First PFS Character - Multiple Archetypes and Advice

Pathfinder Society

Scarab Sages

Hello! I'm looking to do some convention games in a few months, and I'm hoping to get some feedback on the legality and feasibility of the character I'm planning.

One of the characters I'm working on is a Half Elf Sorcerer with the Empyreal Celestial archetype (Ultimate Magic) and the Tinkering (Pathfinder Society FIeld Guide) archetype. They don't overlap in regards to abilities substituted as far as I can tell, and while I know I can use a legal archetype I don't know if I can start with two. Anyone know if it is possible?

Mechanics-wise, I'm building a spell-casting trapfinder. Wisdom 20, using Wisdom as the casting stat as a sorcerer, with the trait (Wisdom in the Flesh) that allows you to use Wisdom for a single physical skill. It would allow me to start with a +13 to both Perception and Disable Device checks at level 1, as well as allowing the disabling of magical traps. My concerns is the AC of 10, the lack of Reflex, and the general poor combat ability (other than the 5 spells a day and the daze spell). Also not sure about the spell selections... ear-piercing scream and stumble gap seem like they'd help, but perhaps not as much as the crowd control of color spray and grease. Any optimizations in regards to PFS play anyone could recommend?

Half Elf (Arcane Training substitution [APG])
Sorcerer, Celestial (Tinkering [PFSFG.29] and Empyreal Archetypes [UM])
Lawful Good

Str 8 [-2]
Dex 10 [0]
Con 12 [2]
Int 14 [5]
Wis 18+2 [17]
Cha 8 [-2]

Fort: +1
Reflex: +0
Will: +7

Tomb Raider- Perception class skill and +1 to Perception and Dungeoneering [free.GtPFSOP.12]
Wisdom in the Flesh (Irori) [free.LoF.9] - Wisdom for Disable Device, class skill

Favored Class Bonus: +1 skill point

Racial Traits:
Low LIght Vision
Adaptability: Skill Focus: Disable Device
Elf Blood
Elven Immunities
Keen Senses (+2 Perception)
Arcane Training - Sorcerer [instead of multitalented, APG]

Class Traits:
Tinkering [instead of Eschew Materials, PFSFG.29]
Empyreal Bloodline Arcana (Wisdom instead of Charisma for class abilities, +2 Heal/Knowledge Religion) [instead of Celestial Bloodline Arcana, UM]
Heavenly Fire (8/day, 1d4 healing good or hurting evil)

Spells/Day: 5 1st level

Spells known:
0th - Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Daze, Light
1st - Ear-Piercing Scream [UM] OR Color Spray, Stumble Gap [APG] OR Grease

Perception (4+5+2+1+3= +15) (+16 vs traps)
Disable Device (4+5+3= +12) (+13 vs traps)
Knowledge (Arcana) (4+2= +6)
Profession (Herbalist) (4+5= +9)
Spellcraft (4+2= +6)
Heal (0+5+2= +7)

Skill Focus (Perception)

Shadow Lodge 2/5

Firstly, you can and may use multiple archetypes if they all change different things. If one affects the same ability as another, then they conflict. Though traps are uncommon in PFS, Perception is generally important for both figuring out what's going on in a scenario and to start fights in positions where you're less of a target. Considering how fragile you'd be, especially at the beginning, being less of a target is of the utmost importance.

For PFS, Color Spray or Sleep could actually work for a Sorcerer, and then you can swap it out the first chance you get when they'd lose their usefulness (but if you're going to do that, then you'd best get only one of those). Grease has more potential uses than Stumble Gap, since you can also use it as a makeshift Disarm attempt as well. Other than that, all you need to do is pick a faction that suits you. You've got a few options, but that'd be completely up to you.

Sovereign Court 3/5

Well it pains me to say but if you focus on traps youll probably be disappointed later one. Traps in PFS are few and far between.

I am all for a sorcerer using utility spells over damage spells though.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Wabajck wrote:
Well it pains me to say but if you focus on traps youll probably be disappointed later one. Traps in PFS are few and far between.

For now...just you wait.

Sovereign Court 3/5

Michael Brock wrote:
Wabajck wrote:
Well it pains me to say but if you focus on traps youll probably be disappointed later one. Traps in PFS are few and far between.
For now...just you wait.

Only if you can promise they will be brought to us by Baird

Scarab Sages

Thank you for all of the feedback! I truly appreciate it - I understood that multiple archetypes could be used in regular campaigns, but it was the wording in the PFS guide that made me question it. Thanks you all!

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