Ways to gain a Familiar or Animal Companion


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Shadow Lodge

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What ways are there, (besides taking a level dip in Cav/Druid/Sor/Wiz or the like) are there for a character to gain a Familiar and/or Animal Companion.

Specifically is there anything for a 5th preexisting Cleric in PFS?

If not, what other options are there for generic characters?

The animal domain

Eldritch Heritage for the Sylvan Bloodline (may not work in PFS)

"Devil's Advocate" wrote:

What ways are there, (besides taking a level dip in Cav/Druid/Sor/Wiz or the like) are there for a character to gain a Familiar and/or Animal Companion.

Specifically is there anything for a 5th preexisting Cleric in PFS?

If not, what other options are there for generic characters?

As far as I know,the best chance you have to get a familiar as a cleric is to have a high enough charisma and skill focus(knowledge:arcana) which will give you access to the eldritch heritage(arcane) feat,then you have a familiar at your level-2,and the rest of the feat tree is quite interesting too(nobody expect a cleric to hurl fireballs at his enemies!!!).

If you're a bard,you can take the sea bard archetype and have a familiar by the 4th level, a cleric of Besmara can exchange a domain for a familiar,and a human gunslinger archetype in the advanced race guide can have it too (I'm into the skulls and shacles campaign,so I made a little research!)
May it help you!

Eldritch Heritage Arcane will get you a familiar, yes, but it doesn't actually have to be Skill Focus (Knowledge: Arcana), it can be Skill Focus in any Knowledge. I played a Bard with Skill Focus in Religion, and my current Oracle has Skill Focus in Local.

mplindustries wrote:
Eldritch Heritage Arcane will get you a familiar, yes, but it doesn't actually have to be Skill Focus (Knowledge: Arcana), it can be Skill Focus in any Knowledge. I played a Bard with Skill Focus in Religion, and my current Oracle has Skill Focus in Local.

My mistake!Thanks for the correction.

Grand Lodge

Rogues/Ninjas, Alchemist, Inquisitors, and Rangers, can get familiars too.

also bards and druids can get familiars, to add to bbt's list

Darigaaz the Igniter wrote:

The animal domain

Eldritch Heritage for the Sylvan Bloodline (may not work in PFS)

general consensus is that eldritch heritage allows you to get a bloodline, not a bloodline modified by an archetype. so you can choose fey, not sylvan, which is fey with the wildblood archetype.

asthyril wrote:
also bards and druids can get familiars, to add to bbt's list

How can a Bard or Druid (or for that matter an Inquisitor or Ranger) get a familiar outside of the Eldritch Heritage feat? I mean, Druids, Rangers and Inquisitors can get animal companions, of course, but a familiar?

I know Rogues can now with the Carnivalist archetype and Alchemists via a tumor, but that's it from those lists you two posted.

druid: monkey or frog domain
bard: sea singer archetype

Grand Lodge

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Rogues don't need an archetype. There is a Rogue talent that grants a Familiar.

Also, the Noble Scion feat can grant you a familiar.

yes, i am currently realizing in pfs 'eyes of the ten' how useful a rogue with a faerie dragon familiar is. (riddywipple with a 20 int rogue's skill levels, who needs a character when you have that? :)

Shadow Lodge

Thats the Familiar I was thinking off, too. I cant make a new character to get it now and Im already level 5 or 6.

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"Devil's Advocate" wrote:
Thats the Familiar I was thinking off, too. I cant make a new character to get it now and Im already level 5 or 6.

it will take your cleric 3 feats (skill focus, eldritch heritage, improved familiar) but you can get him eventually. but level 9 is when you would qualify. (he requires level 7 and eldritch heritage is character level minus 2)

not sure of any other way to get him within PFS rules (i don't think clerics are allowed the frog/monkey domains druids get, unless there is some god out there im not familiar with)

I am pretty sure they can... They are Domains after all.

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
I am pretty sure they can... They are Domains after all.

in pfs, you must worship a pfs legal god. i do not know of any pfs legal god that grants either of those domains.

From what I understand they are allowed on any Cleric who worships a Deity with Travel(Terrain) or Animal Domain. I think they even mentioned any Deity with Nature in their Profile can take them as well.

Though I can't seem to find it again...

that would be nice if you can find it. i have a cleric build i haven't started playing yet, and i would love her to be able to take frog or monkey domain, in order to improved familiar it to a lyrakien azata.

Actually I found a Non-PFS ruling, but it says that they only get the Toad or Monkey and Improved Familiar doesn't work except to apply a Template on the Toad or Monkey.

oh i just realized the eagle and serpent domains grant companions too.

the only thing i can think of is for a cleric to choose the separatist archetype in order to choose a domain not on your god's list.

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Actually I found a Non-PFS ruling, but it says that they only get the Toad or Monkey and Improved Familiar doesn't work except to apply a Template on the Toad or Monkey.

could you link that please?

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I am thinking of opening a Rules Question for F.A.Q. Requests...

& The thread won't open back up for me...

I think magus has an arcana for that too. But that is a magic user anyway, so it is not very surprising.

Barbarians can get a ranger like animal companion as a mount through the mounted fury archetype. Obviously this is the key for making an effective mounted build.

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Animal Companion/Mount options
• Barbarian: Mounted Fury (5th; bestial mount; -4; APG)
• Barbarian: Mad Dog (1st; war beast; Animal Archive)
• Cleric (4th; animal domain; -3)
• Druid (4th; nature bond: animal domain; -3)
• Druid (1st; nature bond: animal companion)
• Druid: Treesinger (1st; plant bond: plant companion; ARG)
• Druid: Pack Lord (1st; animal companion; UM)
• Paladin (5th; divine bond: steed)
• Ranger (4th; hunter's bond: animal companion; -3)
• Ranger: Beast Master (4th; animal companion; -3 until 12th; APG)
• Sorcerer: Wildblooded (4th; sylvan bloodline: animal companion; -3; UM)

• Cavalier (1st; mount; APG)
• Cavalier: Beast Rider (1st; exotic mount; UC)
• Cavalier: Huntmaster (1st; hunting pack; Animal Archive)
• Inquisitor (4th; animal domain; -3; APG)
• Oracle (1st; nature mystery: bonded mount; APG)
• Samurai (1st; mount; UC)

Familiar options
• Bard: Sea Singer (2nd; familiar; APG)
• Cleric: Demonic Apostle (drow; 1st; demonic familiar; ARG)
• Cleric: Fiendish Vessel (tiefling; 3rd; fiendish familiar; ARG)
• Druid: Blight Druid (1st; nature bond: familiar; APG)
• Druid (1st; eagle domain; UM)
• Druid (1st; toad domain; UM)
• Druid (1st; monkey domain; UM)
• Druid (1st; serpent domain; UM)
• Rogue (10th; advanced rogue talent: familiar; -4; UC)
• Rogue: Carnivalist (1st; familiar; Animal Archive)
• Sorcerer (1st; arcane bloodline: familiar)
• Sorcerer (3rd; serpentine bloodline: serpentfriend; -2; APG)
• Wizard (1st; arcane bond: familiar)

• Alchemist (2nd; discovery: tumor familiar; UM)
• Gunslinger: Buccaneer (human; 1st; exotic pet; 1/2; ARG)
• Magus (3rd; magus arcana: familiar; UM)
• Ninja (10th; master trick: advanced rogue talent: familiar; -4; UC)
• Witch (1st; witch's familiar; APG)
• Witch: Beast-Bonded (4th; enhanced familiar: +1 to effective witch level; UM)

• Anti-Paladin (5th; fiendish boon: fiendish servant; APG)
• Summoner (1st; eidolon; APG)
• Summoner: Broodmaster (1st; eidolon brood; UC)
• Summoner: Master Summoner (1st; lesser eidolon; UC)
• Summoner: Synthesist (1st; fused eidolon; UC)

Feats that improve effective levels (bonuses capped by HD)
Beast Rider (half-orc; +2 to effective druid level; ARG)
Boon Companion (+4 to effective druid/wizard level; Animal Archive)
Huntmaster (human; +1 to effective druid level; ARG)

The Noble Scion feat was revised from its original form in the Campaign Setting book; it no longer grants a familiar.

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:

Animal Companion/Mount options

• Barbarian: Mounted Fury (5th; bestial mount; -4; APG)
• Barbarian: Mad Dog (1st; war beast; Animal Archive)
• Cleric (4th; animal domain; -3)
• Druid (4th; nature bond: animal domain; -3)
• Druid (1st; nature bond: animal companion)
• Druid: Treesinger (1st; plant bond: plant companion; ARG)
• Druid: Pack Lord (1st; animal companion; UM)
• Paladin (5th; divine bond: steed)
• Ranger (4th; hunter's bond: animal companion; -3)
• Ranger: Beast Master (4th; animal companion; -3 until 12th; APG)
• Sorcerer: Wildblooded (4th; sylvan bloodline: animal companion; -3; UM)

• Cavalier (1st; mount; APG)
• Cavalier: Beast Rider (1st; exotic mount; UC)
• Cavalier: Huntmaster (1st; hunting pack; Animal Archive)
• Inquisitor (4th; animal domain; -3; APG)
• Oracle (1st; nature mystery: bonded mount; APG)
• Samurai (1st; mount; UC)

Familiar options
• Bard: Sea Singer (2nd; familiar; APG)
• Cleric: Demonic Apostle (drow; 1st; demonic familiar; ARG)
• Cleric: Fiendish Vessel (tiefling; 3rd; fiendish familiar; ARG)
• Druid: Blight Druid (1st; nature bond: familiar; APG)
• Druid (1st; eagle domain; UM)
• Druid (1st; toad domain; UM)
• Druid (1st; monkey domain; UM)
• Druid (1st; serpent domain; UM)
• Rogue (10th; advanced rogue talent: familiar; -4; UC)
• Rogue: Carnivalist (1st; familiar; Animal Archive)
• Sorcerer (1st; arcane bloodline: familiar)
• Sorcerer (3rd; serpentine bloodline: serpentfriend; -2; APG)
• Wizard (1st; arcane bond: familiar)

• Alchemist (2nd; discovery: tumor familiar; UM)
• Gunslinger: Buccaneer (human; 1st; exotic pet; 1/2; ARG)
• Magus (3rd; magus arcana: familiar; UM)
• Ninja (10th; master trick: advanced rogue talent: familiar; -4; UC)
• Witch (1st; witch's familiar; APG)
• Witch: Beast-Bonded (4th; enhanced familiar: +1 to effective witch level; UM)

• Anti-Paladin (5th; fiendish boon: fiendish servant; APG)
• Summoner (1st; eidolon; APG)
• Summoner: Broodmaster (1st; eidolon brood; UC)
• Summoner: Master Summoner...

If you include KQ in your game

-Alchemist can have a Animal Companion from #19
-Fighter can have a eidolon from #21

both are actually really balanced

Shadow Lodge

So another question I just realized. My original plan was to take 7 levels of Cleric, 1 Srcerer (just for Familiar), and then use te Cleric caster level for Imp Familiar for the Boon Fairy Dragon.

Under the Boon, it specifies Claster Level 7, Alignment one step from CG, and ability to get a new Familiar from Imp Familiar Feat. So it looks good on that front.

However, under Imp Familiar, the txt (not the Prereqs, other texts) specifies Arcane Caster Level, not just Caster Level. I realize this could go either way, and I will probably need to ask for a PFS specific ruling under the Scenario, but des the Boon allow for an exception to the Arcane Caster Level, or is it implied but not included.

well as far as i can tell the familiar abilities are based on 'effective wizard level'. so the familiar would be based on whatever is giving you your wizard levels, not just any caster levels. it would seem extremely unlikely they would rule on any caster levels working, so i wouldn't take a level of sorcerer with that in mind. your best bet is eldritch heritage.

they are supposed to be coming out with retraining rules later this year, if you can wait.

i'm not sure what the rules are (if any) for a cleric changing gods in pfs, but if you could do something like that, and worship the same god as a separatist to get one of the domains which gives a familiar, that could work too and save some feats. but doubt that will be the case.

in the end you could always do what i did, and just run the scenario and give the GM cert to the character you want to have the familiar. thats how my wizard got his.

Explain how a fighter can have an edilion please.

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Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Explain how a fighter can have an edilion please.

Kobold Quarterly #21

Seraphic Cohort (Fighter)
Some warriors are so pious a deity sends a heavenly emissary to aid and protect the favored individual. These men and women are called seraphic cohorts, and they form a bond with a celestial outsider.
Alignment: A seraphic cohort must have a good alignment.
Angelic Protector: At 1st level, the seraphic cohort gains an angelic protector. The seraphic cohort can summon an eidolon as if he were a summoner equal to his fighter level. Variables, such as caster level and evolution points, are determined using the seraphic cohort’s fighter level. The seraphic cohort also gains, at the appropriate level, all summoner abilities related to the eidolon except bond senses, aspect, and greater aspect. The eidolon must take the angel form described in Ultimate Magic and must select all available primary and secondary evolutions listed under the angel model (or the new evolutions below) before selecting additional evolutions. This replaces all fighter bonus feats for this character.
Rejuvenate Eidolon (Sp): Three times per day at 3rd level, the seraphic cohort may cast lesser rejuvenate eidolon on his angelic protector as a spell-like ability. This becomes rejuvenate eidolon at 8th level, and greater rejuvenate eidolon at 13th level. At 10th level, the seraphic cohort may sacrifice all his uses of this spell-like ability to instead cast purified calling. This replaces armor training 1, 2, and 3.
Code of Behavior: A seraphic cohort earns the loyalty of a good outsider through his adherence to a strict code of moral behavior. A seraphic cohort who does not champion the cause of good and righteousness in all his actions or who willingly or who knowingly performs an evil act instantly loses the ability to summon his angelic protector. The GM decides how and if this occurs and what the seraphic cohort must do to regain his outsider companion’s loyalty. Gray areas are few: the code of the seraphic consort is strict.


A bit of thread necro here I know, but any class can now get an animal companion using a feat from Faiths & Philosophies (which is also PFS legal).

Silver Crusade

I didn't find Kobold Quarterly #21 in pfs additional resource page. Anyone find it?

poundpuppy30 wrote:
I didn't find Kobold Quarterly #21 in pfs additional resource page. Anyone find it?

Kobold Quarterly wasn't published by Paizo. So I don't think you will ever find them allowed in PFS.

Most/many/some GM's allow them in home games.

Silver Crusade

Don't you have to be a Sorcerer bloodline to take Eldritch Heritage, since it says skill focus with the class skill of bloodline selected?

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No, the Eldritch Heritage feats exist so that non-sorcerers can get the abilities... All Sorcerer bloodlines add a class skill to the character's list. To qualify for EH, a character has to have Skill Focus in that particular skill.

Seeing as this thread has been necro'd, may as well add the Nature Soul->Animal Ally->Boon Companion feat chain which will give a Druid Level = Character Level animal companion from a limited list.

Leadership feat? :p

any feats that can grant a familliar?

Lady-J wrote:
any feats that can grant a familliar?

Familiar Bond

Gisher wrote:
Lady-J wrote:
any feats that can grant a familliar?
Familiar Bond

seems like a waste of a feat to get a familliar that cant do anything.....

Lady-J wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Lady-J wrote:
any feats that can grant a familliar?
Familiar Bond
seems like a waste of a feat to get a familliar that cant do anything.....

Improved Familiar Bond

Gisher wrote:
Lady-J wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Lady-J wrote:
any feats that can grant a familliar?
Familiar Bond
seems like a waste of a feat to get a familliar that cant do anything.....
Improved Familiar Bond

better but thats really feat intensive just to get a familliar is there no single feat that gets one?

Eldritch heritage (arcane) has a prereq of skill focus in a knowledge skill, so that's two feats but the first taken has some other use. Not a lot, but still.

VMC (Witch or Wizard) costs only your 3rd level feat, providing your campaign only runs to 6th level or lower ... otherwise you better like the other benefits the variant multiclass provides.

For a magus (including VMC (magus)) a familiar costs a magus arcana, which could be a feat via Extra Arcana.

planning on going to 20(i hope) and 3 feats for eldrich heratidge abbysal 4 for point blank shot,presisce shot,weapon focus, crusaders flurry so not many feats left open ima look over some oracle archetypes and see if they can get a familliar from there only real reason i want one is so i have a safty net to fall on when i go unconsious(the familliar would heal/stabalize me)

Oracles can't get a familiar in-class. Are you willing to look at magic items? A migrus locker gives you a familiar, a silver raven figurine of wondrous power is similar to one. There's a number of ways to auto-stabilise if that's your main concern. Edit: one of which is for nature oracles, the Spirit of Nature revelation. Also any regeneration - even the cracked pearly spindle ioun stone's - will do the job.

The Exchange

If not PFS you can think about a Wasp Familiar

You have to be CN and a worshipper of Calistria but it's cool.

Or take a shaman....

im going life oracle and any items that could replicate the effect are sadly to overpriced for the level we are starting at even if i crafted them myself exept maybe the lowest vertion of the ion stone

From what I have seen, there are 4 ways to get a companion creature as a class that does not get one. I am not including multi classing because that requires you take a class that gets one. I am also skipping archetypes because Thanis's post from 2013 covers a lot of options and I am unfamiliar with the newer ones (I just started to get into the idea of having an animal companion myself).

  • Leadership: I am also including all variants on the leadership feat. Gives you a cohort, and also maybe followers. The cohort can be a person, or a monster taken from a list
  • Animal Ally: This is from faiths and philosophies and basically give you the ranger animal companion, including both the viable options and the effective Druid level at character minus 3. Requires another feat from that book, Nature Soul (+2 to two skills, increases to +4 when you get 10 ranks).
  • Eldritch Heritage Arcane: Gives you a familiar at character level minus 2. Requires Skill Focus in a knowledge skill of your choice.
  • Familiar Bond: gives you a familiar. Needs improved familiar bond to get full functionality, but it's an option and it gives you the familiar at your full character level. Requires Iron Will. Thanks for the reminder on this one, Gisher!

Eldritch Heritage Sylvan may be able to get you an animal companion at character level minus 5, but there are questions as to if mutated bloodlines are valid selections for Eldritch Heritage in the first place, and further questions as to if Sylvan itself would be valid since the animal companion ability's wording may mean the ability is both a bloodline power and a bloodline arcana. I am not listing an argument here either way, and I beg everyone to not turn this thread into that discussion, especially since there is another method to get an ac that take the same number of feats, has zero questions on if it works, and uses 2 more of your HD when calculating your Druid level.

I think those cover the ways for a non-companion class to get a companion, although I have not looked at things related to the occult classes and their stuff.

Grand Lodge

Necro to keep the info together in one thread.
1. level of any sorcerer bloodline with the tattooed sorcerer archtype.
1. level of Bloodrager or Sorcerer chosing Bloodline Familiar to replace the 1st level power.
1. Level Fighter with eldritch guardian archtype.

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