Supperman's page
228 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
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I think Book 3 went unusually smoothly for my group, but that was because we inexplicably all thought that we had to activate every spire.
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Anyway, the ending to Serpent's Skull.
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That was a fun three years. Is it alright to talk about how Serpent's Skull is supposed to end?
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Too bad about the burnout. Of course I'd hope to see the end of the campaign, but obviously the group's fun is more important. Mangenorn's suggestion seems like a good idea.
I like the Egyptian paladin. I can't believe I never thought of that idea before. I even played Mummy's Mask as a paladin.
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That is all.
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Please tell me Nocticula heard him say that.
Obviously, most of the classes have shifted or disappeared due to the drastic shifts in culture and technology since Pathfinder's day. However, paladins seem like they'd try to hold on to their traditions as long as they could. Especially given Iomedae's greater importance now.
Have we ever heard of what happened to the last paladins?
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That's a good collection of languages for Bara.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
This campaign's always interesting, but things like Bara suddenly learning 22 languages are what make it great. Bravo!
The new design feels a bit too "corporate" somehow. Maybe it would be better if the font size on community related posts such as forum links were raised a bit, advertising portions were smaller, the color scheme was a lighter blue, and the My Account button used your username and avatar.
That's just my opinion.
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I like the mental image of Kwai Chang break dancing around to trip intellect devourers.
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So these intellect devourers are the brains of the operation, right?
3 people marked this as a favorite.
I remember those spiders. Our magus had put Vorpal on his weapon, and managed to oneshot a spider the size of a house.
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Ilmurea sounds interesting, I'll enjoy seeing the group in a new location.
Have we ever seen stats for this chain/whip weapon the Order of the Scourge is usually depicted using? What is it?
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1 person marked this as a favorite.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
I'm interested in seeing 5-6 as well.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Too bad about the metagaming argument.
I might read your Strange Aeons game eventually, but I want to play or run that one someday so I'm going to avoid the spoilers.
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2 people marked this as a favorite.
Get well soon.
I command it!
I'd like to see Dilophosaurus and Carnotaurus.
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I liked the piranha swarms. When I played that part, I had actually been specifically hoping to see some piranha, but thought the group was too high level for them.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
I noticed that in about 200 posts, this thread will have surpassed all of this AP's GM reference threads combined.
Is there a noticeable difference between dinosaurs from Tolguth, Deep Tolguth, and the Mwangi Expanse?
Did dinosaurs go extinct on Golarion, and then survive in Deep Tolguth?
Drejk wrote: Rakes in themselves can be used in "certain conditions" with grappling being the basic condition built directly into rake. Pounce adds another trigger condition in the form of charge.
** spoiler omitted **
They are extra attacks and require attack rolls, though, so pouncing dire kitteh has five attacks. They can miss, but they can also crit...
Thanks, I didn't realize my Allosaur druid was missing out on rakes.
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1 person marked this as a favorite.
Our group hated the paranoia part of this adventure.
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NobodysHome wrote:
(And yeah, I suggested We Be Goblins to him, but he felt that letting the players be goblins would be more than he could handle...)
I ran We Be Goblins once. In the very first meeting with the chief, after the first bit of box text, three things happened.
One player attacked the butler, one backstabbed that guy, and another attacked both those too.
We then still played out the series.
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The Infusion discovery lets Alchemists share personal range spells, though that might be an unintentional loophole.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/alchemist/discoveries/paizo--- alchemist-discoveries/infusion
Too bad about Athelya.
7 people marked this as a favorite.
It's sort of their fault for going in to fight ghosts themselves.
They knew who to call.
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You're a DM, just provide a Cure Disease item.
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NobodysHome wrote:
Yep, I had SO enamored the group of the Sargavans that they didn't even ponder a rescue mission. I'd planned the whole night around the kids chasing down the in-progress caravan of prisoners and rescuing them but nope, kids didn't care. They were going to explore vaults, darn it!
They knew better than to go back to Book 3.
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I don't play MMOs much, but SWGemu is fun.
Turin the Mad wrote:
Edit: Interview with a 16 year undercover FBI agent who upset the white supremacist apple cart several times.
That story about the FBI agent was great. I was just in awe of what geniuses the white supremacist movement had to throw at him.
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NobodysHome wrote: "You just learned that the world is ending! But no, our expectation is that you're going to ignore that and sit around crafting for 2 months..." These are PCs we're talking about.
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Good to hear that Malek didn't...croak.
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That's sad to hear. Evidently it was just her though?
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Uh oh, I hope Templari and the other one survive. Malek is of course unkillable.
Neongelion wrote: They flee. These are PC's though, right? I'd want to try and release the poor enslaved deity.
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Glad to hear it, I'm looking forward to SS's endgame.
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NobodysHome wrote: Well, I just asked the group, "Guys, are you really interested in playing this any more?"
A couple of answers came back positive, a couple negative, with the negatives basically being, "We don't like sandboxes! Gives us a thread to follow!"
From here on out the campaign is much more linear. I could go into more detail, but I'm trying to avoid spoilers.
Will there be new dinosaurs, in particular Carnotaurus?
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I'd like to see Carnotaurus.
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I'm glad they finally fixed that half-elf.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Looking forward to the group finally taking that fish down.
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They really, really hate that lich.
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What about that half-elf they found? Have they done anything else with her yet?