False factoids

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kG is lying there is no pizza in hell....lots of goats though...

KK's place is just Hell-adjacent, and those goats help keep the lawn in check.

KahnyaGnorc refuses to wear shirts on principle.

Ventnor, being different from the other dragons, hoards sweater-vests and bow-ties instead of gold.

Pulg is a firm believer in "no shirt, no shoes, and no service".

Sissyl's service to the shirtless was why the Catholic Church canonized her as a saint in 1947.

Ventnor likes to scare people shirtless . . . The god of auto-correct played a trick on him, but Ventnor actually liked the result.

KahnyaGnorc cannot tell shirts from shinola, which is why he has the best-polished torso in all Krynn.

Pulg has his very own spinning grooming apparatus like the lion in The Wizard Of Oz used before they saw the wizard.

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Molten Dragon is a loose cannon who lives life on the edge, while his partner Ventnor is two weeks from retirement, and considers himself too old for this s&*&.

You'd best hope that you don't run afoul of Boss GoatToucher of the Goat Mafia...

Sinister Stan eats Sinister Spam.

S4 was originally a Fantastic Four villain. Only, his glimmering career was abruptly cut short when the Mad Thinker's Awesome Android stepped on him.

For the last 5,000 years, Pulg and Sissyl have been locked in an epic Go Fish game. The very fate of the cosmos rests on who wins.

Ventnor is the only dragon to fight with AND against: the Avengers (both comic and British series), the Justice League, the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, GI JOE, the Autobots, Voltron, the Zentradi, and PT Barnum

KG does fan fiction of all of the above combined with Twilight and 50 shades of gray....

KenderKin reads his own Sailor Moon fan fiction to the elderly as part of his community service.

Molten Dragon's greatest fear is fear itself.

Ventnor thought that the only thing he had to fear was fear itself, until he read BRAD THOR.

Plug has the name Brad tattooed into his underarm.....and he is constantly introducing people to "Brad Pit"...

KK once dug a bard pit to keep away wandering minstrels. The lute playing generally stops a week after they fall in.

This inspired GoatToucher to build a Skald Pit. Those trapped within it play literal death metal.

Every Yom Rishon, very early in the morning, Rahab-a-like Ventnor does the Walk of Shem.

Pulg was the Genesis for the Land of Confusion . . . yes, he is Disturbed.

KG is actually klingon for Kanye West

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Kenderkin is Romulon for Kardashian, but Vulcan for "One whose logic has left him long ago".

KahnyaGnorc ate a potato so fast that he caught on fire from the friction.

Ventnor took the Augmented Breath Weapon feat, but the devilish GM he was playing with twisted the rules so he can now only breathe potatoes. Maris Pipers, to be precise, which are not suitable for breathing.

Grand Lodge

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Pulg is a word that means 'reincarnated creature' in german

JYAC is a cunning linguist

KenderKin can never spell out the full screen name of any poster after he angered the God of grammar nazis.

S4 actually prefer to be called S4 instead of his actual title.

KK has an extensive dossier on each and every one of the posters in this thread from which he gets his posts.

KG works for the FIB and is charged with dis information

Grand Lodge

KenderKin is an orchestral kazoo player.

wait, these were supposed to be non-insulting

Just Your Average Clone is Stayin' Alive

You can write any number of "Pulg" and have it be a correct sentence, like you can with the word "Buffalo".

KG always insists he is ahead of me alphabetically, by initials

KK got his start as a used camel salesman in an Al'Qadim campaign.

KG worked there also he was the barker and got to say "watch out they spit"

Scarab Sages

KenderKin's kneecaps interlock perfectly with the back of KahnyraGnorc's pelvic bone.

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There is an ancient vault with untold wealth and power locked therein, but the only way to open it is to insert IHIYC head-first and turn as the key.

No one dares open the first vault!!!

This is because KenderKin and KahnyaGnorc have managed to lose the key to the vault.

In a closet, fittingly enough.

Ventnor knows that the correct combination is actually 'Whale ->Hawk -> Bear -> Mule -> Sponge -> Tarrasque'

Pulg built the vault and knows of the secret trap for those that fail to enter the correct combination.

The first vault holds Ruvagug and UTBF knows he is god of the A$$ monkeys

KenderKin actually doesn't know what an utbf is. He doesn't want anyone finding that out, though.

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Ventnor hid the god of Bubble Baths, Rubbadubdub, in the second vault passed the third vault on the right of the fourth vault with the chicken from the second vault on the left of the fifteenth closet around the corner from . . . you know what, I'll just send the google maps location, it'll be quicker.

Grand Lodge

The 'G' in KahnyaGnorc is silent.

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