Hobgoblin Shogun |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-goblin/feral-g nasher-barbarian-goblin
I love these guys. They have the potential to be really damn fun. Are there ways to make the bite do more? Has anyone given this archetype any thought at all? I already love Goblins, so I'm just itching to play one of these!

Sirlink |
i am actualy working up a consept now with Beast Totem.
Biggest challenge i see in the tree right now is mid level output.
at level 1-5 they are great with 3 attacks per round vrs a 2hander counterpart but once the maqnufacture weapon starts to get its second swing in they get left in the dust. Unless I can figure out a more optimal 10-15 set up its more of a just plain fun build than anything else.
It would be fricken halarius to send 3 or 4 of these guys agains a party...the visual of all of them clamped on the party "AAAHHHHHHH!! GET EM OFF!!! GET EM OFFF!!! AAAAAAHHHHHGH!!!"

Rogar Stonebow |

http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-goblin/feral-g nasher-barbarian-goblin
I love these guys. They have the potential to be really damn fun. Are there ways to make the bite do more? Has anyone given this archetype any thought at all? I already love Goblins, so I'm just itching to play one of these!
You can take a monster feat that increases the bite damage by one step. Don't remember the name of feat.

Hobgoblin Shogun |

Biter |

A small character is always going to be at a disadvantage in terms of melee damage output. There's no good way around this unless you want to mix in some rogue levels. That's not to say your damage will be unplayable by any means.
A goblin barbarian can start with a STR of 14 or 16, and raging kicks that up to 18 or 20... that, combined with Power Attack, can still produce respectable -- and dangerous -- damage numbers.
Well, other than being a halfling... they get their own special damage feat. :(
As for natural and manufactured weapons, can't you combine them and simply take the -5 penalties to make all the natural attacks secondary?

Hobgoblin Shogun |

As for natural and manufactured weapons, can't you combine them and simply take the -5 penalties to make all the natural attacks secondary?
I was just working on this problem.
Beast totem Feral Gnasher get ClawClawBite, so conceivably you could take Multiattack, maybe, so that then your secondary attacks with natural weapons take only a –2 penalty. But still, you'd be taking another feat of improved Natural Weapon on the Claws, probably, to get it to d6 instead of d4. Another feat in the hole. Probably be better to go tiny greatsword or falcion with Improv crit.
As for increasing size, does Enlarge Person work on a goblin? It only targets "humanoids," which are different from goblinoid?

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Okay, so here is my build from another thread. My character is starting at level six so 7+ is just a projection of what I want to do while 6- is what I'm stuck with. Also note that I'm not to sure about my 10 and 12 level Totem Powers.
Feral Gnasher lvl 12
Str: 14+3, Dex: 16, Con: 14, Int: 12, Wis: 12, Cha: 7
1: Savage Bite, Rage; Raging Vitality
2: Impromptu Armament, Uncanny Dodge
3: Lockjaw; Improved Unarmed Strike
4: Animal Fury; Str +1
5: Improvised Weapon Mastery; Improved Grapple
6: Improved Lockjaw; Hive Totem
7: DR 1/-; Greater Grapple
8: Hive Totem Resilience
9: Greater Lock Jaw; Rapid Grappler
0: DR 2/-; Strength Surge
1: Greater Rage; Sleeper Hold
2: Wicked Improvisation; Roused Anger
Or at 7th lvl take a level of fighter and pick up rope trick in addition to Greater Grapple. Now you can entagle people as you approach then hog tie them at a -5 rather then a -10. Alternatively, I could push Sleeper Hold back to 13th level and take Rope Trick at 11th level.
So Rope Trick seems like an almost must take for this class, the only problem is that you are so limited on feats it kind of hurts. Also, a wand of enlarge person is probably a great thing to carry around... and give to the party caster to use on you.

Gobo Horde |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

Aww man I found this forum late! Can I still get in on that tiny greenie fist bump?
Alright now onto the meat of the post. A melee feral gnasher can still do decent damage and can still be quite viable, but I think you guys are looking at it wrong. This is only my opinion and as not to sound snooty let me try and preswade you.
There are three big things that I would like you to think about The first one is how you do your damage, the second one is what totem you use and the third is how much damage you can do.
If you try and build a standard natural attacking barbarian, you will always be behind in damage from the loss of 4 points in str and because you cannot wield weapons well since you lose your martial weapon proficiencies. So if you cannot be a standard barbarian, try something else. I would suggest you look at grappling as the solution. The archetype has alot of things going for a grappler, namely she gains the grab ability with her bite, so can start grapples as free actions and gains a +4 to grapple checks witch is really nice. She can also use them on creatures larger than she normally could and this can get past the one of the big problems with grappling. At level 6 she does not gain the grappled condition when she controls the grapple. This is huge and is normally worth a -20 penalty! This means you do not take a -4 to your dex, you do not take a -2 to your attack rolls and CM checks, and you can still take Aoo's and your hands are free to do other things. Lastly you gain competence bonuses to your natural attacks that helps in grapples as well. So since half of the archetype focuses on grappling why not stick with it?
Now my second point is in regards to rage powers. Keeping in mind that you loose your first rage power (witch really sucks D:) so you will always be behind a standard barbarian in those terms as well. The main draw of beast totem that barbarians like so much is pounce so you can attack multiple times at the end of a charge and gain your damage that way. I say this is a trap! Yes you heard me a TRAP! You are still reading and havent brushed me off as insane yet? Ok good. Remember how you are suboptimal at the normal attacking barbarian? if you try and follow the normal while being less good at it, you will always be a suboptimal normal barbarian.
If you are going the route of the grappler beast totem is even less desired as it offers you nothing of value. During a grapple you can only attack with one weapon at a time and so having 2 extra claws wont up your damage. Since grappling takes a move action at the least (if you have greater grapple) you can never full attack while grappling eather so that is out as well. And is there really any benefit to charging when you can just walk up to the target and start the grapple with a standard attack? The only benefit you gain out of the chain is the improved armour and that is often considered the tax! Worst, it prevents you from taking the hive totem chain which is what I WOULD recommend you take.
Often overlooked at and considered gimmicky, there is actually alot of gold in the Hive Totem chain. Hive totem grants you +1-5 to all your str ability checks which grappling is, and adds to your CMD against some maneuvers. Hive resilience grants you a further +1-5 to your CMB and CMD when you grapple and they are untyped so stack with everything. Hive toxicity really is just gravy and you can skip it if you want to. It does increase your bite damage however. What it does, is increase your animal fury bite damage and lowers the penalties for using it with weapons, but since you have your lockjaw bite that is just as strong and has other benefits going for it (grab ect) this is useless to you. It does grant you a scaling toxic bite that gets more powerful the more con you have, and since you have large amounts of con from rage can be hard to resist. Again, you can skip it if you want as you can get what you want as early as lvl 6, almost half the amount of time as beast totem! This is great since it is so front loaded as well. The best part of the whole chain is its prerequisite, animal fury, you get your capstone first!
Let me explain, animal fury does 3 things, first it gives you a bite that is weaker than your lockjaw, so ignore that part. second it allows you to make a bite attack as part of the action to maintain a grapple that happens before the grapple check is made. This is the golden part! Third, if you do damage, it makes it easier to make that grapple check. why this is so good is that you can bite to inniate the grapple, then bite with animal fury to improve your grapple chances, then bite again as the result of maintaining the grapple. here is where your damage comes from. Just remember that you lose your first rage power, so to get this as early as possible you would have to spend a feat.
Lastly I want to talk about your damage. If you have your bite and 2 claws, each does str damage, if you try and wield weapons, that gets cut in half and you loose out on the corresponding limb. But if you only have a single natural attack, it gets 1 1/2 str. Remember above how grab and animal fury can grant you extra attacks in a turn? you now get a higher str ratio on all your attacks and can actually do more attacks than you could with a natural attack pouncer. You start out a little slower but still faster than the normal progression, you get 1 attack at lvl 1 and 2, at 3rd you gain lockjaw so you can attack twice, a normal attack and a free grapple. at lvl 4 you gain animal fury and your attack progression looks like this; move up to the target, attack with bite and start a grapple, gain free animal fury bite, then bite as a result of the grapple. Thats 3 attacks at lvl 4 that can be done in a single standard action. when you get greater grapple at lvl 7, it stays the same as lvl 4 but gets better on subsequent turns looking like this; move action to maintain grapple, free animal fury bite, normal grapple bite. Second move action maintain grappler, free animal fury bite, normal grapple bite. When you get rapid grappler you add 2 attacks to both sets for 5 attacks while moving and 6 attacks while standing still.
So as you can see, it can still be quite viable and I would suggest building a grappler feral gnasher. At higher levels you can gain access to things like body bludgeon and giant hide armour, as well as things like energy eruption and noxious bite (a monster feat btw). I hope the post wasnt to long as it did turn into a wall of text, But I really like this archetype and kinda rambled on.

Biter |

Aww man I found this forum late! Can I still get in on that tiny greenie fist bump?
I'll do you one better!
When I play as Biter (and I actually began playing him before this archetype existed… i feel like such a trend-setter :D) , I actually take a different mind-set.
I actually try to lean into the fact that he's a goblin. He pretty much refuses to use Enlarge. Partly because he's too proud of who he is, and partly because I (as the player) just love the visual of a tiny gray-green wrecking ball absolutely wreaking havoc on the Long-legs opponents.
He's basically a 3 foot Conan, and I took a level or three of rogue to represent that. He hits hard enough to be dangerous when raging, and when not raging, he can still put out enough damage to demand some attention in combat. Plus, he's one stealthy little bugger! Sneak attack damage makes up for some of the lost strength damage. But I understand players who don't want to have to take rogue levels… i just think it fits so well.
At level 1 (assuming a strength of 14 when not raging and having access to Power Attack), he can post these numbers with a small great sword:
non-raging power attacks: +3 (1d10 + 3 + 3); averaging 11.5 damage
raging power attack: +5 (1d10 + 6 + 3); averaging 14.5 damage

Lokie |

I posted a thread about these guys, but didn't get a response yet. I so want to combine this with the Fire bomber archetype for a crazy goblin that sets himself on fire (turns into a fire elemental) and then lunges at the enemy!
Setting yourself on fire... workable. Turning into a fire elemental... not so much, as you are no longer a goblin.
A combo alchemist/barbarian does have good benefits from the stacking bonuses to strength from rage and mutagen. Depending on the flavor of alchemist, you also get any number of interesting abilities from the mutagen as well.

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Daelen wrote:I posted a thread about these guys, but didn't get a response yet. I so want to combine this with the Fire bomber archetype for a crazy goblin that sets himself on fire (turns into a fire elemental) and then lunges at the enemy!Setting yourself on fire... workable. Turning into a fire elemental... not so much, as you are no longer a goblin.
A combo alchemist/barbarian does have good benefits from the stacking bonuses to strength from rage and mutagen. Depending on the flavor of alchemist, you also get any number of interesting abilities from the mutagen as well.
He wasn't being literal about turning into a fire elemental...lol

Sirlink |
Gobo you progression bring two questions to my mind
1) how are you getting to your 6 attacks per round, I am getting lost somewhere along your train of thought
2) really the more potent thought to me, Does Hive Totem Toxicity increase the damage of your bite? does animal fury since you already have one? The only bite attack for PCs out there was animal fury when the core was done. I would love to find out if you can stack bite sources to increase its damage

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3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Gobo you progression bring two questions to my mind
1) how are you getting to your 6 attacks per round, I am getting lost somewhere along your train of thought
You get six attacks assuming a couple things, none of which are unreasonable. The first is that you have Improved Grapple, Greater Grapple, Rapid Grapple, and Animal Fury. Animal Furry lets you make a free bite attempt before resolving a CMB check to either maintain of break, in addition to what you can normally do with a successful grapple check (Attack, Move, Pin).
Now assuming you have an opponent grappled at the beginning of your turn you can as a Standard action maintain grapple. This give you a free bite attack via Animal Furry and if the check is successful you can choose to harm the opponent, attack 2. Then using Improved Grapple as a move action you repeat the above for attacks 3 and 4. Finally this scenario repeats one more time using Rapid Grappler as a swift action, giving you attacks 5 and 6.
So you can easily get 6 attacks if you start you turn grappling an opponent. Now if you start your turn adjacent to an opponent you can as a standard bite and get a free grapple check, then use your move and swift action to maintain your grapple, giving you 4 extra attacks using the method shown above.
So you actually have a good damage output considering that if you only use your bite each attack gets your full strength modifier and takes no penalty to hit. I never even thought of this possibility until Gobo pointed it out.

Daelen |

Lokie wrote:He wasn't being literal about turning into a fire elemental...lolDaelen wrote:I posted a thread about these guys, but didn't get a response yet. I so want to combine this with the Fire bomber archetype for a crazy goblin that sets himself on fire (turns into a fire elemental) and then lunges at the enemy!Setting yourself on fire... workable. Turning into a fire elemental... not so much, as you are no longer a goblin.
A combo alchemist/barbarian does have good benefits from the stacking bonuses to strength from rage and mutagen. Depending on the flavor of alchemist, you also get any number of interesting abilities from the mutagen as well.
Actually I was lol... the Fire Bomber at 8th level gets Elemental Body I as an extract.

Sirlink |
Now assuming you have an opponent grappled at the beginning of your turn you can as a Standard action maintain grapple. This give you a free bite attack via Animal Furry and if the check is successful you can choose to harm the opponent, attack 2. Then using Improved Grapple as a move action you repeat the above for attacks 3 and 4. Finally this scenario repeats one more time using Rapid Grappler as a swift action, giving you attacks 5 and 6.
Thats only 4 attacks by mty count:
Start Standard Action to maintain (1 bite from animal Fury before to maintain)Attack after maintainging (2 bite attack action)
Improved Grapple (3 bite as part of grapple from animal fury)
Rapid Grapple (4 gite as part of grapple from animal furty)
were are the extra bites coming froom?

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ossian666 wrote:Actually I was lol... the Fire Bomber at 8th level gets Elemental Body I as an extract.Lokie wrote:He wasn't being literal about turning into a fire elemental...lolDaelen wrote:I posted a thread about these guys, but didn't get a response yet. I so want to combine this with the Fire bomber archetype for a crazy goblin that sets himself on fire (turns into a fire elemental) and then lunges at the enemy!Setting yourself on fire... workable. Turning into a fire elemental... not so much, as you are no longer a goblin.
A combo alchemist/barbarian does have good benefits from the stacking bonuses to strength from rage and mutagen. Depending on the flavor of alchemist, you also get any number of interesting abilities from the mutagen as well.
Eh 8 levels of Alchemist and then more in Barb? You'd be spread pretty thin IMO. I'd just build an agile grappler Druid. Eventually you'd get Elemental Form to pull off what you want.

EvilMinion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Please Don't Kill Me wrote:Now assuming you have an opponent grappled at the beginning of your turn you can as a Standard action maintain grapple. This give you a free bite attack via Animal Furry and if the check is successful you can choose to harm the opponent, attack 2. Then using Improved Grapple as a move action you repeat the above for attacks 3 and 4. Finally this scenario repeats one more time using Rapid Grappler as a swift action, giving you attacks 5 and 6.Thats only 4 attacks by mty count:
Start Standard Action to maintain (1 bite from animal Fury before to maintain)
Attack after maintainging (2 bite attack action)
Improved Grapple (3 bite as part of grapple from animal fury)
Rapid Grapple (4 gite as part of grapple from animal furty)were are the extra bites coming froom?
I think you're missing the regular bite attack from the Greater Grapple and Rapid Grappler.
(Take Animal Fury out of the equation for a moment)
Standard action to maintain. If successful: regular bite attack damage #1 [normal grapple rules] (technically its a move action due to greater grapple, but not relevant for this example)
Move action to make another grapple check. If successful: regular bite attack damage #2 [greater grapple feat]
Swift action to make another grapple check. If successful: regular bite attack damage #3 [rapid grappler feat]
Now add Animal Fury back in, which gives an additional bite before each of the three grapples checks, for a total of 6 possible damage attacks.
I believe that's what he was saying.

EvilMinion |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Any way to get the 6 attacks as a catfolk or is it gobin only?
Nothing in there was goblin only.
One was from normal grapple.One was from Greater Grapple feat.
One was from Rapid Grappler feat.
And the last 3 from the Animal Fury rage power.
I imagine any level 9 barbarian with the four feats required (Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Greater Grapple, Rapid Grappler) and the one rage power (Animal Fury) would be in the same boat, just the damage would vary by race I suppose.

Gobo Horde |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

Sorry about the confusion, I will try and make my point a little more clear and with less words :P
As for the number of attacks, you actually bite with animal fury 3 times. I will run 3 senarios to demonstrate how this works.
#1) you start apart from your target.
Move action to close to your target, standard to attack 1st bite, free grapple attempt because of grab and animal fury procs 2nd bite, do damage to maintain the grapple 3rd bite, rapid grappler activates granting a second animal fury 4th bite, and finally do damage to maintain the grapple 5th bite.
5 bites off of a standard and a swift action, no pounce.
#2) you already grappled last turn and are currently in the grapple.
move action to maintain the grapple, animal fury procs 1st bite, do damage to maintain the grapple 2nd bite, move action to maintain the grapple, animal fury procs 3rd bite, do damage to maintain the grapple 4th bite, swift action to maintain the grapple, animal fury procs 5th bite, do damage to maintain the grapple 6th bite.
6 bites if you are already inside the grapple.
#3) you are beside the target but not in a grapple.
standard action to attack your target 1st bite, free grapple attempt because of grab, animal fury procs 2nd bite, do damage to maintain the grapple 3rd bite, move action to maintain the grapple, animal fury procs 4th bite, do damage to maintain the grapple 5th bite, swift action to maintain the grapple, animal fury procs 6th bite, do damage to maintain the grapple 7th bite.
7 bites when someone else would full attack, I did not include this one as it should be rare.
2) really the more potent thought to me, Does Hive Totem Toxicity increase the damage of your bite? does animal fury since you already have one? The only bite attack for PCs out there was animal fury when the core was done. I would love to find out if you can stack bite sources to increase its damage
sadly animal fury does not increase your damage, you get a second bite attack (which you need a second mouth to use) and hive toxicity only increases the animal fury bite. you would have both of these;
Savage bite: 1d6 damage, grab, (imp/greater) lockjaw, 10th lvl 1d8 3x critAnimal fury: 1d3 damage, grab, (imp/greater) lockjaw, 8th lvl 1d4
As you can see, I would chose to use the savage bite every time, do note however that grab, lockjaw and the poision bite from hive toxicity can be used with any bite attack, not just the one it came with.
Any way to get the 6 attacks as a catfolk or is it gobin only?
the only things you need to get the attacks are animal fury and the grappling feats. Tecnicaly all you would need is 2 levels of barbarian, but you would loose out on the hive powers. Also note that the catfolk would not get the bonuses of the feral gnasher archetype or the improved bite attack.
So you actually have a good damage output considering that if you only use your bite each attack gets your full strength modifier and takes no penalty to hit. I never even thought of this possibility until Gobo pointed it out.
You actually get 1 1/2 your str for it being your only natural attack, even more reason not to take beast totem 8D And your welcome :)
LinkityIf a creature has only one natural attack, it is always made using the creature’s full base attack bonus and adds 1-1/2 times the creature’s Strength bonus on damage rolls. This increase does not apply if the creature has multiple attacks but only takes one. If a creature has only one type of attack, but has multiple attacks per round, that attack is treated as a primary attack, regardless of its type.
Gobo Horde wrote:
Aww man I found this forum late! Can I still get in on that tiny greenie fist bump?I'll do you one better!
Yay im part of the cool goblin horde now XD
Time to geek it out and loose that status ^-^
Ed-Zero |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Would this benefit from being a synthesist summoner? Sure, you grow but you could get a bigger bite and multiple bite attacks.. just focus on biting and growing bigger and pretty soon you'd just be legs with mouths on it :D
Remembered the spell Strong Jaws that increases your die damage by two steps. It's trivial enough to make a custom item that gives it permanently.
-Strong Jaws spell- two size categories
-Enlarge person spell - one size category
-Righteous Might spell - one size category
-Divine Vessel - one size category
-Monks Robe - one size category
-Improved Natural Attack - one size category (i think)
-Improved damage from eidolon - one size category
-Amulet of Natural Attacks
-Enchant your chompers with Fire, Sonic, whatever else you want to do
-Get some form of permanent haste for an extra bite attack
There is another spell that also increases die steps by one but I can't remember what it is right now.
With these, it doesn't matter how small your bite damage is, you're going to be doing colossal damage with it, which will be massive. Of course, if you want to opt of the spells that make you bigger...
Strong Jaws - 2
Monks Robe - 1
INA - 1
Eidolon - 1
That by itself is 5 jumps up which actually might already be colossal haha. Hope this is informative!
@Gobo Horde
If you're doing multiple colossal damaging attacks, the more the merrier, limiting yourself will only lessen your damage dealt.

Gobo Horde |

Sure this would benefit a synthesist as all you really need is a 2 level dip for the animal fury, but i would strongly advise against the multiple attacks. What makes this good is that the same strong bite (that gets 1 1/2 str) is used for all the attacks, and grappling does not really lend itself to a horde of limbs flailing about. Remember that you cant full attack and grapple at the same time.
Actually thinking about it, isnt multiclassing generally bad for the summoner? You get all your power from your class abilities and multiclassing weakens that, but if your going to dip anyways, this might be a good one to do.

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So would all 6 attacks be made at full BAB? Also, Gobo, I believe you would only get the 1.5*Str mod if you make one bite attack a round. If you make two or more I believe it drops to 1*Str Mod. I may be wrong though.
Also I was thinking, with the three grapples/round build you should save your standard until the last maneuver incase you fail one of your Grapple checks and release the grapple. That way you always have a back up option.

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Okay, the Grappler.
Lvl 9 Human Feral Gnasher
Str: 16+2 Racial+2 from Levels+4 from magic items=24
Feats: Racial Heritage (Goblin), Improved Grapple, Greater Grapple, Rapid Grapple
Rage Powers: Animal Fury, Hive Totem, Improved Hive Totem
Traits: Bred for War (+1 Grapple)
Equipment: AoMF (+2 Enchantment)
Grapple while ragging: BAB (+9), Str Mod (+10), Grab (+4), Improved Grapple (+2), Grater Grapple (+2), Animal Fury (+2), Improved Hive Totem (+2), Bred for War (+1), AoMF (+2) = +33 to grapple. In addition you can grapple Huge creatures.
Thats not bad... and once you hit level 10, you pick up Bloody Bludgeon and have the party caster hit you with Enlarger Person. Now you can pick up medium creatures and use them as improvised weapons in conjunction with your Improved Improvised Weapons.

Skylancer4 |

So would all 6 attacks be made at full BAB? Also, Gobo, I believe you would only get the 1.5*Str mod if you make one bite attack a round. If you make two or more I believe it drops to 1*Str Mod. I may be wrong though.
Also I was thinking, with the three grapples/round build you should save your standard until the last maneuver incase you fail one of your Grapple checks and release the grapple. That way you always have a back up option.
The requirement for getting 1.5 STR is it being your only natural attack, not using it once per round.

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Please Don't Kill Me wrote:The requirement for getting 1.5 STR is it being your only natural attack, not using it once per round.So would all 6 attacks be made at full BAB? Also, Gobo, I believe you would only get the 1.5*Str mod if you make one bite attack a round. If you make two or more I believe it drops to 1*Str Mod. I may be wrong though.
Also I was thinking, with the three grapples/round build you should save your standard until the last maneuver incase you fail one of your Grapple checks and release the grapple. That way you always have a back up option.
Okay, that works for me, I'm never opposed to extra damage. Could you provide a link or quote I can show my GM?

Skylancer4 |

Skylancer4 wrote:Okay, that works for me, I'm never opposed to extra damage. Could you provide a link or quote I can show my GM?Please Don't Kill Me wrote:The requirement for getting 1.5 STR is it being your only natural attack, not using it once per round.So would all 6 attacks be made at full BAB? Also, Gobo, I believe you would only get the 1.5*Str mod if you make one bite attack a round. If you make two or more I believe it drops to 1*Str Mod. I may be wrong though.
Also I was thinking, with the three grapples/round build you should save your standard until the last maneuver incase you fail one of your Grapple checks and release the grapple. That way you always have a back up option.
I believe the pertinent info is under natural weapons/attacks in the CRB.

Sirlink |
According to the FAQ
“From the APG FAQ
Does the Toothy alternate racial trait in the Advanced Player's Guide (page 19) stack with the Razortusk feat (page 168) granting you two bite attacks?
This is one of those areas where we tried to get at the same idea multiple ways. In this case, the answer is no, unless you somehow manage to get an extra mouth. Generally speaking, natural weapons can only be used once per round each. This also applies to the Animal Fury barbarian rage power (Core Rulebook, page 32).
—Jason Bulmahn, 08/13/10”
SO all you get it base attacks

Gobo Horde |

Skylancer4 wrote:Okay, that works for me, I'm never opposed to extra damage. Could you provide a link or quote I can show my GM?Please Don't Kill Me wrote:The requirement for getting 1.5 STR is it being your only natural attack, not using it once per round.
So would all 6 attacks be made at full BAB? Also, Gobo, I believe you would only get the 1.5*Str mod if you make one bite attack a round. If you make two or more I believe it drops to 1*Str Mod. I may be wrong though.Also I was thinking, with the three grapples/round build you should save your standard until the last maneuver incase you fail one of your Grapple checks and release the grapple. That way you always have a back up option.
If a creature has only one natural attack, it is always made using the creature’s full base attack bonus and adds 1-1/2 times the creature’s Strength bonus on damage rolls.
It can be found here.
Also in regards to keeping your standard until last, it is a good idea, but not needed.
You receive a +2 bonus on checks made to grapple a foe. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Improved Grapple. Once you have grappled a creature, maintaining the grapple is a move action. This feat allows you to make two grapple checks each round (to move, harm, or pin your opponent), but you are not required to make two checks. You only need to succeed at one of these checks to maintain the grapple.
so if you fail your first one, you can still attempt your second and if that succeeds, your golden. if you fail both, you cant take rapid grappler and your screwed :P

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i'm gonna start with saying i completely agree with gobo horde's grappler build for this archetype as prolly the best. i think its been pretty clearly laid out. there is one other half of the archetype that hasn't been discussed much tho, and that is its ability to pick up any unattended item that could be held in one hand as a free action. has anyone found any good uses for this? is it effectively quick draw for non-two-handed things?
obviously you want your hands free for grappling, but at 6th you have your hands free all the time. what kinds of things should you be picking up and throwing?

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i'm gonna start with saying i completely agree with gobo horde's grappler build for this archetype as prolly the best. i think its been pretty clearly laid out. there is one other half of the archetype that hasn't been discussed much tho, and that is its ability to pick up any unattended item that could be held in one hand as a free action. has anyone found any good uses for this? is it effectively quick draw for non-two-handed things?
obviously you want your hands free for grappling, but at 6th you have your hands free all the time. what kinds of things should you be picking up and throwing?
Actually, picking up one handed unattended objects in conjunction with Throw Anything, Improvised Weapon Mastery, TWF (as well as ITW and GTW), and Rapid shot would make for a good throwing class. Top that off with damage boost from rage and never having to worry about finding you thrown weapons after combat again.
The only problem with improvised weapons in general is not being able to overcome DR because I don't know how many +1 rocks my GM will have lying around.

Gobo Horde |

Well thank you Hangman for those kind words, yes I left out half of the archetype on purpose, the build isnt really feat starved but it does not have much room for extra feats, and ranged builds (archery, throwing, bombs, ect) are often very feat intensive.
Really, there is a couple reasons I left them out, so I will explain them.
1) Just because a class can do something, doesn't mean it should. A cleric is a prime example of this, he can heal, he can channel, he can cast spells, he can melee, he can tank, he can do archery, he can buff, he can do necromancy, he can debuff like crazy and he can do each one effectively but he can't do them all at the same time. The feral gnasher is similar but less so. He can grapple, he can pounce, he can be indestructible, he can throw, but he will struggle if he tries to do too many at once. With this particular archetype, I would probably stick with one, and possibly a dabbling in another at most for a bit of versatility. Rant over...
2) Stats. A main problem with this archetype is your racial +4 bonus to dex, -2 to str and rages +4 bonus to str. you can get decent stats on both ends, but you can't really shine on one end. Small size hurts quite a bit as well as small weapons hurt less. with ranged builds, they tend to suffer from MAD unless you manage to streamline them somehow like using the two-handed thrower feat (for str) or agile weapons (for dex) or be a zen archer (monk).
3) Ammunition. Please Don't Kill Me has a good point about never having to find your weapons after a battle, but he missed the point about having to find them before the battle. Unless your GM is really keen on detail or willing to work with you to ensure that there is plenty of ammunition laying around, you can quite easily and quite often find yourself in an empty room with 4 bare walls and nothing else. This is even more noticeable in PFS where you have multiple GMs and no way to ensure adequate weaponry. You could carry everything with you, but that defeats the purpose of being able to pick it up as a free action. You could drop it at the start of battle, but then your immobile.
4)Feats. As I said, ranged builds require quite a bit of feats, throwing builds more so. TWf doubly more so. If you are building it as your main schick or as a switch-hitter, you can make do, but if you are trying to tack it onto another build (a grappling build in this case) you can quite easily make your main schick suffer and only gain craptastic throwing at best.
5)Enchanting. Grappling barehanded (or toothed) requires AOMF to get your enchantments up. Throwing requires having a few weapons to be enchanted and can be quite costly. Improvised weapons can be next to impossible to enchant without outside help or specialized classes (like the magus). A good idea here is Greater Magic Weapon as a wand or such.
As a side note, even if you are not a throwing barbarian, the ability to pick up objects as a free action is incredibly powerful. You see that small statue that is probably worth loads of gold but most likely booby trapped? Make a withdraw action heading for the door starting at the statue and grab it on the way. Hopefully you are out of there before the traps start springing. See a pile of gold laying on the ground? Just saunter over it and poof! its all in your pocket! Do your archer a favor and pick up stray arrows that are laying about while you just happen over them. This goblin is a kleptomaniac if I ever saw one what with his increased str, and that is saying something when goblins are concerned!
So thats all the reasons I didn't include them in the grappling build, so now I will attempt to build a decent throwing build in the next post.

3Sheets2theWind |
So it saddens me that I am two years out on this string of posts....
What feats would you pick to augment this type of build?
Level 1: Improved grappling?
Level 3: Improved Unarmed Strike (this seems stupid to take)?
Level 6: Greater Grappling?
Level 9: Rapid Grappler?
level 12:
and variant thoughts?

TheWhiteRaven |
Apologies for thread necro, and raining on Gobo Hordes parade but I think there's an inconsistency in his build. Assuming 9th level with rapid grappler and animal fury, when you have to move in before attacking you would only get in 1 bite, not 5.
According to the grapple rules, the initial grapple attempt only does that, it begins the grapple, nothing more. It doesn't let you inflict damage until your next grapple check on your next turn. Also, rapid grappler specifically calls out using the Greater Grapple mechanic that is making a grapple check as a move action to MAINTAIN the grapple. Since on the initial free grapple from the bite, you are only initiating the grapple, you wouldn't get to trigger rapid grappler.
Also, animal fury says when you try to maintain or escape a grapple, again with the first bite being an initiation as opposed to a maintain check, you wouldn't get the free animal fury bite on round one.
If starting from away, first you spend a move action to get in range, then a standard action to bite, that initital bite allows you to initiate the grapple. That's it, round one is done, one bite, begin grappling.
Now, once you BEGIN your turn already latched on like a mad dog, everything flows perfectly. You standard to maintain, prefaced by an animal fury bite, then deal bite to maintain. Then move action to maintain via Greater Grapple, prefaced by an animal fury bite. Since you have used greater grapple to maintain as a move action NOW you get the swift action third grapple, prefaced by an animal fury bite.
In short, the round you have to move in and start, you get one bite only, but once you start the turn grappling then you get the 6 bites in one turn.
If anyone thinks Im miss-reading, please feel free to correct me, I'd love nothing more than to get 5 bites after moving in! Unfortunately I believe the rules shaft it. Sorry to burst the the bubble Gobo Horde, I really love the build and I'm definitely going to play a psycho biter at some point! XD