Unusual Character Concepts

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Liberty's Edge

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I was thinking this would be a fun thread, and handy for GMs.

I was fiddling around with the Animal Archive and the Advanced Race Guide when these two came to me:

A Kitsune Carnivalist with a fox familiar and a troop of trained canines to boot...does 'dog' shows in the market.

A Merfolk Mad Dog with an elasmosaur animal companion...makes a great underwater friend, or a terrible enemy.

Feel free to add odd concepts, wherever they come from...let's get some unique characters in here for GMs...and players that like unusual characters, too!


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Most Dwarves are generally Lawful, worship gods of creation, and rarely dabble in arcane magic. My Dwarf Magus is Chaotic and reveres Rovagug. He takes every opportunity he can to curse the gods, and whenever anybody assumes he's "just another average dwarf" he turns his insults to them =)

Liberty's Edge

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Nefreet wrote:
Most Dwarves are generally Lawful, worship gods of creation, and rarely dabble in arcane magic. My Dwarf Magus is Chaotic and reveres Rovagug. He takes every opportunity he can to curse the gods, and whenever anybody assumes he's "just another average dwarf" he turns his insults to them =)

Cool...I'm going to run a dwarf wizard someday...one that's also a weaponsmith, and makes enchanted weapons for a living...and thinks of himself as a wandering merchant.

Half Orc Cavalier Magus. That is possibly the most practical of my odd ideas.

Another is a wizard who only casts spells with a water or cold descriptor. And is from the desert.

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The character I'm building right now is a bard in black knight's armor who's history involved putting down riots and involves none of that silly singing or artsy business. My last wizard wore spiked armor and a spiked shield and wore a mask to cover his face, and he never called himself a wizard. My last druid was a businessman with over 30 dipolomacy and bluff, but began his life raised in the forest. My last cleric went shirtless and punched people in the face diving around the battlefield. My last barbarian was an ex samurai with crane style who wielded a katana and saw his rage as channeling his inner pain.

I don't usually play a character who has anything to do with the pre written fluff if I can help it.

Liberty's Edge

Wow, Mr Sin...what a stable. :)

Cool, Cobalt...actually, in the desert, water seems a bit more magical. :D


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Oracles don't actually need to worship the deity that grants them their power, or even match that deity's alignment. Most mysteries are under the purview of several deities of varying alignments. Therefore, would an Oracle necessarily know from whence their power comes?

I like the idea of a Lawful Neutral Oracle of Fire, who lies awake at night wondering whether it's Sarenrae or Asmodeus who's watching over her. No idea how I'd roleplay something so personal to a character though...

A witch's patron and an oracles mystery are both vague and could be anything you want really. There was a player at a game who would also proclaim "its Cthulhu!" when I would point it out.

Ohh! I love these! Gimme a minute and I will get some up.

A halfllng paladin with a war dog mount is kind of fun, gets around the problem with a mounted combat based character having to leave their horse outside the dungeon or castle.

A gunslinger with permenant enlarge person wielding a cannon with the Ricochet Shot Deed. Blasts cannonballs bouncing all over the place!
"5 gold pieces says I can shoot that tree, bounce it down that corridor and hit that invisible bastard through that 2 inch spyhole. With my eyes closed."
Serously, Ricochet Shot Deed is powerful... (Think incondesant blue sphere ioun stone with wayfinder)

A goblin gunslinger wielding 2 shotguns and TWF with them. "Say hello to Lefty and Not Lefty!"

A wizard siege mage who focuses on crafting that builds himself a tank with a cannon in the turret. I have plans drawn up for a tank that can climb into the air and fly somewhere around here...
PS its a land veicle that can fly. Go figure.

An orc synthisist summoner that wears an eilodon that matches his own looks except takes the large and huge evolutions. Then permenant enlarge person on the eilodon. Forget that you can cast spells, grab a freakin big axe and go all collassal on your foes. "WAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH"

A really freakin fast guy.

An average joe with an amazing mount!

Wormwood, the level 1 human with over 80 bluff. "Its all legal, I swear!"

Edit: well I had a whole lot more but bad internet connection ate it D:
Frak I'm mad now. In a bit I will see if I can redo them.

One guy wanted to play a male four-armed Sahuaghin noble ranger. For some reason amongst the humans up to adventure.

The kicker? Another dm suggested to counter the OP wishes of this player, the truth being that the Sahuaghin ranger is actually a traumatised insane sea elf woman, with only two arms and the fiction as a coping mechanism for harm at the hand of the sahuaghin.

Would have been trippy if I went for that, but the player chucked a tanty when I wouldn't allow a high cr monster with plenty of character levels in a low level party.

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The BBEG of the last game I ran was an Atropal Scion Synthesist who'd Eidolon looked like a pregnant woman. It created itself a surrogate mother out of the physical manifestation of it's abandonment issues and was going on a one-fetus crusade to destroy the church of the goddess who had been it's original mother.

Why are you all looking at me like that?

Doomed Hero wrote:

The BBEG of the last game I ran was an Atropal Scion Synthesist who'd Eidolon looked like a pregnant woman. It created itself a surrogate mother out of the physical manifestation of it's abandonment issues and was going on a one-fetus crusade to destroy the church of the goddess who had been it's original mother.

Why are you all looking at me like that?

Lol, I actually had a similar character. An ugly, withered alien life form (using the gnome race for stats, etc) who had attached itself to random hick farmer. Basically, I modeled him after Kuato from the original Total Recall (Quaid...).

Silent Saturn wrote:

Oracles don't actually need to worship the deity that grants them their power, or even match that deity's alignment. Most mysteries are under the purview of several deities of varying alignments. Therefore, would an Oracle necessarily know from whence their power comes?

I like the idea of a Lawful Neutral Oracle of Fire, who lies awake at night wondering whether it's Sarenrae or Asmodeus who's watching over her. No idea how I'd roleplay something so personal to a character though...

NICE - i like your idea!

Doomed Hero wrote:

The BBEG of the last game I ran was an Atropal Scion Synthesist who'd Eidolon looked like a pregnant woman. It created itself a surrogate mother out of the physical manifestation of it's abandonment issues and was going on a one-fetus crusade to destroy the church of the goddess who had been it's original mother.

Why are you all looking at me like that?

That's awesome!

I have a CG Human TWF Cleric with the sun and glory domain's that just go's all out against the undead.

Liberty's Edge

Doomed Hero wrote:

The BBEG of the last game I ran was an Atropal Scion Synthesist who'd Eidolon looked like a pregnant woman. It created itself a surrogate mother out of the physical manifestation of it's abandonment issues and was going on a one-fetus crusade to destroy the church of the goddess who had been it's original mother.

Why are you all looking at me like that?

INSANE! I LOVE it! You can't get that kind of flavor straight out of the box! What a memorable villain!

Liberty's Edge

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The first villain of my new game was interesting, I think...he was a vermin themed druid that took the same shape as his vermin companion - a giant spider...he was a lord of insects in many ways, controlling all sorts of cr 1/2 to 2 bugs...the maggot room was particularly fun. Swarms vs low level characters can be so much fun. ;)


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I thought up this character, was incredibly proud of it, and then the campaign lasted exactly one session.

A Gnome Summoner with an Eidolon who looks like a deer... with its head ripped open forming a gaping toothy maw. The eidolon called itself Khraakrr'ztha and I roleplayed it with a low growly voice as some sort of Lovecraftian horror, while the Summoner (typical chipper gnome voice) called it "Mr. Crackers" and talked to it like a child talking to its imaginary friend.

Liberty's Edge

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Silent Saturn wrote:

I thought up this character, was incredibly proud of it, and then the campaign lasted exactly one session.

A Gnome Summoner with an Eidolon who looks like a deer... with its head ripped open forming a gaping toothy maw. The eidolon called itself Khraakrr'ztha and I roleplayed it with a low growly voice as some sort of Lovecraftian horror, while the Summoner (typical chipper gnome voice) called it "Mr. Crackers" and talked to it like a child talking to its imaginary friend.

I've had an idea about an Eidolon...I still need to work it out...2 variants of the same idea. I need the Eidolon to have permanent invisibility, to pull it off...the summoner will either be a child who is always talking to his 'invisible friend'...or an older gentleman, and the Eidolon will be a 6' rabbit named Harvey...

Loli Sylph Air Elementalist Wizard. a vagabond, street magician, thief, parkour runner, and apprentice scout. hollow bones, insectile wings, narcilepsy, doesn't like carrying cumbersome amounts of coin without lightening the load somehow.

I usually play homebrew races for my most unusual character concepts.

However, since people are generally using races from existing books, I'll just drop this one here. Tiefling (Daemon-Spawn) Necromancer. Priestess of Pharasma, she takes her time to help people, providing funeral services, fighting off undead and giving the occasional augury but also secretly takes glee in the suffering of others.

Her eyes are yellow and her hair a dark violet, which are the other two glaring parts that show she's not fully human. She's 28 years old, but she looks like she's around her early teens, a rather unusual mutation caused by her Thanadaemon blood. Her demeanour is generally friendly but ominous, as she almost never smiles, her voice and mannerisms rather mature in comparison to her appearance.

another unusual concept. i want to try it one day.

a vampiric ghost who works as the apprentice to the ferryman of the styx, workaholic with an addiction to peaches, drains life energy by touch, casts potent necromancy spells to combat the undead, and does everything in her power to cripple those who cheat the Yama of thier chance to judge. incorporeal, but design is loosely modeled after Enma Ai from Jigoku Shoujo.

I did get to try out a Holstaur (1/4th minotaur, 3/4th human that is always female to put it simply) Cleric of Zon-Kuthon, who was Lawful Neutral and mostly obsessed with bringing pain to herself, to volunteers and to enemies.

She had a few other quirks like a reluctance to hurt halflings and kids (the former freed her from a Chelish slavemaster and the latter remind her of the former), and putting a sharp spike on her Cure Light Wounds wand just to get some extra pain while healing her allies. The DM plans to continue that campaign, and I'm going to get 1 or 2 levels of Pain Taster because it fits.


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I also had a "son of a sorcerer" character that died before I could really flesh out his character.

His father was a Celestial Sorcerer, and a renowned hero. He himself was an Aasimar, but showed no further sign of his father's bloodline than that-- he imagined he'd grow up to be a hero like his father, but found his talents lied with the church and the town militia, not with magic. When his father found out that he had no magical aptitude, he was practically disowned from the family.

The end result was an Aasimar Cleric/Cavalier with an unheathy fixation on arcane magic and a deep self-loathing for not being able to master it. A Cleric of Nethys with the Magic and Rune domains, and an Order of the Tome Cavalier (who named his horse Familiar) who frequently scribed scrolls mainly out of a need to "keep up appearances".

The CRB says Clerics can meditate and prepare their spells at any time of day as long as it's the same time every day. This Cleric prepared his late at night, and his "prayer" was crying himself to sleep and reciting his "mantra" of "Why have you forsaken me?!"

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Half-orc drag queen Inquisitor of Shelyn with the Love domain. Takes ranks in Perform and Intimidate, focuses on Dazzling Display. Only dresses in drag for performances...maybe a little charcoal for the eyes when going into battle. When something tries to attack him, he waves his finger and uses his Love domain ability (will save or can't attack) and says "Oh no you didn't." Snap.

Liberty's Edge

Ursineoddity wrote:
Half-orc drag queen Inquisitor of Shelyn with the Love domain. Takes ranks in Perform and Intimidate, focuses on Dazzling Display. Only dresses in drag for performances...maybe a little charcoal for the eyes when going into battle. When something tries to attack him, he waves his finger and uses his Love domain ability (will save or can't attack) and says "Oh no you didn't." Snap.


Hilarious. :)

It was 3.5 but one main villain...

Kyron the Heartless
Albino Drow Necromancer Lich Defiler (worshipped the frost maiden, instead of draining the land of energy instead formed large snowflake patterns of permafrost)

Was quite memorable. His blue goblin minion was able to get away. Some say he still continues the breeding program...

the halfling sorcerer who was afraid of fire but had every fire spell he could take?

the neutral good half-(drow)elf ranger-thief who hated his drow-half for being evil but also hated his human-half for raping his mother?

the OCD, agoraphobic AND claustrophobic druid who couldn't stand towns, was apt to go catatonic in dungeons or open fields, and had problems with dirt is the most unusual one I think. admittedly she started as normal town hating druid but she got into a healing dispute with the party cleric about who was the better healer - back in the days when only clerics could cure insanity.

Dark Archive

Gobo Horde wrote:

A wizard siege mage who focuses on crafting that builds himself a tank with a cannon in the turret. I have plans drawn up for a tank that can climb into the air and fly somewhere around here...

PS its a land veicle that can fly. Go figure.

I like this. Somewhere there's a wizard who looked at an Apparatus of the Crab/Kwalish and said, "Yanno what this thing needs? Wings!"

And so was born the awkwardly named 'Apparatus of the Crab/Wasp/Scorpion/Thing.'

Silver Crusade

My current favorite is a Dwarf Sea Captain Ranger Sorcerer with a splash of Gunslinger.

His mother died in childbirth from a fever that burned to hot for the priests to deal with. He accidently killed his best friend with a blast of fire that he had no idea he could do (early mainfestation of his Draconic bloodline). After that he heard the adults speaking about what to do with him and saying that he was Chaos Cursed.

At that he fled from the mountain halls, believing that they were either going to exile him or put him to death, and came of age in the forest where he lived feral and hunted goblins. Eventualy he made his way to the sea and saw his first sailing ship. His goal from that point on was to have his own ship and sail the seas.

So now you have a Dwarf Sea Captain who is prejudice against dwarves, who keeps his face clean shaven, and his bald head is covered in tatoo's depicting gods of the sea. Not your typical Dwarf by any means.

Tempestorm wrote:

My current favorite is a Dwarf Sea Captain Ranger Sorcerer with a splash of Gunslinger.

His mother died in childbirth from a fever that burned to hot for the priests to deal with. He accidently killed his best friend with a blast of fire that he had no idea he could do (early mainfestation of his Draconic bloodline). After that he heard the adults speaking about what to do with him and saying that he was Chaos Cursed.

At that he fled from the mountain halls, believing that they were either going to exile him or put him to death, and came of age in the forest where he lived feral and hunted goblins. Eventualy he made his way to the sea and saw his first sailing ship. His goal from that point on was to have his own ship and sail the seas.

So now you have a Dwarf Sea Captain who is prejudice against dwarves, who keeps his face clean shaven, and his bald head is covered in tatoo's depicting gods of the sea. Not your typical Dwarf by any means.

That... Is actually really cool. I might steal elements from it for an NPC in a home game. Is that okay with you?

Liberty's Edge

_Cobalt_ wrote:
Tempestorm wrote:

My current favorite is a Dwarf Sea Captain Ranger Sorcerer with a splash of Gunslinger.

His mother died in childbirth from a fever that burned to hot for the priests to deal with. He accidently killed his best friend with a blast of fire that he had no idea he could do (early mainfestation of his Draconic bloodline). After that he heard the adults speaking about what to do with him and saying that he was Chaos Cursed.

At that he fled from the mountain halls, believing that they were either going to exile him or put him to death, and came of age in the forest where he lived feral and hunted goblins. Eventualy he made his way to the sea and saw his first sailing ship. His goal from that point on was to have his own ship and sail the seas.

So now you have a Dwarf Sea Captain who is prejudice against dwarves, who keeps his face clean shaven, and his bald head is covered in tatoo's depicting gods of the sea. Not your typical Dwarf by any means.

That... Is actually really cool. I might steal elements from it for an NPC in a home game. Is that okay with you?

Not speaking for Tempeststorm, but that was rather the idea for the thread. I sure hope he agrees. :)

By the way, agreed. Very strange...and epic cool. :)

Silver Crusade

By all means, steal away! ;)

He is actualy a character that I concieved some years ago. His first incarnation was played only briefly as the campaign faltered. He never did get his ship...

The current version, however, thrives in a game played by myself and my two sons. I have truly enjoyed him. One of my favorite moments with him was finding out that his "Chaos Curse" stems from the blood of a Red Dragon in his family that had long been dormant and had come to life within him. This being the cause of his Mother's fever during child birth. This was the same time he learns that he needs to find some ancient vault and retrieve an item vital to saving the blah blah blah... he stopped listening at this point.

Once back on his ship his companion asks about their quest to which he responds, "Nah, if what that scaly blighter says is true and it's fated that we're supposed ta be there then we'll be there when tha time comes, right? If not... then he's just full of so much hot air!" And then he set course... for the opposite direction! The look on my sons face was priceless.

Oddly enough, fate stepped in and my ship was sucked into an underground lake in the Darklands... and to get out I had to find the vault. Blasted Fate (or is that Fiat?) will get you everytime! ;)

Did I mention I was carrying 150 civilian passangers at the time. Boy were they upset! lol

Liberty's Edge

Tempestorm wrote:

By all means, steal away! ;)

He is actualy a character that I concieved some years ago. His first incarnation was played only briefly as the campaign faltered. He never did get his ship...

The current version, however, thrives in a game played by myself and my two sons. I have truly enjoyed him. One of my favorite moments with him was finding out that his "Chaos Curse" stems from the blood of a Red Dragon in his family that had long been dormant and had come to life within him. This being the cause of his Mother's fever during child birth. This was the same time he learns that he needs to find some ancient vault and retrieve an item vital to saving the blah blah blah... he stopped listening at this point.

Once back on his ship his companion asks about their quest to which he responds, "Nah, if what that scaly blighter says is true and it's fated that we're supposed ta be there then we'll be there when tha time comes, right? If not... then he's just full of so much hot air!" And then he set course... for the opposite direction! The look on my sons face was priceless.

Oddly enough, fate stepped in and my ship was sucked into an underground lake in the Darklands... and to get out I had to find the vault. Blasted Fate (or is that Fiat?) will get you everytime! ;)

Did I mention I was carrying 150 civilian passangers at the time. Boy were they upset! lol


Great story! :)

Scarab Sages

Okay, I'm going to have a hard time competing with some of the above, but, here are some of mine.

Azigen: PF Dwarven Rogue, with a 3.5 Flaw from Dragon Mag. that made him allergic to metal. Wore only Leather armor, carried a Club. Eventually took a Fighter level and got some Stoneplate Armor. Only got to play him a few levels (as a GMPC) before pulling him out as a new player joined. Brought him back as an NPC not long ago with his new armor.

The "Dinosorcerer": 3.5 Finhead Saurial Druid/Sorcerer (planning to get into Arcane Heirophant) -- current PC in an online (MapTool/Teamspeak) game. Claustrophobic (just an an RP quirk), so doesn't enjoy going into enclosed encounter locations (i.e. dungeons), but manages. Deinonychus Animal Companion (to become Familiar Companion). He's kind-of geared toward buffing his AC. Fun to play, though a bit underpowered. (My GM kindly allowed me to drop the racial hit dice, but the Level Adjustment is still hampering him. Fortunately, GM is also going to allow me to use the "Reducing Level Adjustments" rule from Unearthed Arcana.) And, I came up with the character concept one day when the phrase "Dinosorcerer" just popped into my head. 8^)

Here are some that I've played or had in games I ran.

A human paladin/rogue who started off as a street kid, and then heard the calling to becoming a paladin. He became a swashbuckling, Zorro-like figure who fought against corruption.

Similar to one of the above, a paladin of the goddess of magic, the son of two prominent wizards who was born with no potential for arcane magic. He did, however, believe strongly in the responsible use of magic, and fought against people who corrupted its use.

A wolf hengeyokai druid who went into the world of man to stop an army from invading his lands. He was the alpha male; he had two female wolves with him as well (one his animal companion and one a cohort).

A dwarven druid who guarded the high mountain passes of his people, and loved the sky and the cold air more than the deep caverns and forge-fire. He was a cavalryman, mounted on the back of his bear animal companion.

Liberty's Edge

Nice stuff, guys! I love the dinosorcerer...RQ has beings very much like that. :)

SteelDraco, those are cool...I can picture the dwarf galloping along...bearback. ;)


A sorceress who specializes in fire spells, because a "spirit of fire" lives inside her body. It demands "fuel", as in foods that burn well, as in, fatty foods and alcohol. The more she eats, the stronger her spells, but if she doesn't eat enough to satisfy the spirit (far more than she needs to eat), the spirit compels her to-- through unpredictable magic and physical pain.

She'd be a riot at the tavern, but being forced to eat yourself into obesity is quite a price to pay for arcane power.

Silent Saturn wrote:
She'd be a riot at the tavern, but being forced to eat yourself into obesity is quite a price to pay for arcane power.

That sounds pretty awesome to me actually. I'd love to role play something crazy like that. The last time I had a character powered by eating he essentially just spent his free time munching during any important meetings or at any chance to eat food.

It started as an idea for a guy powered by a robot suit who had to eat as much as he worked, but quickly devolved into something similar to "The Tick". His first action was to jump into a tornado because he didn't have any other options, but he was so invincible he just ended up fighting the tornado with his fist. It went about as well as you might expect.

MrSin wrote:
Silent Saturn wrote:
She'd be a riot at the tavern, but being forced to eat yourself into obesity is quite a price to pay for arcane power.

That sounds pretty awesome to me actually. I'd love to role play something crazy like that. The last time I had a character powered by eating he essentially just spent his free time munching during any important meetings or at any chance to eat food.

It started as an idea for a guy powered by a robot suit who had to eat as much as he worked, but quickly devolved into something similar to "The Tick". His first action was to jump into a tornado because he didn't have any other options, but he was so invincible he just ended up fighting the tornado with his fist. It went about as well as you might expect.

So he beat the tornado then? I expect crazy awesome characters like that to pull off insane feats of wtf-ery.

Kobold Alchemist with the Draconic feats.

Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
So he beat the tornado then? I expect crazy awesome characters like that to pull off insane feats of wtf-ery.

Kind of, he tried beating up the tornado as best he could. This involved getting hit and hitting back anything in it that flew at him. He was nigh invulnerable so he actually did pretty well. The tornado couldn't hurt him! Not sure how well I actually did hurting the tornado, but it stopped eventually so I'd say we can call that a win.

In RotR I'm playing a NE Changeling Lore Oracle / Invulnerable Rager / Rage Prophet, taking the wolf scarred curse. After witnessing her village being wiped out by a group of werewolves, she didn't do the normal thing of swearing vengeance against them. She instead grew fascinated by their power and is using her natural affinity with knowledge to learn how to become one. Other than that, she wears a veil at all times to hide her disfigured mouth, and wears a mask in battle so that only those she "trusts" know of her combat abilities.

She's also probably the laziest evil aligned character I've ever played, only doing evil things when it's convenient for her to do so. Most of the time she masquerades as a very apathetic neutral character, swapping to complete psychopath when the moment arises to get some easy blood of the innocent on her hands.

Very fun to play.

Liberty's Edge

MrSin wrote:
Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:
So he beat the tornado then? I expect crazy awesome characters like that to pull off insane feats of wtf-ery.
Kind of, he tried beating up the tornado as best he could. This involved getting hit and hitting back anything in it that flew at him. He was nigh invulnerable so he actually did pretty well. The tornado couldn't hurt him! Not sure how well I actually did hurting the tornado, but it stopped eventually so I'd say we can call that a win.

Lol...in a group I played in, we were all primitives...and our 'leader' beat up a waterspout...almost killed him. :D

I've had a lot of odd characters over the years.

Elf Barbarian who was short, had horrible scars, shaved his head, and despite having an 8 Cha, was the defacto leader of the group due to having a 14 int and 14 wis (rolled stats, 18, 15, 15, 14, 14, 8). In 3.5.

Human Ninja who was body guard to the royal heir (another PC), but who pretended to be a rogue instead with magic gimics (had fake magic items, complete with aura spells, to cover the invisibility, and other ninja abilities, in 3.5).

Currently, I have two characters in the same game (use the one that makes most sense). First is a scythe wielding NG aasimar cleric/monk (enlightened warrior fluid monk), who can flurry with her scythe. She worships a LN goddess of death, and because of the game world (homebrew), she channels negative energy (due to being a cleric of a death goddess). She has several ranks of Profession (Lawyer), and is always asking strangers if they have their wills in order, while leaning her temple on her scythe. :) She's going to take a level of Menheir Savant next level, for the ability to detect a bunch of spirit types at will.

The second one is a synthesist summoner with a ring of sustenance. He's an assassin who pretends to be a private investigator (he only kills people who are murderers themselves though, so neutral alignment). He has four arms, and is a Fetchling Shadow Summoner, so people don't realize he's a summoner 90% of the time. He wields a two-handed mace, and has claws and a bite, so lots of nasty damage when he wants it. Stealth and perception out the yin yang (+8 bonus from eidelon abilities).

My second favorite character was my dervish dancing Teifling Magus. I decided his father was an Ice Devil, so he had blue skin, antennae instead of horns, and bulbous eyes. I fully dumped CHA, but my INT was fantastic; so, naturally, I played him as autistic. No social skills at all; but I maxed out every Knowledge skill before anything else, so I could tell the party something about absolutely everything we encountered. He pretty much ONLY spoke when he had information to share and then he would have a lot of it. Otherwise, he was actually min/maxed to the hilt (something I normally avoid) and held his own really well.

But my personal favorite was a Goblin Paladin of Sarenrae who used a crossbow and rode a boar. His CHA was abysmal, but he only used simple buff spells. It was a tough build early on, but he was actually the second highest damage-dealer in the group by about 10th level.

He was an absolute blast to play. He loved fire, obviously. He loved Sarenrae because fire. He saw himself as a noble knight with a noble steed who didn't smell badly at all. He was *almost* oblivious to how people viewed him as a monster. He would try to help people and they would freak out and he would pretend not to notice as he moved on to his next great deed. Deep down, though, it hurt his feelings that he could never be a true, heroic knight. But he kept at it.

He died heroically Smiting a monster at point blank range instead of running away and letting someone else take the brunt of the attack. The rest of the party made a point to bury him with his crossbow (which they could have sold for a hefty sum) and watched as his boar gradually turned back to a normal boar and wandered off.

I was looking at a Summoner (Synth) X/Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1 for Skull and Shackles...

I love weird twists in character backstories which wind up being relevant to the campaign, if they're OK to share here. Brief descriptions of my two favorites so as not to spam if no one wants to hear:

1) Took the identity of her murder victim, never got caught for that crime, but was wanted for a "crime" that was actually justifiable self-defense. The person she murdered, however, was the half-sister of another PC, who knew from day 1 my character wasn't who she claimed to be. That led to a haunting and borderline possession.

2) Dedicated her life to revenge against a group for murdering her parents, then found out that the people she thought were her parents were getting ready to (as in within days of her 15th birthday) strip her of her position in their house and put her to work as a slave herself, alongside her real parents. She wound up joining the group she originally intended to die trying to destroy.

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