Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

adds 'loss of sleep due to excitement' to list of things RPG SS can cause
and add another 4lbs in weight gone during the last 10 days :)
Whoo hoo!

Jacob W. Michaels RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 aka motteditor |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Oh, trust me, you can definitely lose a lot of sleep in RPGSS. Forget waiting for results: Last year, I would finish reading before bed and start trying to go to sleep -- but not before I went and checked if there were any new comments.
Oh, and then of course that tends to be one of my most fruitful designing times, so I'd be constantly leaping out of bed to look things up, take notes, etc. etc. On the bright side, I bought myself an iPad for the holidays so now I can at least do all that without actually physically getting out of bed.

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Nearly 8 hours to go ...
I keep thinking, "I know I made a formatting error, though it wasn't an instant DQ formatting error ... will the strength of my item hold up.
Or did another item of the same quality win through because I forgot something like an idiot and their item was perfectly formatted ... ???"

Jerett Schaufele Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 |

frank gori RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Champion Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka GM_Solspiral |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Clark Peterson wrote:You know what is truly evil? Reading your posts and knowing which of you made it and which of you didn't. Hehehehe.This teasing post gave rise to me making a list of everyone in the list prior to this post.
Because dear friends, everyone on this list could now be described as having a 1 in 36 chance of being "in" :)
List is purely alphabetical, no ranking implied or otherwise:
+2 Draino
Andrew Marlowe
Anthony Adam
Bob Drouin
Chris Shaeffer
Clouds Without Water
Doug Bailey
Eric Hindley
Eric Morton
Herremann the Wise
Jacob Kellog
Jacob Trier
Jacob W Michaels
Jerett Schaufele
Mikko Kallio
Pedro Coelho
Steven T. Helt
Thomas LeBlanc
Turin the Mad (Old Man Fu)
Clark also mentioned that there were allot of "familiar" entrants. We know 14 prior year contestants hit marathon status which leads me to believe that there's allot of marathon voters in the top 32. Suppose we will know the truth o it in 8 hrs.

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

I know why I feel so odd this year!!!
I used to really enjoy the judging rants and raves, the teasers and dear god no posts. I looked forward to the auto-DQ list growing another item or two.
That hasn't happened this year from the judges and that's what I'm missing - the Sean turns of phrase and incisive knife sharp wit, the Clark rah-rah and ooh-aaah! Even more missed are the dissecting of the years memes/bad design choices from which we learn so much as those new Auto DQs threads come alive.
The other thing tempering my excitement I think is that should I make it, I believe my aliases die in some way on the forums to be my real name only - no more Template Fu! :( - still, I suspect a few entrants won't miss his point eating template prowess :)
Actually starting to feel a bit more excited for the reveal now that nagging back of my mind thing has finally revealed itself.

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

Anthony Adam wrote:Clark also mentioned that there were allot of "familiar" entrants. We know 14 prior year contestants hit marathon status which leads me to believe that there's allot of marathon voters in the top 32. Suppose we will know the truth o it in 8 hrs.Clark Peterson wrote:You know what is truly evil? Reading your posts and knowing which of you made it and which of you didn't. Hehehehe.This teasing post gave rise to me making a list of everyone in the list prior to this post.
Because dear friends, everyone on this list could now be described as having a 1 in 36 chance of being "in" :)
... the list ...
I need new glasses, I thought he was talking about entries to do with familiars >.<
I'm now wondering if what he really meant was people already with a Superstar tag of previous years are doubling, trebling or even quadrupling thier tag lists. I'll check the list and see what that reduces down to.

Will McCardell |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

That hasn't happened this year from the judges and that's what I'm missing - the Sean turns of phrase and incisive knife sharp wit, the Clark rah-rah and ooh-aaah! Even more missed are the dissecting of the years memes/bad design choices from which we learn so much as those new Auto DQs threads come alive.
I think they outsourced that to us. Not only was community voting the only thing that could replace Neil Spicer, but it also served as a Snark Machine so that Sean could save his energy for some unannounced and probably sinister purpose.

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

GM_Solspiral wrote:Anthony Adam wrote:Clark also mentioned that there were allot of "familiar" entrants. We know 14 prior year contestants hit marathon status which leads me to believe that there's allot of marathon voters in the top 32. Suppose we will know the truth o it in 8 hrs.Clark Peterson wrote:You know what is truly evil? Reading your posts and knowing which of you made it and which of you didn't. Hehehehe.This teasing post gave rise to me making a list of everyone in the list prior to this post.
Because dear friends, everyone on this list could now be described as having a 1 in 36 chance of being "in" :)
... the list ...
I need new glasses, I thought he was talking about entries to do with familiars >.<
I'm now wondering if what he really meant was people already with a Superstar tag of previous years are doubling, trebling or even quadrupling thier tag lists. I'll check the list and see what that reduces down to.
So if my new understanding is closer to the mark... some/all of these people may need to get working hard on their archetypes :P
Andrew Marlowe
Bob Drouin
Chris Shaeffer
Eric Hindley
Eric Morton
Jacob Kellog
Jacob Trier
Jacob W Michaels
Mikko Kallio
Thomas LeBlanc

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3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm much more nervous this year than I was in any previous year. In previous years, I just had to worry about my own item not making it. This year, I also have to worry about all of the other items I like not making it.
Because, let's face it. If none of my favorites make the Top 32, what's the point in trying again next year? The rejection of my favorites would demonstrate that my own idea of a Superstar item is at odds with the judges' idea of a Superstar item, so my previous Round 1 success was achieved despite my item design skills, not because of them.
I wonder if my sharing of this particular dread had anything to do with the dream I had that woke me up at five this morning, wherein the top 32 were announced at a group of us fans in tabloid form, with all the items having pictures and then their item, and wherein the #3 item was a frozen bottle of ketchup with Christmas tree lights, with the item write-up of:
Frozen Bottle Of Ketchup With Christmas Tree Lights
This bottle of ketchup is frozen and has Christmas tree lights wrapped around it!
((I was so enraged!!))

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

Anthony Adam wrote:I think they outsourced that to us. Not only was community voting the only thing that could replace Neil Spicer, but it also served as a Snark Machine so that Sean could save his energy for some unannounced and probably sinister purpose.That hasn't happened this year from the judges and that's what I'm missing - the Sean turns of phrase and incisive knife sharp wit, the Clark rah-rah and ooh-aaah! Even more missed are the dissecting of the years memes/bad design choices from which we learn so much as those new Auto DQs threads come alive.
So.... are you hinting that Sean saved all his energy for the Top 32 plus Alternates?
Ohhhh, you poor souls :P

Will McCardell |

To be honest, I'm almost more excited to see if a certain forum poster made the top 32 than to see if I made it. There's one poster who has worked very hard to get to where they are, and to me has proven that they'd make a great freelancer. And it'd be a damn shame if they didn't get their chance to shine.
Not that this will change anything at this point, but good luck everyone. I hope you all have learned as much about design (or more) as I have during public voting.
Even if you don't get in, there are still opportunities if you think you're good enough. Wayfinder is currently in open-call stage right now, and the topic for the next issue is going to be the Darklands. This is a great place to show your ability to design and write, as well as integrate into Golarion lore. I've heard some talk about some of the Paizo freelancers becoming regulars on the strength of their Wayfinder articles combined with their RPG SS showings. Wayfinder's most recent issue can be found here, although #8 will be released in under a month (and probably sooner!)
Rite Publishing has their monthly Pathways magazine. This monthly usually has a collection of monster templates (with an example), small adventures, new rules, an interview, and reviews that the top reviewers of 3pp submit. Pathways 15 had an interview with last year's RPG SS Mike Welham about the contest and the work he's done. If you're interested in submitting for Pathways, send me a PM and I'll point you to the right people. Mr. Grand Champion Voter Thomas LeBlanc writes for Pathways. Rumor has it that's where he gets his strength, virility, and ability to vote so often ;)

Nickolas Floyd RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Phloid |

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Reckless wrote:Frozen Bottle Of Ketchup With Christmas Tree LightsThat one was mine! Number 3, baby, yeah! We can break anonymity now right?
It was yours? Well, thank Pharasma you DQ'd yourself before the announcement. Now the first alternate, the Radar Gun Sniffing Dog, can ascend to its rightful place as 32nd.

Jacob Trier RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8 |

agirlnamedbob Dedicated Voter Season 6 |

Mikko Kallio wrote:I think I'll have a drink whether I'm in or not. :pAmen...a nice, big glass of Single Malt should do the trick.
I don't know about single malt, but I'm thinking some "special" hot chocolate will be in order when I get home tonight.
...Then again, that probably has more to do with the fact that it is utterly frigid here and my office seems to be keeping the heat firmly at "Off." I think when it's -6 degrees F outside, it's officially too cold to be nervous.

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 |

Well, I hope I'm in for more reasons than one, but if not I'll be trying again next year. After all, this year I got a far, far better look at the entire field, and it was fascinating as anything :)
Now to obsess about what "familiar" means and about having a Marathon tag. Until 5pm EST anyways :)
(perhaps a "relaxing lunch" is in order today ...)

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

Jacob Trier wrote:Mikko Kallio wrote:I think I'll have a drink whether I'm in or not. :pAmen...a nice, big glass of Single Malt should do the trick.I don't know about single malt, but I'm thinking some "special" hot chocolate will be in order when I get home tonight.
Flake or Galaxy Ripple "spoon" ?
With or without Marshmallows ?

agirlnamedbob Dedicated Voter Season 6 |

Flake or Galaxy Ripple "spoon" ?
With or without Marshmallows ?
Well, if my roommate is home, it'll probably be his Abuela's secret recipe.
...If I'm on my own, it'll be my mom's secret recipe. That being Swiss Miss with a splash of schnapps and maybe some ready whip on top. :P

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

Nickolas Floyd RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Phloid |

Kyr |

I feel pretty good - I was pleased with my item, and honestly with the other I created that I chose my submission from - it was (IMO) not like other items I had seen, cinematic, and quirky.
If word count wasn't an issue I would have tweaked it a bit more - but I thoink I got the flavor across I wanted to.
I was also really pleased with the number of items I was able to come up with - a number of which, while maybe not superstar are to my mind really pretty cool.
Regardless of whether my item advances I enjoyed the exercise and I think the constraints of this contest are helping me become a better writer of items.
I like my archetypes too - I would love to have the opportunity to submit one of them and get some feedback.
The number of submissions is against my moving forward - but I feel proud of my submission and that I stepped up and submitted something.

Thunderbuckets Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Before I went to bed last night, I turned on Titanic because it was the longest movie I had within reach and I thought "Well, this'll eat up a few hours, if nothing else."
And then an hour and a half in, I was all "No! This is a terrible metaphor for my current emotional state! The 2-3% of the upper-class passengers are the only ones escaping the Ship Of Doom while the entire lower class is being killed off slowly in various gruesome ways, mostly involving drowning, shooting, being crushed underfoot, electrocution, or falling off the ship and hitting other parts of the ship with a dull CLONK! RPG Superstar contestants should not be exposed to this on Wondrous Item Eve! WHY AM I DOING THIS TO MYSELF?! WHY?"
So, yeah, I slept soundly.

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

Lol, I can see your dreams (nightmares) now...
Titanic Officer controlling those fleeing to the life boats:
"I'm sorry sir, but you only have a lower berth ticket. You have been culled!"
he he, or,
"I'm sorry sir, you revealed your ticket. You are denied entry to the life boat!"

Artillery_MKV Star Voter Season 6 |
GM_Solspiral wrote:But then again, would that not be something you have learnt and can then work on for next year? Come on, positive now.Eric Morton wrote:Wow, yeah didn't even think about that!I'm much more nervous this year than I was in any previous year. In previous years, I just had to worry about my own item not making it. This year, I also have to worry about all of the other items I like not making it.
Because, let's face it. If none of my favorites make the Top 32, what's the point in trying again next year? The rejection of my favorites would demonstrate that my own idea of a Superstar item is at odds with the judges' idea of a Superstar item, so my previous Round 1 success was achieved despite my item design skills, not because of them.
Part of freelance writing (which is what this really is) is writing for your customer's wants. Once you're well established then you can try to draw customers into your zone. The greatest comic artists almost all started in a bullpen, drawing the staples, but it was their unique takes on those staples that brought them outside success. The same is true for freelance writing for niche products.
Keep heart, learn from what wins and consider how you and your favorites could have made those ideas better.

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I was so excited that i entered my item on the VERY first day ( this is the first year i had even heard of the contest) , and NOW i regret Being so quick. Excitement got the better of me. I think my item was pretty decent , but it was only AFTER i entered it that i read SEAN's post on things NOT to do to be successful! LOL My item is decent BUT there are a few possible problems with it. AND i thouight of two seperate items LATER that i thought wouldve been BETTER submissions!! hahah So we will see.... IDK......

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I was so excited that i entered my item on the VERY first day ( this is the first year i had even heard of the contest) , and NOW i regret Being so quick. Excitement got the better of me. I think my item was pretty decent , but it was only AFTER i entered it that i read SEAN's post on things NOT to do to be successful! LOL My item is decent BUT there are a few possible problems with it. AND i thouight of two seperate items LATER that i thought wouldve been BETTER submissions!! hahah So we will see.... IDK......
Never count yourself out. Look back at the past few years and you'll see there's more than formatting involved in getting into the top 32. :)
Personally, I'm hoping that at least one with terrible formatting gets in just because of all the obsession about it :)

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To be honest, I'm almost more excited to see if a certain forum poster made the top 32 than to see if I made it. There's one poster who has worked very hard to get to where they are, and to me has proven that they'd make a great freelancer. And it'd be a damn shame if they didn't get their chance to shine.
Not that this will change anything at this point, but good luck everyone. I hope you all have learned as much about design (or more) as I have during public voting.
Even if you don't get in, there are still opportunities if you think you're good enough. Wayfinder is currently in open-call stage right now, and the topic for the next issue is going to be the Darklands. This is a great place to show your ability to design and write, as well as integrate into Golarion lore. I've heard some talk about some of the Paizo freelancers becoming regulars on the strength of their Wayfinder articles combined with their RPG SS showings. Wayfinder's most recent issue can be found here, although #8 will be released in under a month (and probably sooner!)
Rite Publishing has their monthly Pathways magazine. This monthly usually has a collection of monster templates (with an example), small adventures, new rules, an interview, and reviews that the top reviewers of 3pp submit. Pathways 15 had an interview with last year's RPG SS Mike Welham about the contest and the work he's done. If you're interested in submitting for Pathways, send me a PM and I'll point you to the right people. Mr. Grand Champion Voter Thomas LeBlanc writes for Pathways. Rumor has it that's where he gets his strength, virility, and ability to vote so often ;)
Wayfinder and Pathways are great ways to improve your design chops and potentially get published. Another avenue is the Kobold Quarterly website. They published quite a few of my submissions, and the practice definitely helped. :)
Congratulations to all those who entered!

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Hey all,
Just wondering how other people are feeling right now. I feel kind of odd and strangely different to how I felt at this time in prior years.
I don't know if it's because of my experiences and not making it in previous years, or most likely a side affect of the voting process and seeing all the competition... but ...
I feel kind of disconnected right now. (It's the best word i could think of).
Not expecting to make Top 32, but also kind of not expecting to have done badly either.
It's weird, normally I would be looking forward to reveal with great excitement and trepidation, whereas this year, it's more, "I wonder if my picks made it" rather than "I wonder if I made it" excitement.
I don't know, it's kind of hard to describe, but I hope you get what I mean.
So, when it's Monday in your world zone and you have but one day to the reveal, reflect on how you feel right now.
Are you excited, distracted, expectant (better not use that word around Neil - grin - way too dangerous!), disconnected, resigned?
Now, off to devour more of Clark's teasing posts I guess for me :)
I have a cold right now, my shoulders and flanks ache from sneezing so much and I'm exhausted because I can't sleep. Thanks for asking Anthony!

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Anthony Adam wrote:I have a cold right now, my shoulders and flanks ache from sneezing so much and I'm exhausted because I can't sleep. Thanks for asking Anthony!Hey all,
Just wondering how other people are feeling right now. I feel kind of odd and strangely different to how I felt at this time in prior years.
I don't know if it's because of my experiences and not making it in previous years, or most likely a side affect of the voting process and seeing all the competition... but ...
I feel kind of disconnected right now. (It's the best word i could think of).
Not expecting to make Top 32, but also kind of not expecting to have done badly either.
It's weird, normally I would be looking forward to reveal with great excitement and trepidation, whereas this year, it's more, "I wonder if my picks made it" rather than "I wonder if I made it" excitement.
I don't know, it's kind of hard to describe, but I hope you get what I mean.
So, when it's Monday in your world zone and you have but one day to the reveal, reflect on how you feel right now.
Are you excited, distracted, expectant (better not use that word around Neil - grin - way too dangerous!), disconnected, resigned?
Now, off to devour more of Clark's teasing posts I guess for me :)
Phones wizard conclave - an army of unseen servants are on the way to foot rub, shoulder rub and administer your every need.
Get better soon. :)

Jeff Lee |

Did not sleep well last night, even though I wasn't thinking about the contest.
Had a weird dream about living in a basement apartment and having neighbor from down the street breaking in the bathroom window and stealing towels, one of my partner's bras, and a stack of firewood. ???
On the bright side, had a breakthrough on a magic weapon I'm writing for LPJ Design. So I've got something to keep me occupied until the announcement is made.

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Sean McGowan RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka DankeSean |

Had a weird dream about living in a basement apartment and having neighbor from down the street breaking in the bathroom window and stealing towels, one of my partner's bras, and a stack of firewood. ???
On the bright side, had a breakthrough on a magic weapon I'm writing for LPJ Design. So I've got something to keep me occupied until the announcement is made.
If the breakthrough was related to your dream, that should be an interesting weapon, to say the least... (The flaming firewood brasling?)

Jeff Lee |

Shadowborn wrote:If the breakthrough was related to your dream, that should be an interesting weapon, to say the least... (The flaming firewood brasling?)Had a weird dream about living in a basement apartment and having neighbor from down the street breaking in the bathroom window and stealing towels, one of my partner's bras, and a stack of firewood. ???
On the bright side, had a breakthrough on a magic weapon I'm writing for LPJ Design. So I've got something to keep me occupied until the announcement is made.
Not directly related, no. I didn't go back to sleep immediately after I woke up from the dream, so I just whiled away the time thinking about the project and finally came up with a workable idea. So mechanically, the weapon is now done. Now I just have to finish the back story (something I'm actually encouraged to do here, unlike RPG Superstar, so more work involved, especially since I'm a NeoExodus newbie, so I have to do a lot of reading.) Though the magical abilities of the weapon would have been handy during the dream, no doubt.

Nickolas Floyd RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Phloid |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Now I'm feeling it. I have arrived in Anxiety City, population me and many other hopeful contestants. The town center has a huge clock tower and we are watching the seconds tick by.
I probably would have been fine if Clark hadn't messed with my head. He's evil. E-He-Vil! I would paladin smite him, but I think it would hurt my chances of progressing if I'm lucky enough to make the top 32.

Inkwell Dedicated Voter Season 6 |

This situation doesn't help my nervousness either!
As I just started browsing this forum, there was a two car collision just outside the window. I'd jumped out of my seat.
Everything has been fine now for the last 45 minutes now. Its quiet down, both cars totaled. No one has been seriously injured. Just getting back to the forum now, I wonder if bad luck is heading my way... slowly.

Eric Morton RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka Epic Meepo |

R D Ramsey Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Clouds Without Water |

Clark Peterson Founder, Legendary Games & Publisher, Necromancer Games, RPG Superstar Judge |

I probably would have been fine if Clark hadn't messed with my head. He's evil. E-He-Vil! I would paladin smite him, but I think it would hurt my chances of progressing if I'm lucky enough to make the top 32.
Don't worry, in less than an hour your shame and embarrassment will be revealed. Now, whether that's shame in not making it or shame in not being my favorite item of the round, I guess you'll just have to wait to find out...

Nickolas Floyd RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9 aka Phloid |

BTW there is no shame either way. I'm just having way too much fun goading you. Sorry you got to be the whipping boy this year :)
I'm happy to be of service. I'll be even happier if things go my way in 15 minutes. I'll be happy to take good natured goading in the next few rounds too.
So I have no shame in saying "Thank you, sir. May I have another?"

Anthony Adam Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Dedicated Voter Season 9 |

Well, the judges and I agreed on precisely 4 items.
Given that they've been exuberant about being in complete agreement on nearly the entire set of 36 items selected (32 + 4 alternates), I'd say I should take that as a quite significant piece of information :)
I got 12 so feeling pretty good about that. There were also 10 that I hadn't seen before too.
I'm now currently sitting down planning out my in depth review breakdown so that each item gets the same treatment.
So far, I have noted a few possible categories (each scoring up to 5pts, all totaled for an overall score)
rules fu - how well does it make the rules more fun or interesting
stability - game balance maintained, not able to abuse, etc.
template use - but of course :P
readability - is it wall of scare me away words or well laid out with simple direct easy to scan sections
wow me score - does it wow me, make me want to play/use/gm with it
passiveness - does it show evidence of avoiding the passivity traps
naming - do I want it in my adventure notes/on my pc sheet
real worldliness/inspiration - is the item exhibiting too much real world tie to break the fantasy suspension of belief.
not sure how many I will use yet, and I'm still thinking of more things, some will get merged some wont.

Clark Peterson Founder, Legendary Games & Publisher, Necromancer Games, RPG Superstar Judge |

I'm happy to be of service. I'll be even happier if things go my way in 15 minutes. I'll be happy to take good natured goading in the next few rounds too.
So I have no shame in saying "Thank you, sir. May I have another?"
See, I'm actually a paladin at heart. I could only tease you because I knew you were in. :)