Cheap magic items you really enjoy

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Adding to the universal list:

Ring of Sustenance
Efficient Quiver.
Handy Haversack.
Wand of Cure Light Wounds.
Bags of Holding/Pathfinder's Pouch.
Wayfinder with the Prot/Evil Ioun stone.
Traveler's Any-tool
Immovable Rod.
Travel Cloak subs for Ring of Sustenance to some degree. Hah, in the Jade Regent and current AP's with that cheap cold res!
Cloak of the Hedge Wizard sounds like it could be mixed and matched to anyone's usefulness.

I'm sticking with stuf that is good for almost everyone, not specific builds. Feather fall, for instance, is situationally useful, but only active in very specific instances. It's like having Bracers of Brachiation, but only rarely going into forests.


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Ravingdork wrote:
Why is the Pathfinder's pouch Market Price AND Crafting Cost 1,000gp? Shouldn't it have a 2,000gp Market Price OR a 500gp Crafting Cost?

... A wizard did it?

spiral energy?

Judging by the spells that go into it, I would guess it's supposed to have a 500gp crafting cost.

Aelryinth wrote:
Feather fall, for instance, is situationally useful, but only active in very specific instances.

I find ways to make feather fall useful (though I prefer boots of the cat). I have a somewhat unnatural love for having characters whose preferred method of egress is jumping out windows or down pits, or what have you, without really looking. In 3.5 I took care of it with the Rod of Ropes, which I'll add to my favorites list if we can at 3.5 stuff.

Apprentice's cheating gloves. 2200gp

Not as good as the Cloak of the Hedge Wizard, but it uses the hand slot.

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I personally love the Hat of disguise. At will, practically permanent, disguise self? Yes, please. Barbarians disguised as civilians are always fun.
The pyro is a spy! And the spy is actually a barbarian!
Agh! The princess punched out my teeth. Also, the princess is a barbarian. I don't think that's the one we were supposed to kidnap...
Attack the wizard, he is weak. Oh, gods the wizard turned into the Hulk. Run for you lifes!
Good, time, good stuff.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Adding to the universal list:

Ring of Sustenance
Efficient Quiver.
Handy Haversack.
Wand of Cure Light Wounds.
Bags of Holding/Pathfinder's Pouch.
Wayfinder with the Prot/Evil Ioun stone.
Traveler's Any-tool
Immovable Rod.
Travel Cloak subs for Ring of Sustenance to some degree. Hah, in the Jade Regent and current AP's with that cheap cold res! (1 day food/drink, cold res 5, and makes a tent!)
Cloak of the Hedge Wizard sounds like it could be mixed and matched to anyone's usefulness.
Hat of Disguise.

At 1800 gp, the Hat is really good for just about anyone interested in Subtlety. It's Greater cousin, at 12k with Alter Self at will, is just as awesome for higher level folks.


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Hey, Aelryinth

How about adding Ioun Torches to that list? A permanent light source that keeps your hands free and costs just 75gp.

And if wands of CLW made the list, might as well add wands of Lesser Restoration and wands of Infernal Healing.

Wand of honeyed tongue and comprehend languages are both very nice to have on hand if we're talking about wands. I have a list of nifty first level wands from when i played PFS. Now if only i could find it...

Probably a bit expensive for "cheap" items, but a Decanter of Endless Water can be so much fun. I had one in a campaign, where we attached a cage in front of the opening and would put in a bar of soap to hose down the ogre in the party when he got too smelly.

In another campaign we were awoken in a town one night by a fire, I pulled out a Decanter of Endless Water and started fighting the fire. The town bought it off me for full price.

Elven_Blades wrote:
Conundrum wrote:
Well several posters went over 10k so here is one Folding Plate. No more help donning no fatigue for sleeping in it, a must have for all full plate users IMO. Also do any of you remember the potion belts from 3.0 Forgotten realms?
I thought those were in the 3.5 Arms and Equipment Guide. Or maybe they just got ported over. Anyway, yes, I love those.

Yeah, I liked those too, but they are basically obsolete as soon as you get a Handy Haversack.

Big Lemon wrote:

Immovable Rod.

Have to descend to the bottom of a canyon with no climbing gear or beneficial spells? just hold on tight and press the button every 10ft. Can't reach the Eye of Newt stowed on the top shelf? Press the button and climb on top. The Immovable rod is one of those items that is just fun to use for it's own sake, but can be useful is limitless situations.

Aside from that there was an item I made for a game once that was similar to a Rod of Lordly Might, only it couldn't turn into any weapons and had no special abilities; it was just able to turn into a load of different tools. 10ft pole, pick axe, spade, grappling hook... things you don't miss until you realize you need them.

I think the force of inertia would end up doing a lot of damage if you kept suddenly jerking to a stop every 10ft by the arms. Granted, I don't know if the rules would support that, but I am pretty certain in real life that'd happen.

I like that Rod of Tools idea. It would probably be a LOT less expensive than the original Rod of Lordly Might, if only because you can't use it for a fight. Damned handy, though.

I also like Staves of rarely used spells, like specific divinations. They are ALWAYS handy to have around, but end up being expensive. You never know when you could have really used that divination spell beforehand. Actually, that seems kinda stupid. Divination spells are really specific situation orientated, so nobody memorizes them. Yet, they are SUPPOSED to provide you with utilitarian knowledge of the future, so you'd think you wouldn't have to PLAN on using them in super specific applications.

Wait, there's a Protection from Evil Ioun Stone?! Where?

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Feather Tokens!

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Adding to the universal list:

Ring of Sustenance
Efficient Quiver.
Handy Haversack.
Wand of Cure Light Wounds.
Bags of Holding/Pathfinder's Pouch.
Wayfinder with the Prot/Evil (Clear Spindle) Ioun stone that protects against mental effects.
Traveler's Any-tool.
Immovable Rod.
Travel Cloak subs for Ring of Sustenance to some degree. Hah, in the Jade Regent and current AP's with that cheap cold res! (1 day food/drink, cold res 5, and makes a tent!)
Cloak of the Hedge Wizard sounds like it could be mixed and matched to anyone's usefulness.
Hat of Disguise.
Ioun Torch (or any object with Continual Flame cast on it. I like magnets, so I can stick em to a gauntlet, helm, or shield, or inside tubes with 'petals' I can flip open and closed.)
Feather Tokens (various sorts)

I would like to nominate Boots of Striding, which are often later upgraded to include Speed? +10 Move and +9 Jump is good for the price.


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

The Wayfinder with a Clear spindle Ioun stone is here: nder-standard


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I've seen lists and lists of fun stuff you can do with Decanters, but the price is well above the 5k or less gp limit.


RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Wands of Lesser restoration don't seem to get the attention CLW does. Not that they aren't useful, of course.

Wands of Infernal Healing, are they even PFS legal? I'd be more inclined to include wands of lesser vigor (3.5) then things which draw on the power of Hell. I know paladins and good clerics would probably never use them, if they were at all serious about their faith. And so I'm inclined to bar somethign on alignment grounds, if nothing else.


It's not an evil act to not roll a saving throw against an [Evil] spell, nor does the Paladin in our group complain when the neutral cleric taps him with the wand of it (out in the wilderness or in the middle of a dungeon or something. He turns it down in town of course.)

Aelryinth wrote:

The Wayfinder with a Clear spindle Ioun stone is here: nder-standard


So it is not giving you all the benifits of Protection from Evil, but rather just some of the benifits. Still, nice to know that is there. :)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Yeah, it's basically cited as the savior of the fighter with a poor Will save.

As for infernal healing, YMMV, which is why I'm not putting it on the list.


Wands of Infernal Healing are legal, and they do not change your alignment. If your in a homegame you can easily replace the fluff surrounding them to a form of vigor or passive healing. They are very very useful for healing outside of combat, and against bleeds. If you just get rid of the word infernal people wouldn't complain nearly as much as they do.

I've run into trouble with them in pfs before though. Healed a paladin and the GM wanted to make trouble out of it.

Aelryinth wrote:

Wands of Lesser restoration don't seem to get the attention CLW does. Not that they aren't useful, of course.


Well, they are not spent as quickly as wands of CLW, of course, but IMO, they are just as necessary, because when you need them, you really need them.

And there more ways to get HP healing than lesser restoration.

Silver Crusade

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This might also help. Its from Forgotten Realms Serpent Kingdoms on p 149. Bloodflower Salve at only 10gp.
Apply to the body and whenever the command word is spoken within 25ft it applies a cure minor wounds spell to the wearer. Party member drops, say command word, party member automatically stabilises. Also, don`t seem to have a duration, only command word to trigger.
Now this is a bargain.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

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we're mostly trying to keep to PF stuff, Judge, but that's a nice little minor toy, there. Note that it almost falls into 'extra alchemical stuff' if it wasn't for the command word.

I'll put in the wand of lesser restoration more as a 'should really really have' then as a popularity contest.

Adding to the universal list:

Ring of Sustenance
Efficient Quiver.
Handy Haversack.
Wand of Cure Light Wounds.
Bags of Holding/Pathfinder's Pouch.
Wayfinder with the Prot/Evil (Clear Spindle) Ioun stone that protects against mental effects.
Traveler's Any-tool.
Immovable Rod.
Wand of Lesser Restoration
Cloak of the Hedge Wizard sounds like it could be mixed and matched to anyone's usefulness.
Hat of Disguise.
Ioun Torch (or any object with Continual Flame cast on it. I like magnets, so I can stick em to a gauntlet, helm, or shield, or inside tubes with 'petals' I can flip open and closed.)
Feather Tokens (various sorts)

Travel Cloak subs for Ring of Sustenance to some degree. Hah, in the Jade Regent and current AP's with that cheap cold res! (1 day food/drink, cold res 5, and makes a tent!)

Bloodflower Salve (applies a CminorW on command after being administered, useful for autostabilizing someone downed).



Back in the 3.5 days, one of my GMs gave me an item that may have been homebrewed-- I've never actually seen it in any book in any edition, but it's so useful and so intuitive I feel like I have to mention it, in the hopes that someone has seen it and can justify me.

He called it the "Spool of Endless Rope", and it was basically that-- a spool that clips to your belt and feeds out rope at a maximum speed of 50 feet per round, enchanted to never run out of rope. Tying it to something and then jumping wouldn't slow your fall, you'd just lose the spool off your belt (though Climb checks are an option).

Give a PC an item like this, and you'll be amazed the uses he comes up with for it. I was playing a Gnome rogue at the time, and at one point I used the thing to tie up a dragon. We also toyed with the idea of cutting off 50-foot lengths and trying to sell them, but nobody had ranks in Profession: Rope Merchant.

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Spool of Endless Rope courtesy of Complete Adventurer


Couple points on some items.
I'm not really sold on the efficient quiver. What makes it better or different than a handy haversack?
The Immovable Rod always seemed over rated to me. The example earlier about dropping 10 feet then turning it on; wouldn't you still be falling 10 feet and therefore taking 1d6 damage? I guess you could try to activate it every 5 feet, but I'd think that would take a LONG time to get down any appreciable distance, and in the mean time you'd be exposed.

The quick runners shirt mentioned earlier is one of my new favorites for any class. There's the Sandals of quick reaction which give you a move action in the surprise round (assuming you are acting at all.) There's also the Aegis of recovery, which is pretty great. Sadly takes the neck slot, so its got good competition.

Besides that, I can't think of too many items that aren't also consumables, mentioned earlier in the thread, class specific, or situational.

Liberty's Edge

For the Immovable Rod, take two. One in each hand. A little more pricey, but now you can climb up or down. And you have monkey bars for going over caverns or whatever.


To do the "Immovable Rod trick" to avoid falling damage, you actually need two rods-- you use them like rungs on a ladder, alternating which is immovable, and "climb down". If you only have one rod, you're better off with the Solid Note bard spell-- it can't support as much weight, but it's a lot cheaper.

Pulling things out of a quiver is a free action. Pulling things out of a handy haversack is a move action. If you are trying to shoot more than one arrow a round, this matters considerably.

The efficient quiver isn't really a big problem if you just keep three dozen full quivers in your handy haversack and make sure to switch out after each combat. Unless you fire more than 20 arrows in a single combat... or unless your GM lets you have one quiver on each shoulder or something.

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Considering a 6th level archer can put out up to 5 arrows per round with Rapidshot, Manyshot, and Haste, there certainly may be some combats that require more than 20 arrows.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Adding to the universal list:

Ring of Sustenance
Efficient Quiver.
Handy Haversack.
Wand of Cure Light Wounds.
Bags of Holding/Pathfinder's Pouch.
Wayfinder with the Prot/Evil (Clear Spindle) Ioun stone that protects against mental effects.
Traveler's Any-tool.
Immovable Rod.
Wand of Lesser Restoration
Cloak of the Hedge Wizard sounds like it could be mixed and matched to anyone's usefulness.
Hat of Disguise.
Ioun Torch (or any object with Continual Flame cast on it. I like magnets, so I can stick em to a gauntlet, helm, or shield, or inside tubes with 'petals' I can flip open and closed.)
Feather Tokens (various sorts)
Shirt of Quick Running (banned from PFS, it's gotta be awesome).

Travel Cloak subs for Ring of Sustenance to some degree. Hah, in the Jade Regent and current AP's with that cheap cold res! (1 day food/drink, cold res 5, and makes a tent!)
Bloodflower Salve (applies a CminorW on command after being administered, useful for autostabilizing someone downed).
Spool of Endless Rope (Comp Adv - for the possibilities, if nothing else)

RedEric wrote:
The Immovable Rod always seemed over rated to me.

We used to use ours in many ways: Activate it next to a door and it is much arder to open. Activate two in the right height and you hang your hammock. Activate it and insta-hitch to tie the horse/mule to anywhere you are. And yes, use two to clime up to anywhere you need to. Just to name a few. ;-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Judgeohno wrote:

This might also help. Its from Forgotten Realms Serpent Kingdoms on p 149. Bloodflower Salve at only 10gp.

Apply to the body and whenever the command word is spoken within 25ft it applies a cure minor wounds spell to the wearer. Party member drops, say command word, party member automatically stabilises. Also, don`t seem to have a duration, only command word to trigger.
Now this is a bargain.

Only problem is, Cure Minor Wounds doesn't exist in Pathfinder,

danielc wrote:
RedEric wrote:
The Immovable Rod always seemed over rated to me.

We used to use ours in many ways: Activate it next to a door and it is much arder to open. Activate two in the right height and you hang your hammock. Activate it and insta-hitch to tie the horse/mule to anywhere you are. And yes, use two to clime up to anywhere you need to. Just to name a few. ;-)

Most people can't pull their entire body weight with just one arm. That only works if you have something to brace your feet against.

danielc wrote:
RedEric wrote:
The Immovable Rod always seemed over rated to me.

We used to use ours in many ways: Activate it next to a door and it is much arder to open. Activate two in the right height and you hang your hammock. Activate it and insta-hitch to tie the horse/mule to anywhere you are. And yes, use two to clime up to anywhere you need to. Just to name a few. ;-)

Activate it in the air to stop a fall?

Piccolo wrote:
danielc wrote:
RedEric wrote:
The Immovable Rod always seemed over rated to me.

We used to use ours in many ways: Activate it next to a door and it is much arder to open. Activate two in the right height and you hang your hammock. Activate it and insta-hitch to tie the horse/mule to anywhere you are. And yes, use two to clime up to anywhere you need to. Just to name a few. ;-)

Most people can't pull their entire body weight with just one arm. That only works if you have something to brace your feet against.

Three would let you climb anywhere though.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Piccolo wrote:
danielc wrote:
RedEric wrote:
The Immovable Rod always seemed over rated to me.

We used to use ours in many ways: Activate it next to a door and it is much arder to open. Activate two in the right height and you hang your hammock. Activate it and insta-hitch to tie the horse/mule to anywhere you are. And yes, use two to clime up to anywhere you need to. Just to name a few. ;-)

Most people can't pull their entire body weight with just one arm. That only works if you have something to brace your feet against.

Anyone with strenght 15 or above can. At str 20 the barbarian can do it while carrying the wizard on his back.

Shadow Lodge

im really surprised that no one said sovereign glue.

man ive had so many fun times gluing people to objects while they were sleeping.

immovible rod to a door

shield to paladins face

spell book pages together

force the fighter to wear his full plate all the time

man ive had so much fun with SG, even though its a "consumable" its not really since its permanent.

Not if you also have Universal Solvent.

Yeah sovereign glue is good foy any number of pranks and especially good for sneaky characters or invisible ones. Scouting ahead, just glue a door, poor it over a trap to fix it, glue enemies weapons to the desk/rack/wherever they are and similar things. Or even glue guards into place etc. Or arrows into the quiver. Or poor it into a spell component pouch. Endless possibilities...

Featherstone slippers seen like a good buy for land based characters with no ability to fly over difficult terrain.

Shadow Lodge

VM mercenario wrote:
Piccolo wrote:
danielc wrote:
RedEric wrote:
The Immovable Rod always seemed over rated to me.

We used to use ours in many ways: Activate it next to a door and it is much arder to open. Activate two in the right height and you hang your hammock. Activate it and insta-hitch to tie the horse/mule to anywhere you are. And yes, use two to clime up to anywhere you need to. Just to name a few. ;-)

Most people can't pull their entire body weight with just one arm. That only works if you have something to brace your feet against.
Anyone with strenght 15 or above can. At str 20 the barbarian can do it while carrying the wizard on his back.

TIL that my brother has a Strength 15+

I'm a huge fan of the Handy Haversack which is already on the list.

The Elixirs (Hiding, Swimming, Tumbling, Vision) are also pretty useful. +10 to a skill for an hour is usually enough to carry you through a difficult task.

Nesa's Coin is a decent way to keep track of a scout, and probably has a ton of other uses (slip it into a ransom payment and track down the kidnappers later?).

Dust of Dryness is a bit expensive as a consumable, but when you want it it can be very useful - clear out a sunken area before exploring to take away an aquatic monster's advantage, then use the absorbed water to fight fires.

Silbeg wrote:
Ioun Torch: 75gp for an item that orbits your head with Continual Flame. How can this not be useful?

That's my top pick. It's incredibly cheap, and vastly better than torches, lanterns, or any of the other mundane versions.


Armor Crystals : Various armor crystals from the 3.5 Magic Item Compendium are very useful, especially the ones for 500 that give Endure Elements.

Weapon Crystals : Various weapon crystals from the 3.5 Magic Item Compendium are very useful.

Permanent Wand of Lesser Restoration : Most of the time you don't need more than one or two casts per day of LR, and having a wand that never runs out is worth having to space the restorations out of a couple of days if you really need more than 2.

Gladiator's Gauze : From Dreamscarred Press's Psionic's line. This gauze is attached to the user's belt. By expending psionic focus, the wearer can end any bleed effect they are under. If the bearer drops below 0 hp, the gauze immediately activates and stabilizes them. The gauze is destroyed on use. 180gp. Great for auto-stabilization even on non-psionic characters.

PF :

Campfire Bead : While flanking an opponent, toss the bead into his square, and activate it. Now they are standing on difficult terrain, and also straddling a camp fire. :) Works especially well on cold or plant based enemies.

Magnetist's Gloves : Great for those who are going with a manuever specialist (especially a monk) who wants to disarm enemies at a range.

Trapspringer's Gloves : +5 to disable device and a +1 luck on saves vs traps? Great for the team disable specialist.

Boundary Chalk : Great to do all sorts of wierd things. Need to climb a cliff, draw stairs up the side of the cliff, and watch them appear as force effects. :) Need to block a passage while you and your friends escape, draw the line and run.

Decanter of Endless Water : There's just sooooo many things you can do with this. Provide water for an entire city. Flood an entire dungeon. Flood a basement, put out a major fire, fill your swimming pool, fill your moat. In geyser mode it produces a staggering 300 gallons per minute of water, which is 18,000 gallons per hour or 432,000 gallons per day. That's about 2/3rds of an Olympic sized Swimming Pool (about 660,000 gallons in such a pool) each day!

Insistent Doorknocker : I'd like my own personal doorway into the armory or vault please. :)

Blueluck wrote:
Silbeg wrote:
Ioun Torch: 75gp for an item that orbits your head with Continual Flame. How can this not be useful?
That's my top pick. It's incredibly cheap, and vastly better than torches, lanterns, or any of the other mundane versions.

Only a 20ft radius, while a hooded lantern has a 30ft radius. Bullseye lanterns have MUCH greater illumination capacity if directed properly. There's a spell that does it for you, or you can hire a NPC torchbearer like many do.

No Cracked Dusty Rose Ioun Stone yet? Cheap +1 initiative...
As a side note, I'm more than a little bothered Wand of Infernal Healing isn't on the list for fluff reasons.

I think the wayfinder thingy is more than a little complicated, and from the description, they are very rare, handed down in families.


LOL. Just started a thread; but how about a Wayfinder that resonates with Rogue Talent, Rogue Feat; Stunning Critical, cracked clear ioun stone. 1500 total GP (cheaper than a +2 weapon). Dimensional affinity skills that would normally take high levels and ShadowDancer are an option, as are having x2 Skill Mastery Feats (take 10 on 20 skills at first level) on a single Ioun Stone. Greater Steal is nice too...

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

maouse wrote:
LOL. Just started a thread; but how about a Wayfinder that resonates with Rogue Talent, Rogue Feat; Stunning Critical, cracked clear ioun stone. 1500 total GP (cheaper than a +2 weapon). Dimensional affinity skills that would normally take high levels and ShadowDancer are an option, as are having x2 Skill Mastery Feats (take 10 on 20 skills at first level) on a single Ioun Stone. Greater Steal is nice too...

Where you finding that combo? Looking on srd not seeing how you pull that off at all none-the-less for under 1500 gp...

mdt wrote:


Armor Crystals : Various armor crystals from the 3.5 Magic Item Compendium are very useful, especially the ones for 500 that give Endure Elements.

Weapon Crystals : Various weapon crystals from the 3.5 Magic Item Compendium are very useful.

Some of those crystals are so good that I banned them in my lower power games. I still let them through for dungeon crawl games though. Seriously, they are SOOOOOO good.

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