Were-Sperm Whale

Homebrew and House Rules

I Wrote up a npc in my homebrew setting that is a pirate captain and a were-sperm whale.

The setting assumes that the campaign is E6, and the npc is intended to be capable of taking on a party of 4+ lvl 6 characters.

I already have the animal form down pat.

https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/bestiary/monster-listings/anima ls/cetacean/whale

My main issue is the hybrid from and his bonuses in human form.

Hes a 6th lvl barbarian with the sea reaver archetype (im thinking the custom template would be a +4 cr rating for a total cr of 10).

The template is the result of a curse that he gained from the will of the sea (the sea itself is sentient , think old margreve) due to his immense cruelty towards all that fly over , sail on or swim under the blue.
He has 3 pirate fleets under his belt that he leads through fear and is a major antagonist in the region.

only problem is i havent quite yet made this template and i would like some advice / involvement in the process =).

I'm curious...why exactly is the sentient ocean "punishing" this vile defiler of the sea by giving him all sorts of cool sea-faring abilities and super-powers that will make him a vastly stronger menace to all concerned?

there was a zoo-based shonen manga about that. the "sea world" setting equivalent's boss was pretty much exactly that, op.

i am completely unable to help with your conundrum and am basically taking up space in your thread with this post, but i thought it was worth mentioning.

it also has a dashing narwhal fencer.

Well, the Lycanthrope template is what you're looking for: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/lycanthrope

right away, RAW, this won't work because a sperm whale is a gargantuan creature, and the human dude is presumably medium :P

HOWEVER! It's your creation, so you can ignore that little rule and otherwise use the template as written.

Thus, his human form remains basically the same (just +2 wis/-2 cha). His hybrid form would be a gargantuan meld of man and whale, with the better of the stats of both. Animal form would be that of a whale.

but bear this in mind: in animal or hybrid form, w/out raging, your dude will have a strength of 40! For E6, that may be a little much. Or a lot much, depending on your crew :) Mix in DR, lots of natural armor, a ton of HP, and rage powers, and it could probably take on an entire ship single handedly without much trouble.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
CaptainJandor wrote:

but bear this in mind: in animal or hybrid form, w/out raging, your dude will have a strength of 40! For E6, that may be a little much. Or a lot much, depending on your crew :) Mix in DR, lots of natural armor, a ton of HP, and rage powers, and it could probably take on an entire ship single handedly without much trouble.

Yeah, by falling through the decks and hull when he transforms into super mega HEAVY monster.

The game is heavily built on playing small or medium humanoids as player characters, the more you wander off that base, the more you're into uncharted territory.

I would use a smaller animal. Porpoise? :)

Evil dolphin? (Seriously...those things are always CE)

The smallest species of whale is the dwarf sperm whale, which is 8.9 feet long. There is also the pygmy sperm whale that is 11 feet long. I personally think that that might be an interesting punishment...becoming the smallest and weakest of whales.

Of course, if you are looking for other alternatives...the Narwhal is just on the upper edge of large sized. Giving a huge gore attack would be memorable at least. Anyway, there is an entire section o the bestiary devoted to cetaceans, so you could easily have your pick for the curse.

AndIMustMask wrote:

there was a zoo-based shonen manga about that. the "sea world" setting equivalent's boss was pretty much exactly that, op.

i am completely unable to help with your conundrum and am basically taking up space in your thread with this post, but i thought it was worth mentioning.

it also has a dashing narwhal fencer.

That sounds awesome, whats the mangas name?

Also coincidentally i made his first mate a duelist that uses a rapier made of a narwhal horn , are you sure your not messing with me?

Nazard wrote:
I'm curious...why exactly is the sentient ocean "punishing" this vile defiler of the sea by giving him all sorts of cool sea-faring abilities and super-powers that will make him a vastly stronger menace to all concerned?

The curse ravages his body and mind , the idea is that the more he acts like a beast the more beast like he will become till the man inside is lost .

Its a curse most people would despise having , but this npc is making a run with it despite the consequences .
He went from a mediocre pirate without crew to the premiere threat in the sea within a very small period of time and at this rate he will be a mindless sperm whale in a year or 2.

Grand Lodge

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Awakened Sperm Whale with a Greater Hat of Disguise.

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Nazard wrote:
I'm curious...why exactly is the sentient ocean "punishing" this vile defiler of the sea by giving him all sorts of cool sea-faring abilities and super-powers that will make him a vastly stronger menace to all concerned?

I've come to the conclusion that the Powers That Be are completely retarded.

For the record, this has nothing to do with you, OP.

But fantasy, and fantasy role-playing specifically, is RIFE with examples of very similar situations. So the OP is actually not without precedent to do this. Go back through bestiaries, adventure modules, RPG novels, and count how many times this trope comes up.

"Ye gads, this arrogant mortal is ruining our perfect order!"

"Let us curse him, so that he will suffer for his error!"

Except, almost inevitably, this curse turns said douche into a more powerful creature than he was before, meaning that he's now even BETTER at doing whatever it is he was doing in the first place.

Depending on your world/mythos, the Vampire comes to mind.

The behemoths (Bestiary III) are another similar example of how the gods/cosmic forces are very *obviously* not playing with a full deck, here...

If you want to stay within the rules of the Lycanthrope template (limited to one size category bigger than base humanoid), I would suggest a shark. The shark would fit a barbarian pirate nicely, blood-in-the-water feeding frenzy and all that.


If you want a were-shark here are the stats.

In humanoid form; +2 Wis, -2 Cha, Low light vision and scent.

In hybrid form; size Large, 19 Str, 12 Dex, 15 Con (unless already higher), Low light vision, scent, keen scent, blindsense 30', bite (1d8), DR 10/silver, +6 Nat Armor

In animal form; size Large, 19 Str, 12 Dex, 15 Con (unless already higher), Low light vision, scent, keen scent, blindsense 30', DR 10/silver, bite (1d8), Swim 60', +6 Nat Armor

While he doesn't technically get a Swim speed in hybrid form, I would probably give it to him (20' or 30' since a biped should swim slower).

Or an Orca whale.

But you could just roll with ignoring that line in the template.

Grand Lodge

With the Awakened Sperm Whale wearing a Greater Hat of Disguise, you don't have a man cursed as a Whale.

You have a whale, who walks around, as a man.

Go with the whale, and make him size huge as a hybrid. Look at hill and frost giants for attack damage, etc. You'll need to write the statblock for this guy, and try to balance it yourself. At least, that's what I'd do.

i hate to be that guy, but i gotta ask...how does he fit on the ship after transforming?

Grand Lodge

+5 Toaster wrote:
i hate to be that guy, but i gotta ask...how does he fit on the ship after transforming?

He fits fine, if you use the Hat Trick I posted above.

Not very well, probably.

Edit: OK, Now you've given me the idea of a Storm Giant Werewhale, since they are big enough to qualify. That would be quite a sight to see.

Daniel Chaplik wrote:
Nazard wrote:
I'm curious...why exactly is the sentient ocean "punishing" this vile defiler of the sea by giving him all sorts of cool sea-faring abilities and super-powers that will make him a vastly stronger menace to all concerned?

I've come to the conclusion that the Powers That Be are completely retarded.

For the record, this has nothing to do with you, OP.

But fantasy, and fantasy role-playing specifically, is RIFE with examples of very similar situations. So the OP is actually not without precedent to do this. Go back through bestiaries, adventure modules, RPG novels, and count how many times this trope comes up.

"Ye gads, this arrogant mortal is ruining our perfect order!"

"Let us curse him, so that he will suffer for his error!"

Except, almost inevitably, this curse turns said douche into a more powerful creature than he was before, meaning that he's now even BETTER at doing whatever it is he was doing in the first place.

Depending on your world/mythos, the Vampire comes to mind.

The behemoths (Bestiary III) are another similar example of how the gods/cosmic forces are very *obviously* not playing with a full deck, here...

Pretty much this.

I've never understood this logic at all.

"Oh no, the evil madman is terrorizing the city by cutting apart people with a rusty chainsaw!"

"Let us curse him with the form of a nigh-unkillable humanoid creature with chainsaw blades that spring from his arms and legs at will!"

"That will surely teach him a lesson in humility!"

Grand Lodge

I like the Jafar curse.

Ultimate Power, no control, no freedom.

+5 Toaster wrote:
i hate to be that guy, but i gotta ask...how does he fit on the ship after transforming?

His hybrid form is huge, as for sperm whale form he cant.

Could use the anthropomorphic rules from Savage Species

Whale, cachalot Size:Large Racial HD:3d8 Level Adjustment:+1 ECL:4 Strength:+8 Dex:+4 Con:+6 Int:+0 Wis:+6 Cha:+0 Skills(2 + Int mod) Natural Armor:+9

Rynjin wrote:
Daniel Chaplik wrote:
Nazard wrote:
I'm curious...why exactly is the sentient ocean "punishing" this vile defiler of the sea by giving him all sorts of cool sea-faring abilities and super-powers that will make him a vastly stronger menace to all concerned?

I've come to the conclusion that the Powers That Be are completely retarded.

For the record, this has nothing to do with you, OP.

But fantasy, and fantasy role-playing specifically, is RIFE with examples of very similar situations. So the OP is actually not without precedent to do this. Go back through bestiaries, adventure modules, RPG novels, and count how many times this trope comes up.

"Ye gads, this arrogant mortal is ruining our perfect order!"

"Let us curse him, so that he will suffer for his error!"

Except, almost inevitably, this curse turns said douche into a more powerful creature than he was before, meaning that he's now even BETTER at doing whatever it is he was doing in the first place.

Depending on your world/mythos, the Vampire comes to mind.

The behemoths (Bestiary III) are another similar example of how the gods/cosmic forces are very *obviously* not playing with a full deck, here...

Pretty much this.

I've never understood this logic at all.

"Oh no, the evil madman is terrorizing the city by cutting apart people with a rusty chainsaw!"

"Let us curse him with the form of a nigh-unkillable humanoid creature with chainsaw blades that spring from his arms and legs at will!"

"That will surely teach him a lesson in humility!"

Somewhere there's a universe where the powers that can't properly conjugate the single most common verb in the English language turn people into weregerbils and werehagfish and nigh-unkillable blobs of impotently quivering flesh with glowing signs above them that read "chainsaw test substance." The adventurers there probably have no monsters to slay.

Dark Archive

If I were that ocean, I'd curse that pirate with seasickness, not awesomeness. A simple Bestow Curse would do the trick.

I've got to remember the genius loci ocean though. That's good stuff.

Grand Lodge

When the wolfsbane blooms
And the moon is bright
Even a building that is pure of heart
Can become a Werehouse by night.

uhm thhere is much curses who actualy let you do what you do but then without anny pause until you are traped in your own body dooing what you liked becomming a curse somthing you definitly want to stop dooing

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I broke my own brain a little reading the thread title. I was thinking in terms of a Were-wolf Elf which is an elf that turns into a wolf and saw Were-sperm Whale or a whale that turns into sperm and was confused as to what type of campaign you were playing...

Daniel Chaplik wrote:
Nazard wrote:
I'm curious...why exactly is the sentient ocean "punishing" this vile defiler of the sea by giving him all sorts of cool sea-faring abilities and super-powers that will make him a vastly stronger menace to all concerned?

I've come to the conclusion that the Powers That Be are completely retarded.

For the record, this has nothing to do with you, OP.

But fantasy, and fantasy role-playing specifically, is RIFE with examples of very similar situations. So the OP is actually not without precedent to do this. Go back through bestiaries, adventure modules, RPG novels, and count how many times this trope comes up.

"Ye gads, this arrogant mortal is ruining our perfect order!"

"Let us curse him, so that he will suffer for his error!"

Except, almost inevitably, this curse turns said douche into a more powerful creature than he was before, meaning that he's now even BETTER at doing whatever it is he was doing in the first place.

Depending on your world/mythos, the Vampire comes to mind.

The behemoths (Bestiary III) are another similar example of how the gods/cosmic forces are very *obviously* not playing with a full deck, here...

A man on fire is technically more dangerous than an unarmed man not on fire (ignoring monks). From what the OP was saying, the player might enjoy the benefits now, but he is just a candle that is burning brightest right before snuffing out. The inevitable result of the curse, if allowed to progress to its conclusion, would be that he would simply turn into a mindless sea animal. Forced transformations are common with gods as a form of punishment. The only problem logic wise is that they are taking so long that the fool actually enjoys the means of his downfall. But I guess that is one problem with gods: they either lack or lose the urgency that comes with mortality.

While people are arguing about the size issue, there are numerous whale and whale-like animals in the bestiary that could be chosen for the curse with large or smaller size.

@ trollbill: I am surprised that werehouse actually got 500k results on google....Also, does the werehouse attract villains so that they can store their illgotten goods and have dramatic shoot out in it?


I can see how this counts as a curse. This pirate wronged the ocean, so the ocean is transforming him into one of its own subjects. In full whale form, he is at the sea's mercy. The fact that there'll be a transition period in which he can still plunder the sea but has the strength of a whale is a downside, but I would expect "The Ocean" to take a long-term view of these things. If anything, this pirate must have really been something if he even got the ocean's attention.

As for how he fits on his ship despite being as heavy as a whale-- how big a ship are we talking here?

Stasiscell, have you taken a look at the Agathions, especially the Cetaceal? It's a CR 15, so way too tough for the party, but I've previously noticed that Agathions and Lycanthropes presented in the books are essentially identical in construction aside from the trappings of flavor (which includes all the angelic spell-like abilities). It might be more convenient for you to use that beastie and simply tone it down to suit your group's needs. Simply applying a flat -4 penalty to all of its rolls and denying it the angelic powers might give you a pretty fun boss.

Every now and then I just browse the forums when i see a thread title that just makes me smile.

Make the were form with the stata of an enlarged mermaid.

Dark Archive

You could just give him Beast Shape III. He'd be Huge, not Gargantuan, but it would definitely work.

You won't find a better Were-Whale Reference than this!

If splashing ocean water on him forces the transformation, he would lose a lot of ships.
Every full moon he would swim out and sink whaling ships. While nobody has silver harpoons, even with -10 damage, harpoons still hurt.

I kinda ended up skimming a bit... 2 solutions to the size issue came to mind.

1) a large sized base humanoid
2) a were-shark

Did someone beat me to it?

Corvo Spiritwind wrote:

You won't find a better Were-Whale Reference than this!

so a were-whale android then...crap i can't stop bringing up androids

+5 Toaster wrote:
Corvo Spiritwind wrote:

You won't find a better Were-Whale Reference than this!

so a were-whale android then...crap i can't stop bringing up androids

My next Android will be gunslinger with a gun for arm with flaming enchant. Probably wear blue.

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