
Belzurigoz's page

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Shocking grasp.
true strike can be handy.
arcane mark lvl 0 spell is a must.

Hm...what about the estus flask mechanic? Limiting the healing outside of healing able classes will give those a rise in priority/importence, and also play whit mechanic of Estus prohibited areas.

Sounds interesting, I personally love the souls series, and have been thinking about doing something akin to it in pathfinders, But I can clearly see that you have taken it up a notch.

How will you handle crafting/selling? And if all attacks are rolled against touch, will not that give a huge bonus to Rogues/monks/other classes whit To hit problems, balancing thoughts on that?

Ye old magic shop, how will that function, within the world of Pathsouls?

teifling whit the heritage thing to use large weapon could probably use it in one hand, dont see why tho, they get most from crit fishing.

11 lvls barbarian 6 str from rage,
1 lvl alchemist 4 from mutagen.

30 str all together it seems.

tetori and four winds doesn't stack, both trade away abundant step.

Vivisectionist beastmorph is rather good.

Dang it... well, that was unexpected. hm..touching a pebble and using a bent mirror to focus the light could make it a handy flash light perhaps.

Sounds fine to me, only thing that could be "unreasonable" would be if there where a to narrow a passage for the dragon to get through, otherwise, why should there be any problem whit that?

I always throw light on a rope, a 50 feet lantern is awesome.

I'd say a hexcrafter is always a good option, not perhaps the biggest dpr machine, but can be more useful then a regular one =)

I've enjoyed one for some time, and the utility from the hexes is just gold imo. what are your Rp preferences btw? that could affect the choice.

I understand your train of thought, but the wording in the errata seems pretty clear. =/

Thou Gm fiat trumps everything, so if you could talk your gm into it..

Can not, nothing can see through magical darkness, Tremor sense or such would help thou.

a lvl 1 barbarian raging can do 2d6 +12 dmg whit a great sword and power attack, so doesn't seem so impressive.

The stun seems useful thou.

Can a witch with the flight hex use her feather fall and levitate abilities on other creatures?

No. All aspects of the flight hex affect only the witch (though she can carry objects or creatures as part of her weight allowance as described in those spell effects). (The 2nd printing of the APG includes this updated information.

From the http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/witch Errata.

No, you wont, but it will act as CL+1 so they will stay longer.

Impossible, there is nothing in the rules about making a infinite daily use of a spell item, the most is 50 charged one.


APL=average party level, what level the party is and what sort of challenges they should be able to take.
CR=challenge rating, the level of the encounter, apl lvl encounter= normal encounter, apl +1 bit harder, +2 challenging.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

A Blackblade/kensai who looses his sword. Ouch on that

Blessing of GM fiat?

A bardbarian? I imagine a Growling metal singer for some reason.

Kaire, Mento, Rebon, Kaile, Simon, Djino, Thiry.
Hard to give a solid advice when you have no real background and only a specific way of talking.

hmm..wouldn't a wand of ghoul touch/wand of ray of enfeeblement be good? a paralysed victi..competitor is a good competitor, as well as a comatose.
Deep slumber perhaps?

Polearm master archtype for figther, dragoon lets you use lance in melee.

Spinning Lance (Ex)

At 7th level, a dragoon may alternate attacks with the piercing head of his lance with reach, or with the butt end (treat as a club) against adjacent targets. Unlike a double weapon, the masterwork quality and magical special abilities apply to both ends of the lance, except for those weapon special abilities that apply only to edged weapons.

This ability replaces armor training 2.

Pole Fighting (Ex)

At 2nd level, as an immediate action, a polearm master can shorten the grip on his spear or polearm with reach and use it against adjacent targets. This action results in a –4 penalty on attack rolls with that weapon until he spends another immediate action to return to the normal grip. The penalty is reduced by –1 for every four levels beyond 2nd.

This ability replaces Bravery.

Make the briefings be delivered by a overweight ogre in a tutu doing a creative dance to indicate it all.

Well, then it would probably put out the fire sort of like a blanket, since it will remove the air from getting to it. But you could also rule that it will dmg the house wall/s abit, perhaps for some added theatrical effect.

I would probably quick rule it so that it covers/smothers the fire, might not put it all out, but what it hits dies out. A whole building? perhaps, depends on the effective area of the breath?

My group have donated quite allot to the churches in sandpoint, and thus, I've had to bump some loot up in other areas. otherwise, pretty much as stated.

Not to be a buzz kill, but, isn't it kinda sad that we cant agree on what to do about the topic at hand? I know morality/alignment is extremely "fuzzy", I have a player who always/almost always plays LE because of mostly being different egotistical characters, but otherwise as honourable as any paladin. What it all comes down to, isn't it just that the players and Gm need to be clear on what they mean/intend, and what the book says, is just a helping hand, not a iron chain?

Yes, paladins needs to be LG, but, within LG there is a infinite amount of ways to play it. The main thing, should it not just be fun? If I can make a good compelling argument on a paladin constantly being drunk/trying to get drunk, to honour his chosen deity, and make the people at my table laugh, is it wrong? I would judge no, even thou it might not be totally within everyone's perception of good/lawful.
Cant we all just agree to disagree, and that there is no final answer, since its all a matter of perspective?

My 2 c.

Ah, my mistake, well, depends on if he wants it to be a memorable challenge or a short adventure then. =)

well, Op would still need to buff him up then, since you are around lvl 4-5 when you are finished whit chap 1. that's why I thought Cr 7 was a good number/challenge.

I myself, are doing a homebrew thing on Chopper, if you read the background on sandpoint, and about the recent unpleasantness.
Having him as a servant for lamashtu again, sort of like a forbearance of things to come (skinsaw). using the stats for the enemy dullahan as his stats.

20 point buy, its basicly what it's made for, at least, that's what I'm going whit atm.
Classes should be all right, gunslinger doesn't really fit, but could be ok to use, some sort of arcane caster might be a good idea to have in the party, for a..shall we say, key retrieval later in the campaign.
There is a fight whit a flying demon in the catacombs, and she can be quite troublesome if no one comes prepared or aint a paladin.

This was hilarious, I'm not sure what I would do if anyone in my group did something like that...I believe the inquisitor and paladin would have allot of things to say against itXD

But more on topic, the "siring the tengu race into that game world" would be awesome rp/fluff consequence!

Well, I personally love creative solutions like that, and I would probably house rule it as a moveaction, the same as recovering something from your gear, which he does.

My 2 cp.

I'v recently made a Magus(kensai) whit a extra arm who specialises in his scythe, I Considered naming him Magus(crono trigger) but I thought it was a bit obvious, and about 3 arms, well, so he can still use his magic.

A Cavalier named don quijote?
Hm, a Bladebound magus named Arthur whit his trusted sword excalibur?
A druid named Miraculix who uses alot of brew potions? XD
A monk cursed to switch gender when hot/cold water comes in contact whit him/her named ranma?
A green clad fighter/alchemist who seems strangely mute, whit his trusted longsword and oak/steel/mirror shield. Bows, bombs and a big hammer! name? link ofc!

Extend Spell metamagic is always nice, augment summoning is also really good, Toughness and Combat Casting can also be realy nice

Seems like it will be a interesting challenge for my players then. Thanks for the help then, ladies and gentlemens. =)

well, true I could do that, but, I don't know, I like making it within the rules, but I could work the magic arm in his back story I suppose.

I get the gist of what GM fiat means, but care to explain exactly what it is?
and yes, I could say whatever and it is true, but I want it to be legal:p
Otherwise I'll feel like iv betrayed my players, if they cant do it on a character, I shouldn't be able to either.
story wise its a Rise to power through a strong and determined will, no supernatural interference, so making it within the rules is personally important:p

That is sort of my thought, I am the Dm, and I wanted a cool and unusual villain in my next campaign, playing rise of the runelord atm. Just wanted to check if it was legal. that x5 crit maximized from the scythe will hurt^^

No one has any Comment to if its legal, or totally broken? =/

Otherwise, if you are the GM, you could make the illusion of a spiked pit in a tunnel, and then put a real trap on the square behind it and cover that one whit a illusionary floor^^

I don't think it can threaten, only distract?

How about as archers? a arrow flying towards a pc, obviously missing, and "sticking" in the ground, will cause a distraction, or as a caster who looks like its casting a powerful spell?

Hello good folks, like the title states, I have a few ideas on how to make a interesting villain in a homebrew campaign I'm currently working on, and my plan was: A Kensai magus whit atleast 2 lvls in a alchemy class for vestigal arm, his weapon of focus will be scythe, both for looks, high crits and story reasons. My thought was, seeing as I have a extra arm, will I be able to use the 2h weapon and still use spell strikes and the likes?

And why I wont use scimitar? well, its a bit common, now aint it?
Change things up a bit^^

Looking forward for comments=)
Long live pathfinder!

well, this is local folk lore, but "pomperi possa" is a old swedish witch, said to curse and lure away children, and sometimes eat them, sometimes drown them. Otherwise, wicked witch of the west/east? or the fa.. evil witch in howls mowing castle?

As for paladin, Perhaps the original paladin, Charlemange?