Guang |

I'm thinking of increasing the scale on the world's wound map, to make the wound more of a hexcrawl like the mushroom jungle was. Does anyone know how to separate the background image from the hex overlay?
Tried a few things in photoshop. So far so ugly. :D
Got a few more ideas to try. Would be much easier if the original non-hexmap map image was around somewhere though.Second question: Wanting to dig out collapsed tunnels has come up a lot in my game - anybody else run into this? what did you tell them?

Weslocke |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I recently added Part 4 of my own version of ToN to the Facebook page where I was detailing it before. Anyone who wants feel free to plunder ideas for your own campaign. There was a good bit more to my original, but this gets the gist of it across.
Now, the secret door that the pc's found used to lead to a caravan supply outpost in the Undermines of Dammerhall (the lowest level). That outpost is now stripped near-bare, but provides a relatively safe place to base their expeditions into the lost city from. The undermines are about two miles across and surround a central rift that leads upwards to the UnderHall (the next lowest level and the former city of the deep dwarves). Exploring the Undermines reveals many dwarven undead now guard their death chambers. Some of these undead burn with a black fire ( I often refer to this as blackfyre treat this as a negative energy aura that adds 1d10 negative energy damage that Death Ward only protects from half of to the undeads attacks, and deals 1d10 negative energy damage to anyone who attacks them with a melee weapon or other non-ranged attack that does not possess reach.) Once the undermines are cleared they are not yet safe for use until Dammerhall itself is tamed. The Undermines function as a kingdom mining resource (and more at GM discretion, which I encourage in this case). The central rift leading up to the Underhall of the Deep Clans is covered with long ledges and bridges leading upwards and upwards to the underhall high above. This rift is the home of a powerful haunt. When the blackfyre burned through the Kings Halls above and tore downwards through the central rift thousands fled across these bridges. In the chaos many were pushed to their deaths, while most were burned alive by the blackfyre. Any who fail the save against the haunt (it should be pretty high depending on PC level) get confused for a round (and possibly wander off the bridge while experiencing their brothers push them off in the ancient panicked rush here). Additionally several greater shadows that burn with blackfyre watch these bridges and, aware of the haunt, they attack parties they see with pc's in distress. The haunt can only be removed by casting a consecrate spell to settle the lost souls here followed by a DC 21 caster level check. This can be ascertained with a DC 26 Kno: Religion check. Amongst the bones on the bridges they discover an ancient priests body with a powerful +3 ring of protection and a +2 ghost touch adamantine dwarven axe.
Once they ascend the central rift to the UnderHall they find a vast vault of ten story towers connecting floor to ceiling as far as the eye can see surrounding the rift, which continues upwards in a tangled mass of ledges and bridges to both the KingsHalls and the GuildHalls above. The UnderHalls surrounding them are a tangled mass of tight streets between towers. Shrewd engineers will notice that every fifth tower is accessible only from above and their bridges only connect to each other. It is from these towers that the initial threats will come. It will start as stealthy attacks from dwarven ghoul rogues using arrow slits. It will escalate to masses of ghouls raining missile fire down from bridges until the PC's seek shelter or see (do not forget stonecunning) the secret doors at the bases of the secure towers (DC 28). If they assault a tower hurl a large group of dwarven advanced ghoul fighters 4th with shortbows and a small group of dwarven ghoul rogues 5th with shortbows. If they repulse this attack then another group of twice these numbers attacks in 12 hours. If they still hold the tower at that time, they gain unopposed access to the KigsHalls and GuildHalls via the ledges and bridges of the central rift. It should be obvious that there are still ghouls nearby. The PC's will have to defeat another two or three packs before the UnderHalls are safe. There is much and more treasure here. Most is small value art objects left behind by the ancient dwarves (several thousand gold pieces worth at least). The underhalls used to have many functional lifts to the GuildHalls and the TradeHalls near the surface but these do not function because the CityForge in the GuildHalls is dark and the master drive piston is disengaged. Once the haunt below is gone, the cityforge relit, the master drive re-engaged, the ghoul packs eradicated and the KingHalls cleared, then the lifts can be used to access the TradeHalls, the GuildHalls, the UnderMines (restoring them to operation), the KingHalls, The HighHall and the Towers District. (More on the TradeHall, HighHall & Towers District later)
Now, about the GuildHalls and the KingHalls, this is where the catastrophe that destroyed the city started all those years ago, but it is no longer the center of the dark powers infesting this city. Long ago the masters of the city sought to tame the power of an artifact called the Jewel of the Ebon Flame. They envisioned their powerful lifts and forges powered by the mystical jewel and coveted the power they would possess were it so...but when they awoke the mighty Jewel the primal negative energy creature within found itself, once again, strapped into the heart of a mighty machine to power it and, in a moment of anger, judged them unworthy sending blackfyre rushing through every part of the massive citymachine that it had been connected to. Many were slain outright, but some few became undead and some of them coursed still with the blackfyre. The undead created in this burst of pure negative fire hunted the remaining few living inhabitants to extinction. On that darkest of days there was, imprisoned in the kinghalls, an umbral dragon. It was caught up in this burst of Blackfyre from the Jewel and transformed into a negative energy charged creature. It considers that day its rebirth in service to the Jewel of the Flaming Darkness and renamed itself ColdWing to honor its new master. The Jewel grants ColdWing the spell like abilities of Dimension Door, Tongues, Arcane Sight & Globe of Invulnerability (lesser) 3x/Day each at Caster Level 20th as well as Globe of Invulnerability, Dispel Magic (Greater) & an Empowered Enervation 1x/Day each at Caster Level 20th. ColdWing is a CR 14 Adult Umbral Dragon (CR 16 with the powers from the Jewel). It does not actually possess the Jewel, it is in the Towers District. If ColdWing is slain, the Jewel will use its Wish power (Ix/week) on the next day to return the dragon to life. It will continue to do so until the PC's destroy the Jewel (which takes ColdWings help, it must first be hit with the umbral dragons negative energy breath and then targeted by the spell like ability Greater Dispel Magic that it grants to the dragon (a dirty trick maneuver) the jewel can then be destroyed by any +2 or better adamantine weapon and has a hardness of 15 and 60 hp, this can all be worked out by a DC 30+ Kno:Arcana/Religion or alternatively by examining the dragons corpse and possibly using Legend Lore on it) ColdWing stalks the Kinghall and Guildhall areas and all the residents of Dammerhall rightly fear it and avoid the dragon whenever possible.
The KingHall is vaulted chamber after vaulted chamber of vast galleries and columns surrounding the Kings Tower (now the Dragons lair).
The GuildHall sits opposite the Kinghall across the roof of the great rift and contains the cityforge, master drive and smithies and smelters as well as alchemical storehouses and shops including gemcutters all wrapped in ascending array of shops and storehouses lining the vaulted walls overlooking the cityforge and guildmarket. There is much, much and more treasure in this area of the city. In addition to the dragons considerable horde there are another 70,000 GP worth of valuable trade goods scattered about the GuildHalls (including mithral trade bars and raw alchemical goods but they weigh 500 lbs!) Use the dragon and more packs of ghouls in these areas to keep the party busy. The dragon thinks strategically, and only watches the party until they either approach the KingHalls intent upon entry or they relight the cityforge (in preparation to re-engage the master drive it assumes) in either case it attacks preferably on the bridges outside the KingHalls or atop the master drive piston adjacent to the tower controlling the cityforge. To re-engage the piston someone must go onto the roof and across a flimsy (Dragon bait) bridge to the top of the piston and manually release the break there (Two Full Round Actions, Two STR checks both DC 16+) after the forge is up to steam to re-engage the master drive and power all the cities lifts and trollies. This restores function to the UnderHall, but the dragon must be permanently defeated and the Jewel destroyed to allow resettlement (which opens three FREE city grids consumption free once the UnderHall, HighHall and Towers District are all clear too!!)
The HighHall is another vast 100 foot tall vault filled with ten story tall towers and bridges. Big difference here is that within every fifth tower there were, in antiquity, stationed two carytid columns shaped like dwarven warriors. A dozen of them still impotently patrol the Highhall against all intruders in groups of four. The sounds of combat will attract the others quickly. Once they are all dealt with if the PC's try to use any of the lifts, elevators or trollies to get to the Tradehall or Tower Districts they get attacked by a huge negative energy infusedblackfyre fire elemental! Every week they remain within DammerHall the Jewel will summon another of these and set it against them. These will pursue them throughout the ruins even back to their camp, but once they defeat the first blackfyre elemental they may proceed to either the TradeHall or Towers District. There is much treasure in the form of small value art objects scattered about the ruins of all these towers. They total to about 12,000 GP but weigh 100 lbs.
The TradeHall is another series of vaulted hall after vaulted hall and connects to the surface (but the bridges are destroyed). Along it length and up its walls are the shops and trade-family homes of the ancient dwarves of Dammerhall. This district is home to a large group of dwarven cairn wights led by a powerful and charismatic dual-blooded fire/undead bloodline ghoul sorcerer. One of the dwarven corpses here is a member of the royal guard whose corpse still bears Dwarven Full Plate +3 and beneath the body lies a rotting quiver containing x12 +2 Evil Outsider Bane Crossbow bolts and x3 crossbow bolts of lesser undead slaying.
Finally, perched atop the mountain fastness of Dammerhall is the Tower Districts five groups of three towers each all formerly interconnected with bridges. Now one of the triple towers is isolated from the others and still burns with blackfyre! It is in this set of towers that the Jewel rests, placed here by ColdWing and guarded by its summoned army of life-stalkers (negative energy infused advanced invisible stalkers). This is where they must lure the dragon, ColdWing and trick him into helping them destroy the Jewel. That takes care of most of the adventure end of Dammerhall.
The kingdom building end follows. Dammerhall attracts a population of 29,000 pretty quickly and they get to detail x3 cost free city grids in addition the dammerhall city districts also receives these structures and upgrades for free. Sewer System, Paved Streets, Magic Streetlamps, Everflowing Fountain plus whatever else the GM approves. The Kingdom gets a new mine and a new quarry each worth x4 times the normal production per turn. As mentioned before Dammerhall operates consumption-free due to its surface trade connections. That wraps most of it except for the politics end of things. I will add that a little later. Enjoy and Happy Gaming!

tumbler |

I know several people have worked to expand and complete the campaign. Is anyone interested in compiling resources, plot threads, statistics, and whatever else on a google site or something? I am getting ready to run the campaign and I've made some additions to the beginning. I created some orc shock troops for the drow to use. I added a duergar settlement beyond the fungal forest, and more contact with other svirfneblin. I would be happy to share what I am doing.

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I know several people have worked to expand and complete the campaign. Is anyone interested in compiling resources, plot threads, statistics, and whatever else on a google site or something? I am getting ready to run the campaign and I've made some additions to the beginning. I created some orc shock troops for the drow to use. I added a duergar settlement beyond the fungal forest, and more contact with other svirfneblin. I would be happy to share what I am doing.
I would say just add them here like Weslocke did.

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It would be nice. My group has started book one. So far I am loving it. I just don't want to get through 1 and 2 and have to wait.
Well, after Book 3 you'll have to wait. That being said, a couple of us have added side treks and our own version of Throne of Night sequel adventures that you could do in the meantime.
Gary's last post was that Book 3 was almost done, and that Book 4 was being written at the same time as it tied directly into 3. Hopefully neither will be too much of a wait.

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For those interested, check out Salt and Sea Dogs: The Pirates of Tellene. It's 3.5 D&D, but there's an item in there called the Dwarven Compass. It's a wondrous item (3k gold), and can be used either as a standard compass, or locate the nearest (or largest) gold reserve within 100 miles. I definitely want my PCs to have this in their inventory.

Mekura |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well, having downloaded the two books and been very impressed with what I've seen, its a little depressing to hear such stalls and lack of communication regarding this particular title :x Especially since, despite concerns towards how much effort and dedication is put into this, both Throne of Night and Way of the Wicked as far as I've heard are REALLY good adventures. Hmm. Shame.
Well, anyway, since the second book failed to elaborate on what book 1 mentions, I was curious if anyone here had any suggestions on how to go about running two parties, Explorer and Overlord alike, through the first two books, which seems a little challenging to scheme together.

Gambit |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

This whole thing really doesn't make any sense. This company already released a highly praised full adventure path, and now they pull a vanishing act halfway through another one. I dont get why Gary just wont come on here and say "hey guys, heres whats up"? Doesn't he understand that people will accept delays as long as communication is maintained?

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I'd like to believe that he hasn't just completely abandoned the project, and taken the money and run. That would mean throwing his artist friend under the bus.
But I agree that it'll be difficult to find work in the RPG field again, as this project is a year behind, and he's no longer doing the Ogre game either, as someone else was given the project with Gary's notes.
I can only imagine what brought things to this point for him.

Gambit |

It makes a lot of sense. Gary too the Kickstarter funds, stuck them in his pocket, pretended to go on a "fungus field trip", and now has no g&+@@*n intention of every doing any work in the RPG field again (after this debacle, I doubt if he could find employment in the field at any rate).
If this is indeed the case, then all the backers need to get together and file a class action lawsuit against him. I bet just the threat of it would cause him to get off his butt and finish his work.

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Kthulhu wrote:It makes a lot of sense. Gary too the Kickstarter funds, stuck them in his pocket, pretended to go on a "fungus field trip", and now has no g&+@@*n intention of every doing any work in the RPG field again (after this debacle, I doubt if he could find employment in the field at any rate).If this is indeed the case, then all the backers need to get together and file a class action lawsuit against him. I bet just the threat of it would cause him to get off his butt and finish his work.
From what we know, no, it's not true. The "field trip" was him and his wife's anniversary, and we knew that before the KS started. He was at two conventions, ran his Minion Quest entries for Book 7 of Way of the Wicked, went on the trip, and everyone (including friends) didn't hear from him besides there being something about an intern helping. His artist has been responding to messages, but we don't know the situation.
@Kthulhu don't make accusations that you don't have proof on. Yes, he's taking his sweet time. Yes, the KS funders aren't happy. We have not filed a class action suit, but we have informed KS about what's going on. Unfortunately, the company's name is essentially mud right now.
mikeawmids |
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I suspect that the complicated nature of writing two conflicting AP (dwarves and drow) that run adjacent to one another has caused Gary McBride to lose momentum and cease advancement on Throne of Night. From what I understand he is near constantly on Kickstarter backing other projects and completely ignoring his own backers.

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Yeah, pretty underwhelming update. No mention this time of the physical books 1 and 2 which are due to be shipped in 3 days by his last update. Time for him to turn this over to a more reputable publisher to finish what he started ala Razor Coast.
It's more than likely he couldn't afford to hand it over to someone else.

Itchy |
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I was just glad to get an update. I'd prefer more frequent updates, even ife it was just a once a month, "Still working" update. There are two Kickstarters (other than this one) that I supported over a year ago that have not fulfilled yet. However, I still get a monthly poke from them that progress IS being made and I will eventually get my books. That's enough to keep me happy and interested.

ladydragona |

The sad thing in all this is even if Gary eventually comes through and gives us all everybook and PDF that he owes us, he has permanently ruined his reputation he will never be ale to hold another kickstarter no matter how good his material is. Their are a number of other companies out their that have been incredibly slow to fulfill their kickstarters but they have at least kept open the line of communication with their backers and so they keep their reputation in tact. In a small industry like this where companies are selling luxury products like games supplements customer service is sooo very important, even if it is only returning an inquiry with bad news, at least the customers don't feel abandoned.

Endzeitgeist |

I am pretty confident we'll receive all of ToN in the end...but yeah, his silence hurts his company and reputation. :(
Steampunk Musha by Fat Goblin Games also had issues and temporary silence, but they *always* got back, explained and continue to provide updates. So yeah, I really don't get Gary's relative silence and my only explanation is that it's something deeply personal. Just stating that without any further specifics would already be helpful in my book, but oh well. I mean, we're rabid roleplayers, but for my part, I waited for Razor Coast - from when it was announced to when it finally saw the light of day. Delays are unpleasant, but they happen - if we were in the loop regarding new books, print copies etc., I think most of us wouldn't be as annoyed.
Just my 2 cents.

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@Itchy -- Agreed. Any updates would be fine. I was hoping he'd learned his lesson during the creature cards KS after everyone got mad at him for that, and he said he'd do better in the future. Guess not.
@ladydragona -- It's definitely wrecked his rep. So many people on his KS, and here on the boards, not to mention his FB page, have stated on numerous occasions that they will never support another KS of his. That they will wait until they see the product on the shelf, or in the pdf store, before even remotely considering picking it up. If he and Mike decide to continue, they'll have to use pseudonyms in place of their real names, and come up with a different company name.
@Endzeitgeist -- When this first happened, him and his wife were going on an anniversary trip to Africa. It was after that, that he suddenly became super silent. On his artist, Mike, would respond to e-mails. I too believe that something happened to him personally, and while I don't want the details or pry, it would be nice to know what's going on. At the very least it'd stop all the accusations about how he took the money and ran.
Something big had to have happened because he even lost the Ogre contract, which got taken up by Steve Jackson Games.

Endzeitgeist |
7 people marked this as a favorite. |

Yeah, I followed the whole debacle. I just hope that whatever is ailing him or those close to him will be history one day.
I've seen quite a few great people struggle through hardships in this industry, but usually, whenever they were open with their struggles, people were accepting and understanding - supportive, even.
Hence my theory that it's something pretty bad. I really wish Gary all the best, for while the entitled geek in me is angry for not having any of the print books I pledged for yet, from my interactions with him on the boards and PMs, I got to know him as a kind, gentle person of integrity. And this makes me confident I'll see the books in the end.
I still may be proven wrong, but until that day, my thoughts are with him and I hope he manages to surpass this crisis, whatever shape or form it may take.
I don't condone the silence on the matter, but I can understand it, though at some point, *some* kind of acknowledgment NOT of the delays, but of the lack of meaningful communications, would certainly help stop the accusations, which, at least for now, are not true.

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@Endzeitgeist -- It's exactly as you said. I agree 100%. I honestly hope neither one of us is proven wrong on us getting what we paid for, and I hope whatever's going on will pass.
I too got the same impression of Gary through PMs, e-mails, and chats on the forum. Heck, it was because of him that I started to do freelancing. He saw the work I was doing to add to his Way of the Wicked AP, and praised what I had done over the e-mails we exchanged. So for me, if any of the accusations ever became a reality, it'd probably hurt me more than most other people, and I really want to believe in him. I just wish that his communication skills were better. He agreed in the last update that the delays and the lack of updates was inexcusable. Yes, they are, but if you tell us what's really going on, it likely won't be. At least not nearly as much.
I'll be happy if Book 3 comes out next week.

Lava Child |

It's going to be a long haul, I think. I just plan to be patient and delicate, because abuse will likely increase his stress level and we will get nothing at all. We'll see how things turn out, the first two books have been quite good. Sometimes art just takes time. I'm not making excuses for him, deadlines need to be kept, and communication should be made but it is what it is.

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Got this message back, and was posted on the KS:
I'm sorry that I neglected to reply to you previously. The simple fact is that I don't know why Gary is so delayed with the writing so I don't know what to tell people other than what they already know from Gary's updates. I continue to receive art assignments and have been doing artwork for the remaining books all the way up to Book Six. My role in the company is mainly just as the visual artist, as Gary's employee, and I don't have any control over Gary's pace of writing or handling other business matters. I'm not holding things up - the delays seem to be in the writing area. If there are specific reasons for these delays it is up to him to tell people what they are - because I don't know those reasons.
Best regards,
- Michael Clarke
I figured it wasn't fair to ask Mike all the hard questions. Can't answer what you don't know. The joys of the employee rank.
This comes down to, again, Gary's communication, and us wishing he'd be straight with us on whatever's going on. Probably too late to ask if he needs a freelancer on this. Maybe the interns he had didn't work out.

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For those looking for more than just your standard dwarven classes, Necromancers of the Northwest have come up with a few archetypes just for this race.

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One thing that I'm really looking forward to, if Gary still ends up doing it, is a "other races" option. We know the standard dwarf and drow path, but he had mentioned that it was possible to put in other races as well, hence the darkvision trait. He did mention kobolds that would try to usurp their drow oppressors. I was thinking about it tonight while going through the various race books that Kobold Press has been releasing, and I was thinking that the lesser derro would be an interesting idea. They're a messed up version of the dwarves, but they would fit in just fine. Duergar are also an obvious choice. Probably some not so obvious choices would be fetchlings, goblins, oread, ratfolk, and dhampirs. And that's just from official Paizo. That doesn't include creatures like the squole and obitu form Alluria Publishing. Then of course there's the high goblins and umbral kobolds from Jon Brazer.
Just a thought.

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You all are much more confident that I that we will ever see a completed project. I think Gary has done about all he is going to do on this project. Really hope I'm wrong.
Mike won't let him be done, if for no other reason he at least wants to keep his reputation intact. Mike's been pestering him to do updates, and doing all the art he's commissioned, but that's about all he's been capable of so far.

Weslocke |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Hello all,
I recently posted the last portion of my own version of Throne of Night, Part 4 (The Politicians).
Feel free to plunder this for ideas or material for your own game.
So a few months after the party secures Dammerhall and begins attracting hordes of surface dwarves to their reclaimed capitol several political entities among the dwarves make their presence known. Among these are the dwarven clans of the HarrowHelms (the only clan with a surviving bloodline claim to the throne) as well as the influential Firebrothers and Stonetalker mercantile clans. In addition to these remaining houses of Dammerhall an organization of dwarven priests and priestesses known as the Children of the First Stone join them. When the HarrowHelms arrive (led by Harrig HarrowHelm LN Ml Dw Ftr 10/Aristo 7) they ask for an audience with the PC's to discuss their claim to Dammerhall. They feel that their family should be allowed the rule of this new nation and it should be obvious that they have support amongst both the mercantile clans as well as among the Children of the First Stone. If asked about their plans for Dammerhall they admit that they intend to seal the city from the dangers of the realms below for all time. They may demand an opportunity to challenge the HarrowHelms claims of sovereignty (after all they are Dwarven Lords and Ladies and they DID recover Dammerhall from the clutches of numerous monsters). This requires a Diplomacy test (DC 35+) to garner enough support from the Firebrothers, Stonetalkers and Children of the First Stone to grant them a stay of judgement on the part of the Children of the First Stone for the duration of six months. During this six months both the PC's and the HarrowHelms are each charged with providing proof that they alone are fit to rule. For the HarrowHelms this is a simple matter. Their bloodline contains all the right they need. For the PC's this is a much more difficult matter to address. They need a sign from the gods. They need something that, in some way, shows that their rule will be bold, decisive, wise and prosperous. In my own campaign I used this as a device for introducing a large number of side quests into the campaign. Let the players garner support in whatever ways they feel comfortable. I suggest having them prove their mettle by acquiring rare crafting materials from the realms below for the Children of the First Stone. They can also work to secure trade commodities from the other non-dwarven settlements in their kingdom for the Firebrothers and the Stonetalkers. They may even go so far as to form trade routes and treaties with both surface dwellers and the folk below to help garner support from the merchant clans. If they have curried enough favor from either the merchant clans or the Children of the Stone then have them shift their support to the PC's. This series of events is not meant to truly challenge the players as much as it is to keep them busy running around setting up trade routes and seeking ways to gain the merchants and priests favor while also running their kingdom and finishing their explorations of the areas of the map around Dammerhall. The HarrowHelms are not fools enough to disrupt the potential stability of Dammerhall over such a dispute even if the PC's are found to be more deserving of Lordship of Dammerhall than they are. But the PC's must learn that for themselves. Let them think the worst of their cousins, but in the end have the Harrowhelms bend the knee and acknowledge the PC's as Sovereigns. Then when the Drow finally get wind of the return of Dwarves to Dammerhall have the dark elves triple their military presence and patrols in the northern sunless sea. In my own campaign this occurred after a drow patrol encountered a large dwarven patrol on the north side of the sunless sea. Of course, at this point the HarrowHelms once again counsel their King to close the tunnels below (and if they do that is pretty much the end of the campaign) and retreat behind their hidden doors and collapsed tunnels to the safety of Dammerhall, but if they do so then their entire rest of their kingdom that they worked hard and bled much to build is forfeit. If they choose to keep the way open then they must prepare to deal with the hated Drow once and for all!

Fencer_guy |
Tonight we pretty much finished book one. There is a little more left to do according to the dm. We killed the drow baroness and took over the tower so I am not sure what is left but hey that's what the dm says.
I really hope that book three comes out soon. I think it will take up a few months to get through two (we only play every other Friday)
Have to say though that book one has been a lot of fun. I just wish we could have played drow rather than dwarves. Had a lot of fun as a Magus (dex based) dwarf with a scimitar.