Corrupt this wish! (1 of 2) [skull and shackles game]


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I may be selling my characters soul,
Woo-hoo and all that.
My question to you is how would you corrupt or screw up with this wish:
“ I wish to receive a daily briefing of all ships within a 100 mile radius of me. This briefing will consists of Base course, current course, destination, speed, tonnage, name, affiliation, master, and cargo if any. This briefing can be in writing or verbal but no crew member may be traumatized by the manner of said briefing”

The Exchange

Make the report horrible but the crew members don't notice it.

The ships reported on receive a report on their ship too...

The briefing is a letter in a language that no one on the boat can read. Nothing about you having to understand the written briefing, just that you have to receive it.

You said every ship- you didn't say every intact, functioning ship. Expect to receive a missive of every wreck on the ocean floor every day. "The wreck of the Sea Swallow, captained by the deceased Lord Fluffyhat, has a base speed of zero knots, no course or destination, no cargo..." Depending on what 100 mile radius you are in, that much information in writing may be enough to sink your ship and/ or crush you- literally burying you with paperwork.

You also seem to have neglected to ask for their location, just their course. Finding the ships could thus be a little difficult, especially if they are off course.

Or how about you are given a grain of sand and on that grain is written your briefing! Good luck reading something that small.

Make the briefings be delivered by a overweight ogre in a tutu doing a creative dance to indicate it all.

I wouldn't, it's a fair thing to ask from a wish. But if I had to:

You receive the briefing written on the flayed skin of a loved one who is not part of your (or any) crew.

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Lurk3r wrote:

You said every ship- you didn't say every intact, functioning ship. Expect to receive a missive of every wreck on the ocean floor every day. "The wreck of the Sea Swallow, captained by the deceased Lord Fluffyhat, has a base speed of zero knots, no course or destination, no cargo..." Depending on what 100 mile radius you are in, that much information in writing may be enough to sink your ship and/ or crush you- literally burying you with paperwork.

You also seem to have neglected to ask for their location, just their course. Finding the ships could thus be a little difficult, especially if they are off course.

That is delightfully cruel. If you must corrupt the wish, OP, my vote is for this one, especially because it's not actively harmful, merely extremely obnoxious.

Silver Crusade

The briefings are delivered to you C.O.D. by GPS (Golarion Parcel Service) and you have to pay 1000g per day to get them.

Silver Crusade

The wish creates a series of flying eyeballs which go to every ship in the radius and return with the information the next day. Of course, every one of those ships can clearly see the eyeball and follow it back to the wisher.

Will be real funny when the wisher realizes pirates don't like people knowing their whereabouts and the morning report suddenly indicates they all seem to be heading in his direction....

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1)That's a lot of ocean, especially in a major port city. That means lots of boats.
2)Give them way way way to much information. Piles of charts, books, logs, descriptions, pictures.
3)Have the information written in the language of the captain.
4)Have it delivered by teleport in large unorganized piles 1-ft in front of the wisher. Have this happens the minute the ship enters the 100-mile radius.
5) Have this information be actual logs and documents from said ships, legal offices, port authorities. Who's stealing all those documents?

What do you have when you add all this up. Huge piles of info that appear at all times of the day, that they can't possibly collate/store/even read, and has the authorities on the lookout for an information gatherer/spy interested in all port activities.

Grand Lodge

It doesn't say anything about accurately briefing.

Or every ship in the same radius gets the same info about you and maybe some exaggeration to entice pirates.

Have the briefing appear as a painful tattoo or brand every day on the chars skin(have it clear before a new report comes the next day also painful). Then every day he will be dreading the arrival of his much needed intelligence. You get everything you asked for it just is in a form you never would have agreed to if you thought it threw. Also creates a role-playing opportunity. How long can the char stand it? How can he remove this "curse"?

Receives it in Druidic :-)

Chaos_Scion wrote:
Have the briefing appear as a painful tattoo or brand every day on the chars skin(have it clear before a new report comes the next day also painful). Then every day he will be dreading the arrival of his much needed intelligence. You get everything you asked for it just is in a form you never would have agreed to if you thought it threw. Also creates a role-playing opportunity. How long can the char stand it? How can he remove this "curse"?

He did say no crew member could be tramatized by it so I do not think that this would work. BUT if he was ever no longer a crew member of the ship he would still be getting reports and this would become an option =)

Banecrow wrote:
Chaos_Scion wrote:
Have the briefing appear as a painful tattoo or brand every day on the chars skin(have it clear before a new report comes the next day also painful). Then every day he will be dreading the arrival of his much needed intelligence. You get everything you asked for it just is in a form you never would have agreed to if you thought it threw. Also creates a role-playing opportunity. How long can the char stand it? How can he remove this "curse"?
He did say no crew member could be tramatized by it so I do not think that this would work. BUT if he was ever no longer a crew member of the ship he would still be getting reports and this would become an option =)

I read crew member and I think a demon would to as anyone but the player. So no crew member would be traumatized but the captain would. You could argue that seeing the captain after the effect with the tattoo could traumatize a crew member but I think its a little harder to shock the average pirate then that.

Grand Lodge

How do you suppose the crew would feel about the Captain making deals with Devils or Demons or whatever? I think they'd be traumatized, so maybe the wish invalidates itself.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Why on earth would you corrupt such a wish?

Ravingdork wrote:
Why on earth would you corrupt such a wish?

For the lulz.

But seriously many people grew up on corrupting the wish in fantasy and role playing(especially older forms of dnd). Some people don't like it but do we need another thread on whether or not its a good idea. If he wants to corrupt it I'm assuming he's playing in a group were that is the expectation.

Grand Lodge

I think its Franko's wish and he might be trying to anticipate how it could be corrupted. Or I could be completely wrong.

Shadow Lodge


The briefing has so much detail that it takes 20 hours to read/listen to. The verbal version is done in the GM's best Ben Stein voice. Will save (DC 25) to stay awake each hour. Also, your wish is to receive the briefing, not to have access to the briefing. Sounds to me like you're going to get your daily briefing whether you want it or not. Looting a ship? Exploring a cave? Visiting with one of the lovely priestesses of Calistria? *poof* You're back to the briefing room to hear Ben drone on about how many different kinds of mackerel are in that fishing boat 80 miles away.

I would try wishing for something akin to the Marauder's Map from Harry Potter instead.

How corrupt are you talking?

-The briefing is given every morning by a sea related daemon, or ancient sea dragon in a loud booming voice with hellfire lighting up the sky for miles around behind them. Of course since every crew member who sleeps on the ship has their eyes eyes torn out and gets deafened, they aren't traumatized by the briefing in the slightest because they aren't aware of it.

Alternatively (maybe nicer even) the crew is slaughtered and the breifing is given by a pretty succubus in a soothing voice.

Wow, thanks for the help.
I forgot to ask about range and bearing....

BUT i have to admit, i think i might like the ships that arent mooving. That would have more exploration and RP opurtunities....

keep it comming.
And yes its my wish.

Franko a wrote:

keep it comming.

The values for each parameter (speed, bearing, location, tonnage etc) are all given in different units or coordinate systems from across the planes making the data interesting but basically useless.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So you're preemptively limiting your expectations?

That must be a harsh GM you have there.

1. Give the information in short hand code that requires a linguistics check to decipher.
2. Immediately before and after the info is given your teleported in a random direction as per greater teleport. (well you know were all the ships are on the other side of the world).
3. Have the demon or what ever is granting the wish have to actually do the scouting of the ships himself. That way he is fallible and may not know all of the things on the ship. Hidden items, the strength of the crew and other defenses, ect. Also he gets really tired of doing this after only a few days and there after tries to break the wish to escape the servitude.
4. If you do go with the one where you give the locations of sunken ships list their cargo. The fact that there rotted and useless doesn't mean there not there. Make it harder for you to know what ships are wrecks. Give there headings too (its facing due north so thats its heading).

Kazred wrote:


The briefing has so much detail that it takes 20 hours to read/listen to. The verbal version is done in the GM's best Ben Stein voice.

I am available to do voiceovers for very reasonable rates.

Ravingdork wrote:

So you're preemptively limiting your expectations?

That must be a harsh GM you have there.

The DM is great actually.

this is the first time to play with a wish. 6th level, selling character soul.

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Deliver it on a USB flash memory card.

Granted i havent messed with wishes much, but in my xp its not usually good to sak for mutiple things. Now i realize all ur wants pertain to the same thing, but ur still asking for mutiple things from 1 wish.. If i were running it i would give the first thing u asked for and nothing else.. With that said u would recieve basic info on each ship w/in a 100 mile radius, but nothing specific like u asked..

Franko a wrote:

I may be selling my characters soul,

Woo-hoo and all that.
My question to you is how would you corrupt or screw up with this wish:
“ I wish to receive a daily briefing of all ships within a 100 mile radius of me. This briefing will consists of Base course, current course, destination, speed, tonnage, name, affiliation, master, and cargo if any. This briefing can be in writing or verbal but no crew member may be traumatized by the manner of said briefing”

Every ship within the radius is alerted of your base course, current course, destination, speed, tonnage, name, affiliation, master, and cargo as well.

Franko a wrote:

I may be selling my characters soul,

Woo-hoo and all that.
My question to you is how would you corrupt or screw up with this wish:
“ I wish to receive a daily briefing of all ships within a 100 mile radius of me. This briefing will consists of Base course, current course, destination, speed, tonnage, name, affiliation, master, and cargo if any. This briefing can be in writing or verbal but no crew member may be traumatized by the manner of said briefing”

So so many ways...

A. A wish is generally only one sentence. After your first sentence the wish takes affect... so you dont get anthing past the first sentence... which means it can be sent any way the DM wants and it can contain anything... even just the ships name or type.

B. Its writen in a dead language you cannot understand.

C. Its verbal at a speed that you cannot keep up with or comprehend.

D. Briefing can be taken literally.

Lurk3r wrote:
, that much information in writing may be enough to sink your ship and/ or crush you- literally burying you with paperwork.

Each individual briefing is etched onto stone tablet, and dropped on the deck, GM's discretion at from what height.

Franko a wrote:

I may be selling my characters soul,

Woo-hoo and all that.
My question to you is how would you corrupt or screw up with this wish:
“ I wish to receive a daily briefing of all ships within a 100 mile radius of me. This briefing will consists of Base course, current course, destination, speed, tonnage, name, affiliation, master, and cargo if any. This briefing can be in writing or verbal but no crew member may be traumatized by the manner of said briefing”

I'd probably have the briefing delivered by some foul infernal creature who refuses to be discreet about it. He would swoop down from the skies onto the ship and walk into your cabin with his briefing. He would also do this at any port you happen to call. He would come directly to you and be fairly obvious about it... which is sure to draw attention.

Unless it is a demon performing the twist with his own will, but rather more through the spell, I would do this, except for it being a reasonable wish:

Have the person who can perform the most proper briefing teleported to them. Says nothing along the lines as to how he gets the information.

Franko a wrote:

My question to you is how would you corrupt or screw up with this wish: “I wish to receive a daily briefing of all ships within a 100 mile radius of me. This briefing will consists of Base course, current course, destination, speed, tonnage, name, affiliation, master, and cargo if any. This briefing can be in writing or verbal but no crew member may be traumatized by the manner of said briefing”

As a DM myself, I dislike wishes that create repeating ongoing intangible effects, so I might just rule this very powerful ongoing effect beyond the power of a typical wish. Players in my games usually try to figure out if this a limited wish, wish, or diety's boon level of wish.

But if I wanted to mess with the character ...

Groundhog Day. I'd give the character the report of his dreams. Every ship. Every manifest. The crew. The morale, name, affiliation -- the best report [b]ever[b]. And every morning the character would wake up to the exact same report, as the character's awareness and self are popped back 24 hours or so into the exact same situation.

Now, that's within the limits of a wish. And now you have twenty-four hours to figure out how to cancel it. Take as many as you need.


Petrus222 wrote:
Franko a wrote:

keep it comming.
The values for each parameter (speed, bearing, location, tonnage etc) are all given in different units or coordinate systems from across the planes making the data interesting but basically useless.

I like this, but it would drive the dm mad with math.

Unit vectors in. I,j,k for the win.

You get an alphabetically sorted list of ships, a numerically sorted list of courses, an alphabetically sorted list of cargoes, etc. All the information is there, but there is no way of linking the course, ship, cargo and information.

You also get a list of every rowboat, lifeboat, raft, piece of flotsam, etc.

Doesn't need to be overthought. Delivering the briefing verbally without pause, repeat or hesitation should make it difficult to be useful. Mumbling and speaking very quickly will make it more difficult to understand.

It's also worth noting that according to a couple of online dictionaries that a ship had 3 at least masts and travelled in deep seawater. Everything else is a boat, which wouldn't be included in the briefing.

As a DM i would point out the fact you are askig for multiple wishes in your "one wish" and as others have pointed out the easiest way to corrupt this is to give you all of it but assume that the scrying involved is noticed by some of the ships, naturally the ones way more powerfull then YOUR ship. Who come to invistigate. And when they conclude that YOU are the source to capture you and keep you in a box. Letting you out daily to give your report. conversely you character could simply be taken to hell and recieve your report there as part of your daily torment FOREVER.

As a general rule keep your wishes very simple and one sentence (not a run on sentence) long. The more detail you put in to it the more likely the entity that has to grant it will look for a way to screw it up

Liberty's Edge

There are just about unlimited ways to corrupt it.

Rest assured, if the DM wants it corrupted, it will be. If he wants it useless, it will be.

I'd corrupt it only to a small degree...likely going with the insane amount of information...but that would still leave it useful, and a great plot device.

Ravingdork wrote:

So you're preemptively limiting your expectations?

That must be a harsh GM you have there.

My GM in Rise almost pees himself in glee at the mention of corrupting a wish.


This is pretty easy.

Every report is given to the PC verbally (because the player said either/or instead of both) at the same time; it is basically just a cacophonous burst of sound in their ears for several minutes, and even if there are only two ships in the area (unlikely, you're talking about a 10-hex burst, which is the size of some nations), the notes could easily get scrambled together.

Silver Crusade

I admit, I'd get a little meta too... I like the 'you had to ask...' approach though.

He starts getting daily updates on every friendship, ambassadorship, dictatorship, dealership, governorship, custodianship, ownership, relationship, and swordsmanship within 100 miles of him.

And maybe at the end, assuming the day hasn't passed, he gets reports on some boats.

A single report should probably /take/ a whole day.

Man, I can't wait to hear what cargo and heading some relationships have..

Since he specified written, the briefing takes the form of skywriting.

Everyday the clouds are reshaped to deliver a gigantic report on all the ships in a 100 mile radius. Since it is skywriting, every ship for 100 miles can also see this report. Also, the PC ship counts as a ship within a 100 mile radius.

I don't generally corrupt normal Wishes granted by spell, but a sell your soul sort of Wish? Sure thing.

You have asked for a daily briefing on information across a 100 mile radius of you. Every day someone or some things collects that information and, every day, someone or somethings shows up to deliver that information to you. You've effectively sold your soul to get a fiendish invasion, and your only precondition is that your crew not be traumatized by the manner of the briefing. A strong fiend could easily decide to kill you or your crew members after the briefing, given that it is already there, although intelligent fiends might choose not to, given that this wish grants them the freedom to visit a fairly goodsized area of the mortal world so long as you remain at sea.

The Exchange

Franko a wrote:
...“ I wish to receive a daily briefing of all ships within a 100 mile radius of me. This briefing will consists of Base course, current course, destination, speed, tonnage, name, affiliation, master, and cargo if any. This briefing can be in writing or verbal but no crew member may be traumatized by the manner of said briefing.”

1. You didn't specify how many briefings must be delivered before the wish is fulfilled. Technically once you've received two, 24 hours apart, the wish is fulfilled. Contrariwise, you didn't specify that you should stop receiving the briefings once you die. I wonder who'll keep receiving the reports; your corpse, or your tormented soul?

2. You didn't specify a maximum length for the 'briefing'. While many of the categories can't be stretched too far, 'affiliation' and 'cargo' could be stretched for hours.
3. You didn't specify that the briefings had to be private.
4. A 'briefing' can be 'received' without your knowledge, appearing as tiny runes on the insides of your eyelids or whispers in your sleeping ear.
5. You do not specify what 'receive' means; a written message can be 'received' inscribed on a poisoned arrow of slaying fired in your direction, for example. (It's worth noting that due to the necessity for you to 'receive' the message, the arrow will just keep making U-turns and coming back at you if it misses - although Snatch Arrow would still discharge the conditions of the wish.)
6. You did not specify any way to voluntarily defer or cancel the briefings, should any of the various perversions already suggested come to pass.

As a side note - I as a GM have hardly ever handed out wishes; when I do, I consider the source closely. I'd never go to the lengths of passive-aggressiveness listed above myself, unless the being granting the wish were both wicked at heart and felt a personal grudge against you for forcing an involuntary wish out of it.

Silver Crusade

Well it sounds like a fiend, and given that they're pirates, its probably a Glabrezu. And the only thing worse for wish twisting then a Glabrezu is an Efreeti.

I admit this stuff is why I usually go with the logic bomb stand by ("I wish you wouldn't grant this wish.") and just fight the blighters.

Best way...

You find yourself teleported onto every ship during their briefing meeting, with nothing but what you have on you at the time. Alone. You spend you're whole day in meetings.

Shadow Lodge

You are instantly transported to the nearest hostile ship during their Captain's briefing.

This is a wish spell we're talking about here. That's powerful stuff. :P

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