Razor Coast

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Friday, October 19, 2012
Nicolas Logue’s Razor Coast
Frog God Games Announce Availability of
Nicolas Logue’s Razor Coast

A Kickstarter Project

New York & Washington — Nicolas Logue’s Razor Coast — Today online, Frog God Games announced the imminent launch of a Kickstarter Project, Nicolas Logue’s Razor Coast.

About Razor Coast
Razor Coast is the long anticipated Caribe-Polynesian flavored, Age of Sail swashbuckling RPG campaign envisioned and designed by Nicolas Logue. It is applauded for its ambitious and original design, its epic flavor and its lurid, full-color art – including a cover by the award winning Wayne Reynolds. Logue tapped a team of veteran designers to help develop and write Razor Coast, including Lou Agresta, Adam Daigle, Tim Hitchcock, and John Ling.

“Razor Coast isn’t just an adventure,” according to Agresta, Razor Coast Project Manager, “it’s part setting, part adventure path, and part toolkit to build your own unique campaign. It’s non-linear. It’ll never play the same way twice.”

“We filled it with corrupt municipal Dragoons, dastardly smuggling rings, weresharks – lots of weresharks, desperate naval battles, oppressed tribes craving heroes, witches, cursed islands, legendary treasure troves, an impending apocalypse or two, demon pirates, retired assassins, undead worms, gator men, failed heroes waiting to be redeemed, dark conspiracies brewing in the oceans depths, vengeful ghosts…oh – and mutating cannibal pygmies. Who doesn’t like those?”

Razor Coast Availability
“Frog God Games has committed to doing more than just putting out another pirate campaign,” said Rachel Ventura, Frog God Games VP of Sales and Marketing, “This is going to be a hardcover, full color extravaganza, complete with Player’s Guide and enough swag to sink any pirate ship!”

“We decided to take what we learned from Kickstarting Rappan Athuk and crowdsource Razor Coast, because it allows us to unleash a complete experience for both Pathfinder and Swords and Wizardry fans,” said Bill Webb, Frog God Games CEO.

“We plan to compile the campaign articles into their own book, create a player’s guide, develop and include an independent system for ship-to-ship combat, have treasure chests of unique pirate items, and offer a Tallship Cruise with the creator, Nicholas Logue,” stated Ventura. “We’re also planning stretch goals that include expanded art and cartography from the same artists the fans have already approved, as well as from new artists of similar style and talent, poster-sized printed maps, custom character sheets, and more.”

Frog God Games Razor Coast Kickstarter starts December 25th 2012 at midnight and will run for 30 days.

“After the Kickstarter gets funded, Frog God Games has pledged to fulfill not only the pledges from the backers but all remaining pre-orders, national and international” said Agresta, speaking on behalf of Logue. “As of October 19th, 2012, I finished honoring every refund request Nick received. Making good on Nick’s past obligations cleared the way for Frog God Games to step in and finally bring this to print.”

About Frog God Games
Founded in April 2010, Frog God Games publishes resources for the tabletop roleplaying games Pathfinder Roleplaying Games and Swords & Wizardry; Adventures and books such as Rappan Athuk, Tome of Horrors, The Slumbering Tsar Saga, and many more. Its products are known for their grand adventure settings and high quality production values. “If our hardcovers won’t last you a lifetime of use, we have not made a high enough quality product”, said Webb. Frog God Games currently serves customers worldwide. The writers of Frog God Games have won numerous ENnie Awards. For more information about Frog God Games visit its website at www.talesofthefroggod.com

For More information please contact

For more information, press only:
Rachel Ventura, VP of Sales & Marketing
Frog God Games
For more information on Razor Coast and the Razor Coast Kickstarter visit

Is there a link to the kickstarter?

Yes please!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mr. Swagger wrote:
Is there a link to the kickstarter?

No, because the kickstarter doesn't start until December.

Very cool.

I think it'll be pretty sweet to see Journey to the West and Razor Coast mashups that are bound to happen.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Zherog wrote:
Mr. Swagger wrote:
Is there a link to the kickstarter?
No, because the kickstarter doesn't start until December.

So...I know what I'm getting for Christmas :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Evilgasm. Seriously. If this one's a success, any chance for Ebon Shroud as well? Perhaps a DARK imprint for FGG?

One may dream...

Frog God Games

It's possible for our stuff to get darker?

Chuck Wright wrote:
It's possible for our stuff to get darker?

So long as a single flame burns and a single star blinks in the sky...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Chuck Wright wrote:
It's possible for our stuff to get darker?

It could take place in the Plane of Shadows.

I really really can't say too much but we have some projects in the works that will blow some of your minds. Lots of big big things happening in the next few years in the frog pond. so if we don't get around to all your favorites I think you are still going to be very happy.

Sovereign Court Contributor

11 people marked this as a favorite.

Just turn me loose, Chuck. Turn me loose.


It's cold in your basement and my legs ache from the rope.

Sovereign Court


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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

What a wonderfully delicious, and unholy marriage!! Totally looking forward to the Kickstarter.

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Frog God Games, + Nick, + Lou, lookout world! I didn't do it the first time, but with a combo like this, I am definitely going to sign up!

Mr. Swagger wrote:
Is there a link to the kickstarter?

We will definitely post the link when the Kickstarter is live. We are giving plenty of notice so you can save up for this one. It is going to be amazing!

Dark Archive

How will the kickstarter work for those of us who held on to our pre-orders?

Sovereign Court Contributor

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi David,

The plan is for you to have two choices if the Kickstarter funds:

Option 1 - you can just hang in there, not spend a dime more, and FGG will send you a copy of Razor coast. It's over twice the size of the original and currently planned as hard cover, color.

Option 2 - Or you can come in as a backer and Frog God will automatically bump you to a higher level after the project closes. That higher level will include a signed & numbered copy of Razor Coast, a copy of the Razor Coast Player's Guide, and other cool stuff.

I am curious if FGG plans to incorporate the Necromancer Games product "Dead's Man Chest" into Razor Coast. This allows both a new and update of popular older product.

Hmm, just thinking that would be awesome. Either way, I am in for the Kickstarter.

Louis Agresta wrote:

Option 2 - Or you can come in as a backer and Frog God will automatically bump you to a higher level after the project closes. That higher level will include a signed & numbered copy of Razor Coast, a copy of the Razor Coast Player's Guide, and other cool stuff.

OK! Fine! Fine! Take more of my money, I wasn't doing anything with it anyways =p

I was planning on just getting the Razor Coast from the pre-order, but yeah, throwing things like that in there will get me to back it even more now.

Frog God Games

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Louis Agresta wrote:

Just turn me loose, Chuck. Turn me loose.


It's cold in your basement and my legs ache from the rope.

It puts the mucous on its skin.

Dark Archive

Louis Agresta wrote:

Hi David,

The plan is for you to have two choices if the Kickstarter funds:

Option 1 - you can just hang in there, not spend a dime more, and FGG will send you a copy of Razor coast. It's over twice the size of the original and currently planned as hard cover, color.

Option 2 - Or you can come in as a backer and Frog God will automatically bump you to a higher level after the project closes. That higher level will include a signed & numbered copy of Razor Coast, a copy of the Razor Coast Player's Guide, and other cool stuff.

Wow, talking about making things "right".

Good for all those who backed the orginal project and had to deal with all the heartache - I wasn't one of them but I have kept up with the thread over the last few...years? Has it been years?


Yep, it has been years. And that is indeed a fantastic way to make things right for those who opted to stick around.

Frog God Games

Zarathos wrote:

I am curious if FGG plans to incorporate the Necromancer Games product "Dead's Man Chest" into Razor Coast. This allows both a new and update of popular older product.

Hmm, just thinking that would be awesome. Either way, I am in for the Kickstarter.

Woohoo! We've finally announced! The wait has been killing me! I'm super excited as one of the original backers of RC for it to finally have the chance to see daylight thanks to the efforts of Lou, Nick, and FGG!

To answer your specific question, we are not updating DMC as a part of RC (RC is a TON of awesome on its own without having to piggyback any additional content with it). However, as DMC is a part of the collective FGG world, RC will be fully compatible.

Frog God Games

Auxmaulous wrote:
Louis Agresta wrote:

Hi David,

The plan is for you to have two choices if the Kickstarter funds:

Option 1 - you can just hang in there, not spend a dime more, and FGG will send you a copy of Razor coast. It's over twice the size of the original and currently planned as hard cover, color.

Option 2 - Or you can come in as a backer and Frog God will automatically bump you to a higher level after the project closes. That higher level will include a signed & numbered copy of Razor Coast, a copy of the Razor Coast Player's Guide, and other cool stuff.

Wow, talking about making things "right".

Good for all those who backed the orginal project and had to deal with all the heartache - I wasn't one of them but I have kept up with the thread over the last few...years? Has it been years?

Which is really much of the point of the whole idea. Not only did we want to give RC a chance to finally shine, we wanted to repay the loyalty of all those who jumped on board with RC from the beginning.

Dark Archive

Wow, just simply WOW!!!!!! I can't wait for this I have been hoping this would eventually see the light of day...my poor wallet :(

Is there any talk about including the indulgences that were originally produced a few years ago in the hardcover?

Sovereign Court

You can still buy the indulgences here at Paizo, I bought them originally so getting them as part of the Kickstarter would be unnecessary duplication.

However, if they were updated to Pathfinder...

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Well, there goes MORE of my future money.

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Lord Thasmudyan wrote:

Wow, just simply WOW!!!!!! I can't wait for this I have been hoping this would eventually see the light of day...my poor wallet :(

Is there any talk about including the indulgences that were originally produced a few years ago in the hardcover?

You'll have to wait and see all the great things we have planned come Christmas night, including bonus goals, new swag, collectible items, etc.

Great thing.
I'll have to wait and see the details, but as an original pre-orderer, I will probably go for the get even more swag kickstarter option. Quite excited :)
Even though I'm still kinda pissed at Nic and how he handled the situation back in the day! :(

Liberty's Edge

Ahhh, guys, you so rock!
And - we, who preordered not only get our copy finally, now, we get even more, if we back the project with any amount we want?! - AWESOME!

Do you have an idea how long it will take to get shipped after the kickstarter has ended?

Dreamscarred Press

I missed out on the original RC - finances didn't allow me to do just about in RPGs back then. Probably a blessing all things considered.

After having done the Rappan Athuk Kickstarter, I think it's safe to say that I'm going to be on board for this one!

Especially looking forward to the ship-to-ship stuff for use professionally. :)

Frog God Games

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Fischkopp wrote:

Great thing.

I'll have to wait and see the details, but as an original pre-orderer, I will probably go for the get even more swag kickstarter option. Quite excited :)
Even though I'm still kinda pissed at Nic and how he handled the situation back in the day! :(

I understand your frustration at that along with everyone who had preordered. However, Nick has been very open as to his culpability and has done everything he could to make things right. Many other people have jumped in to help with that very thing, so let's let this resurrection of the book finally bury all the hard feelings about it. A great part of this KS is to make good on everything. We hope you will find the KS to your liking and if you don't and have an existing preorder you're still going to receive the book in a much-expanded form. I think Nick has earned some forgiveness and hope this can erase any lingering hard feelings over things we can't change with better things that we can deliver! :-)

Scarab Sages

*best Doc Brown*

Liberty's Edge

Oh yes, finally, another Nick Logue adventure!!!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Finally, the beautiful Razor Coast is becoming reality. Can't wait, and the bumping of pre-order folks is wonderful! Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait!

Dryder wrote:

Ahhh, guys, you so rock!

And - we, who preordered not only get our copy finally, now, we get even more, if we back the project with any amount we want?! - AWESOME!

Do you have an idea how long it will take to get shipped after the kickstarter has ended?

The bump in pledge level will have a minimum pledge level and we will get all the details square away soon. We have a list of the standing pre-orders and we will work to create a way for those to confirm their order and what is needed to get in on the kickstarter extras.

We are still in the beginning stages of this but the estimated (and I emphases estimated) delivery date be March/April 2013. Depending on how big the KS gets, it can drastically adjust this date.

Stoked beyond stokiness!! (Is that even a word? Who cares!)

My pre-order is gonna pay off even more than I thought it would - Merry Christmas to all of us and Happy 2013!!

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Louis Agresta wrote:
Option 2 - Or you can come in as a backer and Frog God will automatically bump you to a higher level after the project closes. That higher level will include a signed & numbered copy of Razor Coast, a copy of the Razor Coast Player's Guide, and other cool stuff.

Option two! Shut up and take my money!

I thought I was fee from Kickstarter, then this gets announced...

Dark Archive

Blonde Frog wrote:
Lord Thasmudyan wrote:

Wow, just simply WOW!!!!!! I can't wait for this I have been hoping this would eventually see the light of day...my poor wallet :(

Is there any talk about including the indulgences that were originally produced a few years ago in the hardcover?

You'll have to wait and see all the great things we have planned come Christmas night, including bonus goals, new swag, collectible items, etc.

You are so Evil Blonde Frog! j/k Can't wait you can count me in you guys have been great with the Rappan Athuk kickstarter and this is one I have been hoping would get put out finally

Dark Archive

As one of the no-refund-asked crowd, I'm quite interested in seeing how this turns out. Looking forward for the Kickstarter options.

Is this going to be pathfinder only like ST? Or will there be an S&W version?

(I'll be backing it anyway, I'm just curious - i was expecting it would be just PF but Bill's comment in the "razor coast availability" section sounded like S&W would get a look in too).

Frog God Games

Both versions, of course.

Awesome. Thanks, bill. :)

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Lord Thasmudyan wrote:
Blonde Frog wrote:
Lord Thasmudyan wrote:

Wow, just simply WOW!!!!!! I can't wait for this I have been hoping this would eventually see the light of day...my poor wallet :(

Is there any talk about including the indulgences that were originally produced a few years ago in the hardcover?

You'll have to wait and see all the great things we have planned come Christmas night, including bonus goals, new swag, collectible items, etc.
You are so Evil Blonde Frog! j/k Can't wait you can count me in you guys have been great with the Rappan Athuk kickstarter and this is one I have been hoping would get put out finally

Of course I'm evil, I'm a woman aren't I? bwahahahahahahaha

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Awesome news!

Oh, wow... RC Kickstarted by FGG...
*Makes Will save... fails miserably...*
With this starting in December, I feel like the government; I'm spending money I haven't even made yet!

Shadow Lodge

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I should just add Bill Webb's name to my checking account, in order to save time.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My future money! If I run Skull & Shackles a second time you know it'll be on the Razor Coast.

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