Headband of Vast Intellect

Rules Questions

Human wizard with 22 int before headband is added.

the headband has +2 modifier with Arcana as associated skill

so if i have 5 ranks and am a level 10 wizard it automatically becomes "10" ranks?

the main issue i have is this;
1 skill point (human)
1 skill point (favored class)
2 skill point (wizard)
6 skill point (from int)
1 skill point (auto added to Arcana?)

is that how it works? that means even though i have 24 int I can only assign 10 skill points anywhere I want and 1 being auto assigned to Arcana?

If you're a level 10 wizard with a headband of vast intellect with the Arcana associated skill, you now have 10 RANKS of Arcana.

Thus your bonus to the Arcana roll will be as follows:
Ranks - 10
Intelligence Modifier - 6
Class Skill Bonus - 3
Additional Misc Modifiers - ? (This includes racial modifier to skills and feat bonuses, such as skill focus, among other things.)

So your total bonus to the Arcana skill should be at least a 19.

I'm not sure I understand the question. Yes, the extra skillpoints you get from additional +1 Int modifier provided by the headband are automatically assigned to Arcana. That skill is automatically maxxed out, and any skill points you'd put in before acquiring that headband are now irrelevant until you take the handband off again.

Dark Archive

Apparently you have to have one of your skill points in the skill to get the class skill bonus of +3. http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2l7ns&page=323?Ask-James-Jacobs-ALL-your-Qu estions-Here#16131

Aside: With a wizard I normally put the headband skills into non-knowledge skills like diplomacy, sense motive, acrobatics, fly, ride.

When got the "You cannot have skill ranks in the associated skill which comes with your headband" deleted?

Edit: Seems to be a misconception of myself, the official text in the PRD says:

PRD-Magic Item section wrote:
After being worn for 24 hours, the headband grants a number of skill ranks in those skills equal to the wearer's total Hit Dice. These ranks do not stack with the ranks a creature already possesses. These skills are chosen when the headband is created. If no skill is listed, the headband is assumed to grant skill ranks in randomly determined Knowledge skills.


The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

ZomB, I think James is mistaken. [[Certainly, that interpretation isn't anywhere to be found in the CRB (to be fair, the rules for Int stat boosters were still being worked out when the core rules were written) or the FAQ.]]

One of the explicit design goals for items that boost stats in the Pathfinder RPG, is that, once they 'become permanent', there's no distinction between a wizard with 20 Int and a +2 Int booster, versus a wizard with a 22 Int. A designer, working on the stat block for the character, doesn't need to know, for example, which stat she raised at 4th level, or which skill is tied into the headband.

A 10th-level wizard with a 22 int, who has 10 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana), gets the Class-skill bonus of +3. So it should be the same with a 20-int-and-headband wizard.

Scarab Sages

Chris Mortika wrote:
A 10th-level wizard with a 22 int, who has 10 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana), gets the Class-skill bonus of +3. So it should be the same with a 20-int-and-headband wizard.

I understand that from a skill perspective there is no distinction.

There are two areas I am less certain on. Languages known and starting spells (3+int mod).

My assumption is a wizard would not receive an extra 1st level spell in his spellbook or spontaneously learn an extra language. That would, however, be a difference between 22 int and 20+2 int.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Good catch about starting spells; I hadn't thought hard enough about that. It even makes a difference between a wizard who starts with an 18 Int and one who starts with 17 and raises Int to 18 at 4th level.

And, for what it's worth, we do play that headbands of vast intellect give bonus languages for high Int, keyed into the item when created.

Scarab Sages

I'll have to count the languages on my magus. I may be due an extra.

Chris Mortika wrote:
And, for what it's worth, we do play that headbands of vast intellect give bonus languages for high Int, keyed into the item when created.

I don't believe increasing your Intelligence gives you access to additional bonus languages.

The actual bonus from Int (as far as I recall, I don't have the book in front of me) is STARTING bonus languages...languages your character starts at 1st level.

Any increases to Int after character creation do not grant bonus languages. From that point on, they are "bought" with ranks in Linguistics.


*innocently suggests a Headband with Linguistics as one of its integrated skills*

Dark Archive

If linked to the linguistics skill bonus languages come with the headband and are fixed during creation http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2l7ns&page=323?Ask-James-Jacobs-ALL-your-Qu estions-Here#16131

Silver Crusade

ZomB wrote:
If linked to the linguistics skill bonus languages come with the headband and are fixed during creation http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2l7ns&page=323?Ask-James-Jacobs-ALL-your-Qu estions-Here#16131

You learn one extra language per rank in linguistics.

The headband gives you one rank per hit die. If the languages are pre-set, does that mean there are 20 languages in it?

In what order are they 'learnt' as the headband wearer levels up?

Does the creator of the headband have to speak all the languages he puts in it?

If yes, and he speaks less than 20, does there come a point that levels stop giving you languages?

If no, where does knowledge of the new languages come from?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Everything is meant to be retroactive in Pathfinder. This leads me to believe that you do indeed get languages and bonus spells.

Ravingdork wrote:
Everything is meant to be retroactive in Pathfinder. This leads me to believe that you do indeed get languages and bonus spells.

I've never heard that. Could you point me towards a rule or something that states that?

Grand Lodge

The retroactive nature of Pathfinder has been stated time, and time again by Devs.

It was one of the major changes from 3.5 to streamline things.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
psychicmachinery wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
Everything is meant to be retroactive in Pathfinder. This leads me to believe that you do indeed get languages and bonus spells.
I've never heard that. Could you point me towards a rule or something that states that?

You're not the first to ask me that:

Ravingdork wrote:
Cheapy wrote:

I've seen specific things be retroactive, but no blanket statement that everything is. I'd love to add it to my list of clarifications though, so if you have a link, send it my way!

It was a way's back, but I'll see what I can dig up.


James makes it clear that all ability score changes are retroactive.

James clarifies a corner case.

James clearly states that ALL BONUSES are retroactive.

James shows that the idea of Pathfinder being retroactive has been around since the early design stages of the game.

Jason states that an Intelligence increase retroactively increases skill ranks.

Sean also states that skill points [sic] from long term increases are retroactive.

Sean specifically states that "everything else" is retroactive, and that it makes character building easier.

Sean further explains the retroactivity of skill points [sic].

Ravingdork wrote:
Sean specifically states that "everything else" is retroactive, and that it makes character building easier.

Context: 2005, talking about D&D, stating that "everything else is retroactive" is a good argument for gaining retroactive skill points.

Malachi Silverclaw wrote:
The headband gives you one rank per hit die. If the languages are pre-set, does that mean there are 20 languages in it?

Ah, but why stop at 20?

Last time I checked, these skill points are per Hit Die, not per Level. So, in case such an item ends up employed by a Great Red Wyrm... wouldn't I need to specify at least 29 languages, in order?

Silver Crusade

Midnight_Angel wrote:
Malachi Silverclaw wrote:
The headband gives you one rank per hit die. If the languages are pre-set, does that mean there are 20 languages in it?

Ah, but why stop at 20?

Last time I checked, these skill points are per Hit Die, not per Level. So, in cast such an item ends up employed by a Great Red Wyrm... wouldn't I need to specify at least 29 languages, in order?

Questions, questions! All these questions make me wish for one thing....

....the answers!

Ravingdork wrote:

It was a way's back, but I'll see what I can dig up.


James makes it clear that all ability score changes are retroactive.

James clarifies a corner case.

James clearly states that ALL BONUSES are retroactive.

James shows that the idea of Pathfinder being retroactive has been around since the early design stages of the game.

Jason states that an Intelligence increase retroactively increases skill ranks.

Sean also states that skill points [sic] from long term increases are retroactive.

Sean specifically states that "everything else" is retroactive, and that it makes character building easier.

Sean further explains the retroactivity of skill points [sic].

Wow RD, thanks for linking that! I take back all the bad things I never said about you.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
psychicmachinery wrote:
Wow RD, thanks for linking that! I take back all the bad things I never said about you.

Everyone does eventually.

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