Razor Coast

Product Discussion

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I haven't gotten a survey yet. Oo

I sent an email about the survey as well. Even if you put a country in the other box (mine is not in the list) it wants you to select one from the drop down list. This could seem to lead to the box being sent to the wrong country. Arg, well hopefully I'll get an email back :)

I'm a pre-paid supporter of the original project thru Sinister Adventures; the Frog God website recognizes me as such.

In December I pledged $110, which was supposed to be automatically bumped to the $150 level.

Yesterday I received a survey indicating I was pledged at the $110 level with no mention of a bump to $150.

How concerned should I be?

At the first page of the survey should be a question saying "are you to the best of your knowledge a pre-order participant?" Select yes to that and you get a question after the first page asking "at which level did you pre-order and which did you want to be bumped up to?"

I didn't pre-order but I misunderstood the question and selected Yes, then had to go back and redo the first page when I realized what I'd answered.

Endzeitgeist wrote:
I haven't gotten a survey yet. Oo

Me neither.

@ Damon > exactly what Orthos said - do the survey and follow the directions carefully and you'll be good to go!

Got my survey last night, filled it out this morning. In my pre-order, I chose the Pathfinder version, and in my pledge I chose the S&W version. I put a note at the end explaining this because I want to make sure I get BOTH versions and give my gaming group a choice of which they would prefer to play.
Also, you can add on a bunch of extras during the survey - I added the pdf of Fire She Bears for 7 bucks. :)

Dark Archive

No survey here (yet).

Publisher, Frog God Games

Dont panic--Amazon has some sort of internal audit now on >$100k projects--probably due to people not delivering. We have submitted everything they asked for (bank statements, IRS stuff, my children's birth certificate, a pint of Nick's blood, etc.) They said 3-5 days to go over (idiots).

Blondie is sending out surveys though--I am tempted to just tell Amazon to (*&^ off and just send you guys invoices if they dont work faster. I mean really, we have alteady collected >$400k from them, and may be the largest RPG that has already been fulfilled (RA).

They won't"talk on the phone"; and will only correspond in writing. Kinda bums me out that we broke $100k--then again, it also makes me very happy that we did.

VP Sales & Marketing, Frog God Games

JoelF847 wrote:
I think I did my survey wrong - I put the dollar amount of the add ons in the boxes, not the quantity. Who do I need to email to fix this?

I will fix. Not a problem

VP Sales & Marketing, Frog God Games

Mir wrote:
I sent an email about the survey as well. Even if you put a country in the other box (mine is not in the list) it wants you to select one from the drop down list. This could seem to lead to the box being sent to the wrong country. Arg, well hopefully I'll get an email back :)

Mir, what country do I need to add?

VP Sales & Marketing, Frog God Games

Endzeitgeist wrote:
I haven't gotten a survey yet. Oo

Please send your email address to kickstarter@talesofthefroggod.com and we can manually send you a link to use. We had a few people opt out of Survey Monkey and due to the spam laws they can't send you the survey by us. But we have a work around.

VP Sales & Marketing, Frog God Games

DaveMage wrote:
Endzeitgeist wrote:
I haven't gotten a survey yet. Oo
Me neither.

Dave I have your email and will send it now.

Bill Webb wrote:

Dont panic--Amazon has some sort of internal audit now on >$100k projects--probably due to people not delivering. We have submitted everything they asked for (bank statements, IRS stuff, my children's birth certificate, a pint of Nick's blood, etc.) They said 3-5 days to go over (idiots).

Blondie is sending out surveys though--I am tempted to just tell Amazon to (*&^ off and just send you guys invoices if they dont work faster. I mean really, we have alteady collected >$400k from them, and may be the largest RPG that has already been fulfilled (RA).

They won't"talk on the phone"; and will only correspond in writing. Kinda bums me out that we broke $100k--then again, it also makes me very happy that we did.

That's pretty annoying (especially given they wont speak to such a good customer of theirs by phone).

I can understand their need to tighten up somewhat (it isnt going to be long before the Nigerian scammers discover kickstarter, let's be frank). But you'd think they could do this earlier - like once the pledged amount gets to $80k or something. That way it would be smooth sailing once the project funded.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Got the survey and filled it out. I echo the comments about lining up the boxes on the third page; is it possible for you to pass on a suggestion to Surveymonkey that they do countershading or something to make it easier to see which box goes with which item?

VP Sales & Marketing, Frog God Games

John Woodford wrote:
Got the survey and filled it out. I echo the comments about lining up the boxes on the third page; is it possible for you to pass on a suggestion to Surveymonkey that they do countershading or something to make it easier to see which box goes with which item?

John, I have made the request to them but am happy to make it again. We do hate that we are limited to their platform but it is much much better than the survey Kickstarter offers. I did try to make the boxes closer together but I wish there was a way to color code them or at least number the boxes or something.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

I just held a ruler up to the screen.

Okay, I didn't actually do that... but I almost did.

Orthos wrote:

At the first page of the survey should be a question saying "are you to the best of your knowledge a pre-order participant?" Select yes to that and you get a question after the first page asking "at which level did you pre-order and which did you want to be bumped up to?"

I didn't pre-order but I misunderstood the question and selected Yes, then had to go back and redo the first page when I realized what I'd answered.

Nuts! I didn't see anything like that. All I could find to do is check the $110 button and then leave an explanatory note in the Adjustments comment box. And of course there seems to be no way to go back and change it now, so I may have screwed myself.

Damon Griffin wrote:
Orthos wrote:

At the first page of the survey should be a question saying "are you to the best of your knowledge a pre-order participant?" Select yes to that and you get a question after the first page asking "at which level did you pre-order and which did you want to be bumped up to?"

I didn't pre-order but I misunderstood the question and selected Yes, then had to go back and redo the first page when I realized what I'd answered.

Nuts! I didn't see anything like that. All I could find to do is check the $110 button and then leave an explanatory note in the Adjustments comment box. And of course there seems to be no way to go back and change it now, so I may have screwed myself.

Hopefully that will take care of it. If not, Blonde Frog is being super awesome helpful and she might be able to get you straightened out. =)

Rachel F. Ventura wrote:
DaveMage wrote:
Endzeitgeist wrote:
I haven't gotten a survey yet. Oo
Me neither.
Dave I have your email and will send it now.

Got it - thank you. And after seeing your facebook/twitter post, I checked my spam folder and it was there - so for those who haven't received it, check your spam folder.

VP Sales & Marketing, Frog God Games

Damon Griffin wrote:
Orthos wrote:

At the first page of the survey should be a question saying "are you to the best of your knowledge a pre-order participant?" Select yes to that and you get a question after the first page asking "at which level did you pre-order and which did you want to be bumped up to?"

I didn't pre-order but I misunderstood the question and selected Yes, then had to go back and redo the first page when I realized what I'd answered.

Nuts! I didn't see anything like that. All I could find to do is check the $110 button and then leave an explanatory note in the Adjustments comment box. And of course there seems to be no way to go back and change it now, so I may have screwed myself.

Damon, I will fix it :) We will send invoices as confirmations in late Feb or March and you can double check it then.

Well they got their A's in gear, I just got the payment email from Amazon.

Same here.

VP Sales & Marketing, Frog God Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.
mach1.9pants wrote:
Well they got their A's in gear, I just got the payment email from Amazon.

I guess that sacrifice of my sister's husband to the Great Pele paid off!

All in a good cause!

In further good news my 1st RA subscription has arrived, yippee!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

My payment confirmation email was sent too.

When will be receiving the confirmation email on the choices we picked in the survey? I want to make sure I did everything correctly :)

Rachel Ventura wrote:
We will send invoices as confirmations in late Feb or March and you can double check it then.

Publisher, Frog God Games

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Lol. Mama frog told them my idea to fix it or we just invoice ourselves and cut them out. Funny how several days went by in several hours. Lol

Thank-you for getting that straightened out Bill! Now all I have to do is keep out of the rum until it gets here<G>!

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Rachel F. Ventura wrote:
JoelF847 wrote:
I think I did my survey wrong - I put the dollar amount of the add ons in the boxes, not the quantity. Who do I need to email to fix this?
I will fix. Not a problem

Thanks! that was nice and easy to get fixed (at least for me - hope it isn't a big deal for you).

Rachel F. Ventura wrote:
Mir wrote:
I sent an email about the survey as well. Even if you put a country in the other box (mine is not in the list) it wants you to select one from the drop down list. This could seem to lead to the box being sent to the wrong country. Arg, well hopefully I'll get an email back :)
Mir, what country do I need to add?

Bill Webb got it, thanks though!

And answered my survey. :)

Amazon sent my payment acknowledgement last night at 11 PM EST; sounds like things are on track now.


Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Bill Webb wrote:
Lol. Mama frog told them my idea to fix it or we just invoice ourselves and cut them out. Funny how several days went by in several hours. Lol

Mama is not to be messed with.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Nobody puts Mama in a corner!

The Exchange

Got the survey, but there was an answer during the kickstarter that it might be possible for pre pledges to get things put in the boxes our books are being sent in. It seems if I complete the survey it locks it and I want to see if the option is still there. I'm pledged for all the pdf addons, but if I can I'd like to get physical copies.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

My players are excited to get their player's guides. The pirate gang level (basic book but with 5 players guides) was a really good idea. I know it got a relatively low number of backers compared to the other levels but I'd like to see it again in future Frog God Game kickstarters.

VP Sales & Marketing, Frog God Games

Mark Peyton wrote:
Got the survey, but there was an answer during the kickstarter that it might be possible for pre pledges to get things put in the boxes our books are being sent in. It seems if I complete the survey it locks it and I want to see if the option is still there. I'm pledged for all the pdf addons, but if I can I'd like to get physical copies.

send us an email to kickstarter@talesofthefroggod.com with what you want and we will change the survey to include your add ons.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

I filled out my survey but got a 500 Internal Server error after the last page. I went back and clicked done again and landed on the Frog God main page then, so I'm not 100% percent sure this went through correctly.

One more thing: I used a different e-mail address for this survey than I originally used for my pre-order with Sinister. I forgot to mention that in the survey. Both are addresses at my domain zaister.de. Will you be able to line them up?

Joe Wells wrote:

I just held a ruler up to the screen.

Okay, I didn't actually do that... but I almost did.

No, but I did hold up a sheet of paper! On another topic, the ToH update for Herolab came out today, yeah!!! The Frogs take another bite!

Zaister wrote:
I filled out my survey but got a 500 Internal Server error after the last page. I went back and clicked done again and landed on the Frog God main page then, so I'm not 100% percent sure this went through correctly.

I had the same thing happen when I filled out my survey. I too hope everything went through properly.


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Man, go offline for two weeks and look what happens.

Sovereign Court

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Man, go offline for two weeks and look what happens.

If you haven't yet done so, and want to climb on board the good ship Razor Coast I reckon a message to the Frog Gods will get you a ticket.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

No, I just need to answer my survey now that I have Internet access again.

Sovereign Court

TriOmegaZero wrote:
No, I just need to answer my survey now that I have Internet access again.

Good man. [Pirate high five!]

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

*pulls back a bloody stump*

How appropriate.

*attaches hook*

So far as I know everything is hunky-dory, I got my survey all filled out and I'm just sitting back and waiting for the book to get here.

Sovereign Court Contributor

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Oh. I better start writing it.

What?! Too soon?

Ok. No preorder jokes. :)

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Careful Lou. I did just get this handy hook. I'd hate for you to provide its first blooding.

Liberty's Edge

Harrrr. I do remember me first mate Lazla's first bloodin' o' her hook. That ol' Scrag never saw it comin'. Never will 'gain, aye, since she ripped out 'is eyes wit' it.

'Course it no be fer matterin' much, since 'e didn'a live much longer after that before bein' roasted and quartered by th' crew. HARRRRRRR!!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your shipping next week right? :)

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