What was your first Roleplaying Game?

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The first actual game that I played was AD&D 1st ed.

I had been roleplaying for years prior to that though, using Ultima V as a sort of template, with my friends in the woods near our house. I guess you could kind of call it LARPing. Collecting reagents for spells, killing monsters, etc.

So when I was introduced to AD&D, it was a very natural fit.

As others have said, the original D&D, but I got the Red box and the Blue box. I still have both books, though they are not in the greatest of shape. Not sure if I have any of the original dice either.

1983 - DragonQuest by SPI, followed by AD&D and HERO (Champions) System the same year.

I had the Red Box earlier than this, but that was basically reading through it. I still have the (now) well-rounded dice.

I was first exposed to AD&D 2nd Ed, but we never got a proper game going -- we got as far as character creation but couldn't manage a second session (of course, we were all in grade and middle school at the time so you can understand the obvious difficulties in getting together). My first game that I actually played was Trinity.

Sovereign Court

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And, for what it is worth---

I would like to welcome those joining now with Pathfinder RPG. A key point you can trust is:
1) It doesn't matter that you didn't start long ago like us Neogrognards and
2) If you wish to "catch-up" on older gamers perspective on most matters, pick up an old copy of the 1979 AD&D Dungeon Master's Guide and read it cover to cover.

The subtle point I'd like to make in this thread is:
* Most people think, "well I didn't have that background in the game so I cannot relate." I wish to point out, after years of trying to figure this out, that it simply isn't true. All one needs to do is familiarize one's self with most of the guidelines first written in the AD&D game (1st edition). Perhaps play it a little bit too. But it's not rocket science, and newer generations pick up on things much more quickly than most of us ever did back in the day. This way, (only if you want to), you can bridge the gap between old and new and see that most of the design principles Gary first wrote about are still the types of things designers today consider when making materials for our time honored hobby.

P.s. Sorry for the thread-jack, but I felt inspired to make that point for anyone glancing at this thread and thinking, "ah, the old people are boasting again." What I'd like to see is more of a bridge between old and new players, and to those just joining with Pathfinder RPG I say, "There's never been a better time to start tabletop gaming, and welcome!"


Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Palladium Robotech in the late 80s.

+1 to Pax

For me, it was AD&D 2nd edition in...probably about 1996/1997 with help from my father.

2nd ed, early 90s. First char was a barbarian.

Melee & Wizard here.

Silver Crusade

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Hard to say, really.

We ended up playing the red box (ooh, Redbox versus red box, LOL) after I'd pretty much memorized the 1st edition AD&D Dungeon Master book.

I got serious with 2nd edition, though, and have committed to Pathfinder "like I's gonna marry it".

85 I think with the red box,first game, 1st ed using keep on the borderlands whilst in the 6th form. Hooked ever since, bought all the 1st ed hardbacks after that.

3.5e homebrew campaign.

Shadow Lodge

AD&D 2E. I was 12. I played with my cousin at first. We had the core books. I used to love just flipping through the monster manual. We didn't really know what was going on and just sort of knew some of the rules and made the rest of the up.

Later, I met a friend whose brother ran games for us. He was really into it and ran some of the best games I ever played.

Silver Crusade

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Alaryth wrote:
What was your first Roleplaying game?

The Floor Is Lava.

Then House.

Eventually moved up to Doctor.

Silver Crusade

My friend ran me through a solo adventure(?) for Tunnels and Trolls called Deathtrap Equaliser.

Then I decided I wanted to try 'the other one', AD&D 1E. This was Britain in 1978; I'd never even heard of D&D or role-playing games until a week or so before.

I was far too poor to buy the three books, but my step brother had a rich dad and I persuaded him to let me buy them 'for him', one by one; PHB then DMG then Monster Manual. I actually read them under the blankets!

Then I got the Stormbringer game from Chaosium, which I loved! It's been a fairly eclectic mix ever since. : )

Dark Heresy only few years ago. Well being technical my teacher had us play a few games of d20 Modern but we did little roll playing, mainly do to the time restraints on our club. So I bought Dark Heresy soon after it came out [I have always loved Warhammer, since I was little] and invited a few of the guys from the club to my house that weekend. I GMed, they played. Heh! We barely knew what we were doing; but it was fun!

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