Since they are treated as "ranged attacks" for penalties when firing into combat, and feats for ranged weapons, I would think so. I can't find any range increments anywhere. Only a spells range based on level.
I've always played in games and run games where Initiative was rolled individuallhy and I don't find it slows things down at all. I use individual cards (M:tG cards with blank faces in sleeves) with pre-rolled initiative for the baddies and have cards that I can mark with the PC's Initiative when combat starts, then put them in the "deck" in order. Using wet-erase markers I can put any ongoing info that I need on the cards.
We are in "Forest of Spirits" and a party of 6 PCs fought 6 Hobgoblins to start with, 2 Golems entering on round 3, and 6 more hobgoblins arriving on turn 5. I don't feel there was any more time involved in running this than if I had each group acting on combined Initiatives.
that they went with an Evil adventuring party. To me this goes against everything that D&D is about.
Really liked the Vermin Lord (I think that the witch actually calls him this), not your run of the mill "I'm going to betray you' evil, but "I'm going to go out of my way to create random misery for my own enjoyment" Evil.
The Goliath was a good character with a great backstory motivation.
The assassin's comments about his fellow man were amusing, but your right about the helmet thing.
The Shadar-kai was ok, nothing really memorable about her.
The least likable, from a story stand-point, was the "Paladin". Here's a guy who wants to be one, doesn't start as one, breaks every tenant of Paladinhood, and ends up getting to be a Paladin. If anyone should have gotten to be a Paladin it should have been the father, and he should have saved the day.
I really would not consider that a dragon. More like a fir-breathing-wyvern, with 6 eyes. And it can't hold a candle to the white dragon from the second movie.
I'll take your word that it was a Slaymate, not familiar with those myself. Still, very creepy, and probably my favorite scene.
The Helmed Horror was ok.
Worst Scene
The Magic Shop
Overall this was much better than the first D&D movie (not hard to do at all), but not nearly as good as the second for giving a sense of seeing of an actual D&D adventure.
I made a Graveknight Goblin Fighter 5 for lols. It has a CR of 6. (4 as base + 2 for template). Meeting him alone gives the party 2400 exp. Do I use this table if I want them to meet him and his identical twin brother? Which nets them 4800 exp total, which is identical to the CR+2 = CR8 = 4800 exp.
Essentially this. It's just a fast way to determine the CR of an encounter with multiple identical monsters.
Ended up with a complete set. Two problems: 1 Orik Vancaskerkin's shield was missing (not broken), and Nualia had the Claw on the right arm and the swordarm was missing (I'll be writing WizKids about this).
Pretty happy about things, but will be trading the Lamia Kuchrima. Don't think I'll need 4 of them.
Did anyone else find the painting very dark? The dragon was in the first booster I opened and my first thought was "Wow, a Burgandy Dragon."
I was toying around with giving the players a total of 25 (maybe 30) points to spend on a race and stats. If a player wanted a lower cost race they would have more to spend on stats, and vice versa.
You can always add store credit to your account ahead of time and then flag the "use for subscriptions" on the My Subscription page right before the big shipments.
How do you add store credit? I can find where to purchase Gift Certificates. Is this the same thing?
It doesn't seem right that a +1 sword is equally effective at bypassing DR of a young adult dragons or ancient dragons. Or a CR4 Gargoyle vs. a CR13 Azruverda.
I've also changed the cost for special material from a static value to a base price multiplier: mithral x15, adamantine x30, etc.
Wouldn't one of the easiest ways to make a magic trap be undetectable is to put it out of range of a Detect Magic? Using Arcane Eye of True Seeing to set it off allows you to put the trap at one end of a 80' corridor (for instance) that casts Fireball centered at the corner the party has just gone around. Since Detect Magic has a 60' range it would go off before they were close enough to see it. Even using Detect Good to set off the trap would activate it before a good aligned caster could do more than 1 round of Detect Magic before it went off.
I've thought of this. How would such a trap be disabled by a Rogue? Can a Rogue disable a trap 80' away?
Given the above trap, the rogue would have to make a Detect Traps/Perception roll from outside its 120' visual range, if possible (-13 at best). Then would have to have some way of sneaking up to it, Invisibility against Arcane Eye, sneak up to it and then disable it.
Wouldn't one of the easiest ways to make a magic trap be undetectable is to put it out of range of a Detect Magic? Using Arcane Eye of True Seeing to set it off allows you to put the trap at one end of a 80' corridor (for instance) that casts Fireball centered at the corner the party has just gone around. Since Detect Magic has a 60' range it would go off before they were close enough to see it. Even using Detect Good to set off the trap would activate it before a good aligned caster could do more than 1 round of Detect Magic before it went off.
Is there any way of driving the ghost from Bormurg's body? Protection from evil would block control for a time, but when it expires the possession continues. Short of killing Bormurg, I don't see any other way of ending a Magic Jar effect.
The only thing I've found is the 3rd level Inquisitor spell Cast Out. I did not know that Protection from Evil and Dispel Magic won't work until prepping for this encounter yesterday. Right now I don't see anyway for my group to force her out of Bormurg.
Edit: Just remembered that you do pick up the Nine-Ring Spirit Sword earlier in the necropolis. That gives you a way to kick her out.
That is a 22+ CR encounter, your group of 7 is APL 15-16 depending on circumstances. I've never used the demodands before so can't speak to if they are CR-costed well. If you have to fight this entire group at once, or even as a series of battles one right after another, you will lose. Catching them in groups of 2-3 each seperated by time to recover -- you might survive,, but the But if you win, you each get almost 100,000 EXP.
Has anyone had Katiyna's Ghost try to use her malevolence ability on a PC? I ask this because the group I'm DMing is going up against her soon, and the only one who will be able to reach her up in the air is the samurai weilding Suishen. This is the same character that killed her in 1 turn (4 crits with Suishen and Whispering Shrike). I think that she's so upset about this that when he gets within arms length she would use it. He'll need to roll an 18 to resist.
Name: Helgarval
Race: Cassissian Angel
Adventure: The Hungry Storm
Location: Tunuak's Bore
Cause: Missed saving throw vs. well rolled Unholy Blight
For some reason this caused much more lamenting than when PCs have died.
On a related note, it was disscussed wether or not Suishen, being an "intelligent creature" with a WIS score and therefore a WILL saving throw,should have had to make a saving throw and taken damage.
"Magically imbued with sentience, these items think and
feel the same way characters do and should be treated as
"Intelligent items can actually be considered creatures
because they have Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
scores. Treat them as constructs."
I know the rules say that a bull rush pushes an opponent straight back, but is there anyway to use it to move someone not-quite-straight-back? In other words, if a bull rush were to be used on a bridge 1 space wide, could it be used to knock someone back and either to the left or right. If not, what maneuver would be used?
Since there is not enough experience points to be had in the set pieces,
random encounters are needed (mainly the Caravan Encounters). Since most of these are with undead or creatures that don't carry large sacks of treasure, is there enough treasure in the set pieces to cover Character Wealth by Level, or is more needed?
Just finished Twelve Kingdoms with my son (second time for me). Anyone running/playing Jade Regent should watch the first half of the series. The second half is mostly side stories.
Baccano! -You might have to watch this one more than onece to get the story straight, as it's not told in chronological order
I don't know if anyone has tried this before but I use a tool called posterrazor (shareware) to convert the interactive maps from the PDF version of the AP into battlemaps.
I understand what happens with this if you are in an enclosed space, but what would happen if your are being flanked? My guess would be that one of the opponants would be pushed back 5'. Is there an official ruling on this somewhere?
This book is about items, therefore we need rule to make those items. A total reworking of Crafting, for magical and mundane items, that is logical and practical.
I always considered Legolas's comment to be just a gibe at Gimli. If you want to see dwarf appearance done to the extreme, check out Terry Pratchet. His dwarves can't even tell wether another dwarf is male/female casually. This leads to some very tricky courting.
Note: This party seems to have a knack for walking straight to the "Boss Battle" in any area #Gutwad, Nindinzego, Zaiobe - followed almost immediately by Kikonu, it was even worse in Rise of the Runelords#
Name: TPK
Race: Human Samurai, Elf Ranger, Elf Sorcerer, Human Inquisitor, Human Cleric
Adventure: The Brinewall Legacy
Location: Licktoad Village
Cause of Death: Fireworks
Specifics: Build of 15 pts., No Racial HP; Party is overconfident and decides to grandstand #There only goblins after all.#
R1 attempt to kick in Gutwad's door fails, alerting Gutwad who sends bodyguards to door and preps action with firework and torch
r2: door kicked in, Gutwad lights firework
r3: goblins tie up PCs at door, firework goes off doing good damage and blinding cleric, sorcerer, and ranger. Gutwad lights second firework
r4: PCs still at door dealing with goblins that were outside of blast, second firework goes off doing max damage : all PCs now unconscious
Gutwad left alone, kills PCs at leisure
Rewind time to outside the door , give them racial HP, and do over
Name: Kinryuu Takeshi
Race: Human Samurai
Adventure: The Brinewall Legacy
Location: Brinewall Castle
Cause of Death: Kikonu
Specifics: Taking 2 Scorching Rays, 1 good damage followed by 1 CRIT /Near MAX Damage
Fudge to resurrection abilities of Amatatsu Seal to include the Kami in Amaiko to do it
Name: Lucas
Race: Human Rogue #replacement for Human Inquisitor#
Adventure: Night of Frozen Shadows
Location: Spear-shaker Point
Cause of Death: Shark-Eating Crab
Specifics: Player not really liking his Inquisitor - too spread out in responsibilities - changes to a Rogue. The first encounter they have is with the Shark-eating Crab. During the first round it proceeds to hit with both claw attacks and the constrict attack. PC unconscious. Rest of the party deal enough damage to force it to withdraw, PC drowns before he can be rescued.
Just got The 4 iconic minis and noticed Valeros is holding his sword in his left hand. All pictures I can find of him show right handed. What happened? (not a complaint, just an observation)
I'm DMing this AP, and thought this might happen. My party consists of samurai, fighter/cleric, inquisitor, sorcerer, and ranger. I decided to house rule that instead of burning a feat to use any of the exotic weapons they find, I PC can use it exclusively for 1 full level as their melee weapon with full penalties, 1 full level at half penalty, and then are considered to have picked up the feat for free for that specific weapon.
I should be able to help a lot of you folks with a large selection missing. I have to get back to Anchorage though. Did Paziocon and then have another convention to do June 23 to 26. Then headed back the 27th. THEN more than likely I'll make it to a local convention type event in Denali (Alaska Mt McKinley area).
The only ones that might get tough ar RoW 13, 18 and another number I can't remember off hand.
I also would sale a large number of foil cards to any one interested.
Have you had any time to look over trade requests lately?