Boon Trading Thread

Pathfinder Society

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Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

He might get lucky on that one.

Someone might be willing to Trade a Goblin for a Grippli, assuming he is a Tier 1 GM.


I doubt it. As said previously there are 37 goblins out there. How many people have committed those to players?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 * Venture-Agent, Virginia—Alexandria

Dragnmoon wrote:

He might get lucky on that one.

Someone might be willing to Trade a Goblin for a Grippli, assuming he is a Tier 1 GM.

I will be doing tier 1 gming, meaning vishkanya (sp?), grippli, sulis etc.

I know it's a long shot, still, I've got to try.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Czrenobog wrote:
Dragnmoon wrote:

He might get lucky on that one.

Someone might be willing to Trade a Goblin for a Grippli, assuming he is a Tier 1 GM.

I will be doing tier 1 gming, meaning vishkanya (sp?), grippli, sulis etc.

I know it's a long shot, still, I've got to try.

The Grippli is unique to Tier 1 GMs.

vishkanya is unique to Tier 1 & 2 GMs
suli is unique to Tier 1, 2 & 3 GMs
The rest can be gotten by any GM that GMs at GenCon and are also mostly common.

Liberty's Edge 3/5 *

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Expedition Manager
Missing Mentor
or other suggestion.

Restricted Race


Is there a comprehensive list of what the various convention boons offer?

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5

Trying to give my dad the Nagaji boon for his birthday coming up... but I don't have alot to offer... but what I do have...

Nagaji Racial Boon

Expedition Manager (x2. Yes. I will offer these in a 2 for 1 deal)
Sacred Trust

Send me a PM

Silver Crusade 3/5

Is there anywhere to find out what boons are available and what they do? I know many offer races, but even among the race boons, I don't know what's available. I have a Wayang boon that I don't want, but I have no idea what I'd want to trade it for.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

On behalf of my kid:

OFFER: Wayang/Kitsune/Nagaji

WANT: Elemental race (Undine or Ifrit)

Edit: Reply by personal message if interested.


Morgrym Anvilstrike wrote:
Is there anywhere to find out what boons are available and what they do? I know many offer races, but even among the race boons, I don't know what's available. I have a Wayang boon that I don't want, but I have no idea what I'd want to trade it for.

After some searching I found this thread which describes most of the GenCon 2012 boons.

Silver Crusade 3/5

Deane Beman wrote:
Morgrym Anvilstrike wrote:
Is there anywhere to find out what boons are available and what they do? I know many offer races, but even among the race boons, I don't know what's available. I have a Wayang boon that I don't want, but I have no idea what I'd want to trade it for.
After some searching I found this thread which describes most of the GenCon 2012 boons.

Thanks for that. I googled "Pathfinder Convention Boons" and got nothing useful. I've since found the boons for Gen Con 2011, as well. Given that, here is my proposal.

Offering: Shade Blooded - Wayang

Would like: Tian Weapons Training

3/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Offering: Wayang/Nagaji/Kitsune race boon

Want: Any other race boon

Hello. I was linked here from my "What is a Chronicle?" thread. I'd like to be able to play as a goblin, kitsune or wayang.

I did say this on the other thread, but without anthing to offer, I'm not sure if this thread has any use for me.

Shadow Lodge

Voyd211 wrote:

Hello. I was linked here from my "What is a Chronicle?" thread. I'd like to be able to play as a goblin, kitsune or wayang.

I did say this on the other thread, but without anthing to offer, I'm not sure if this thread has any use for me.

Kitsune or wayang might happen, but I should warn you now that goblin isn't really possible; there were 37 goblin boons given out at a few years back, and they've explicitly stated that there isn't going to be any more than that, ever...

Also, do the boons mean it's a specific, classed and statted character?

Lantern Lodge 4/5

The goblin boons were given out at Gen Con 2012 as a limited and special reward. I do not believe anymore of those will ever go out.

Race boons allow you to build a character of a specific race that would not be allowed otherwise. It doesn't come with a specifically built character you have to play.

Oh, sweet! Now I don't have to worry about playing a class that isn't my style!

...assuming that I can get a boon to begin with, that is. Without anything to offer, I'm not sure how I can get any boons. What with this explicitly being a trading thread, and I listed everything I have in the What is a Chronicle thread.

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Czrenobog wrote:




One of this years Gen Con GM boons.

Please tell me that you plan to tear it up, so there will be one less goblin PC in the world? ;-)

Someone just sent me a PM mentioning local conventions, Skype games, and Play-By-Post. They also mentioned trading the few supplies I do have.

Let's run through these.:
Conventions: I don't think there are any around where I live. Personal life shenanigans make this a non-issue anyway, since I don't have a way of getting there if there is one.

Skype and play-by-post: I'm still not sure how these even work. And how would that get me a boon?

Trading supplies: I'm kind of short-chained on any Pathfinder things. I have three miniatures (plus two DnD ones), two books, and one flip-mat. That's it. Not a lot to give, and incredibly limited.

All that said, I'm still not sure how to get anything. The opportunity to play as a wayang is getting farther away from me.

Hey, get back here, you spindly spaz!

There is almost always a way to get to a convention if you plan for it.
{ Well that's assuming you don't live someplace horrificly remote like the Cape of Good Hope. }

Search the internet for conventions in your area and talk to your local venture captain. Most areas have people willing to car pool to convention. If you car pool, maybe go togther on a hotel room, maybe find someone that will let you crash at their place, fix your own food to take in a cooler, etc...
You can get it pretty cheap.

Granted it takes some work and planning, but it can be done.

Well, aside from the convention thing, since there aren't any within the next month...

Yeah, clueless newbie alert. I don't have a job (that might change tonight, though), I can't drive, I don't have any money, and I still have school-type stuff.

Also, my supplies, for those wondering:

Fire away!:

-Shattered Star Derro miniature
-SS Large Water Elemental mini
-SS Nightgaunt mini
-DnD Kobold mini
-DnD Blood Fiend mini
-Pathfinder GM screen
-Advanced Player's Guide
-Bestiary 1
-The completely blank flip-mat

Yeah... nothing to be impressed by. The Play-by-Post games seem to be my best bet, assuming I can puzzle out how they work.

EDIT: A wayang is what I want specifically. If for some odd reason you want one of the things I have, then hey. It's a thing.

Voyd211 wrote:
... The Play-by-Post games seem to be my best bet, assuming I can puzzle out how they work...

PbP is dirt easy. It's just slow.

Here is an example of one I played in about 6 months ago.

To find PbP games go here.
PbP Recruitment

If it is a PFS game that will usually be in the thread title. Just check back evey so often until you get into a game.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

Voyd211 wrote:
The opportunity to play as a wayang is getting farther away from me.

The Wayang is one of this year's races. Assuming Paizo does the same as they did last year, you'll be able to build a Wayang without requiring a race boon once the new race boons for Season 5 are introduced.

I'd still like said boon, in case they don't introduce wayangs. I like to be prepared. CRAZY PREPARED!


Just out of curiousity, are there android boons?

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Hayato Ken wrote:
Just out of curiousity, are there android boons?

That would be awesome! I'd love to play one myself, but I doubt that it will happen.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

We want Keith Baker! We want Warforged! Warforged! Warforged! Warforged!

The Exchange 5/5

JohnF wrote:
Voyd211 wrote:
The opportunity to play as a wayang is getting farther away from me.

The Wayang is one of this year's races. Assuming Paizo does the same as they did last year, you'll be able to build a Wayang without requiring a race boon once the new race boons for Season 5 are introduced.

realizing that all the elemental races (Undine, Ifrit, etc.) had boons introduced at the same time the Aasimar and Tiefling boons came out and they didn't make the cut, I would guess that the Wayang are less likely to be opened to normal building. More likely that the Kitsume would be opened and the others fall by the way side. Kitsume are VERY popular with a small sub-set of players who might not play otherwise. Wayang do not make potential players go "SQEEE!", Kitsume do.

But all this is just guessing...


True...foxes & cats seem to get people all kinds of excited. Freaky looking shadow dudes not so much.


Whelp, guess this is the thread to shamelessly beg. Like at least one other person mentioned; I'm unlikely to be able to get to a large enough con/have enough luck to get a race boon... but if someone were kind enough to donate one, I'd gladly accept. Of particular interest to me are goblins, drow, and catfolk. Not sure if the latter two have even been released yet, but there you have it. ...Grippli would be awesome as well.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Have: Sinscarred (+1 on all saves vs a particular school of magic, and +2 on spellcraft checks to identify that school)

Want: I remember seeing a boon somewhere along the way that allowed day job money higher than what's in the chart in the Guide to Organized Play. The chart in the Guide stops at 150 gp for rolling 40+, but this boon let you get even more if you rolled 45, 50, etc. I think there was something more to it than just that, too, but I don't remember what.

I have a bard focusing on perform with Versatile Performance to have insane social skills, mostly to intimidate enemies and leave them shaken in battle, especially with Blistering Invective. He's already at +16 at level 3, and he'll hit +25 or more pretty easily by level 7 or 8 at the latest, which opens up that 45+ possibility on day job rolls.

Not that I really NEED that much money on a light armored, minimal weapon character. The saving throw bonus would probably be more helpful, on just about any PC. But the bragging rights from getting an insane day job payout (beyond the 75 gp that I've already hit twice with this guy, at levels 1 and 2) would be really cool. :D

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

That boon is called "Prosperity".

@Draaaaaaaven: Catfolk, drow and gripplis are currently illegal, and goblin boons are very limited.

(Yes, I play League of Legends from time to time.)

Grand Lodge 5/5

Have - Kitsune, Nagaji, Wayang

Want: Suli for the wife. She plays a suli in a home game and I would love to have a possibility of her getting to use that character as a legal PFS possibility. I hear they are a boon at this year's Gencon, this would make a pretty cool anniversery present for our anniversery in October.

Also interested in other race boons for me... Undine is of interest to me. and I had a killer idea for a Dhampir Oracle of Life.

Scarab Sages 1/5 5/5 ** Contributor

Whaddya know, I found this thread - and I happen to have a small thing I'd be willing to trade for another, slightly small, but still bigger thing.

Have: 1 Kobold Champion Rise of the Runelords figurine

Want: Oread/Fetchling/Wayang boon sheet

But I don't know too much about boons besides those that open up races, so...make me an offer!


@Voyd211 - Figures. I'd be cool with Kitsune too... but I'm also a realist; with nothing to really offer in exchange, I'm probably just taking up space here.

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Elemental Ancestry (any of them)
Something else cool

Triple Race (Kitsune/Nagaji/Wayang)
Varisian Weapon Training
Varisian Caravaner
Shoanti Quah-Friend
Extra Trait
Treasure Map!

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Deane Beman wrote:
True...foxes & cats seem to get people all kinds of excited. Freaky looking shadow dudes not so much.

+1 I would have used my Triple Race Boon by now except...

1. I don't want to jump on the Kitsune bandwagon.
2. I can't think of a cool concept for a Nagaji character.
3. The Wayang artwork for ARG freaks me out!

Silver Crusade 4/5

Rusty Ironpants wrote:
Deane Beman wrote:
True...foxes & cats seem to get people all kinds of excited. Freaky looking shadow dudes not so much.

+1 I would have used my Triple Race Boon by now except...

1. I don't want to jump on the Kitsune bandwagon.
2. I can't think of a cool concept for a Nagaji character.
3. The Wayang artwork for ARG freaks me out!

I like nagaji. The str and cha bonuses make them an obvious choice for paladin or front line cha based caster like oracle or bard. They could even make decent ninjas, using that cha bonus for extra ki.

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Fromper wrote:
Rusty Ironpants wrote:
Deane Beman wrote:
True...foxes & cats seem to get people all kinds of excited. Freaky looking shadow dudes not so much.

+1 I would have used my Triple Race Boon by now except...

1. I don't want to jump on the Kitsune bandwagon.
2. I can't think of a cool concept for a Nagaji character.
3. The Wayang artwork for ARG freaks me out!

I like nagaji. The str and cha bonuses make them an obvious choice for paladin or front line cha based caster like oracle or bard. They could even make decent ninjas, using that cha bonus for extra ki.

I agree. I like Nagaji too. I just can't nail down a character concept that piques my interest. Nagaji bard, hmmm......

The Exchange

Rusty Ironpants wrote:


2. I can't think of a cool concept for a Nagaji character.


Anything else is just plain bad wrong.

Dark Archive 4/5 ****

Chun Hei is a Nagaji "Paladin" of Yaezhing. (Artwork by Paizo's very own Liz Courts)

She was bred by her Naga masters to fight against demons in an upcoming war. She is currently on a 10 year walkabout to broaden her horizons and train her skills before she is called to battle.

She has chosen to join the Pathfinder Society in Tien to best gain a variety of experiences and perhaps a gain a glimpse of any secrets that might be helpful in her quest.

She has since been sent by Amara Lee to the Inner Sea as part of the Lantern Lodge's integration into the main part of the Pathfinder Society.

Does anyone have any wayang, dhampir or oread boons? Still working on what they'd be, but eh. I have a week before my next Society game, that's enough time.

Hm... I wonder if oreads make good druids...

Dark Archive 5/5

Voyd211 wrote:

Does anyone have any wayang, dhampir or oread boons? Still working on what they'd be, but eh. I have a week before my next Society game, that's enough time.

Hm... I wonder if oreads make good druids...

I have a nagiji ,kitsune and a dhampir boon( all unused)... I have used almost all my others...

not real sure what i would trade for though.
I did have an extra 3 way boon but I traded it..

Scarab Sages 4/5 RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

wellsmv wrote:
Voyd211 wrote:

Does anyone have any wayang, dhampir or oread boons? Still working on what they'd be, but eh. I have a week before my next Society game, that's enough time.

Hm... I wonder if oreads make good druids...

I have a nagiji ,kitsune and a dhampir boon( all unused)... I have used almost all my others...

not real sure what i would trade for though.
I did have an extra 3 way boon but I traded it..

I would be interested in the dhampir boon. Look back up the thread a bit for the boons I have to trade.

PM me if interested in any of them.

I don't have anything to trade away, although I've been told that people with unwanted boons have given them away.


@wellsmv: How about gratitude? :D Eheh. Had to try. I'm just hoping I can get to a con big enough and find an appropriate table to get -some- boon at some point.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Want: Race Boon of some sort.

Have: Waterfront Tavern Flip-Mat; found and purchased last month, opened, but never used.

Goblins of Golorian print edition; found and purchased yesterday, read through once.


Hm. Was supposed to be 'How about my eternal gratitude'. Lost some words in translation. x.x Sorry for the new post, it won't let me edit that one for some reason.

One-hour editing limit.

I still want a wayang boon, if anyone has one they don't mind giving away. I don't have anything to trade, sadly.

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