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After a bunch of research, I couldn't find any reasonably powered and flavorful Jedi for the pathfinder playing system. A bit of creativity and a week later, I hope i have found a way to find a good, balanced blend of flavor and practicality. The information is almost complete, so I would like to submit it to the general public to see what you think and if you have any tips. Please and thank you for any advice. :D
First, A bit of general info: The Jedi, as some sort of monk/psion/magus...thing... I made it exactly that. The Jedi knows a number of force abilities that draw a Force pool, has a lightsaber (A Magical thingy that runs off a gem infused with your force points), Can flurry with the use of force points, and many other cool stuffs.
Class details and technical stuffs
The Jedi are a small group of psionic-like warrior monks that focus on the balance and protection of the universe. They prefer diplomacy over battle, but can fight when the situation calls for it. Certain Jedi have been known to be a general in an army, a leader of a small raiding party, or a diplomat to settle a treaty between two kings. They channel a power that they call “The Force” in order to enhance their own bodies, modify the world around them, or channel and manipulate elements.
Prerequisites: A Jedi must be taught by another force wielder, a Holocron (artifact), or some other way that is not self-taught. After first level, a Jedi may progress on their own.
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d8
Starting wealth 3d6 x 10gp (105 gp)
Class skills: Acrobatics (dex) Climb (str) Craft (Int) Diplomacy (cha) Fly (dex) Knowledge (Force) Knowledge (Psionics) Knowledge (History) Knowledge (Nobility) Linguistics (int) Perception (wis) Profession (wis) Sense Motive (wis) Stealth (dex) Swim (str)
Skill Ranks/level: 4 + Int modifier
Class Features
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Jedi is proficient with simple weapons, Lightsabers, and light armor. The Jedi can use his force abilities without incurring failure chance while wearing light armor.
Force pool:
The force pool allows you to use your force powers. If you reach 0 force points in your pool, you cannot use any force powers and you are Exhausted.
Your force pool replenishes after 8 hours of rest or meditation. These hours do not have to be consecutive.
Force Combat:
A Jedi can use force abilities while wielding a lightsaber as long as he has one hand free.
Force Path:
The side of the Force you pick. Light, Neutral, Dark. If you pick light or dark, the cost of the opposite alignment costs 3 times the force points to use and neutral costs normal. If you pick Neutral, both light and dark cost 2 times the force points to use. If your life choices do not reflect your current alignment, your DM may choose to shift your alignment for you.
Force powers:
All Force powers (Regardless of magical or psionic origins) are treated as force powers and cannot be Modified with metamagic and metapsionic feats. Metaforce Feats (Currently working on writing this) can be used for a multiplication of base cost. Example: A Maximized Force power would cost 4 times the force points than the base cost of the power being maximized. A maximized burning hands, originally 2 force points, would cost 8 points.
A concentration check must be made to use any force power while in a threat range. Roll 1d20 + jedi level + int mod. The DC is determined by this table [url]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic#TOC-Concentration[/url]
Instant cast powers do not provoke attacks of opportunity
Force powers do not provoke attacks of opportunity unless otherwise noted
Not subject to arcane failure
You gain a number of bonus powers according to the [url]http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores#TOC-Abilities- and-Spellcasters[/url] table
When you learn new powers, you may choose a power from a lower level instead of highest level you can use
List of powers is on page are in the Jedi – Powers (spoiler down below)
Lightsaber Form:
Any known styles may be switched between as a move action
Starting at level two, and every 4 levels after, you may pick a lightsaber form, if you meet the prerequisites:
Form I (padawan): Shii-Cho, Form III (padawan): Soresu, Form VI (padawan): Niman
At level 6, you may add the following to the list of available forms:
Form II (padawan): Makashi, Form IV (padawan): Ataru, Form I (Knight): Shii-Cho, Form III (Knight): Soresu, Form VI (Knight): Niman,
At Level 10, you may add the following to the list of available forms:
Form V (padawan): Shien / Djem So, Form VII (padawan): Juyo, Form II (Knight): Makashi, Form IV (knight): Ataru, Form I (Master): Shii-Cho, Form III (Master): Soresu, Form VI (Master): Niman
At Level 14, you may add the following to the list of available forms:
Form V (Knight): Shien / Djem So, Form VII (Knight): Juyo, Form II (Master): Makashi, Form IV (Master): Ataru,
At Level 18, you may add the following to the list of available forms:
Form V (Master): Shien / Djem So, Form V (Master): Shien / Djem So
(Author’s note: any of these forms should work for any type of lightsaber you pick, double bladed and duel wielding included. Just add the standard buffs, penalties and extra attacks normally brought on by those styles)
Bonus feat:
Starting at 3rd level Every 3 levels after, you may pick a feat from the following list:
Dodge – +1 dodge AC
Two Weapon Fighting – Can effectively use a weapon in each hand
Quick Draw – You may draw a weapon as a free action
Merciful Power – Allows your lethal force powers to deal non-lethal damage (does not increase cost)
At level 9 you may add the following feats to the list:
Agile Maneuvers – Use your des when calculating your CMB
Lightsaber finesse – add dex to damage instead of strength when using a single bladed lightsaber in your main hand.
Mobility – +4 dodge AC against attacks of Opportunity caused by moving out of or within a threatened area.
At level 15, you may add the following feats to the list:
-Need some help here-
Movement speed:
Starting at 4th level and every 8 levels after, your base speed increases by 10 feet for +30 feet at 20th level
Cost: 4 force points, as an Immediate Action, lasts until the beginning of your turn
At 5th level or higher, a Jedi can avoid damage from many area-effect attacks. If a Jedi makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, he instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a Jedi is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless Jedi does not gain the benefit of evasion.
Flurry: (tl;dr 1 attack = 4 force points)
At 5th level, and every 5 levels after, when attacking as a full round action, a Jedi may spend force points to increase the number of attacks. Use your highest attack bonuses for these attacks. At 5th level, four points may be spent for one additional attack (at highest attack bonus). At 10th level, up to eight force points may be spent two gain two attacks (at two highest attack bonuses), Ect. Up to 4 extra attacks at level 20.
Canny Defense:
When wearing light or no armor and not using a shield, a Jedi adds 1 point of Intelligence bonus (if any) per Jedi class level to her Dexterity bonus to modify Armor Class while wielding a lightsaber. If a Jedi is caught flat-footed or otherwise denied her Dexterity bonus, she also loses this bonus.
At 8nd level, a Jedi learns to parry the attacks of other creatures, causing them to miss. Whenever the Jedi takes a full attack action with their Lightsaber, she can elect not to take one of her attacks. At any time before her next turn, she can attempt to parry an attack against her or an adjacent ally as an immediate action. To parry the attack, the Jedi makes an attack roll, using the same bonuses as the attack she chose to forego during her previous action. If her attack roll is greater than the roll of the attacking creature, the attack automatically misses. For each size category that the attacking creature is larger than the Jedi, the Jedi takes a –4 penalty on her attack roll. The Jedi also takes a –4 penalty when attempting to parry an attack made against an adjacent ally. The Jedi must declare the use of this ability after the attack is announced, but before the roll is made.
Improved Evasion:
Cost: 8 force points, as an Immediate Action, lasts until the beginning of your turn
This works like evasion, except that while the Jedi still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, she henceforth takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless Jedi does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.
Defensive Roll:
At 16th level A Jedi gains Defensive Roll. With this ability, the Jedi can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than she otherwise would. Once per day, when she would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), the Jedi can attempt to roll with the damage. To use this ability, the Jedi must attempt a Reflex saving throw (DC = ½ damage dealt). If the save succeeds, she takes only half damage from the blow; if it fails, she takes full damage. She must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute her defensive roll—if she is denied her Dexterity bonus to AC, she can't use this ability. Since this effect would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half damage, the Jedi’s evasion ability does not apply to the defensive roll.
Force Critical
At 19th level, whenever a Jedi successfully confirms a critical hit, he can use a force power as a swift action. The spell must include the target of the attack as one of its targets or in its area of effect. Using the power does not provoke an attack of opportunity. The caster must still meet all requirements to use the force power.
Jedi Master
At 20th level, a Jedi may use two lightsaber forms and gain the benefits and the drawbacks of each.
Ex-Jedi, or fallen Jedi, retain all force powers and abilities, the cost of each force power changes to reflect your current alignment. An ex-Jedi does not have to fall from the light side of the force, just as a neutral aligned Jedi is not necessarily a fallen Jedi. A fallen Jedi is no longer affiliated with the Jedi Council and is marked for punishment (if neutral) or execution (if dark). If you go against the council’s orders, and you are still good, you could be exiled. If an exiled Jedi tries to return to the monastery, it is possible that she will be attacked on sight, ignored, or welcomed, depending on the situation or the circumstances of your exile.
The Lightsaber:
Lightsabers come in three different kinds, practically all colours, the blade is indestructible, and each hilt is unique. Lightsabers are treated as light weapons
Lightsaber (longsword) - Can only be wielded in one hand. This is the only saber that can be wielded in the offhand without incurring penalty. Str is added once to the damage.
Lightsaber (bastard) - This saber can be wielded in one or two hands. In one hand, you add your str once and in two you add 1 ½ times your str. It can be wielded in the off hand at a -4 penalty to hit and damage.
Lightsaber (double) - Must be wielded in both hands. If attempting to wield in your main hand, you take a -4 to hit and damage. If attempting to wield in off hand, you take a -8 to hit and damage and have a 20% chance of hitting yourself when attacking.
A lightsaber hilt may be built (or Bought) out of steel in one day with a proper forge for the following prices
Longsword – 60gp (110gp)
Bastard sword – 100gp (150gp)
Double – 200gp (300gp)
A Lightsaber may be built out of Adamantine, Bronze, Cold iron, Elysian Bronze, Fire-forged steel, Frost-forged steel, Gold, Living Steel or Mithral, with the normal price adjustment.
(I don’t know if the blade should get the properties of an adamantine blade if the hilt is made of adamantine, or if an adamantine hilt would stop the saber from turning off when against an adamantine object)
A lightsaber’s base damage is determined by the quality of gem in it. (no, double sided need only one gem)
To change a gem in a lightsaber, a DC 16 craft check (with proper tools, this is reduced to DC 12) is needed. If failed, the lightsaber is flawed and deals the damage of a lower quality gem. In addition, any attack rolls of natural 1 switch the saber off for 1d3 rounds.
Gems and what they do: (Add special abilities that come naturally from each tier of gem, higher qualities (But not damage, duh) have the lower quality bonuses)
Low quality (10gp) 1d4 +str, 20/x2
Semi-precious (50gp) 1d6+str, 20/x2
Medium quality (100gp) 1d8+str, 20/x3 (ignores the first 5 points of hardness)
High quality (500gp) 2d4+str, 19-20/x3 (ignores DR 2)
Jewel (1000gp) 2d6+str, 18-20/x3
Grand jewel (5000 gp) 2d8+str, 18-20/x4 (ignores DR 5)
For a gem to be used, you must imbue a number of your force points into the gem. This takes longer and more force points the stronger the gem.
Gem tier - Time (# Concentration checks) - Force points spent
Low Quality - 5 minutes (1, DC 7 in quiet)-4
Semi-Precious - 20 minutes (2, DC 10 in quite)-14
Medium Quality - 1 Hour (3, DC 12 in quiet)- 29
High Quality - 4 Hours (4, DC 15 in quiet) - 47
Jewel - 6 Hours (5, DC 18 in quiet) - 71
Grand Jewel - 12 Hours (6, DC 20 in quiet) - 106
(DM Optional - A lightsaber’s colour is determined by the colour of the gem used in it, otherwise, let the player choose)
(DM/Author Notes-The number of force points were calculated roughly for levels 1,3,6,9,12, and 16, in that order, meaning that should be roughly when they can use that gem in their lightsaber. 1 Low quality gem should be given at character creation and ready to use. Level 1 was calculated for the purposes of the player wanting to dual wield, have a second lightsaber, or something along those lines at first level. Of course, A Jedi of any level could use any tier gem, as long as they get the gem/lightsaber from a much stronger Jedi who has already imbued)
If a check is failed, ½ of the required force points are spent, rounded up, and may be attempted again after 12 hours and an 8 hours rest. The gem is not destroyed, until the 3rd fail, in which the gem explodes, causing you 5d4 damage.
A jewel can be given enhancement bonus and special abilities in order to give it to the saber
The following armor metals have the following effects against a lightsaber.
Adamantine - Shorts out the lightsaber. The lightsaber turns off and cannot be turned on again for 1d4+1 rounds
Can get a special gem (or maybe just a grand jewel) to ignore the shorting out, in which the lightsaber would deal damage normally against the subject. The wearer still receives any DR due to armor.
Dragonhide - A person wearing dragon hide adds only ½ of his armor bonus to his AC against a lightsaber with a high quality or better gem or none at Grand jewel quality
Mithral - A person wearing Mithral adds only ½ of his armor bonus to his AC against a lightsaber with a high quality or better gem or none at Grand jewel quality
Steel - A person in normal steel armor adds only ½ their armor bonus to his AC against a lightsaber with a medium quality or better gem or none at Jewel quality.
Lightsaber Forms:
Look under "Class details and technical stuffs" Spoiler for more of an idea of what to do with these
Each Tier is named what it is for pure funzies. Taking a form in the next tier does not make you a knight or a master. I just had nothing better to name them, unless DM specified otherwise. These were pretty difficult to come up with. With a little help from the descriptions in KotOR II, I think I made these pretty balanced. Suggestions are always welcome, though.
Teir I: Padawan Level
Form I (padawan): Shii-Cho
Prerequisites: Jedi Level 2
+1 on damage rolls
+1 to AC when being flanked
+1 to AC against attacks of Opportunity
-1 to AC when fighting single opponent
-1 to AC when Enemy wields lightsaber
-2 to saving throw against all magic, force, and psionic (force)
Form II (padawan): Makashi
Prerequisites: Jedi Level 6
Gain weapon Finesse with lightsaber only
+1 to hit and damage with only when one target in your threat range
-2 AC against Ranged Weapons
-1 AC for each opponent whose threat range you are in over two
+1 to saving throw against all magic, force and psionic (force)
Form III (padawan): Soresu
Prerequisites: Jedi Level 2
+4 AC
-6 to hit
Only one attack/round
Can’t use flurry
Form IV (padawan): Ataru
Prerequisites: Jedi Level 6
+2 Dodge AC if only one opponent in threat range
-2 AC if in more than 2 opponent’s threat range
If you attack while in more than 2 opponent’s threat range, the additional opponents get attacks of opportunity
Additional -2 AC against ranged weapons
As a full round action, attack twice with a 5 foot step in between, up to your total number of attacks per round
you may take an additional 5 foot step per round instead of a move action
Can spend 2 force point to raise dodge AC bonus by +2 for number of rounds = to half your jedi level
Critical threat range increased by 1. This is added after other bonuses
Form V (padawan): Shien / Djem So
Prerequisites: Jedi Level 10
-2 to fort saves
+4 to damage rolls
+2 to AC against ranged weapons
Weapon Finesse with Lightsaber
-2 AC If only one opponent is in your threat range
+1 to hit for each opponent in your threat range
Form VI (padawan): Niman
Prerequisites: Jedi Level 2
No Bonuses or Penalties
Form VII (padawan): Juyo
Prerequisites: Jedi Level 10
-6 AC
-4 to will saving throws
+2 to reflex
+1 attack/round at lowest attack bonus
+2 damage
Crit Range +1
+1 on critical confirms
If light side of force, DC 12 of falling to neutral force. If neutral, DC 10 chance of falling to Dark side
Tier II: Knight Level
Form I (Knight): Shii-Cho
Prerequisite: Form I (padawan), level 6
+2 on damage rolls
+2 to AC when being flanked
+1 to AC against attacks of Opportunity
-2 to AC when fighting single opponent
-1 to AC when Enemy wields lightsaber
-2 to saving throw against all magic, force, and psionic (force)
Form II (Knight): Makashi
Prerequisite: Form II (padawan), level 10
Gain weapon Finesse with lightsaber only
+4 to hit and damage with only when one target in your threat range
-2 AC against Ranged Weapons
-1 AC for each opponent whose threat range you are in over three
+2 to saving throw against all magic, force and psionic (force)
Form III (Knight): Soresu
Prerequisite: Form III(padawan), level 6
Gain Deflect Arrows Feat, as the Duelist feat
+6 AC
-4 to hit
Only one attack/round
Can’t use flurry
Form IV (knight): Ataru
Prerequisite: Form IV (padawan), level 10
+3 Dodge AC if only one opponent in threat range
-2 AC if in more than 3 opponent’s threat range
If you attack while in more than 3 opponent’s threat range, the additional opponents get attacks of opportunity
Additional -2 AC against ranged weapons
As a full round action, attack twice with a 5 foot step in between, up to your total number of attacks per round
you may take an additional 5 foot step per round instead of a move action
Can spend 4 force point to raise dodge AC bonus by +4 for number of rounds = to half your jedi level
Critical threat range increased by 1. This is added after other bonuses
Form V (Knight): Shien / Djem So
Prerequisite: Form V (padawan), level 14
-2 to fort saves
+4 to damage rolls
+4 to AC against ranged weapons
Weapon Finesse with Lightsaber
-2 AC If only one opponent is in your threat range
+2 to hit for each opponent in your threat range
Form VI (Knight): Niman
Prerequisite: Form VI (padawan), level 6
+2 Deflection AC
+4 Force Points
Form VII (Knight): Juyo
Prerequisite: Form VII (Padawan), level 14
-4 AC
-4 to will saving throws
+4 to reflex
+2 attacks/round at last two attack bonuses
+4 damage
+4 to hit
Crit Range +2
+2 on critical confirms
If light side of force, DC 14 of falling to neutral force. If neutral, DC 8 chance of falling to Dark side
Tier III: Master Level
Form I (Master): Shii-Cho
Prerequisite: Form I (Knight), level 10
+4 on damage rolls
+4 to AC when being flanked
+2 to AC against attacks of Opportunity
-1to AC when fighting single opponent
-2 to saving throw against all magic, force, and psionic (force)
Form II (Master): Makashi
Prerequisite: Form II (Knight), level 14
Gain weapon Finesse with lightsaber only
+6 to hit and damage with only when one target in your threat range
-2 AC against Ranged Weapons
-1 AC for each opponent whose threat range you are in over four
+4 to saving throw against all magic, force and psionic (force)
Form III (Master): Soresu
Prerequisite: Form III (Knight), level 10
Gain Deflect Arrows Feat
+10 AC
-6 to hit
Only two attacks/round
Can’t use flurry
Form IV (Master): Ataru
Prerequisite: Form IV (Knight), level 14
+4 Dodge AC if only one opponent in threat range
-2 AC if in more than 4 opponent’s threat range
If you attack while in more than 4 opponent’s threat range, the additional opponents get attacks of opportunity
Additional -2 AC against ranged weapons
As a full round action, attack twice with a 5 foot step in between, up to your total number of attacks per round
you may take two additional 5 foot step actions per round instead of a move action
Can spend 4 force point to raise dodge AC bonus by +4 for number of rounds = to half your jedi level. This stacks with other dodge bonuses.
Critical threat range increased by 2. This is added after other bonuses
Form V (Master): Shien / Djem So
Prerequisite: Form V (Knight), level 18
-2 to fort saves
+6 to damage rolls
+6 to AC against ranged weapons
Weapon Finesse with Lightsaber
-4 AC If only one opponent is in your threat range
+2 AC if in more than 1 opponent’s threat range
+4 to hit for each opponent in your threat range
+1 attack/round
Form VI (Master): Niman
Prerequisite: Form VI (Knight), level 10
+4 Deflection AC
+12 Force Points
Form VII (Master): Juyo
Prerequisite: Form VII (Knight), level 18
-4 AC
-2 to will saving throws
+6 to reflex
+3 attacks/round at last three attack bonuses
+8 damage
+6 to hit
Crit Range Double
+4 on critical confirms
If light side of force, DC 10 of falling to neutral force. If neutral, DC 8 chance of falling to Dark side
Jedi Powers
Since i know it is going to be so much fun to read through all these, I'm going to edit as best i can to make it easier on the eyes.
The format goes Spell name Alignment cost and the short description that i copy pasta's from the pathfinder d20 srd.
Most of these powers were picked to try and keep the flavor from the movies/books. Fire stuff is not mentioned in the movies, but in some books, it is there. With the help of the star wars wiki, i tried to come up with a pretty good variety of spells for both light wielding and dark wielding Jedi, and where their force abilities could have gone had they reached Yoda's age and mastery level.
Also, A light side Jedi could use some dark side powers, as long as their intent was not selfish or hateful. (evidence being here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Electric_Judgment)
Jedi Powers
0-Level Jedi Powers
Spell Name Alignment Cost Description
Breeze Neutral 1 Create a light wind that blows against target from direction of your choice.
Daze Neutral 1 A single humanoid creature with 4 HD or less loses its next action.
Detect Psionics Neutral 1 You detect the presence of psionics.
Ghost Sound Neutral 1 Figment sounds.
Hinder Dark 1 Cause your target to take a -1 penalty to a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
Induce Pain Dark 2 Deal 1d3 points of damage to a nearby creature.
Know Direction Neutral 1 Know North
Mage Hand Neutral 1 5-pound telekinesis.
Missive Neutral 1 Send a one-way telepathic message to subject.
Natural Healing Light 2 Heal 3 points of damage to self
Open/Close Neutral 1 Opens or closes small or light things.
Precognition, Defensive Neutral 2 Gain +1 insight bonus to AC and saving throws.
Precognition, Offensive Neutral 2 Gain +1 insight bonus on your attack rolls.
Prescience, Offensive Neutral 2 Gain +2 insight bonus on your damage rolls.
Sense Link Neutral 1 You sense what the subject senses (single sense).
Sense Poison Light 1 Detect the presence of poison in a creature.
Sicken Body Dark 2 Cause a creature to be sickened for a brief time.
Spark Neutral 1 Ignites flammable objects.
Telempathic Projection Light 1 Alter the subject’s mood.
1st-Level Jedi Powers
Spell Name Alignment Cost Description
Alter Winds Neutral 1 Increase/Decrease strength of winds
Broker Light 2 You gain a +2 insight bonus to your next Diplomacy check.
Burning Hands Neutral 2 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4).
Catfall Neutral 2 Instantly save yourself from a fall.
Cause Fear Dark 3 A creature of 5 HD or less flees for 1d4 rounds.
Charm Person Light 1 Makes one person your friend
Conceal Thoughts Neutral 1 You conceal your motives.
Control Flames Neutral 2 Take control of nearby open flame.
Cure light wounds Light 3 Cures 1d8 damage + 1/level (max +5).
Deceleration Dark 2 Target’s speed is halved.
Demoralize Neutral 1 Enemies become shaken.
Detect Psionics Neutral 1 You detect the presence of psionics.
Distract Neutral 1 Target gets –4 bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks.
Doom Dark 3 One subject takes –2 on attack rolls, damage rolls, saves, and checks.
Empty Mind Light 1 You gain +2 on Will saves until your next action.
Energy Ray Neutral 1 Deal 1d6 energy (cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) damage.
Expeditious Excavation Neutral 2 Moves 5-ft. cubes of earth.
Expeditious Retreat Neutral 1 Your base speed increases by 30 ft.
Far Hand Neutral 1 Move small objects at a limited distance.
Force Screen Light 2 Invisible disc provides +4 shield bonus to AC.
Fortify Neutral 1 You gain a +2 resistance bonus on saves.
Hammer Neutral 2 Melee touch attack deals 1d8/round.
Inertial Armor Light 2 Tangible field of force provides you with +4 armor bonus to AC.
Inflict Light Wounds Dark 2 Touch deals 1d8 damage +1/level (max +5).
Know Direction and Location Neutral 1 You discover where you are and what direction you face.
Litany of Weakness Dark 2 Single target is fatigued for 1 round.
Jump Neutral 1 Subject gets bonus on Acrobatics checks.
Mind Thrust Dark 4 Deal 1d10 damage.
Murderous Command Dark 4 Target is compelled to kill its ally.
Obscuring Mist Dark 2 Fog surrounds you.
Returning Weapon Neutral 2 Grants a weapon the returning special weapon quality.
Sanctuary Light 2 Opponents can't attack you, and you can't attack.
Shocking Grasp Dark 2 Touch delivers 1d6/level electricity damage (max 5d6).
Silent Image Neutral 1 Creates minor illusion of your design.
True Strike Light 2 +20 on your next attack roll.
Unbreakable Heart Light 1 You gains a +4 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects that rely on negative emotions.
2nd-Level Jedi Powers
Power Name Alignment Cost Description
Animal Affinity Neutral 2 Gain +4 enhancement to one ability.
Bear’s Endurance Neutral 2 You gains +4 to Con for 1 min./level.
Blur Neutral 2 Attacks miss subject 20% of the time.
Body Adjustment Light 3 Heal 1d12 damage.
Brow Gasher Dark 3 Slashing weapon deals bleed damage to an opponent’s head.
Bull’s Strength Neutral 2 You gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.
Burning Gaze Dark 5 Inflict 1d6 fire damage to creature by looking at it.
Cat’s Grace Neutral 2 You gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level.
Cloud Mind Neutral 3 You erase knowledge of your presence from target’s mind.
Control Sound Neutral 2 Create very specific sounds.
Converse Light 2 You can communicate with intelligent creatures.
Darkness Dark 2 20-ft. radius of supernatural shadow.
Defensive Shock Neutral 4 Electricity damages your attackers.
Detect Hostile Intent Light 2 You can detect hostile creatures within 30 ft. of you.
Empathic Condition Relief Light 3 You relieve a target’s condition.
Empathic Transfer Light 2 Transfer another’s wounds to yourself.
Energy Stun Light 2 Deal 1d6 damage and stun target if it fails both saves.
Fog Cloud Neutral 2 Fog obscures vision.
Force Push Neutral 3 Deal 2d6 force damage and knock subject back.
Fox's Cunning Neutral 2 Subject gains +4 to Int for 1 min./level.
Gust of Wind Light 3 Blows away or knocks down smaller creatures.
Inflict Pain Dark 3 Telepathic stab gives your foe –4 on attack rolls, or –2 if he makes the save.
Levitate Neutral 2 Subject moves up and down at your direction.
Mental Disruption Neutral 2 Daze creatures within 10 feet for 1 round.
Metamorphosis, Minor Dark 5 You can change your physical form to a
minor degree.
Missive, Mass Neutral 3 You send a one-way telepathic message to an area.
Pilfering Hand Neutral 2 You may seize an object or manipulate it from afar.
Pyrotechnics Neutral 2 Turns fire into blinding light or choking smoke.
Recall Agony Dark 4 Foe takes 2d6 damage.
Resist Toxin Neutral 2 Your body becomes temporarily immune to poison.
Scorching Ray Neutral 3 Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage, + 1 ray/four levels (max 3).
Share Pain Dark 4 Willing subject takes some of your damage.
Shatter Neutral 3 Sonic vibration damages objects or crystalline creatures.
3rd-Level Jedi Powers
Spell Name Alignment Cost Description
Body Adjustment Neutral 4 You heal 1d8 damage.
Body Purification Light 3 You restore 2 points of ability damage.
Burst of Speed Neutral 3 You gain increased speed, and your movement ignores attacks of opportunity and allows you to move through the space of creatures larger than you are.
Call Lightning Light 4 Calls down lightning bolts (3d6 per bolt) from sky.
Cloak of Winds Light 4 Creates screen of strong wind around you.
Danger Sense Neutral 3 You gain +4 bonus against traps.
Daylight Light 4 60-ft. radius of bright light.
Displacement Neutral 3 Attacks miss subject 50% of the time.
Empathic Transfer, Hostile Dark 5 Your touch transfers your hurt to another.
Fireball Neutral 4 1d6 damage per level, 20-ft. radius.
Flame Arrow Neutral 4 Arrow of flame deals 1d6 fire damage/level
Force Burst Neutral 4 Deal 5d6 Force damage in 40-ft. burst.
Force Hook Charge Neutral 3 Hook of force drags you to the target.
Force Punch Neutral 3 Target takes 1d4 force damage per level plus strength and is pushed away.
Haste Neutral 3 One creature/level moves faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.
Heightened Vision Neutral 3 See 60 ft. in total darkness.
Hustle Neutral 3 Instantly gain a move action.
Lightning Bolt Dark 6 Electricity deals 1d6/level damage.
Locate Weakness Neutral 4 You roll damage twice when you roll damage for a critical hit and take the best damage.
Mend Body Light 3 Heal yourself for 3d8 points of damage.
Pain Strike Dark 3 Inflicts 1d6 nonlethal damage 1 round/level.
Psionic Blast Light 3 Stun creatures in 30 ft. cone for 1 round.
Share Pain, Forced Dark 6 Unwilling subject takes some of your damage.
Slow Dark 4 One subject/level takes only one action/round, –1 to AC, Reflex saves, and attack rolls.
Stinking Cloud Dark 3 Nauseating vapors, 1 round/level.
Telekinetic Force Neutral 3 Move or hurl an object with the force of your mind.
Vampiric Touch Dark 5 Touch deals 1d6 damage per two levels; caster gains damage as temporary hp.
Wind Wall Light 3 Deflects arrows, smaller creatures, and gases.
4th-Level Jedi Powers
Spell Name Alignment Cost Description
Ball Lightning Dark 10 Flying balls of lightning deal 3d6 electricity damage each.
Correspond Neutral 4 Hold mental conversation with another creature at any distance.
Cure Critical Wounds Light 7 Cures 4d8 damage + 1/level (max +20).
Cure Serious Wounds Light 4 Cures 3d8 damage + 1/level (max +15).
Death Urge Dark 6 Implant a self-destructive compulsion.
Detonate Neutral 5 Inflicts 1d8/level Force damage to all creatures within 15 ft.
Empathic Feedback Neutral 7 When you are hit in melee, your attacker takes damage.
Energy Adaptation Light 4 Your body converts energy to harmless light.
Fire of Justice Light 4 Smited creature takes 3d8 damage.
Fire Shield Neutral 5 Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you're protected from heat or cold.
Freedom of Movement Neutral 4 Subject moves normally despite impediments to movement.
Forceful Strike Neutral 6 Deal 1d4/level (Max 10) force with weapon, could also bulrush
Incite Passion Dark 6 Suppress the target’s ability to understand logic.
Inertial Barrier Light 10 Gain DR 5/–.
Inflict Critical Wounds Dark 6 Touch attack, 4d8 damage + 1/level (max +20).
Neutralize Poison Light 4 Immunizes subject against poison, detoxifies venom in or on subject.
Physical Acceleration Neutral 4 You move faster, gain +1 on attacks, AC, and Reflex saves.
Power Leech Dark 0 Drain 1d6 Health; you gain 1 force point.
River of Wind Light 4 A stream of wind causes nonlethal damage and can knock down or push creatures.
Shout Dark 6 Deafens all within cone and deals 5d6 sonic damage.
Solid Fog Neutral 4 Blocks vision and slows movement.
Telekinetic Maneuver Neutral 5 Telekinetically bull rush, disarm, grapple, or trip your target.
Wither Dark 5 Cause the target’s muscles to lose their strength.
5th-Level Jedi Powers
Power Name Alignment Cost Description
Adapt Body Neutral 5 Your body automatically adapts to hostile environments.
Cleanse Light 7 Cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +25) and also removes several afflictions.
Call Lightning Storm Light 10 As call lightning, but 5d6 damage per bolt.
Cloak of Dreams Neutral 5 Living creatures within 5 ft. fall asleep.
Control Winds Light 6 Changes wind direction and speed.
Cure Light Wounds, Mass Light 5 Cures 1d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
Fold Space Dark 8 Teleports you short distance.
Incarnate Dark 10 Make some powers permanent.
Inflict Light Wounds, Mass Dark 5 Deals 1d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
Litany of Madness Neutral 5 A single target is confused for at least 1 round.
Overland Flight Neutral 5 You fly at a speed of 40 ft. and can hustle over long distances.
Psychofeedback Dark 6 Boost Str, Dex, or Con at the expense of one or more other scores.
Resounding Blow Neutral 5 Melee attack deals 1d6 more damage.
Pain Strike, Mass Dark 7 As pain strike, but affects multiple creatures.
Pillar of Life Light 6 Created pillar heals 2d8 +1/level (max +20)
Psychic Crush Dark 7 Brutally crush subject’s mental essence, reducing subject to –1 hit points.
Restore Extremity Light 10 Return a lost digit, limb, or other appendage to subject.
Telekinesis Neutral 5 Moves object, attacks creature, or hurls object or creature.
True Seeing Neutral 5 Lets you see all things as they really are.
6th-Level Jedi Powers
Spell Name Alignment Cost Description
Age Resistance Neutral 6 Ignore penalties from old age.
Chain Lightning Dark 15 1d6/level damage and 1 secondary bolt/level.
Cleanse Light 6 As heal, but only cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +25).
Contagious Flame Neutral 7 Scorching rays cause 4d6 fire damage, then move on to new targets.
Crisis of Life Neutral 10 Stop subject’s heart.
Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass Light 8 Cures 2d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
Destruction Dark 12 Kills subject and destroys remains.
Enemy Hammer Neutral 15 Allows you to telekinetically use a creature as a weapon.
Energy Drain Dark 15 Subject gains 2d4 negative levels.
Energy Conversion Light 8 Offensively channel energy you’ve absorbed.
Euphoric Tranquility Light 8 Makes a single creature peaceful and friendly.
Finger of Death Dark 17 Deals 10 damage/level to one subject.
Fire Storm Neutral 8 Deals 1d6/level fire damage.
Force blast Neutral 15 Deal 13d6 damage in 15-ft. radius.
Forceful Hand Neutral 8 Hand pushes creatures away.
Foresight Light 8 “Sixth sense” warns of impending danger.
Harm Dark 18 Deals 10 points/level damage to target.
Heal Light 15 Cures 10 points/level damage, all diseases and mental conditions.
Incendiary Cloud Dark 18 Cloud deals 6d6 fire damage/round.
Inflict Moderate Wounds, Mass Dark 14 Deals 2d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
Mislead Neutral 8 Turns you invisible and creates illusory double.
Moment of Prescience Light 8 You gain +1/level insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save.
Psychic Reformation Dark All Subject can choose skills, feats, and powers anew for previous levels.
Rampart Neutral 12 Creates 5-ft.-thick earthen barrier.
Scouring Winds Light 12 Winds block vision and deal 3d6 damage.
Shout, Greater Dark 16 Devastating yell deals 10d6 sonic damage; stuns creatures.
Suspend Life Neutral 12 Put yourself into a state akin to suspended animation.
Telekinetic Sphere Neutral 8 As resilient sphere, but you move the sphere telekinetically.
True Metabolism Neutral 16 You regenerate 10 hit points/round.
Whirlwind Light 14 Cyclone deals damage and can pick up creatures.
7th level Jedi Powers
Spell Name Alignment Cost Description
Apopsi Light 34 You delete target’s Force powers.
Cure Critical Wounds, Mass Light 28 Cures 4d8 damage + 1/level for many creatures.
Energy Wave Neutral 38 Deal 13d6 damage Force damage in 120-ft. cone.
Fickle Winds Light 48 Wind walls selectively block attacks.
Harm, Mass Dark 45 As harm, but affects 1 subject/level.
Heal, Mass Light 35 As heal, but affects 1 subject/level.
Inflict Critical Wounds, Mass Dark 38 Deals 4d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level.
Resurrection Dark 100 Fully restore dead subject.
Stormbolts Dark 42 1d8 damage/level (max 20d8) to targets.
Sustained Flight Neutral 46 You fly at a speed of 40 ft. and can hustle over long distances.
Wail of the Banshee Dark 52 Deals 10 damage/level to 1 creature/level.
Winds of Vengeance Light 34 You can fly and attack with wind.
I hope you enjoy my interpretation of how the Jedi Class should be. Please give me any edits or thoughts on how to make this a better (As in more balanced) class.
Things that I know need to be addressed:
Bonus Feats
New Feats
Maybe better ideas on the various Lightsaber forms
Edit added character advancement link to the picture

Thorjn |

Impressive. Most impressive.
For this much work, I would play SW Saga...
Thank you much!
Indeed, but I enjoy creating classes. Plus I wanted to make it directly from the PF system, instead of converting from Saga.Was thinking there should be some kind of penalty if you're not a force user and you pick up a lightsaber. Some chance you damage yourself.
And do you mind if I consolidate this into a single pdf form to post?
I believe I put down rule text for that, but i might not have written it. It's always been in my head though. lol.
I have updated some of the info with minor tweaks, including favored class bonuses for some races. I will upload a single PDF in a few minutes after some proof reading, but feel free to do what you wish.

Thorjn |

Very nice. A question though? Why do they chose their light or dark side path? Shouldn't their actions determine it, i.e. dark side points?
This is a very good point in which I put quite a bit of thought.
Basically: A force sensitive can choose what to do with their power. Yes, they might be trained with the Jedi, but they can choose to join the Sith (or dark jedi as a general term), how they use the force (Jedi live in harmony with it, Sith wish to control it), and how they treat the world around them.
Just as in any character creation, the player has a concept of what they want to build. They choose strengths, weaknesses, skills, and everything in between. I see no difference in choosing side of the force as choosing a character's alignment. If a player's actions do not match up to their alignment, then a GM can change it. The same would go for force alignment. If you're zapping everything with lightning for shiggles, you should not be a good Jedi.
As far as dark-side points, or light-side points for that matter, for determining force alignment, I didn't want to add another element that wasn't that easy to keep track of. Force points are akin to ki points, power points, arcane points, and sorcerer spells/day. Alignment points, as far as i know, don't have any equivalent in other classes. Having to keep track of "well, i did this deed, so i get +2 light side points, buuuut i also did this, so now i am +1 dark side point, so i'm kinda on the light side, but i'm also kinda not...". And that doesn't even get into moral gray areas.
Even some sort of shifter, like in the KotOR games, is pretty much already being done already, as stated above with alignment.
tl;dr: I didn't see a point in adding another thing the GM or player had to keep track of.
Also, What is this site's favored way to upload PDFs? I've looked and can't figure it out.
I have the PDF uploaded to Scribd.com
Direct link:

Thorjn |

Not every darkside user is a Sith but every Sith embraces the darkside.
How would you then rationalize Anakin Skywalker and Jacen Solo. They, I think, started out light but ended up becoming Sith Lords.
Yes. I've already addressed most of that under "Ex-Jedi" at the bottom of the first spoiler.
Ex-Jedi, or fallen Jedi, retain all force powers and abilities, the cost of each force power changes to reflect your current alignment. An ex-Jedi does not have to fall from the light side of the force, just as a neutral aligned Jedi is not necessarily a fallen Jedi. A fallen Jedi is no longer affiliated with the Jedi Council and is marked for punishment (if neutral) or execution (if dark). If you go against the council’s orders, and you are still good, you could be exiled. If an exiled Jedi tries to return to the monastery, it is possible that she will be attacked on sight, ignored, or welcomed, depending on the situation or the circumstances of your exile.
That being said, there is no Sith class (yet), but you can be a dark side Jedi. the true sith is a race that died out millenia ago.
Anakin Skywalker and Jacen Solo chose to go to the dark side.

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I want to test this class out against my group. They are six, 5th level players: Human Barbarian, Human Oracle, Fetchling Ninja, Halfling Alchemist and Half-Elf Cleric.
Suggested level of Solo Boss?

Thorjn |

I want to test this class out against my group. They are six, 5th level players: Human Barbarian, Human Oracle, Fetchling Ninja, Halfling Alchemist and Half-Elf Cleric.
Suggested level of Solo Boss?
This is a difficult question to answer. It all depends on your party. If they are specialized for damage, then at least Jedi level 8 or 9. If not, then perhaps 6 or 7. I did not design this class to be super effect at anything. it is a general class. Not as skilled as a rogue, not as combat effective as a fighter or monk. Because you have a relativity large party, make it level 9. but that question is yours to answer. How much damage can your party dish out in 10 rounds? if they all do medium damage for 6 rounds, will the boss die? If so, the boss might be a bit weak. Make adjustments as you play. Give the boss an extra force power or something like that. In my experiences as a DM, a party is much more likely to notice if you nerf a boss than if you buff it mid battle.
Also, I am updating the PDF and uploading to google dox and the site i used previously. I would have been done with it normally, but recently job and life has gotten in the way. Thank you for your patience, more to come soon.

Thorjn |

Great fun.
They should probably be able to use brilliant energy versions of longswords too ;-)
I thought about that. And brilliant energy, while is flavorful for the look, didn't have the required practicality.
I decided to move away from the brilliant energy idea due to: "A brilliant energy weapon cannot harm undead, constructs, and objects".
And everyone knows the droids the jedi slaughter(dismantle?) by the dozens are just constructs. XP
Thank you for the support!
I am currently playing a level 7 Jedi. While it is not the most damaging thing on the field, I think a Jedi can hold their own in a variety of situations. Which is exactly what i made this class to do.

Thorjn |

How would you handle the other six sky metals in regards to lightsabers?
I don't know. I imaging I would swing at them and see what happens. lol
In any class, there are always issues of "what if x and y where to hit each other?" It is then up to the DM to roll and say this happens or that happens.
As far as my personal opinions go (and this is my first time looking at these), I would look at the hardness of each material and compare them to existing rule text about the lightsaber.
For last minute creativity sake, however, i will throw together some quick ideas.
Abysium/Feverstone: I image this metal to be a bit like cold iron, but filled with poison stuff instead of demon-killing stuff. treat it as so against a lightsaber. I can see this metal shorting out a lightsaber 50% of the time for 2d4+1 rounds with no particular gem helping you overcome it, due to the "great deal of energy to be found within it"
Djezet/Quickiron: I do not see this material being any kind of effective against a lightsaber. If it enhances spells and magic items, then simply take that into account. But that will effect the item the lightsaber is trying to destroy, not the lightsaber itself.
Horacalcum: Like the quickiron, it effects the item it is made out of, not the lightsaber itself. (at least, if i understand this text correctly)
Inubrix: Being able to pass through objects sounds like a s*~~ idea for armor. either suddenly you are running around naked or the arrow coming out you doesnt bounce off your armor. either way, bad day. For weapons, and the act of parrying the attack, i can see it passing through a lightsaber blade. Unless there is rule text about how this metal cant pass through magic fields or something like that. I dont know. lol
Noqual: says it is as strong as iron with magic resistant properties. Treat it as so.
Siccatite: The description i am looking at gives no details about the metal other than it being cold or hot. But since it is silvery, is it like mithral? sure, why not.
There, some creative answers.
In regards to the hilt being made of these metals, it will not affect the blade in any way. The hilt has nothing to do with the blade of the lightsaber other than being able to turn it on and hold the gem. The hilt has a hardness and can be broken and things of the like, so the material will effect that.
Any more questions/comments/concerns are greatly appreciated and will hopefully be answered appropriately. :D

Thorjn |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |

Because I am awesome (and had time due to spring break) I have divided the class into Guardian, Consular, and Sentinel.
turned the jedi into a wisdom caster
updated various bugs
Corrected various spells
Added rule text
reworded other rule text to make it more clear
Jedi Consular on scribd.com
Jedi Consular on google docs
Jedi Guardian on scribd.com
Jedi Guardian on Google docs
Jedi Sentinel on scribd.com
Jedi Sentinel on google docs
For those who don't want to pick from the three above, here is the original class I made with a few updates
General class on scribd.com
General class on google docs
Questions, comments, concerns, and other are welcome! :D

Thorjn |

This is beyond awesome Thorjin! I will report my results. I think I will make a 1st, 5th and 12th level version.
Thank you very much! I look forward to your results!
As I am kinda new to this site, I assume this is a good thing, right?
Will definitely use this for a campaign
Thank you! I am glad my work will be used and enjoyed by others.
How would you handle the Jensaari?
This is pretty simple. simply use one of the above classes, but pick "neutral" side of the force.
This is very well done!
Thank you very much. About 3 solid weeks worth of work.
I would also like suggestions for a new class. If anyone has any that they haven't seen yet (or not seen done well) but would like to, let me know and I shall do what I can. I enjoy making these.

Thorjn |

the scribd version work but the google version wouldn't for some reason. Nice work though.
Are you trying to download it from google docs or just trying to view it? what error message are you getting? I just tried to view on two different web browsers and removed my account from chrome, all sent me directly to the correct page.
I work in tech support, so forgive me if i got a little carried away. lol

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Dark_Mistress wrote:the scribd version work but the google version wouldn't for some reason. Nice work though.Are you trying to download it from google docs or just trying to view it? what error message are you getting? I just tried to view on two different web browsers and removed my account from chrome, all sent me directly to the correct page.
I work in tech support, so forgive me if i got a little carried away. lol
It is just blank. where the PDF would be is just grey. I don't have a account or signed in so maybe that is the issue.
I just tried it again and same thing.
I do notice the link changes name though from
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2lxI7HEw-xdaUdTUXNmTzR1V2s/edit?usp=sharin g
Edit: Ok with firefox it won't work with seamonkey browser it works just fine so *shrug*

Abrir |
for Jonathan i'd suggest that an Aldori, dueling sword would work perfectly with jedi class, and perhaps they always spell-like/supernaturly ability a free or be add ot the list force power, to use the cleric spell: Sun Metal (may be of a different energy dmg) at will with the fluff changed to the description of a light saber.
as the aldori, dueling sword is finessalbe w/ pro. and has the same dmg, and crit. range A long sword
Alternatively, when a energy enchantment is gained to their weapon determines it's color. Ex: shock(yellow/gold); frost(blue/purple), fire(red/orange), acid(green/veridian)