Mathus Mordrinacht

poundpuppy30's page

Organized Play Member. 566 posts. 2 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 21 Organized Play characters.


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Silver Crusade 3/5

I saw some of the content but i don't think you can join all the organizations in it.

Silver Crusade 3/5

Will the Adventurer's Guide Book be allowed into the Pathfinder Society? I know it's new but I don't see it on the list of additional resource even though I see other books and some that say nothing in them is legal.

Silver Crusade

I didn't see in the additional resources anything in the "Pathfinder Player Companion: Dirty Tactics Toolbox" about the oracle curse Wrecking Mysticism and was wondering if it's legal for play in Pathfinder Society play. If it's legal and someone from Piazo wrote about it that you know of can you link it?

Silver Crusade

Ok so if my edilon has bite and claw evolution and I'm level 7, does that mean I can't give him another evolution claw since that would give him 2 more claw attacks and his max attacks is 4 for a level 7 summoner or can he still have bite, claw and another claw evolution but still limit him to only doing 4 attacks in a round and no more?

Silver Crusade

Ah ok. That's cool since it applies to all secondary type attacks. So does that also mean if my Edilon gains more claw attacks all of them are primary attacks and don't get the minuses?

Silver Crusade

I'm trying to understand Multiattack. My Quadroped Edilon has bite and two claws already so I picked Multiattack. How does that work as far as giving him another attack? Anyone know if his bite and two claws get any minuses because all three say primary attacks.

Silver Crusade 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Shame. I think it rocks when you can see many books for prizes then just gift certificates. Even the tale book boons aren't that bad but think they aren't sending tale books too.

Silver Crusade 3/5

So they send a lot of gift certificates players have a chance to roll and win?

Silver Crusade 3/5

I heard Paizo has stopped doing player prize support for conventions except for Paizocon and Gencon. Is this true?

Silver Crusade 3/5

"Aberrant bloodline gives bloodragers reach, too. I keep thinking I want to do a gnome with that and a reach weapon, just to have a 3 ft tall PC with 15 ft reach."

Can't that 3 ft gnome have 10 reach from the weapon + 15 reach from the Aberrant Sorcerer bloodline + monkey lunge feat can give you another 5 more feat + long arm spell for 5 more feat = 35ft reach and if you use combat patrol you can have 40+ reach for attacks of opportunity. I'm sure there is more ways to increase your range like with enlarge spell, etc. Sounds sick to be able to reach out 35 or more with a reach weapon doesn't it?

Silver Crusade 3/5

Betelgeuse? Isn't that the name from "Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu" the fanatic occult guy who says "you're Sloth". I think he's in episode 15-18?

Silver Crusade 3/5

We need more Ratfolk Ninjas!!!!!

Silver Crusade 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We need more Ratfolk Ninjas!!!!! Any chance of more Ratfolk boons?

Silver Crusade

I finally founded it. It's called Quarterstaff of Entwined Serpents.

Silver Crusade

No this one was also less costly then those. I think it was under 20k. Did they remove some staves from pfs recently?

Silver Crusade

I'm trying to remember the name of a magical item, which I think is a staff. It allows the holder to cast 2 magic missiles each time it's activated for free but I can't remember it's name. Does anyone know the name of this item?

Silver Crusade

I mean instead of the +2 to diplomacy and perception the alternate skills are handle animal and survival.

It's a shame though that they are limited to only being allowed bears, , crocodiles, sharks, tigers, or wolves. I would have thought the animals of the night would have been a longer list than just those. Anyone know if that list was expanded anywhere else?

Silver Crusade

That cool then the alternate skills are also true then, which I will need since I'm going to play a Lunar Oracle, with an animal companion. I'll need handle animal, since they didn't give that as an added skill for that class.

Silver Crusade

In Blood of Angels book you have the Agathion-Blooded (ldyllkin), which have an alternate spell like ability of summon nature's ally 2 but if you play this race do you have to take that alternate spell like ability or can you keep Daylight spell instead?

Silver Crusade

Dang it I was hoping that a tiefling's tail could be used even if the kineticist had his hands tied.

Silver Crusade

Doesn't it say in the Entropic Shield spell that it's similar to the affects of concealment so would that spell fall under concealment?

Silver Crusade

So there would be two miss chances?

Silver Crusade

I was wondering because the cloak gives a magical affect, while the wind oracle ability is non-magical, since it's an (EX) ability.

Silver Crusade

I'm considering making a Tiefling Kineticist and was wondering about this section I read on page 11 of the Occult Adventures, which is located on the upper right hand corner of that page; "As a standard action, the kineticist can unleash a kinetic blast at a single target up to a range of 30 feet. She must have at least one hand free to aim the blast (or one prehensile appendage, if she doesn’t have hands)."

So does this mean if the kineticist doesn't have any hands at all(for instance lets say his hands have been cut off or are tied up)or doesn't have any hands free (for example maybe their hands are full and only have their tail that can move)they can use for instead in my Tiefling example their tail to use Kinetic Blast?

Silver Crusade

Also what is considered Vortex Spells for the wind oracles Vortex Spells (ex) ?

Silver Crusade

At 13th level the wind oracle who has Air Barrier (Ex) has it give him a 50% miss chance from arrows, rays, and other ranged attacks that require an attack against the wind oracle.

So my question is if the wind oracle also wears a cloak of displacement minor, which gives it's wearer a 20% miss chance like as if blur was on the wearer, then do the two affects stack?

The reason I'm asking this is because I think the the Air Barrier is like churning air that swats the range attacks so they miss, while the blur affect from the cloak makes the wearer blurry so he is harder to hit.

Silver Crusade

Oterisk I think you need to go back and look at that build you posted because you said a divine hunter paladin level 4/ weapon master level 4 but you have at level 4 your character getting oath of vengeance? Does oath of vengeance mean if you hit level 4 as a paladin no matter what arch type you have or as a level 4 oath of vengeance paladin whose been one since level 1?

Silver Crusade 3/5

So far no one has officially said it's a tier 1-2, since the chronicle says tier 1 and not tier 1-2 right?

Silver Crusade 3/5

It's weird that they list it as a module and give 2 table credits yet you can only play this with a level 1 character only?

Silver Crusade 3/5

Do you get 1 gm table credit for running this or 2, since it's listed under the modules section when you report running this?

Silver Crusade

" Being a paladin of a specific deity does get you some mechanical benefits, if only a few spells added to your spells list. Arguably following the deity's code is the (mandatory) price for that (the price for standard paladin abilities being the standard code)."

I'm pretty sure if you lose you're paladin spells because you're Deity took them from you that you can have the rest of your paladin powers stripped by your Deity too. I think all of a paladin's powers come from their deity doesn't it? I mean you get them for being faithful to the immortal your character worships and follows.

In fact you have to get an atonement in order to even try to get them back if you've lost them to begin with.

Silver Crusade

Why is it in the uncommon race section? I thought they got changed over so you don't need a boon to make them anymore, since they took the Aasimar and Tiefling to need a boon to make new ones of those.

Silver Crusade

Isn't the Kitsune suppose to be in the Advance Race Guide on the PRD? When I clicked and opened the PRD there was no Kitsune.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I was thinking the deities paladin code would be the top priority, since it's the paladin's deity that he is following, gets his paladin powers from, and atones to if he ever does anything bad.

Silver Crusade

I see ok.

Silver Crusade

"This is not something that is handled by the rules. It is something that should be handled by the player and their GM. Talk to your GM and collaborate on what the two of you think should be done about these multiple codes."

Shouldn't this be handled by the rules? You have several books on faiths, religions, and codes yet if your gm thinks one way doesn't that just mean those books don't matter? That's why I'm asking on here in hopes of finally getting a set rule for this.

Another example could be a paladin who worships a deity who is totally against slavery. Well this same paladin is a pathfinder and in Absalom. In that city the law allows for slavery. If this paladin were to break slaves free he would be breaking the law in Absalom, but I would think they would get a huge thumbs up from their deity and not lose their paladin powers. As you can see which over-ride which.

Another example is in the paladin code they can't lie yet on many pathfinder missions they have to hide their way finders or say they aren't with the pathfinders, or pretend to be someone they aren't. So just because the pathfinder society says it's ok to lie then it's ok with their code?

Silver Crusade

Would this paladin free an evil creature they find in a dungeon that is in a cage, because I'm thinking they wouldn't do that. Some people might say this is allowed under "Under exceptional circumstances, a paladin can ally with evil associates, but only to defeat what she believes to be a greater evil. A paladin should seek an atonement spell periodically during such an unusual alliance, and should end the alliance immediately should she feel it is doing more harm than good." but if you haven't seen the other creature yet then how do you know this creature isn't lying just to get out. I know you might say use Sense Motive, but that is no guarantee that you can sense if someone is lying to you.

Silver Crusade

I'm wondering what paladin code holds more pull with a paladin. The one listed under the paladin character class:

Code of Conduct: A paladin must be of lawful good alignment and loses all class features except proficiencies if she ever willingly commits an evil act.

Additionally, a paladin's code requires that she respect legitimate authority, act with honor (not lying, not cheating, not using poison, and so forth), help those in need (provided they do not use the help for evil or chaotic ends), and punish those who harm or threaten innocents.

Associates: While she may adventure with good or neutral allies, a paladin avoids working with evil characters or with anyone who consistently offends her moral code. Under exceptional circumstances, a paladin can ally with evil associates, but only to defeat what she believes to be a greater evil. A paladin should seek an atonement spell periodically during such an unusual alliance, and should end the alliance immediately should she feel it is doing more harm than good. A paladin may accept only henchmen, followers, or cohorts who are lawful good.


The one listed under their deity of worship (for my character it's Erastil so I'll list that code):

Paladin Code
The paladins of Erastil are gruff, strict traditionalists. They seek to preserve the integrity of rural life and communities. Their tenets include the following affirmations.

My community comes first, and I will contribute to it all that I can. If I don’t give something back, who will?
I must offer the poor in my community assistance, but I may not do the work for them—instead, I must teach them to contribute to the settlement. It is only through cooperation that a community grows strong.
When danger threatens, I am not a fool. I seek first to make sure the weak and innocent are safe, and then I quell the danger.
I keep to the old ways, the true ways. I am not seduced by the lure of money or power. I remember that true honor comes from within, not from the accolades of others.
I remember that reputation is everything. Mine is pure and upstanding, and I will repair it if it is broken or tarnished. I stand by my decisions, and live so that none shall have cause to blame me.
I show respect to my elders, for they have done much. I show respect to the young, for they have much left to do. I show respect to my peers, for they carry the load. And I shall carry it with them.
I am honest, trustworthy, and stable. If I must leave my lands and community, before I go, I ensure that they will be tended in my absence. Even when duty calls, my duties to my home come first—letting them lapse makes me a burden on my people.

Silver Crusade

It's for PFS. So then you can worship both and it's legal? Would items that require you to worship Erastil to get their extra abilities from them still work with this character or those wouldn't work like the feats?

Silver Crusade

I'm wondering about this trait. If lets say I'm playing a water elemental sorcerer/ winter oracle/paladin and with the paladin side I took Erastil as my character's deity then is it also possible to worship an elemental lord, that matches my water sorcerer aspect so I can get this trait or am I limited to just worshiping Erastil?

Silver Crusade

lol. Wow that's a lot of fire damage.

Silver Crusade

So could you also add an alchemist fire and use it as a focus item so it's used up in the casting and those that fail their save on the fireball would also catch on fire for an extra 1d6 damage?

Silver Crusade

So if you use Empower then does that mean the level 10 fireball would be level 15 there by being 15d6?

Silver Crusade

I'm just making sure if this combo works the way I'm reading it. You have the traits Magical Lineage (magical trait) and Wayang Spellhunter (regional trait) with both traits on the spell "Fireball". Then you get the metamagic feat Burning Spell. If you are level 10 then the initial hit with the fireball would cause 10d6 of fire damage and then those taking any fire damage by that fireball would take 2x10d6 of fire damage on the second round?

Silver Crusade

I'm asking because the GM at a table I played in recently said that it affects only 1 person and not each person hit by the spell. I could swear I saw some where where it affected each person hit by the spell. I've been trying to find the link from someone in Paizo who ruled and said each person hit by the spell has a chance to be tripped, so I can print that page out and take back for next table I play with that gm. The other gm's at the other tables were agreeing with that one gm, so unless I can bring a printed page from Paizo my character is only going to get to trip one person per casting of the spell and not per missile.

Silver Crusade

If you have magical linage with toppling meta-magic on magic missile spell I know the level stays the same. My question is when you cast multiple magic missiles and use each missile at a different target does each missile have toppling meta-magic on it or just the first missile? I can't seem to find the answer on this so if you know the link that answers this I'd appreciate the link to it, specially if it has a developer or higher telling how toppling works.

Silver Crusade

Imagine a shadow or even worse a greater shadow hitting you with a critical and then confirms on the critical. Wouldn't the shadow do strength damage twice? That has a chance to go over the 10 damage the Deathless protects you against.

Silver Crusade

"Even if it would protect against ability damage from negative or positive energy, it wouldn't protect against ability drain at all, since it only protects against damage. Ability drain and ability damage are two separate effects with specific in-game definitions.

For comparison, look at the Shadow's attack which specifies Str Damage."

Ability Drains and Ability Damage are two different things as far as recovering from them. Damage is easier to recover from since it needs lesser restoration spell while drains need restoration spells. Maybe they made this armor ability to help offset adventures that have shadows and people of low level can do something to battle them since buying magic weapons are hard at low levels let alone first level.

Silver Crusade

Matthew Downie if you check last line on that link you posted you would see this:

"Shadows don't drain levels either. Not everything with negative energy does.

But the Con drain is a rider on negative energy damage, with no other explanation offered about what could have caused that Con drain."

The strength damage that a shadow does says that it comes from negative energy effect, which is negative energy damage I would think since the shadow is made up of negative energy. It doesn't say the shadow has to damage you for the strength damage to take affect but instead the shadow only has to touch you.

"This armor protects its wearer from harmful ((negative)) and
positive ((energy)), including channeled energy. The armor
absorbs the first 10 points of positive or negative energy
damage per attack that the wearer would normally take."

It even says it protects against negative energy. From the wording I see the shadow as touching a person and the touch sending the negative energy into the victim to do strength damage to them. Since it's negative energy that is the cause of the strength damage the Deathless protects against it and the damage that is caused is going to strength(it could have been hp, stats.

Silver Crusade

Here's an example:

Damage: A damage spell reduces the target's depletable statistics, bringing the target closer to the point where that damage incapacitates it. Damage spells are reliable spells because all creatures have depletable statistics of some sort and because most nonmagical attacks affect depletable statistics (which means that the caster's fighter and rogue allies are helping overcome the opponent). Damage spells are better than penalize spells because damage always stacks (penalties do not) and if the caster and his allies deal enough damage, they'll eventually disable an opponent, whereas it's possible to add penalties almost indefinitely and still have a somewhat viable opponent. Examples of damage spells are cone of cold, fireball, lightning bolt, magic missile, poison, and sound burst.

See how it mentions "A damage spell reduces the target's depletable statistics, bringing the target closer to the point where that damage incapacitates it."?

Now we go and see what "depletable statistics" means.

Depletable Statistics

Depletable statistics are any values in a creature or object's stat block that can be reduced by some form of attack and that can neutralize, kill, or destroy the creature or object when they reach a low value (typically 0). Hit points, ability scores, and levels are all depletable statistics—a creature falls unconscious below 0 hit points and eventually dies; objects, undead, and constructs are destroyed at 0 hit points; creatures are made helpless or killed by bringing an ability score to 0; creatures die when their negative levels equal their total Hit Dice. Many magical attacks and most nonmagical attacks reduce a target's depletable statistics in some way, eventually defeating the target. However, attack bonuses, saving throw bonuses, Armor Class, hardness, CMB, CMD, initiative, speed, skill modifiers, and most other game statistics are not depletable statistics because no matter how low these statistics get, the affected creature or object is still able to take actions. For example, a spell that gives a target a –10 attack penalty has little effect on a sorcerer casting fireball, as would a spell that gave her a –10 penalty on her Wisdom saving throw; despite her poor attack rolls and miserable Will saves, she is still quite capable of blasting her opponents to bits, whether these penalties are –10 or –100. Similarly, a fighter with a –10 penalty on Fortitude saving throws can still swing a sword, as can one with a –10 penalty to Armor Class; the fighter is still viable despite these penalties. "Depletable statistic" isn't an official game term, but it is a helpful concept when comparing power levels of spells—attacking depletable statistics is a war of attrition that can eventually wear down the target, whereas adding penalties to non-depletable statistics may have no effect at all, as the target may have other attacks that allow them to ignore those penalties.

See the part that says "Hit points, ability scores, and levels are all depletable statistics"?

This is as close to getting "damage" defined as I could find. Where did you see where the word "damage" is defined as meaning hit points only?

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