Can you split favored class bonuses?

Rules Questions

10 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
PRD wrote:
Human Fighter: Add +1 to the fighter's CMD when resisting two combat maneuvers of the character's choice.

In regards to the human fighter favored class bonus: Can you split the bonuses? Take an 18th-level character, for example. Could you choose to get a +18 vs. grapples, and a +9 each vs. disarm and sunder attempts?

I was under the impression that you picked two maneuvers, then the favored class bonus ALWAYS applied to only those two.

i would assume it's a choice at every level you choose this favored class option.
i hit faq though.

Ravingdork wrote:
PRD wrote:
Human Fighter: Add +1 to the fighter's CMD when resisting two combat maneuvers of the character's choice.

In regards to the human fighter favored class bonus: Can you split the bonuses? Take an 18th-level character, for example. Could you choose to get a +18 vs. grapples, and a +9 each vs. disarm and sunder attempts?

I was under the impression that you picked two maneuvers, then the favored class bonus ALWAYS applied to only those two.

hey you are quick.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I hate not knowing things.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

each time you select the listed favored class reward, you apply what it's written.
So, for this one, each time, you select the 2 combat maneuvers for which you give a bonus of +1 CMD.

first time: you decide to choose trip and grapple
2nd time: you decide to choose trip and sunder
3rd time: you decide to choose trip and disarm
4st time: you decide to choose trip and grapple

So it will give you combined bonus of
+4 CMD for trip
+2 CMD for grapple
+1 CMD for sunder
+1 CMD for disarm

I don't see where's the problem.

Dark Archive

So with an Elf oracle you could choose different revelations each time you level for the favored class bonus?

Veldebrand wrote:

So with an Elf oracle you could choose different revelations each time you level for the favored class bonus?

Yes, but you need invest 2 times in the same revelation if you want the bonus of +1. A +1/2 bonus does nothing.

Oracle: Add +1/2 to the oracle's level for the purpose of determining the effects of one revelation.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

So with a Human sorcerer you don't need to add the same spell to your list every time? Because I've got like fifteen copies of Grease known and I don't even know how the extra ones help me.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

So I have a half-orc barbarian. Since he can take human & half-orc FCBs could he take 2 levels of extra rage rounds then at level 3 take 1/3 superstition? Granted that would do nothing until he took 3 levels of it to make it +1 to superstition. Or am I stuck with whatever I chose initially?
My thoughts are it would work like choosing either HP or SP each level where you can bop back & forth.

If so with the FCB would the below list be correct?

9th level could have either:
9 extra rage rounds
+3 to superstition
3 rage rounds & +2 superstition
6 rage rounds & +1 superstition

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Splitting the bonuses is how my groups have always played it. It seems to be consistent with how all other FCBs work. My last human fighter took bonuses vs. disarm and sunder until level 10, then switched over to bull rush and grapple. It was highly entertaining watching the GM realize his giant tentacle monster needed like an 18 on the die to grapple me. :)

Is there an example of any FCB where your choice is locked in?

Scarab Sages

I would assume you choose each level too. So it would be something like:

1st: +1 Grapple, +1 Disarm
2nd: +1 Grapple, +1 Sunder

Karui Kage wrote:

I would assume you choose each level too. So it would be something like:

1st: +1 Grapple, +1 Disarm
2nd: +1 Grapple, +1 Sunder

And 3rd level could still be a skill point or a hit point.

Scarab Sages

Exactly. Every level, you choose your bonus regardless of every other bonus that has come before.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Ravingdork wrote:
PRD wrote:
Human Fighter: Add +1 to the fighter's CMD when resisting two combat maneuvers of the character's choice.

In regards to the human fighter favored class bonus: Can you split the bonuses? Take an 18th-level character, for example. Could you choose to get a +18 vs. grapples, and a +9 each vs. disarm and sunder attempts?

I was under the impression that you picked two maneuvers, then the favored class bonus ALWAYS applied to only those two.

Each time you take the FCB you choose where to apply it to. There's nothing that says that the choice made for a combat maneuver has to be the same maneuver each time you apply it. So there's nothing stopping you from splitting that bonus however much you like.

hopefully this gets FAQ'd. I do know Hero Lab locks you into your choice of CMD's the first time you take the Human Fighter FCB, so if the FAQ answer comes up the other way, that should get fixed.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

You might want to report this as a possible bug to Hero Lab. There seems to be nothing in the actual rules to support that implementation.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
CraziFuzzy wrote:
hopefully this gets FAQ'd. I do know Hero Lab locks you into your choice of CMD's the first time you take the Human Fighter FCB, so if the FAQ answer comes up the other way, that should get fixed.

No need for FAQ... the problem is in Herolab, not the rules set. You need to bring up the issue to Lone Wolf, not Paizo. and they have a form for doing so on the Lone Wolf Pathfinder forum.

If it was that clear, this thread wouldn't have been created. Lone Wolf, apparently, interpreted it different than you.

Sadly, just because something is crystal clear (like this), some people are slower on the uptake than others.

I find that with several other options, there is a "Once this choice has been made, it cannot be changed" clause behind it.

FCBs should function no different, given that, as written above, several other FCBs would cease to function in the way they are intended to work.

ClownWolf wrote:

So I have a half-orc barbarian. Since he can take human & half-orc FCBs could he take 2 levels of extra rage rounds then at level 3 take 1/3 superstition? Granted that would do nothing until he took 3 levels of it to make it +1 to superstition. Or am I stuck with whatever I chose initially?

My thoughts are it would work like choosing either HP or SP each level where you can bop back & forth.

If so with the FCB would the below list be correct?

9th level could have either:
9 extra rage rounds
+3 to superstition
3 rage rounds & +2 superstition
6 rage rounds & +1 superstition

I found this almost 2 year old thread and posted the above.

Could someone please give me some clarification regarding what I posted which is different but related to the thread topic.
It would be greatly appreciated. No one who posted after my post mentioned it or gave an answer at all.


Favored Class Options: "...either gaining 1 extra hit point or 1 extra skill rank each time a member of the race takes a level in that class." So every time you take a level in the class, you choose one applicable Favored Class bonus. Yes, you can mix and match them as you have. If you chose 4 extra rage rounds and 5 levels for superstition, you would have 4 extra rage rounds and 5/3 more superstitions which rounds down to 1 more until you take another level and put your favored class option into the superstition.

Silver Crusade

CraziFuzzy wrote:
hopefully this gets FAQ'd. I do know Hero Lab locks you into your choice of CMD's the first time you take the Human Fighter FCB, so if the FAQ answer comes up the other way, that should get fixed.

Hero Lab doesn't lock you in to a certain Favored Class Bonus. Just click on "Customize Favored Class Options" and click on "Add" when the window pops up. Then edit to how you want it to be for the current level, and select it up in the level area.

Grand Lodge

DesolateHarmony wrote:
CraziFuzzy wrote:
hopefully this gets FAQ'd. I do know Hero Lab locks you into your choice of CMD's the first time you take the Human Fighter FCB, so if the FAQ answer comes up the other way, that should get fixed.
Hero Lab doesn't lock you in to a certain Favored Class Bonus. Just click on "Customize Favored Class Options" and click on "Add" when the window pops up. Then edit to how you want it to be for the current level, and select it up in the level area.

Yep, and this is the same way you would set it up for, say, the Human FCB for extra spells for Sorcerer, where you would need to add one for each spell level, if that is how you wanted it to apply.

CraziFuzzy wrote:
If it was that clear, this thread wouldn't have been created. Lone Wolf, apparently, interpreted it different than you.

They tend to do that a lot.

Personally I don't think a 3PP product should be indulging in making rules interpretations for their product in the first place, but there you go.

Grand Lodge

Rynjin wrote:
CraziFuzzy wrote:
If it was that clear, this thread wouldn't have been created. Lone Wolf, apparently, interpreted it different than you.

They tend to do that a lot.

Personally I don't think a 3PP product should be indulging in making rules interpretations for their product in the first place, but there you go.

And they did NOT interpret it differently, you just need to actually LOOK at the product to figure out how to add additional instances with different choices.

Unfortunately, computer products are not always straightforward, as you have to make choices between obvious and how much screen size you can spend on it.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

David knott 242 wrote:
You might want to report this as a possible bug to Hero Lab. There seems to be nothing in the actual rules to support that implementation.

I played a fighter for over a year from 1st to 12th without it ever occurring to me that I could split the choice each level.

So who ever is right (locked in or change each level), there are people who interpret it each way.

Having this answered would help a lot of situation. Specifically, the HeroLab folks don't change their rules interpretations without a FAQ or errata. If they did they would be changing things and changing them back every day. Since there are so many things subject to interpretation in the game that are unanswered in the rules.

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