined Archdruid, though they could and did nothing to stop him from leaving, with a peace of Elven bread.

It was a rather average item of foods when comparing it to human bread, but it held an almost magical feature of being incredibly filling. Trevor would not want for food for a day or two, it seemed.

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It seemed as though no ward, guard or any other form of restrictions could remotely stop the Traveler from traveling into the forest without so much as asking permission or politely "knocking on the door". The Archdruids grudgingly accepted him to a cup of tea and a conversation.

Trevor would learn that the elves measured the months and weeks by the shifting of the stars and the leaves upon the tree. Each month is named after the star which shines brightest upon it while each day would be named after an Archdruid. Ae would be the first day within the week and Sha'lorei the second, while Esil'dar would be the third. The names would go on and they informed Trevor that soon Netura shall join them as the seventh day within the week. He would also be explained that the number seven is sacred in Elven cultures and that there are also seven seasons as well as seven months, but twelve weeks. Twelve weeks, because it is considered a lucky number in Elven culture.

The seasons are:

Dalar (The Birth). \. Spring
Alar (The Growth)/
Galar (The Middle) - Summer, also a symbolic meaning that it is hottest at midday, when the sun is in the very middle of the sky.
Nualar (The Tears) \
Ysalar (The Sleep) / the Fall, the tears signifies the many rains throughout the fall while the sleep describes the fall of leaves and the sleeping of the forest.
Doalar (The Cold) \
Desalar (The End) / Winter, both are symbolic in their meaning towards the two stages of winter.

The months are not exactly correspondent to the seasons and a season begins in the middle of the 3rd quarter of a month, for instance. They follow no logic other than how nature and weather shifts. It seems elves have a thing for making things unnecessarily complicated. This may come from the abundance of time they have to deal with through their lives. Though the same can not be said for the Low Elves and their cousins, this system originated from ancient times, when all elves lived as long as the High Elves.

He would also learn that the elves do not use the common tongue overly much and that there are specific individuals of importance that learn various languages for better communication with other species. These are all the seven Archdruids and usually family(clan) leaders among the Low Elves as well as their heirs.

The tea was delicious, but strange. Just like the elves.

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"Very well, Netura." - Ae spoke as he stepped forth from the thick brush, the plants themselves making way for him. He smiled fondly. "It has been some time, hasn't it? Strange that fate would have you learn from me again, as it did ages before." - the Ae Netura knew was no more, as this man before her looked drastically changed, with plant-like qualities to him and eyes of glowing verdant.

"Come. We have much to work on and little time to do so. You will learn to see the world with the eyes of an Archdruid and for that, your mind must be conditioned and prepared, so you do not go mad." - Ae would move up to Netura and take her by the elbow, quickly opting to lead her away in some unknown direction.

The Tree's spreading smile let forth the sound of magical wooden flesh crackling.

Meanwhile, the High Elves mourned the departure of Nuah, although happy for this new age that has dawned upon them.

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"However dear Serpent, he is not the only one to believe in fate and inevitability. Inevitably, this world shall fall. Inevitably, we the elves and all our kin shall disappear from this world one by one, and with us, so shall the forest." - Ae's expression never faltered from that tired, subtly knowing smile. "But not in this century, or the next century of centuries. I propose that we simply ignore this desert and instead focus our sights on the vile Nevara. She has managed to corrupt some of our young brothers into vile servants of undeath. We must eliminate her." - Ae grew serious all of a sudden. The usually calm and optimistic elf showed just how much hatred he held for such things as undeath within that one instant.

Esil'dar seemed to have chosen this moment to step out of the thick growth, revealing himself. "Ah, but I am sure you have already seen what happens when you ignore one small detail that you believe to be insignificant, Ae." - he puffed out a cloud of herbal smoke with a cheeky smile, causing Archdruid Stagbrow (as he was nicknamed by his peers) to cough, cursing lightly in Elven at the short man with his imposing height.

"Hmph! I say we unleash the fury of nature on that sand duster! It does not stand a chance against the seven of us!" - exclaimed the mighty Druid.

A female voice spoke from a hood. She was known as Archdruid Sha'lorei. "You are so very frustratingly rash, dear Stagbrow. Sometimes I wonder if you are an elf at all, or if you've mongrel giant blood flowing through your veins. I say we wait and observe. Merlyn has bought us time. Then let us use it to our advantage and gather information. And for the love of the Tree, Ae. Will you stop it being so passive about anything not concerning undeath for once? All outside influences are unnatural, be they good or bad. Some are tolerable, and some are not. This desert is clearly the latter! And if you sit around drinking tea all day and smile cryptically with talk of fate and inevitability, then maybe another Shattering will happen and more of our brothers leave after a trail of kinslaying! Esil'dar, that goes for you as well, you slacker!" - the woman brimmed with fury, fists clenched. After several breaths, she sighed and continued. "Let us first gather knowledge, then decide what to do."

Ae seemed to be clearly uneasy as Sha'lorei's words, his shoulder slumping and his ears receding downwards. He grew silent.

Esil'dar sighed. "Very well, Sha. Then as the slacker, I shall be the one to observe the desert. Any objections?"

The Druids seemed to be content with it, to which Esil'dar nodded, puffing out a cloud of smoke. He looked to Jormungand and smirked. "Wish me luck."

Stagbrow merely huffed and walked off, not a man to argue over silly insults. He was one to act, swiftly and decisively. He would walk atop the tree, much as if the centre of gravity had been somewhere beneath its bark, to find a mighty branch upon which to sit and meditate for his course of actions.

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The Archdruids responded.

They walked upon the air as if it was merely a bundle of steps to them, rising above the trees to witness this new hazard of perverted nature. After waiting for several minutes, each took one final step which caused them to travel miles ahead within the span of a second, joining the wizard.

"Greetings Merlyn. It seemы as though you left our forest just yestercentury and we are glad to welcome you back, old friend. We have been watching this desert for some time. Our hestitation is in part due to our uncertainty of whether this is a natural process, or some vengeful creature at work." - Ae paused, smiling: "It appears as though it is the later."

Ae's hair was green, consisting entirely of grass and leaves. He seemed almost plant-like.

One of the 7 archdruids floated down, stopping infront of the white river caused by the wizard. He was a man of mighty form, with bulging muscles and mighty stag horns adorning his head. A sizeable beard decorated him fruther with green plant-like locks of "hair". He looked stern as he regarded the sand creature, before speaking.

"You are disrupting the natural fauna of this place, intruder! Leave, or we shall make you leave!