"Infantry in the open. Fire for effect."
"Excuse me, is this the road to North Piddleswamp?"
Your pirating of traveling merchants is an attack on Desna herself!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
"Oh no, you've got my intentions all wrong. I'm actually a very generous man. I just want to share my suffering with everyone around me. Like now, for instance." - paraphrased from a particularly bitter man from Samurai Champloo (Getting your arm cut off will do that to ya, although being a psychopath in the first place doesn't do much for your demeanor either.)
During a d20 modern game set in a dystopian future where we were running into aberrations, one of the PCs played a Russian who said "That is not creepy or disturbing at all and completely on the level." on several occasions shortly before all Sheol broke loose.
Not really a battle cry, but it has become a running gag.
I hate cleaning up a mess, but I love making them!
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
"Your kneecaps are mine!" - for a particularly feral halfling, gnome, or other small folk (taken from Jan Jansen in Baldur's Gate II)
"Hi ho, hi ho, a murdering we will go!"
From Mr. Welsch, for paladins:
"Good for the good god!"
Also, literally anything involving Khorne.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
"Fire at will!"
"...Which one's Will?"
Let the grey geese fly...wholly together...SHOOT!
"Fountains of red are beautiful!"
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T'dr'duzk B'hazg T't (Today is a good day for someone else to die)
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"Tell me WHO DID IT!" - shouted at the start of every battle, no-one ever did.
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Ah, I remember a great battlecry I had once. Got a lot of funny looks from people. We had an Inquisitor who would use "By Angradd's Axe I will smite you!" the paladin who would shout "For (insert god here can't remember)." We hit level 5 and my wizard wanted a battlecry because everybody else had one.
Step 1 - Cast fireball
Step 2 - "Burn in Asmodeus' fire!" Note to self, warn the other party members who are lawful good that you worship the lord of devils or there will be questions.
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"Your soul is MINE!"
Had a half-orc barbarian once, very broken common. Had a habit of making challenging enemy's skulls into ornaments (usually cod-pieces since everywhere else was full of other fetishes). After a particularly funny and unintentional intimidate check involving a rival half-elf, the line "You great foe! When battle over, happy ending!" while gesturing to the codpiece, this became his go-to battle cry.... "FOR THE HAPPY ENDING!"
I had a feinter rogue that used point up and say "look, a hippogriff!"
Got'em every time.
A good threat I used against the mayor of the town last game session with my barbarian was "I wouldn't send anyone you couldn't absolutely do without..." not a battle cry but mention worthy imo.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
"Hey, why are you making such a fuss? So what if I killed your father. I killed my father too, and you don't see my crying about it!"
I'm gonna take these fancy healing sticks and beat you so hard with them you stop getting up.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
"I'll kill you 'till yer DEAD!"
I'll take this oversized herring and chop you down like i did the mightiest tree in the forest!!!
"*gives the enemy a cold, steely glare* I am the eggman. You are the walrus. *raises weapon and begins charging* GOO-GOO-G'JOOB!!!"
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
"I reeeegreeeetttt nooottthhiiiinnnnggg!!"
Your skulls shall be my wine goblets!!!!!!!!!
(ugly muscular woman): COME TO MAMMA!!!!
Wylliam Harrison wrote: (ugly muscular woman): COME TO MAMMA!!!! (ugly half-orc man in a dress): COME TO MAMMA!!!!
(sexy muscular woman): I've got your "distraction bonus" right here!!!
(same woman, looking directly downwards while she says): AFTER THEM, MY MINIONS!!!
Let me through, i wasn't done with your DADDY yet!!
That which does not kill me will wish it had by the time I'm finished with it .
We are the mosh we are here sniff that coke smoke that gear , We are the mosh we don't need luck we fight dirty them run like f$## .
Halfing Rogue:
"Imma stab you till you hate me!"
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
"Now, once more, with FEEEEE-LIIINNNG!"
(The 7int NPC named Bubba): You better kill Bubba now or you won't be able to sit down when Bubba done with you!!
Courtesy of underrated computer game Dark Legions:
(crusty Fighter or Barbarian) You shall taste the bite of cold steel!
(quirky, enigmatic Illusionist) Taste the sweet veil of deception....
(egomaniac Conjurer) You shall die, worm!!!
(humble but courageous Oracle or Diviner) I shall blind you with Truth.
(tormented wraith) My task is terror....
(wily Rogue) Care to gamble with your life?
Limeylongears wrote: Halfing Rogue:
Shouldn't that be "Halfling Monk"?
"Surrender and die!", actually worked once. I think the DM was confused though...
While fighting a gelatinous cube: "JELL-OOOOOOOO!!!!!"
"!@#$ this lich."
"Stabitty death to you!"
"KAMEHAMEHA!!!" *casts fireball*
"For Asland...I mean, for Crystalbrook!"
Just recently I've had the chance to play a goblin bladebound magus. We started at level five, so he's had his black blade since the start of the adventure. The character is skinned as having no casting ability whatsoever, and all spells are actually made by his black blade. This leads to a lot of moments when the black blade makes smarter choices than the goblin, especially when fighting foes that are resistant or immune to fire.
The goblin's battlecry: "Burn the foe, to a smouldering mass, crickle, crackle, BURN HIS A-"
Blackblade: "Frigid touch."
Goblin: "..."
I may not survive...BUT I SHALL BE REMEMBERED!