Adventurer's Guild Naming - Help!


During the course of the current campaign I'm in, my character (a fire-themed Magus that wears Dragonhide armor) was given permission to found an adventurer's guild that is similar to the Pathfinder organization but set in a different world. This guild's first (and eventually central) chapter-house is being built inside a mountain/volcano that housed the toughest and most respected enemy my character has faced so far, a quite powerful Red Dragon. Now that the guild hall is complete, I have to name the guild and have come up with nothing.
I want to name it something that either directly or indirectly ties in with the Dragon theme my character follows, but i'm drawing a complete blank. Any input is appreciated!

Flaming Talons
Burning Scales
Magma Riders
Dragonfell Guild
Firequench Consortium
Sign of the Undying Ember
Travelers in Scarlet
Crimson Slayers

What was the name of the dragon? What's your primary weapon? Who's in the guild right now?

Hm... Red Dragon, volcano ... there has got to be a name in here somewhere ^^

Red Hides
The Smokers

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"We Killed an Adult Red Dragon - You're Next."

Mark: We never caught its name. My primary weapon is a Bastard sword, and the Guild is so far containing me and my followers (I took Leadership), an Elven Druid with a Treant companion, a Goblin summoner and a Human Cavalier who also has leadership.

The Union of the Dragonsbane Blades
The Drakespite Guild
The Fellowship of the Firescorned
The Elclectic Circle in Flame

What do you feel unifies all of you? If the only thing that binds you all is slaying the dragon, then just simply calling yourselves the Dragonsbane Legion might be enough.

You've got a whole spellcaster thing going on. Maybe you go cabal instead of guild. What kind of theme are you going for? Valarous - go for something invoking the epic glory of defeating a dragon. Scary - play up the angle of brutality involved in slaying the beast.

The Molten Corps :p

Scars n Scales

edit: also works for a True Neutral Brawling Business :D

Short of the Dragon's name. What is the volcano's name? What is the name of the mountain range it in?

Gnomez: The volcano is actually the highest peak in the mountain range, and although the volcano has no official name the nearby towns all refer to it as "the Furnace Peak". it's part of a mountain range known as the Crimson Fangs, as several of the mountains are actually volcanoes.

Mark: Our party is centered around a common drive to make a good mark on the world, although each character has their own individual goal. We're founding this to be a sort of "Hero's Guild" that spans several nations so that common folk can come to us to handle things that the local militia or guard can't deal with without significant losses. The entire party is actually either Neutral Good or Lawful Good.
They kind of pushed me to the "leader" position in our group after a battle where my character took out a BBEG in one turn (I did called shot Heart and critted with a shocking grasped Bastard Sword strike) in view of a large crowd of citizens, and now i'm the one that has to organize our guild and act as the figurehead.

Lantern Lodge

The Bakers

I like the furnace angle from the valcano's name. How about the Dragonforged? Forge is a synonym for furnace (sort of) and the red dragon you overcame can be the symbol.

The main guildhall can be called the Crucible. Here the heroes of the guild meet to test the best of the best in order to determine venture captains (or your world's equivalent) who will establish new lodges in other nations.

A standard gift to these captains and subsequent mark of their rank and affiliation would be masterwork scale armor or some other dragon-motif article of clothing. In honor of your own personal legend there might be a special lightning enchantment laid into a weapon for an act of extreme good.

So the other PFS factions have a defined mission statement of sorts: end oppression, thwart the unholy, secret power for themselves, etc. What sort of theme are you looking for in your own group, besides the general "doing good" you've stood for already. Granted the other PCs each have a personal agenda, but is there a theme that you guys have striven toward/against, like an evil empire or the greed of dragonkind or something?

I second the Guildhall has to be the Crucible.

Yeah the name of the volcano and the mountains helps.
Fellowship of the Crimson Forge
Red Sentinels
The Bloodwatch
Wardens of the Red Furnace

Hell's Angels

Guildhall: The Crucible

Crimson Bastards
Fire-Forged Fangs
Righteous Fire
Scarlet Sentinels
Dragon Guard
Society of the Scarlet Swords
Fraternal Order of the Forge (if all PCs are male)

Fire Drakes Mercenary Company. Or as a throwback to a great game, the Flaming Fists... Just make sure you get the voice down when you say that you serve the Flaming Fists.

Dragons & Flagons, Inc.

The Knights of the Crimson Flame
Crimson Crusaders
Order of The Red Dragon
Rangers of the Scarlet Dawn
The Slayers (that one is a rip off)

Mark Hoover wrote:

I like the furnace angle from the valcano's name. How about the Dragonforged? Forge is a synonym for furnace (sort of) and the red dragon you overcame can be the symbol.

The main guildhall can be called the Crucible. Here the heroes of the guild meet to test the best of the best in order to determine venture captains (or your world's equivalent) who will establish new lodges in other nations.

A standard gift to these captains and subsequent mark of their rank and affiliation would be masterwork scale armor or some other dragon-motif article of clothing. In honor of your own personal legend there might be a special lightning enchantment laid into a weapon for an act of extreme good.

So the other PFS factions have a defined mission statement of sorts: end oppression, thwart the unholy, secret power for themselves, etc. What sort of theme are you looking for in your own group, besides the general "doing good" you've stood for already. Granted the other PCs each have a personal agenda, but is there a theme that you guys have striven toward/against, like an evil empire or the greed of dragonkind or something?

After seeing this, we went with Knights of the Dragonforge for the guild name. And after another long night of gaming, we've established the main hall, which we did in fact name the Crucible, and fought off the Dragon's angry mate.

We're working on a custom magic item for the Guild Hall that we're calling the Dragonforge, based off of the old 3.5 magic forges from the dwarven book. We're mixing powdered Dragon bone into the very bricks that are making the forge, and we're definitely going to be handing out specially made Scale-motif armor to venture captains. The first of such armor was actually made out of Dragonhide, and given to the Cohort of the cavalier.

Lantern Lodge

Arhh.... sooo... if a good dragon, like a Silver, is to pop up on your guild's door step...
Does your guild sees the Silver Dragon as...

1) A Friend?

2) A ton of Armor-crafting materials?


Long ago, in a campaign far away, we called our adventurer's guild: The Adventurer's Guild.

Our motto was: We are doing almost everything. For almost everyone. Almost always legal.

Back to topic: "Travelers in Scarlet" sounds really cool. Sounds grim, but not too much like a military company.

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