Help name next year's Worldwound-themed Adventure Path!

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

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Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

A few ideas:

Holy War
On Unholy Ground
Demonslayer's Crucible
Crusader's Regret
Where Gods Fall
Wounded World
Scourge of Demons
Marshal of Souls
Demonic Rift
(might have a double meaning if I guess the subject of "Demon's Heresy" correctly, but maybe not)

Against the Abyss and The Impossible Crusade weren't bad.

I like War for the Worldwound on its own, but I see the issue with the first installment's title.

I would say I like Worldwound Legacy, except I think it would be confusing and repetitive to use the word "Legacy" when there's already a "Legacy" AP ("Legacy of Fire").

The Healing.

Silver Crusade

Bleeding Towards Catharsis
Atonement For The Lost
Saint's Blood Upon Tainted Soil
Towards That Twisting Shore

Punch Demons

Crusade's Legacy

Crusades and Conquests

I thought that the next ap would be called reign of winter and be about witches and baba yaga

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Nick O'Connell wrote:
I thought that the next ap would be called reign of winter and be about witches and baba yaga

This is about the AP after Reign of Winter. The one that will start in August of 2013. Reign of Winter starts up in February 2013.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The Queen's Crusade - since this likely starts in Mendev. Kind of a nod to On Her Majesty's Secret Service.

The Stygian Beacon - a light against the darkness, very iconic.

Charges of the Light Crusade - a nod to the Tennyson poem, as well as describing what the PCs are.

The Low Templar's Crusade - probably more likely what the PCs are, compared to the last one.

"A Light Beyond the Abyss"
"The Crusader Chronicles"
"Out of Time"
"The Empty Hourglass"
"The Crusade of Souls"

My mistake sorry.

adding a few more to an already excellent array of choices :)
1) Shadows of Redemption
2) The Depth of Darkness
3) The Infernal End
4) Rifts of the Abyss
5) Aegis of Light

"March of the Righteous"
"A Woeful Wound"
"A Harvest of Souls"

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

"Decent into Darkness" maybe?

I think like so many others I'm trying for a double S name... not getting much.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

"Scourge of Souls"... Hmmmm, getting closer.

The Demonbane Legacy

Gone With The Wound

Some Wounds Never Heal

Demons On The Horizon

Dark Archive

Wounded Myths
Demon Scar Cleansing

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The Inheritor's Imperative
Raze of the Demonlords
Breaking the Breach
Beyond the Breach
Redemption of the Rift

Kiss the Boo Boo (Kidding!)
Sealing the Scar (there's your SS title of the week)
DC 666 Heal Check
Check Your Evil Hat at The Door

I really like Mercy's End too.

Those suggesting "Legacy" and "Carrion" should probably look at the previous AP titles a little closer... I would hope that AP titles get vetted against words that were already used.

Rift of the Black Flame

(the Worldwound,a mile-wide cosmic blight limned in black flame)

The Exchange

Nights of a thousand shadows.

Unto the Breach!

Shakespeare FTW. Good enough for Ray Bradbury and god knows how many others, it's good enough for Pathfinder!

Shadow Lodge

Reclaiming Paradise ( a riff on paradise lost)
The Reclamation Crusade

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The Woundwar Crusade
Warriors of the Woundwar


Beacons of the Light

A Beacon in the Night

Dispelling (the) Darkness

Defy the Dark

Cleansing Sarkoris

Sarkoris Restored

Tide of Light

The Cleansing Tide

The Brightest Light

Might of the Light

Night No More

The Dawn Crusade

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Descent into the Depths of the Demonwound Ah nostalgia

Healing the Wounds

Shadow Lodge

The Open Wound Crusade

March unto Chaos

Anguished Earth

Wards of Light

Cleansing of Chaos

Mending of Madness

The Ebbing Earth

Earth's Edge

As The Wound Turns

Sarkoris Hospitaler

Wow, gone for a couple of days and I come back to find this thread. I tried my best to read them all before I suggested anything so here it goes. . .

Like others, tying the title to the "Mythic" concept could work. To that end, I suggest:

Legends of Light

(The problem here is that the acronym is LoL.)

On a similar note:

Heaven's Heroes
Hallowed Heroes
Destiny of the Valiant
Virtue and Valor

Purgatory For the Soulless

James, when you finally settle on something (I presume we'll know that's happened when this thread gets locked?) I'd be really interested to hear why you choose what you do. Some of these are great and some of them less so - I really struggle to articulate to myself what it is that makes me prefer one to the other though.

I don't follow Golarion as a world but the rimmed in black fire thing stood out from the wiki. I don't know if it's still present, if so:

Quenching the Black Flame

To Quench Blackest Flame

Damnation Extinguished

Crossing the Threshold of Darkness

Abyssal Expectations

Path into glory
Path onto glory
A path to glory

I don't think this on ehas been mentioned yet..

The Heart of Darkness or Into the Heart of Darkness

Shadow Lodge

Souchering the wound

Closing wounds

Descending into redemption

Legacy of Locusts

Man's inheritance

Path of Redemption

The Inheritance of God's

Sonnets of the Mythic

A Journey through Darkness

The Worldwound Gambit.

I am assuming this is to prevent a planar invasion so:

The Edge of Chaos

Twilight's End


That is all I have for now.

Blight Rider

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Eternal Crusade

Liberty's Edge

The Demonblight Reckoning

Urath DM wrote:


Beacons of the Light

A Beacon in the Night

Dispelling (the) Darkness

Defy the Dark

Cleansing Sarkoris

Sarkoris Restored

Tide of Light

The Cleansing Tide

The Brightest Light

Might of the Light

Night No More

The Dawn Crusade

Night No More actually has a nice ring to it.

Silver Crusade

There's a demon in my hole.

Faith and Chaos

Aardvark Barbarian wrote:

I don't follow Golarion as a world but the rimmed in black fire thing stood out from the wiki. I don't know if it's still present, if so:

Quenching the Black Flame

To Quench Blackest Flame

Damnation Extinguished

Crossing the Threshold of Darkness

Abyssal Expectations

Like the black fire thing, too. And still want it to use the word Crusade, so...

Black Flame Crusade

Demon Flame Crusade


The Redemption Crusade

Redemption for the Wound

Heart of the Crusaders

Nemeses of the Demon Lords

Crusade agains the Demon Lords

Woe to the Worldwound

Silver Crusade

Blight's Bane

Sovereign Court Wayfinder, PaizoCon Founder

The Crusader wrote:
Healing the Wounds

I'd expand on this one with:

"Healing a Wounded World"

The Axial of Virtue
The Righteous Axis

Scarab Sages

Damnations Call

The Thri-Wound

Honor Unbound

Order's Threshold

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The Heralds Host

Bane of the the Herald

Hark the Heralds Horn

Hunt for the Herald

Twilight's Herald
I am reposting my suggestions... because well there are a lot of good ones here as well but good ones are getting subsumed by lots of silly ones...which I assume are intentional

Heart of the Swarm

The Winged Plague

They Shall Not Pass

To Heal the Wound

Cauterize the Wound

Into the Fire

Penitents Stand

Heart of the Host

The Swarm Eternal

Bastions of Hope

A New Song for Sarkoris

A Dirge for Aroden

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