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So the old What AP would you like to see next thread, is long and intimidating, and a bit out of date now! Since many of those ideas have or are coming to pass (Pirates and Worldwound especially) let's get the next 2 years worth going!
My top three are:
Iblydos (would love some Ancient Greek Clash of the Titans/Odyssey love)
Darkmoon Vale (love this region so much, it's time to return)
Galt Vive le Revolution and some cloak and dagger/diplomacy gaming!

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With Pirates and the Worldwound coming out I can pretty much retire from gaming after I run or play in those APs so I'm just going to throw my whacky/impossible ideas up.
Time Travel I've never seen a well-done time travelling adventure.
Adventurers In Spaaaaaace send our heroes to the AMAZING solar system.
Return to Tian Xia There's a great setting that can't be ignored.
Absalom Mysteries PCs are watchmen in Absalom solving crimes.

Steve Geddes |

A megadungeon AP (though Rappan Athuk is going to sate that desire somewhat, I'd still like a Paizo take on a big, dynamic, sprawling dungeon).
A mercantile AP - start with a lame donkey and work your way up to running a world spanning enterprise butting heads with the Resplendant Bureaucracty of Druma, the Aspis Consortium, Etcetera.

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Not in any particular order...
1. Numeria. Barbarians vs robots goodness. May possibly lead into #2...
2. Planet hopping through the solar system.
3. Darklands.
4. Vikings vs Witches in Linnorn Kings/Irrisen*
5. First World. I could totally go for Dark Mistress's "Alice in Wonderland" theme here as well.
*Reign of Winter may take care of this one, but it's been described as a "Baba Yaga AP" NOT a "Irrisen AP."

The Block Knight |

What everyone else said. I want all of those. :)
I suppose I'll be productive though and add my own list. In no particular order:
1. Numeria: 'nuff said.
2. Planets: any of them would do and I'd be willing for an AP to focus on just one or to try and tackle all of them - I'm not picky).
3. Darklands: Book Six better be in Orv (maybe even Book Five as well) and I'd especially love to see the Midnight Mountains or The Sunle- erm, I mean Sightless Sea. Or Denebrum (I have yet to see Neothelids used as a plot point and I think this is a grave injustice). Or the Black Desert (twilight desert filled with undead and giant worms, yes please). Or Minos-Pasha- y'know what? Just give me a campaign setting book on Orv. And then one for each of the other two layers as well. Now that's an idea. . .
4. Do for Casmaron or Vudra what you did for Tian Xia. Start in Absalom or Taldor and strike south/east.
5. Kaer Maga mega-dungeon: Sutter's already got the ball rolling, it's time to finish the job.
6. Linnorm Kings: With Mythic rules in play, if this AP doesn't end with the death of Fafhneir and Jormungandr then I'll be (only mildly) disappointed.
7. An AP covering pretty much any other region that hasn't really been touched on yet (Geb and Nex would be great but I'd take Galt or Druma too).
8. Varisia. Come on, admit it, this won't be over till James gets his "plans" for Viperwall into print.
Feel free to ignore all of these suggestions and do what you want. I'm good with that too.

Lithrac |

5. Kaer Maga mega-dungeon: Sutter's already got the ball rolling, it's time to finish the job.
This. I fully support that idea. His Kaer Maga book was nothing short of outstanding. However I feel this might not happen since the third installment of Shattered Star will happen there.
One thing I'd strongly like to see written would be an urban AP set in Absalom, with more intrigue and less straightforward dungeons.

Cole Deschain |
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1. A Nirmathas/Molthune war story. Bring on the moral ambiguity that the absence of demons, devils, or other long-leggity beasties can open up.
2. Some AP where the primary antagonists start out at the same level as the PCs, and advance accordingly. Serpent's Skull dabbled with rival factions, but wile it would take some working about, the clash of two rival adventuring parties as the conclusion would be quite enjoyable. Don't care where it's set. Heck, it could turn into a world tour.
3. Vudra. Let's send the PCs to Vudra and wish 'em the best of luck.
4. An AP that deals with a new threat, rather than an old one (Runelords, Kavazon, Drow Earthfall do-over, returning genies or the like). Let's see something new and nasty rise up, and only the PCs have a chance of stopping it. Links nicely with 2 and 3 in this selfsame post.
5. While I'm pirated out at present, a pirate-hunting AP could be fun in a year or two.
6. A colonization AP. Yes, Kingmaker effectively starts with the PCs being sent in to tame the Stolen Lands, and building a kingdom has been done, but what about a situation where the PCs gradually realize they maybe don't WANT to take over their assigned territory?

Timothy Hanson |
1) A return to Tian Xia. An AP that starts there and stays there. There could be some hook where characters could be from there or have traveled from the more known areas, but I would like to see the setting get a little more time to shine. Hopefully something that involves a country or two not yet visited.
2) An area that has not really been developed and lacks personality would be good. There are a couple of countries in the world guide that make me go "well that makes sense from a logical stance on how the world would form, but I have no idea what I would do to make an AP with this". So if they made an AP out of something that does not seem AP worthy, I think that would be great.
3) Something that explores Lost Kingdoms a little bit. There needs to be a safe AP, and something from Jistka might be cool. You get Randimorian, Cheliax, and Orision in that deal as well, so you could sort of explore those areas, but not in a large detail, just sort of a sampling. Maybe work for a non-Thule house who is trying to climb the ladder my finding some powerful artifacts. Thule could be the bad guy the whole time, but the whole battle would be political, so you would not fight them physically.

Drejk |
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1. Barbarian Princess Of Akiton: Numeria leading to planet hoping.
2. Blazing Guns and Crackling Wands: Geb versus Nex with Alkenstar caught in between. Almost certainly plane trips would be involved from 3rd book.
3. Dudemeister's Absalom Mysteries is interesting idea.
4. Curiosity's Odyssey: An elderly sage organizes scientific expedition to the south and east with party being his major aides. Starting from Absalon, they first run south to Jalmeray to acquire vital facts and maps and then turn east travelling toward the ruins of ancient Iblydoss and later the mysterious Vudra. The heroes will face exotic monsters, Taldoran spies, Keleshite insurgents, acolytes of strange cyclopean cults and Rakshasa of all kinds and stripes (or no stripes at all).

Lehmo |

Return of the stone lords: terracotta army raised reeking havoc. Based on jakie chans hero, mummy 3 or jet lees legend. Big baddies running around with flesh to stone weapon. Eastern themed adventure. One module could be the forbidden garden based on alice in wonderland or honey I shrunk the kids. I would also have npcs based on the seven samurai.
Tower/dungeon of shadows: ultimate dungeon or tower crawl. Based on temple elemental evil, tower of druaga (anime), trial of the champions or death trap dungeon (old school pc game). Every so often creatures begin to surface from the tower/dungeon and plague a nearby city. Adventurers are sent into clense it, clearing out levels. Could be similar to undermoutain (under Waterdeep forgotten realms).
The puzzlebox: a themed adventure with lots of puzzles. End in the challenge of the starstone in Absalom or dire gambling clubs challenge.
Planechaser: based on planeswalkers from Magic the Gathering. Altercations over different planes. Maybe someyhing like zelda ocarina of time or close temples and prevent planes from leaking into each other.
Its war: anything that uses the heros of battle book 3.5, based in Belkzen or Lastwall maybe.
Just justice: Conman campaign based on the tv series Leverage or oceans 11. The party must pull off amazing cons. Eg fake a kings death without him knowing or pulling off the greatest heist from the safest guarded vault. Traits could be added like leverage characters. Eg Mastetmind, Grifter, Hitter, Thief and Hacker (obviously changed).
Discovery: Steamcraft based campaign with the return of the technomancer, artificer or clockwork wizard. Flying ships, crazy gnomish designs (Lantan forgotten realms or Jazrune Cauldron: Shackled city) ancient or forgotten technologies (ffX or Sacred 2). Maybe Howls moving castle (anime movie) as one module.
Monster hunt: as its names suggest, hunt down mythical creatures and become the ultimate hunter. Quest could include cooking the ultimate feast (weird ingredients needed), saving a village from a ramoaging beast (minotaur of the maze etc). Should use ideas like heracules trials.
The fade: dreamscape based campaign.
Redemption: evil characters who must redeem there vile deeds. Paced with a curse or the like by a powerful deity.
The tower of conviction: arcnum asylum for wizards.

captain yesterday |

Alice in Wonderland.
By that I mean some poor 1st level PC's fall down the rabbit hole to the 1st world and spend the rest of the AP trying to get home, having a lot of adventures along the way.
Yes!, also at least the first two books MUST be written by crystal frasier and richard pett.

thenovalord |

James Jacobs mentioned that he may want to do an epic sea journey around the world. That I would like to see.
An expediton to somehwere epic would be cool, but why would you send 1st level PCs. This is a weakness of lots AP/ideas....some of them sound like the party should be pretty competent before they start.

Qorin |

1. Something Vudrani: Lots of exotic places & room to grow Creatures, Archetypes, Magic Items, etc with an Indian feel.
2. Something Lost World-y: whether plane hopping, exploring the remains of Azlanti, or something else. First level characters on an epic sea journey would start off as grunts, or maybe prisoners, if it's a Botany Bay type situation.
3. Numeria: Swords and Planets, magic and technology. Weeiiiirrrd stuff.

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FallofCamelot wrote:James Jacobs mentioned that he may want to do an epic sea journey around the world. That I would like to see.An expediton to somehwere epic would be cool, but why would you send 1st level PCs. This is a weakness of lots AP/ideas....some of them sound like the party should be pretty competent before they start.
To be honest I think 1st level characters are pretty competent anyway. Most people in a fantasy universe are going to be commoners or experts so a first level wizard or cleric who actually go out to fight the pesky goblins would be treated as rising stars, whereas a 6th level character would be a person of significant fame, power and influence.
Remember that the "peasant boy who becomes the world's most powerful mage/warrior/warper of reality" trope is very prevalent in fantasy fiction. I don't see starting as a first level character as a big deal.

thenovalord |
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lets just disagree
--Golarion is a highly magical word and id suggest there are many more 1st levels than you think, at least IMO
--an epic journey is to go to the isle of the
golden minotaur
dragons volcano
emerald serpent
et al
......not stop off on the way to fight a few vermin, goblins, and lizardmen so we can level up
i realise by the very nature of it being a game the level distribution, monster ELs etc make no sense, and that by being a path things get harder as you go along....and thus the ettins dont live on level 1 of the dungeon!!

Sub-Creator |
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lets just disagree
--Golarion is a highly magical word and id suggest there are many more 1st levels than you think, at least IMO
--an epic journey is to go to the isle of the
golden minotaur
dragons volcano
emerald serpentet al
And even the greatest expeditions won't pack their ships full of 7th level NPCs. That would be ridiculously expensive. The average crewman will be low level, probably no higher than 1st level, in fact. Making the hiring of first level PCs for an expedition around the world perfectly legit.
--Minotaurs are CR 4. Add three levels barbarian/fighter and you've got your golden minotaur. Perfect book one.
--Couatl are CR 10. Easily flavored to become the mythological emerald serpent. Perfect book two.
--Dragons are CR everywhere. You can easily find a Red dragon to fit in along any lines for the dragon's volcano. Perfect book three-plus.
So far, just in a matter of a few minutes, it sounds like the ideas you listed for an epic journey fit the AP march perfectly, and you know that the Paizo team would do far more amazing things with it than just what someone would come up with in just a few minutes.
I fear too many people let this silly perspective thing on levels run away with them. It really doesn't have to be that difficult if you don't want it to be.
And for the record, I'm all about an epic sea voyage around the world! I'd love such an AP!
I'm also very much appreciate some love given to dwarves somewhere in an AP eventually, whether it be a megadungeon that helps develop dwarven history/culture or just something that has to do with a dwarven stronghold. Incorporating the dwarven race in an AP would be awesome.
I'm also a firm believer in an AP based around Land of the Linnorm Kings. I'd truly wished there would have been some involvement with it in the Reign of Winter AP (vikings vs. witches!), but since that's not going to happen, an AP of its very own would be phenomenal.

The Block Knight |

Also, if you're of the mindset, "they must be this tall before they can be commissioned to take an epic sea journey," then it's always possible to have the entire first book take place in, say, Oppara or Absalom.
Book One - discover ancient map/relic/mcguffin which reveals the path Durvin Gest took on his ancient sea voyage to "that place with all the treasure". Now you have a party of Level 4 (maybe even 5) characters who have the means and inspiration to undergo the journey. They board the ship at the end of the module.

Cthulhudrew |

4. Do for Casmaron or Vudra what you did for Tian Xia. Start in Absalom or Taldor and strike south/east.
I could go for this; I'd prefer to start somewhere like Brevoy/The River Kingdoms- perhaps, in the vein of Shattered Star, it could be a spiritual successor to Kingmaker. Then work your way through Iobaria and the lost kingdoms, then through Kelesh, and ending up in Vudra.

The Block Knight |

I'd be good with starting in Brevoy and going through Iobaria. Really, I'd take whatever I could get when it comes to the other continents.
And, Hells yes!!! An AP with Kytons would be glorioius. Or a Vudra AP with a combo of Rakshasas and Asura. Or an AP involving the Four Horsemen and their Daemon minions. Or Demodands. Pretty much anything involving evil Outsiders, with some exceptions. Devils have been covered a few times. Demons are getting the ultimate AP next year. And I think Qlippoth are going to get quite a bit of use in Shattered Star (just a guess).
But if I had to pick one group to be next it would definitely be Kytons.

The Block Knight |

Glad I could be of help nova.
Also, the more I think about an epic sea journey, the more I'm liking the thought of doing something with the legend of Durvin Gest. The original first few issues of the Pathfinder Chronicles detail the legends of Gest as he navigated the entire coastline of Garund. Retracing that path with the goal of recovering a relic hinted at in Gest's journal could be pretty awesome. The mcguffin the party finds in the beginning could actually be Gest's journal. Hmmmm, I smell a homebrew campaign coming on. . .

thenovalord |

@Block :-)
I could live with the first mod being a 'trial/test' thing think jason and the argonauts.....although they definitely werent all first level
"On this journey I require folk capable of X, Y and Z....and the players duly go off and do such tests"....return 5th level and then the Ships Sponsor reveals just how epic the journey will be??
Trying to think of other journeys
-im sure Odysseus crew where pretty nails
-im sure captain cook, long john silver, darwin, chris columbus took with them people of 'some' repute
I am no way being negative about this prospect.....much as i like the snow (and that AP) and heroes v demons (and that AP).....cant they just cut to this one!!!!

atheral |

In no particular order
1) +1 for the Epic journey/Exploration. Personally I think Arcadia would be a good target for this as it seems to have the whole "mysterious lost continent" feel to it.
2)Archeology campaign Exploring/charting the unknown reaches of a recently discovered lost city/civilization would most likely overlap with a mega dungeon and/or darklands campaign.
4)Swords and Planets
5)Inter planer campaign (I imagine it being like Sliders where the party gets flipped through the planes, that brass egg / Tardis analog from the Ultimate Equipment book could be a good catalyst for this)
6)Mercenary company- PCs are members of a famous/formerly famous mercenary company and are tasked with rebuilding/managing the company. (Inspired by the black company books)

atheral |

atheral wrote:2)Archeology campaign Exploring/charting the unknown reaches of a recently discovered lost city/civilization would most likely overlap with a mega dungeon and/or darklandsYou have just described Serpent's Skull.
Hmm...then my wording was incorrect. I intended it to mean something more akin to an Egyptology style tomb dig in Osiron and not the Temple of Doom thing the early part of Serpents Skull had (can't speak to the latter half as the group I was running for decided they lacked the motive to complete the path and had me run Jade Regent instead).

Biobeast |
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My players are really tired of running through AP after AP to them they all seem similar these days. So something radically different would be needed for my group to play. (So the Mythic adventures may work for them). For me its no longer what I would like to see its what I can get my players to play. The setting, cold, hot, viking, planets, all doesn't matter to them.
A revised kingdom rules fixing the glitches, with more emphasis on politics over exploration would get my players interested.

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FallofCamelot wrote:Hmm...then my wording was incorrect. I intended it to mean something more akin to an Egyptology style tomb dig in Osiron and not the Temple of Doom thing the early part of Serpents Skull had (can't speak to the latter half as the group I was running for decided they lacked the motive to complete the path and had me run Jade Regent instead).atheral wrote:2)Archeology campaign Exploring/charting the unknown reaches of a recently discovered lost city/civilization would most likely overlap with a mega dungeon and/or darklandsYou have just described Serpent's Skull.
Serpent's Skull has it's issues and from what I've read the Paizo staffers consider it to be not quite a failure but certainly not as good as it could have been. They took on board what worked and what didn't and learned from it.
The issue with "finding the lost city/civilisation" type plot is that Serpent's Skull already did it. Paizo try not to rehash the same ground because when they tried it before it led to Council of Thieves being unfavourably compared to Curse of the Crimson Throne.
That's your issue. A few people (myself included) are a bit down on Shattered Star because it revisits Varisia. I would suspect that as a result the AP's will try to avoid comparison with previous AP's for the foreseeable.
That said I would love to see an Osirion AP myself.

Odraude |
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1. Journey to the New World: I would love to see Arcadia fleshed out. Native American-esque tribes, Aztec empire with some leanings to the Ancient Astronaut theory (like the Numeria for Arcadia), etc. I think it'd be fun.
2. Barsoom Adventures: Adventures on Akiton, the Mars analogue.
3. Quest into the Dreamlands: A campaign pitting players against the horrors from the Dark Tapestry that takes them into the Dreamlands and Leng to face against some evil locked away that is trying to break out.
EDIT: One I'm planning on running is a mixture of Nemesis Theory and Lovecraft, having a dwarf star with an Old One locked inside that orbits the solar system. It nears the Earth every 2,000 years and when it passes, great catastrophes happen. Now, a priest of old wants to bring that star of ill omen to the world and awaken his master and the PCs have to stop it.