False factoids

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Kyros Deun wishes IceniQueen had a crush on him so he dressed up as Robin,

Little Skylark likes big butts and he cannot lie.

Grand Lodge

For Great Justice makes a living masquerading as James Jacobs.

Scarab Sages

Kyros Deun doesn't have any feet - he just kind of floats everywhere.

Sovereign Court

IHIYC used to be in the Punch and Judy puppet show. He was was the one that always got punched in the puss (Face)

Scarab Sages

Remember that Far Side cartoon that Gary Larson briefly got in trouble for because it implied Jane Goodall was having "liasons" with her chimps?

IceniQueen is the love-child.

IHIYC has a pet kitten that squirts lightning from its nipples.

Pulg can make his ears grow and use them to fly.

Grand Lodge

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:

Remember that Far Side cartoon that Gary Larson briefly got in trouble for because it implied Jane Goodall was having "liasons" with her chimps?

IceniQueen is the love-child.


Little Skylark is a tarrasque hellbent on destroying Australia.

Kyros Deun was voted "Most Likely to be in the News" by his elementary school class. After a bout of poll cheating that was never detected.

sissyl uses the horns on the back of her head to dry her clothes

Kyros Deun wrote:



Little Skylark is a tarrasque hellbent on destroying Australia.

Yeah, but still looking for someone to teach me how to swim.

Hobbsdadolfin would be a great swimming teacher for a tarrasque, but doesn't want to do it.

one of my dolphins will teach you.

little skylard would drown anyway. tarrasque can't breathe under water.

hobbsdadolfin is in love with a tuna.

Sissyl needs that "hat" to make sure she doesn't forget her head.

Little Skylark took the Bomp *out* of the Bomp-a-domp-a-domp. And replaced it with chives.

Sovereign Court

Pulg likes to play with bananas

so does IceniQueen.

Sovereign Court

Nobbsdadolfin wishes he WAS the banana

IceniQueen wishes that too...

Grand Lodge

Little Skylark has the BIGGEST banana! For the record hobbs a Tarrasque is an unstoppable creature of destruction, and the herald of the god representing that. When it awakens, kingdoms die.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Kyros Deun is a Cereal killer his name? Toucan Son of Sam

Grand Lodge

IceniQueen is a consortium of people.

Sovereign Court

Kyros Duen is BORG! Resistance is Futile! You will be assimilated!

Grand Lodge

IF you want to run from IceniQueen, don't blink!

Kyros Deun and IceniQueen are really the same person, involved in a complicated flirting with herself.

Grand Lodge

Sissyl was exterminating before the borg were assimilating!

Starfinder Superscriber

Kyros Deun is evolving a third limb.

DJEnternalDarkness really just has a crush on Iceiqueen and wants Kryos to get away from her.

Sovereign Court

Hobbsdadolfin has a crush on everyone who has posted here and is feeling left in the cold... or water as the case may be

cold water.

IceniQueen is racist agianst dolphins and thinks that we are all bysexual.

Grand Lodge

No one loves octo-bunnies as much as hobbsdadolfin.

Sovereign Court

No one loves Playboy bunnies from the 60's more than Kyros Deun

IceniQueen just missed out on the role of Regan in The Exorcist.

Sovereign Court

Dr Konijn was a failure on Dr Moreau's Insland, Bunny men just did not work as well as boar-men, bear-men, wolf-men or puma girl

IceniQueen has a birthmark on her back that makes her the Queen of the Vole People.

Spanky is the sole reason Peanut Butter Socks Inc is still in business.

Scarab Sages

Sissyl was born by bursting out of a xenomorph's chest.

IHIC used to play in toothpaste commercials,until his mouth got stuck.

The part of Little Skylark we can see is actually his foot.

Sissyl is as flexible as I am.

Grand Lodge

Little Skylark is a close friend of President Godzilla.

Kyros Deun uses Skyro Nude when he feels feminine, and uses Lucky7 when his feminine side has her period.

Liberty's Edge

Little Skylark is in fact that avatar.

Sovereign Court

Lucky7's lucky number is not 7 but Deuces... Snake Eyes

2 people marked this as a favorite.

IceniQueen runs a nationwide chain of milk bars where all the waitresses wear ginger handlebar moustaches and trundle about on Segways with scythes attached to the wheels.

Liberty's Edge

IceniQueen is jealous because I've got her number!

Sovereign Court

Pulg and Lucky7 fought over who got to post... it was a slight win for Pulg, but he cried all the way home over his milk that got tipped over in the fight while Lucky7 was not so lucky.

The brown on IceniQueens back is a chocolate milk stain, is so upset about it she only serves normal milk in her bars.

Liberty's Edge

Little Skylark is suffering the revenge of his brother Monte Zooma.

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