AndIMustMask |
So I was looking back at cartoons I used to watch and stumbled upon spider riders. I now wish to see if it would be feasible in PF.
Are there any classes that can get a large-sized spider (or medium-sized for small characters) to ride around on that wont immediately get smashed by enemies (beast master cav, ranger, druid, and perhaps summoner spring to mind)?
(mostly cav related) can things that can walk/climb on walls charge while doing so? because that would be both wonderful and mindbending (to visualize) for lancers.
Tirq |
[sidenote]I remember that show. Vaguely, since I was a wee little lad for that. I kinda remember that mew mew show coming on after that, as well.[/sidenote]
I would probably use a Summoner. The thing would be freaky fast, and Half-Elves/Humans could get the feat for Lance really easily. I also don't see why you couldn't charge if you have a climb speed.
Zolanoteph |
A small-sized Ranger (beastmaster) with boon companion can ride a medium-sized Giant Spider at 5th-level
Spiders are notoriously weak companions, as are all or most of the other vermin (Which I find sad, of course). Right off the bat they can't even take feats until you pump their intelligence to 1, so they miss out on at least 2 or 3 feats on top of sucking. Not to mention, with a speed of thirty you're pretty much just gaining the speed that a medium sized character would have in the first place.
On the bright side, opponents may decide it's not worth their time to beat on your pathetic spider, as it is relatively nonthreatening and mounted combat makes trying to kill it a waste of time. He's also got that -1 STR poison, which is pretty cool and could certainly do something if you the rider use poisoned weapons as well. Just be sure to pump the spider's con to get that poison DC up and take improved natural weapon whenever possible to get your pitiful bite attack to do something more than 1d6+0 damage.
If the spider can survive, deal a small bit of damage and contribute to debuffing the enemy, he can be somewhat useful. Just don't expect miracles.
AndIMustMask |
thinking about it, a Giant Spider (animal companion, 4th level changes to medium) might work for a medium character as well, provided you buff the spider with something that increases their size (UMD and share spells is quite handy for that) before mounting up.
cavaliers would be hurting most with that (though they'd be rather scary in combat if they could pull it off), and summoners would have the easiest time.
a ring with charges on it or something would work best i think.
beast master cav can take one as a mount via their expanded mount list, and ranger and druid can pick one straight away iirc, so everyone not named summoner can get a giant spider. summoners can just build their own.
Samasboy1 |
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Vermin Tamer Cavalier (Heroes of the Darklands)
Darklands Mount (Ex): At 1st level, a vermin tamer chooses a creature native to the Darklands as his mount. This functions as a cavalier’s mount. He can choose a giant beetle, giant centipede, giant gecko (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 186), giant slug, or giant spider as his mount. These mounts (except the giant gecko) and the rules for vermin companions are detailed on page 36 of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic.
The selected mount is combat trained. The vermin trainer does not take an armor check penalty on Ride checks while riding his mount. If the vermin tamer’s starting mount is large enough to act as a mount, it gains
Light Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat. If the selected animal companion is too small to act as a proper mount, then the vermin tamer gains Undersized Mount (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 159) as a bonus feat.
Spider B8 |
I also support the Summoner notion. I play a Halfling that rides hos arachnid themed Demon Eidolon into battle and it's pretty functional as a skirmisher. A fighter dip helps with feats, as long as you consign your mount to just that. See profile for (a slightly out of date) example.
You also avoid the lack of skills, lack of feat variety, and the lack of social interaction that animal companions suffer from.
Edit: never heard of the show. I'll have to give it a watch.