Rasputin Must Die! (GM Reference)

Reign of Winter

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I can't believe that this late in the life of this adventure that this is the first time this mistake has been pointed out to me.

The cartographer made one of two mistakes: he meant to increase the size of the squares of the overview map on page 24, and make each square worth 10 feet, or he simply mislabeled the scale as 10-ft.

Because each square on the overview map on page 24 is supposed to be 5 feet. The chapel, for example, should be 155-feet long, and the barracks 90 feet long.

So go by the dimensions of the map on page 38 for the interiors, and for the love of god swap the scale back to its intended scale of 1 sq=5 ft on the page 24 overview map.

Most that have already run it probably figured it out PDQ and went with the 5' scale, figuring "meh, this works". ;)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Sorry Brandon. :)

Yeah, I had to start sketching out maps yesterday, starting with the ruined chapel as it's the groups target for a dimension door, and went "oh".

As you said Turin, it's just a case of running with it.

And in case anyone hasn't seen this: http://paizo.com/paizo/blog/v5748dyo5li1q?He-Lives-He-Dies-He-Lives-Again

It's a really good re-working of Rasputin. Too late for my game, but could be useful for new GMs!

was just taking a look at rasputins prepped spells, and noticed he had wish prepped, how many 25k diamonds have you guys had at his disposal? (-1 for the anastatia rez of course). theres just... so many fun games to mess with the pc's head with wish + astral pro.. despite the 30 min cast time.

im thinking of just toying with them with debuffs< and the ilusion of an undying antagonisic :P.

id appreciate criticism on any of these questions< thanks!

If you're referring to the as-written Rasputin, he has miracle, not wish. Miracle can do quite a few things without a M component cost.

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i always confuse those two, thanks for the clarification Vurin.

Im trying to imagine how the spectral search lights function, if anyone could shine a little light on the subject. The book states(pg.61), that a singular light provides normal light up to a 360 foot line, and increases the light level by one step in the area beyond that up a 720 foot line.

So. My question is how to rule the randomness of a soldier scanning a battlefield at night with these lines. I mean a line is 5ft. wide by standard correct? So I'm having issues actually envisioning the proportions of this effect in relation to the expanse that makes up "no mans land". There are numerous active on each front of the camp so that helps the probability some. The last thing I would like to add is within the description of the Tank patrols (pg.25). at the end of the description (actually on pg. 26 now) it says, "At night, the tanks stay within the area illuminated by the towers spectral searchlights". does this mean some are occupied?

I just want to be able to simulate the search lights effectively for the two rogues in my party. :) any help would be appreciated!

Looking into it a little more I would like to add that that the construction requirements for a spectral searchlight calls for continual flame, so 20ft with 40ft increase according to the core. Would that treat every square in its direct line of effect to be treated as the targeted area of a continual flame? This would mean 20ft in each direct radiating from the initial "beams" center would be considered "Normal light". Directly after 20 ft, there would be a 40ft radius of a one step increase to the light level following the direct area effected.

any help?

One of my players is a druid and she's got Transmute Metal to Wood prepared. How would that effect the firearms and tanks and such in this adventure. I would imagine that a wooden rifle or tank gun would likely not work at all.

I'm running this a second time for Pathfinder Society in PFS mode, and it looks like Anastastia is going to be brought back to Gloarian and left in the Pathfinder Society's Grand Lodge.

If she decided for a life of adventure in Golarian what class would be most appropriate?

I'm considering turning her into a character to play.

Things that need to be considered:

Grew up very pampered as a royal duchess.
Youngest child
Before her family was killed she wrote that she thought she was going to die.
Traumatized by being killed by a firing squad.
Grew up in a very Orthodox religion.
All the royal Duchesses voluntered to work as nurses during WW1

Maybe copying Rasputin's track as a Oracle would be appropriate, since the royal duchess admired Rasputin.


Oracle sounds about right, maybe with the haunted curse. :-)

I would look at some of the new occult classes. medium seems perhaps flavorful.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hi all, I could do with some advice.

My players have been in the monastry compound for a couple of hours now, though they have spent most of it scoping out the compound from the (ex)snipers' nest, and talking to the Romanovs, but they are about to finally try to do something direct.

They've chosen to take to out the meladaemon, figuring that it's going to see them wherever they go on the west side of the compound, so that may as well meet it head on. They've been covered by a veil spell (Russian soldiers) since they left the Hut, which is where my indecision comes in.

The meladaemon's building is pretty much a ruin, and directly under a watch tower. I know that the soldiers in it are dominated by the Brothers, but how are they likely to react when they see other soldiers battling a daemon (and the baykok)? Ignore it because it's in the inner compound? Attack the deamon (he's attacking their side)? Or attack the apparent troops to assist the deamon (is it on Rasputin's side or just attracted to what's going on)?

Any thoughts?

The soldiers aren't allowed in the camp proper (the normal soldiers are only allowed in the towers and in the front section with the Bearhunter), so the disguised PCs should be drawing a lot of attention.

I'd expect the watchtowers to raise the alarm but not immediately attack - firing machines guns into their camp is a kind of a terrible idea.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oh, they've been very careful to keep out of sight too, the disguise was more to get into the outer camp, and then an an extra level of security (they think) in the inner area.

Sounding the alarm, which should summon a cossack patrol. That seems to work. Thanks.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Whilst I'm asking questions; how do people think the following Hex will interact with Trench Mists?

Aura of Purity (Su) (Champions of Purity pg. 27): The witch’s aura purifies the air around her. Diseases, inhaled poisons, and noxious gaseous effects (such as stinking cloud) are negated in a 10-foot aura around the witch for a number of minutes equal to her level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. Effects caused by spells whose level is more than half the witch’s class level are unaffected.

I'm tempted to say that (if they think to use it) it will prevent the acid effect from engulfing, but not the negative energy damage, and have no effect on its touch attacks.

The trench mist is actually a "living" thing that's trying to force itself into you (oh my!).

That's pretty goofy; I'd treat it like repel vermin maybe? The trench mist gets a will save v. something like DC 10 + Int Mod + 1/2 witch level, and if it fails the witch just hedges it out? And if it passes it just powers through.

Though be sure to play up the mustard gas grenades, just so the witch knows that aura is doing some good.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Finally it appears that my players are about to call the monastery down to Earth, it's got to have taken months.

Anyway, as ever I have a couple of questions that I would like to hear everyone's thoughts on please.

Trying to enter the building summons four stained glass golems. Fair enough, but once they've been delt with, can you now climb in, or are new ones summoned every time you try? (I know that this sounds unlikely, but the book only seems to allow for coming in through the front.)

Also, "Rasputin has cast antilife shell, using its field to block access to the delicate World Engine machinery in the apse beyond", I guess H7. Yet, the descriptions also say that many of his allies will come and join him in H6, sheltering in/behind the shell. Which seems to contradict itself. On top of that, the spell's description is a 10' radius emanation centered on the caster. And whilst that would cover the protecting allies part, given that Rasputin is in the centre of the 20'plate, it certainly wouldn't prevent access to H7. So, how does it work?

Silver Crusade

Darrell Impey UK wrote:
Also, "Rasputin has cast antilife shell, using its field to block access to the delicate World Engine machinery in the apse beyond", I guess H7. Yet, the descriptions also say that many of his allies will come and join him in H6, sheltering in/behind the shell. Which seems to contradict itself. On top of that, the spell's description is a 10' radius emanation centered on the caster. And whilst that would cover the protecting allies part, given that Rasputin is in the centre of the 20'plate, it certainly wouldn't prevent access to H7. So, how does it work?

If I recall correctly, Rasputin's allies include the erodaemon, the Brothers Three, and the shadows from earlier in the adventure. That's an outsider and possibly seven undead, which are all immune to the antilife shell, per the spell's description:

'The effect hedges out animals, aberrations, dragons, fey, giants, humanoids, magical beasts, monstrous humanoids, oozes, plants, and vermin, but not constructs, elementals, outsiders, or undead.'

The tactic is a valid one, as they can just dash in and out of the effect to frustrate the players and their inability to move through it.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Quick note: Sniper's Goggles make quick work of creatures who's only vision is Blindsense 60'.

So, my players are in the middle of the final fight with Rasputin (we had to end the session mid-fight, but are continuing in a few days).

One of the players is planning to use anti-magic field against Rasputin, allowing the ranger to deal death via arrows. Even though Rasputin can use his revolver, I don't think it'll do enough damage to the PCs to save him in time. So, this is usually where the stitched soul ability would come in, but since it's supernatural and takes 1d4 rounds to kick in, if it's surpressed by the anti-magic field for four rounds after he dies the first time, will it still kick in once the field is dismissed or the caster moves away from the body, or does it not kick in after those four rounds are over and he's just dead dead?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Destruc-TOR wrote:

So, my players are in the middle of the final fight with Rasputin (we had to end the session mid-fight, but are continuing in a few days).

One of the players is planning to use anti-magic field against Rasputin, allowing the ranger to deal death via arrows. Even though Rasputin can use his revolver, I don't think it'll do enough damage to the PCs to save him in time. So, this is usually where the stitched soul ability would come in, but since it's supernatural and takes 1d4 rounds to kick in, if it's surpressed by the anti-magic field for four rounds after he dies the first time, will it still kick in once the field is dismissed or the caster moves away from the body, or does it not kick in after those four rounds are over and he's just dead dead?

I say let it happen after the antimagic field drops. It is too cool of a mechanic to waste.

If you want, you can have the first Resurrection miss, but the Raise Dead go off.

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I'd have the 1d4 countdown, then wait for the instant he's out.

And then play the first lines of this as it happens.

Thanks! I appreciate the advice.

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My players used anti-magic field too... It was a great tactic and it worked well for them... They dropped the field and each time he stood up the Paladin was stood over him so he didn't really come back for long...

GM secret - it was a little upsetting that it wasn't as epic as it could have been as they shut him down so well! But they enjoyed it so that's the main thing.

As is stated in the adventure, the Brothers Three are sent out to dominate the soldiers in Akuvskaya Prison Camp. My question is: How can the Brothers Three leave Akuvskaya Monastery when the world anchors have not yet been calibrated? Does this mean that Rasputin regularly calibrates them in order to let the Brothers Three leave and return? After all, they have to return to their coffins in the morning, or else they die. Is that the reason some NPCs claim to have seen the old monastery intact? And if so, what stops the PCs from lying low until the monastery next appears and then rushing in? (Yes, this will be deadly, because then they will be trapped there as well, but this might not be enough to stop them from doing it anyway.) My point is: this might be considered a tactical weakness in Rasputins plans and can be exploited by the PCs without calibrating the world anchors, which constitutes a large part of the adventure.


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Hello Luna!

My laptop's away for repair so I won't be able to quote the relevant text while typing from my phone, but your second presumption is the correct one: Rasputin can calibrate the World Anchors from within the monastery and force it back to Earth, and does so occasionally, which is why some claim to have seen it.

The PCs *could* wait it out, but time is not on their side, and if they wait too long, Rasputin's efforts to absorb Baba Yaga's mantle of power will be successful. And he will certainly be able to accomplish this well before the Brothers Three's 12-day duration on their dominate effects wear off the soldiers.

Once Rasputin becomes aware of the PCs' intrusion, however, it is not in his best interest to return the monastery to Earth. He will have succeeded in his efforts before that becomes necessary. Should your party decide to wait it out, I'd let their divinations reveal a not-so-great-really-no-good-terrible future, have the tombstone fairy appear with a dire "hurry-up" warning, have the Hut become increasingly agitated over its master's pending demise, etc. Then not-so-subtly pull out Mythic Adventures, slap a few mythic teirs on Rasputin to represent the completion of his task (which is what he's up to--that book was just still in development when I was writing so I couldn't reference it), wipe the PCs' horseman mantle/geas away, and have an epic showdown when a newly-empowered Rasputin returns to Earth with his girlfriend and remaining minions. Assuming this doesn't result in the campaign's end with a TPK (and it really should), let the PCs' discover Baba Yaga's cracked matryoshka doll to reveal their failure, then you can figure out if there's any way to salvage the events of Book 6 for when they return to the Hut to try to get home, because the queen should be more free to act and more powerful as a result of her brother's efforts as well, if I remember correctly.

Could still be a total blast and an epic end to your campaign!

Hello Brandon,

Thank you for this very thorough answer. Yes, that would certainly work. I am preparing this adventure for my group at the moment and cannot wait to run it. It is really a great adventure.
My group has a tendency to do the unexpected, so that is why I asked. I want to be prepared for all eventualities.
Rasputin with mythic tiers, that is really scary! As if the adventure isn't scary enough already!

5 tiers each for him and his half-sister sounds about right if they succeed in slurping of Baba Yaga's mojo.

I am so looking forward to this!

Shadow Lodge Contributor

Just sharing since this just came across my dash on Facebook the other day.

Does this armor look familiar to anyone else?

I've already said it in review but I'll say it again here - this book is amazing and awesome!

My players have just arrived in Akuvskaya. The hut was a rollercoaster ride: one PC locked in the mirror of life trapping, and later, when the window had been broken, was feebleminded by the derghodaemon. In the candy room 3 PCs failed their saving throws and started to eat candy. Two of them fell asleep and one suffered from nightmares from the bogeymen. Later, when they were finally fighting the bogeymen, he was stil shaken when he finally killed one of them with the words: "I ... am ... not ... afraid ... of ... you!" (This in a scared voice).
When they passed the coffin man (by killing him, because they did not dare to play cards with him), they exited the hut and looked upon the ravages of Akuvskaya in the deep silence of a wintry morning in Siberia. I described the village and they said: "Ok, let's investigate!" They started walking and flying away from the hut. Then the world exploded around them.
They got lots of damage and one of them got trapped in one of the minefields, but they survived. What followed, was serious enemy fire answered by lots of damaging spells and the use of illusions to draw enemy fire away from the group. Then the rogue flew invisibly to the tsar tank, opened the hatch and climbed in to start killing soldiers...
They have won this round, but they are seriously intimidated and have not even met Rasputin yet. (They have not yet investigated the fire). We played much longer than usual, until deep in the night, because my players were so excited they did not want to stop playing. This is such an exhilarating adventure, maybe the best I have run in a while. Thank you, Paizo.

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I've finished this part of the AP as a player yesterday and it was a blast!
Since the very beginning we had this feeling of something very big and something very bad going on.
At the very first of the chapter two of us were killed by a Phantom Killer as we rolled nothing higher than a 5 on the dice. We had to be cyclic reincarnated and it set the mood for the rest of the adventure.
We had all the feeling of being in a harsh and devastated world without knowing a lot of what was going on.
Rasputin's shadow was omnipresent and as we advanced exploring the camp we felt more and more horrified from what was going on. Our characters never had a strong resolution on freeing Baba Yaga but as we learned more about Rasputin we grew more determinated on dealing with this terrifying man.
The encounters were amazing. We dealt with many of them effortlessly thanks to Fickle Winds and a lot of invisibility and teleporting. The animated tanks almost killed our wizard when he panicked against the undead goat. We had a hard time dealing with the incorporeal enemies, Lavrenti and the trench mists, and we had to retire from many fights, but it went overall good. Our ranger killed the Gorynych before he could take any actions (and almost killed us all too while under a confussion spell)! I loved that it was always a very strategic game, we had to plan every step carefully and every mistake had consequences.
Because of our party composition we are not the best in dealing with incorporeals and undead so these fights were specially difficult.
When we summoned the monastery we had dealt with all opponents but some tanks. We had to retire in our first attempt, as a mostly good aligned party with no clerics or paladins the vampires were too difficult to beat and when one of them ran to Rasputin we decided to retire before it was too late. When we came back they had brought two trench mists as reinforcements and Rasputin created one more in the final fight while we were in an antimagic field. Our wizard was killed there. Man, you have to hate that mists!
Finally we rushed to disconnect the World Engine while in an antimagic field and dealt with Raputin... Three times! It was epic!
It has been one of the most epic stories I've ever been to! It was difficult, it was intelligently planned and it was flavorful! I usually don't like dungeon crawls but I enjoyed this chapter at so many levels.

Liberty's Edge

I try to ask here: has anyone any idea about how to insert a crossover/ spinoff/ easteregg of CHTULU or SINE REQUIE rpg in Rasp?
I mean something not too invasive for the storyline. But that can be just a suggestion or occupy just a couple of sessions.
I premit that I decided to change a detail: Winter Reign Earth it's not situated in the same material plane of Golarion but in another universe. There are also many versions and f the Earth in many universes ( S.R. Earth, our Earth, etc) and all the d&d/pathfinder worlds and planes are situated in a specific subset of the Multiverse.

Liberty's Edge


Grand Lodge

My players have just entered Rasputin's house and encountered him. After he unleashes the animate dreams, I can't see any reason for him not to stick around and throw a few spells around.

As a projected image whose real body is safe on another demiplane, Rasputin is practically invincible. How do you keep him from wiping out the party when he finds them?

If he has a good chance of ending the nuisance adventurers here and now, what reason would he have to stop?

He isn't invincible per se. Dispel magic can fix the problem..the issue is that with PFS often you may NOT have someone who has it. Give free knowledge arcana checks to identify it as a project image.

And honestly I played him like a puppet master, letting his minions do the work while he watched amused, on.

Then after the last animated dream was dealt with, I had him drop a flamestrike (killing someone who got BOLed back) and leave.

Grand Lodge

The magus has dispel magic in his spellbook but not prepared. No one else has dispel magic. I think their options are retreat or die.

He can actually trade out one of his spells for dispel magic for like 3 pool points (unless he has an archetype that gave up the ability).

But yeah, without dispel magic their only option is to try to break LOS with the image. (Technically, there should be a scrying sensor nearby that Rasputin's using to place his Project Image; dumping a darkness or fog cloud on the scrying sensor should shut down the image.)

Shadow Lodge

Has anyone used the occult rebuilds from the contest? If so, how did Anastasia get resurrected?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I gave Rasputin one mythic tier of Hierophant, to add some flexibility to his spellcasting (via Inspired Spell) and better self-healing (via Mythic Heal). I also gave him the Mythic Toughness feat which, together with Hard to Kill and Diehard, gives Rasputin quite some more staying power.

Statblock below, if you want it:

Grigori Rasputin
XP: 102400
human oracle 18 hierophant 1
NE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses true seeing; Perception +13
Aura unholy aura (DC 22)

AC 32, touch 22, flat-footed 32 (+10 armor, +4 deflection, +4 insight, +4 luck [touch only], +4 natural)
HP 214 (18d8+126+4)
Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +20; +4 vs. death effects, domination, mind-affecting effects, and possession
Defensive Abilities stitched soul; SR 25 vs. good

Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk dagger +13/+8/+3 (1d4-1/19-20)
Ranged mwk Nagant M1895 revolver +14/+9/+4 (1d8/x4)
Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft.
Special attacks mythic power (5/day); surge +1d6, inspired spell, mythic spellcasting

Oracle Spells Known (CL 18th; concentration +26)
9th (3/day)-Astral Projection, Miracle (DC 27)
8th (6/day)-Fire Storm (DC 26), Mass Cure Critical Wounds, Moment of Prescience, Stormbolts (DC 26)
7th (7/day)-Blasphemy (DC 25), Destruction (DC 25), Ethereal Jaunt, Mass Cure Serious Wounds, Regenerate, Reverse Gravity (DC 25), Vision, Waves of Ecstasy (DC 25)
6th (7/day)-Antilife Shell, Blade Barrier (DC 24), Harm (DC 24), Heal (M), Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, Project Image
5th (7/day)-Contact Other Plane, Flame Strike (DC 23), Greater Forbid Action (DC 23), Mass Cure Light Wounds, Slay Living (DC 23), Telekinesis, True Seeing
4th (8/day)-Cure Critical Wounds, Divine Power, Freedom of Movement, Scrying, Sending, Terrible RemorseUM (DC 22), Unholy Blight (DC 22)
3rd (8/day)-Bestow Curse (DC 21), Blindness/Deafness (DC 21), Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Searing Light
2nd (8/day)-Cure Moderate Wounds, Death Knell (DC 20), Dread Bolt (DC 20), Enthrall (DC 20), Hold Person (DC 20), Levitate, Minor Image (DC 20), Silence (DC 20), Spectral Hand
1st (8/day)-Command (DC 19), Cure Light Wounds, Entropic Shield, Forbid Action (DC 19), Murderous CommandUM (DC 19), Remove Sickness (DC 19), Unseen Servant
0th-Bleed (DC 18), Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Ghost Sound (DC 18), Guidance, Light, Mage Hand, Read Magic, Resistance, Stabilize, Virtue

Before Combat Within the Thrice-Tenth presbytery (area H6), Rasputin enjoys the benefits of the World Engine's unholy aura and insight bonus to his AC. When faced with combat, Rasputin activates his ectoplasmic armor revelation and casts entropic shield, freedom of movement, levitate, moment of prescience, and true seeing. Once enemies are in sight, he casts antilife shell and spectral hand to enable him to use touch attacks beyond the field's perimeter.
During Combat Under the protection of his antilife shell, Rasputin attempts to hinder opponents with reverse gravity and waves of ecstasy and turn foes against each other with terrible remorse and murderous command, before laying waste with such deadly effects as blade barrier, blasphemy, destruction, harm, stormbolts, and unholy blight. If wounded, Rasputin casts quickened cure spells while continuing to target enemies with offensive spells.
Morale On the precipice of claiming his mother's mythic power, Rasputin relies on his stitched soul to preserve his life, and fights to the death again and again until slain permanently.

Str 9, Dex 11, Con 19, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 26
Base Atk +13; CMB +12; CMD 31
Feats Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item, Diehard, Ectoplasmic Spell , Expanded Arcana (2), Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Persuasive, Quicken Spell, Toughness (M),
Skills Bluff +25, Diplomacy +30, Intimidate +25, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Knowledge (planes) +12, Knowledge (religion) +20, Perception +13, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +15, Use Magic Device +25
Languages Church Slavonic, Common, Russian
SQ oracle's curse (haunted), revelations (ectoplasmic armor [+10, 18 hours/day], project psyche, shroud of retribution [3/day, 1d8+9], spectral spells [4/day], spirit walk [2/day, 18 rounds], sure soul [+4]), hard to kill
Gear mwk dagger, mwk Nagant M1895 revolver (see page 65) with 21 metal cartridges, amulet of natural armor +4, belt of physical perfection +2, cassock of the Black Monk (see page 60), headband of mental prowess +4 (Wis, Cha)

In essence, what the combination of things I gave him does is to allow him to act from -1 HP to -38 HP as if disabled and gain DR 10/epic during that time. Using Mythic Heal allows him to heal up to his maximum HP with one cast. The two most recommended spells using Inspired Spell would be Fickle Winds and Divine Vessel (fiendish aspect).

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Zhangar wrote:

Hmmm. Very good point on the troops, Mr. Hodges.

One possibly mean thing to do - give the pale snipers scopes that grant see invisibility (which they apparently had in the original write-up), and give the snipers some "tracer" rounds that go off in a 1 minute faerie fire if they hit a target.

That'd give the troops in the trenches an additional set of "spotters."

By the way, is there an option to access the "original write-up" or at least know what the changes were? I am going to run this adventure very soon (finally!) and I know that my guys are normally very on top of their characters capabilities, so the idea to give the pale snipers See Invisibility is already an excellent one. I'd like to see how I can shore up the prison camps defenses a bit more.

Simply making Rasputin much more aggressive can go a long ways toward amping up the difficulty. Rasputin has the capacity to harass the party constantly, whether through Projected Images, actually showing up in person through Astral Projection, or possessing soldiers through Project Psyche (which is effectively Magic Jar IIRC).

I think Brandon Hodges mentioned some of his original ideas in a post either in this thread or in the product thread, but it's been years now.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'll probably have to go back through his timeline. :p Man, I wish they had tapped him to write the final module for Return of the Runelords...

Anyway, yeah, I'll see how I can make Rasputin a bit more aggressive. The party very probably will not get to him on the first day or the second, so he can spend a bit more of his resources then.

Rasputin has more spells than he can ever possibly cast in a pitched combat. The concern isn't conserving resources.

The concern is overuse.

So if the players drive him off/dispel him, give them some time to get stuff done before he shows back up again. (Like ressing the one inventor or messing with the world anchors, both of which actually take enough time that they'd be impossible to do if Rasputin's relentless.)

Also, allow the players to figure out out that the soldiers they're fighting are all under mind control from the Brothers Three.

That might radically change how they approach the place once they realize that all of the humans they're fighting are effectively slaves. It sure as hell did for my group.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks for the tips! We'll see about my players, the group is half evil aligned (which I allowed since it doesn't matter who gets geassed into doing the job of saving the world).

BTW, how many in-game days did your guys need to get the adventure done? It'd be interesting to have a frame of reference. I'm thinking about advancing the clock an hour for each "action" they take, so that they don't have a chance of bum-rushing the prison camp.


Hey guys! Excited to see y'all getting into the action, and thanks for the kind words!

There was a request upthread for an "original write-up" but I'm not sure from the conversation I see there what information is sought. This adventure as published is pretty pure from my turnover, so I don't know that I'll have any significant input on original intent versus what you guys have in-hand. Always happy to help, of course!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, I think the thing which most concerned me were the snipers in the belfry being useless if the party decides to be invisible (for which you apparently included scopes with See Invisibility in your original turnover, as mentioned a few pages back) and fireballs and other long-range spells outranging the troops severely, for which I got some tips on the last page. I was just assuming that there were more severe changes from the turnover script to the final product.

In any case, I am very happy to finally get to GM this module. I hope you will get to write a new Pathfinder AP module very soon, since I miss your quality work a lot. :)

I seem to recall that the lights on the towers have invisibility purge, so that might help.
That said, my players figured this out and then invisibly stayed outside the range of the lights, so yours might do the same.

magnuskn wrote:

I gave Rasputin one mythic tier of Hierophant, to add some flexibility to his spellcasting (via Inspired Spell) and better self-healing (via Mythic Heal). I also gave him the Mythic Toughness feat which, together with Hard to Kill and Diehard, gives Rasputin quite some more staying power.

Statblock below, if you want it:

** spoiler omitted **...

I like it. I've been considering giving him a tier or two of Guardian(for Absorb Blow) since the party will be gaining a mythic tier after they fight one of the party members' literal inner demon at the end of book four. But this might be even better since Absorb Blow will only negate 10 points w/ 2 tiers.

Out of curiosity, has your party encountered him yet? If so, how did he work out?

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