KenB3 |
I have been GMing a Pathfinder Eberron game for a couple friends I used to work with whenever we get together. One of the players has a human bard. When the party fought a vampire that they had been chasing for a long time, the bard broke his lute to have a stake to finish the vampire. I thought this was dramatic (although if they'd thought about it, they would have brought a stake) and the player had been carrying the same instrument the whole campaign.
I thought it would be cool to work in a magical lute as treasure somewhere. Unfortunately I saw very few magical instruments in my books and no lutes. Would anyone know any good ones off the top of their heads? The party should be 7th level soon.

Umbranus |

You can always reflavor another kind of magical instrument as a lute. The pipes of dissolution sound nice for example. (pun intended)
But they could be a little too expencive.
Or you could build one yourself.
Aura faint transmutation; CL 1st
Slot —; Price 1260 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
Once per day, when the right tune is played by a character who has the Perform (string instruments) skill, this finely crafted lute causes one mug, cup or bowl to slightly vibrate and to full with up to one pint of dark ale. The alcohol is of middling quality but drinkable.
Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, create water, enhance water; Cost 630 gp