Mynameisjake |

That is brilliant! ^.^
Why, "Thank You!" I call it, "St. Cyr's Convenient Cloth." It comes with a lead lined (very small) box for when "you absolutely, positively, don't want to be noticed." I also made it "use" activated. It's a little more expensive, but without a command word, I reason that it's less likely to draw attention.
In my HB setting, the local assassins guild sells (secretly, and at a discount), a lesser version that has only the Prestidigitation effect. They want plenty of them in circulation so that the more powerful version will attract less attention.
Here's a link to the (only) other thing I'm really proud of (PF-wise, I mean).

Turin the Mad |

Coming late to the party on adventuring advice.
Here's my first post as the GM for Savage Tide, containing 1st level advice in 3.5 - most of it remains relevant to PF.
GREAT WORK on this thread, Ashiel!

Turin the Mad |

I note, Turin, that that advice is extremely 1st levelish. At higher levels with an ubercharger build, charging is definitely something you want to do. Especially if it disrupts formations of missile-tossing bad guys who provoke AoO's when they scatter!
^__^ Of course it's 1st levelish, that's what I wrote it for those years ago.

KenderKin |
Hey were is the weapons discourse.
Blowguns to wake your slumbering/sleeping comrades!
....If I prick thee, to prevent a coup, you will not bleed (as much)!
Best back-up weapons etc.
Why morningstars?
good base damage
nearly anyone can use
can be used one or two handed
goes well with a shield
two types of damage B/P
I think your guide could be a ragu type of thing they were famous for the advertisement, "It's in there!"

Tels |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I don't know if Ashiel is still working on this, but I hope he is. Anyway, something occurred to me about the whole 'chalk/invisibility' thing. Ink. Wizards always have Ink on them to write in their spellbook or scribe a scroll (at least I do). Take the top off the bottle of ink, and fling it on the invisible person, and it will reveal their position. Should work really well if you don't have chalk/flour/plaster etc.

Saronian |
I'mtrying to figure out the pricing for the "Premade" Adventuring Kits, more specificaly the Ultimate version, so that my group and I can start putting it together while we are in a "civilized" land (AP is Carrion Crown and I'm also looking at Kingmaker as well).
How much and what would be required for an Ox? In the Ultimate Equipment it doesn't have the price or stats, so I'm thinking about going for the Yak (which uses the rules for Bison). I'll be having them pulling a wagon that'll be serving as our mobile home away from home.
Also, how much for the combat training and teaching it the six tricks (attack, down, stay, heel, work, and trained to fight unusual creatures)?

Nitro-13 |

I've always been proud of my halfling army knife:
Adamantine sawback switchblade with hollow handle, contains compass, flint, lockpicks. disguised as something else: pipe, belt buckle etc.
The switchblade already has a hollow handle.... that's where the blade goes. unless you extend the handle i guess.

Vestrial |
Such a great thread. Tons of useful ideas.
Last session we almost got TPK'd by some darkness casting ghost thing (never got a chance to id it). Didn't even think about the heightened continual flame, such a 'duh' idea. ;) Definitely going to be heading to my usual craftsman next session and get one of those whipped up. (I hope he has heighten spell!)

![]() |

I only had time to read the first 2 pages. Instead of dotting, I leave with contributions I had not seen in those first two pages.
Whatever your permanent magical light source is, cover it in mud and let it dry. Then you can throw or slam it to break off the stealth cover. Got that years ago at a living Greyhawk table from a 1st Ed player.
When you find a trap but are afraid of attempting the disarm, use chalk to show everyone where not to trigger it.
Animals can be used as self propelled rations. Got that from Knights of the dinner table comic/magazine.
If I recall correctly, A bag of holding or maybe the handy haversack only has about ten minutes of air. Fill it with water, hope it does not leak and then give water breathing, which last much longer to someone hiding in the item full of water. Any science people know how long that much water with water breathing could last?
I actually disagree with a good chunk of the brainstorming of what was posted in regards to the rules but I still loved the theme for what's being attempted. I do not currently want to get into rules debates myself either but I also felt people should be warned not everyone agrees with all the proposed interpretations.

Darigaaz the Igniter |

I have to post my love for the adamantine heavy pick. Uses include but are not limited to: breaking into places, breaking out of places, breaking things in general, coups de grace, fighting constructs, fighting under water, fighting while grappled, getting full power from power attack, and making yourself the envy of every dwarf and kobold within a hundred miles. Side-effects include a 20/x4 crit and 1d6 base damage for medium-sized users.
At 3006 gp it's not going to be one of your first purchases, but it's cheaper than the +1 ghost touch net so maybe around 5th level?

EmperorZoron |
This thread must not be allowed to die! So I shall give you two ideas. I hope they help!
Tie two bags, that have been soaked in lamp oil, over the head of a mace or hammer. Then when combat is upon you, ignite the bags! This should add one point of fire damage to the weapon's damage roll. I figure this would last for one minute, before the bags burned away.
(This particular idea was actually inspired by something that I found in this very thread.) Tie a bit of rope around the end of a club, then let that end of the club soak in holy water for a bit. The rope will absorb the liquid like a crude sponge. This should add one point of holy damage to your weapon's damage roll for 10 successful strikes. After that, you'd need to soak it again. A nice trick for a cleric on a budget... Now that I think about it, this would probably also have some effect on the wood of the club itself eventually. Wood does absorb liquids, though slowly and it does not release it back out like a sponge. So what the effects of this would be, I can't really say. Something to consider though...

Artemis Moonstar |

This thread simply can't die :). Ashiel's and everyone elses ideas are too good.
Rather than a simple bump, I will give something else that occurred to me.
Is anything about you real/Have you any substance?: What can I say about False-Bottomed and Hollowed items? Going to a fancy (but evil) dinner party and worried about poison? Bring along your own false bottomed cup. Need to hide some potions or poisons? False Bottomed Scabbard. There's also the hollow pommel, a holy symbol with a compartment, and the poison pill ring. Poisons, potions, alchemical remedies and weapons. Most are about the size that fit in these.

KenderKin |
Call it crazy glue!
I say all bards take read magic as a known orison and buy a couple scrolls of mending.
12.5 gold each.
Mending takes 10 minutes to cast, except from a scroll (spell completion item).
And if it's not an emergency your druid or cleric can fix it tomorrow.
Besides bards should have "sheet music"...

Shifty |

So, L0 and L1 potions, what are the best bang-for-buck should haves?
An earlier thread had some good utility scrolls for that level, but the focus was narrow and also somewhat dated.
Whats the most 'yay' you can get for 25-50gp?

Indilhaldor |
Not sure how this little gem missed the list, but the Traveler's Any-Tool for a mere 250gp will be just about any tool an adventurer could want, including a Masterwork Tool Set for most Craft and Professions. Weighing in at 2 lbs, it'll replace all those other heavy adventuring tools axe, hammer, crowbar, needle, scissors, awl, block and tackle, battering ram, mortar and pestle for when you want to grind up your chalk and just about anything else you can come up with at the spur of the moment. The perfect tool for all those situations which you've cluttered your pack with, thinking if I haven't got it I'll want it.

Cevah |

***Arise Arise***
I have some stuff to add, and as a thread for a guide, I think it appropriate.
- Blue Book [5 gp; 1#]:
This book details the seedier entertainment establishments in one major city. It contains the names of brothels, burlesque houses, and gambling halls in that city. By consulting the book for 1 hour, for the next 24 hours you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (local), Bluff, and Diplomacy checks to gather or use information in that city. At the GM’s discretion, you can use it in settlements near that city for a +1 bonus. - Whetstone [2 cp; 1#]:
A whetstone allows you to sharpen a blade by sliding it against the stone at a precise angle. Honing a blade with a whetstone requires about 15 minutes of work and grants the weapon a +1 bonus on your damage roll the first time you hit with it. This only works on nonmagical blades.
Great for arrows and other sharp ammo, - 5 Shuriken [1 gp; 1/2 #]:
A shuriken is a small piece of metal with sharpened edges, designed for throwing. A shuriken can’t be used as a melee weapon. Although they are thrown weapons, shuriken are treated as ammunition for the purposes of drawing them and crafting masterwork or otherwise special versions of them, and of what happens to them after they are thrown.
Oh look. Sharp ammo. - Alchemical Reagents:
These components (of assorted cost and weight) affect spell casting to make them more magic. For example adding a caster level to certain kinds of spells, or adding duration or damage. - Nonlethal is good:
A +1 Merciful Vicious weapon costs +18000 over a masterwork weapon. It is essentially a +3 effect, that gives the merciful 1d6 damage, and also 2d6 from vicious while doing 1d6 to you. If you survive the fight, the damage to you (being nonlethal) heals at 1 hp per 5 minutes. And if you get a cure spell, the nonlethal heals along side the lethal. By the time you can afford this, you can also get greater magic weapon for extra plusses that last hours.
Other +1 enchants to consider:
Fortuitous -- Bonus attack on an AoO
Heartseeker -- Ignore miss chance for concealment against most living targets
Summon Bane -- +2/+2d6 vs summoned critters, called critters, and eidolons
And a flat cost of 1000 for:
Shrinking -- Shrinks to the size of a standard dagger - For the cheese of paladin wand makers being rare, you don't need them to have the craft feat. Any wand maker who hires the paladin can do the same cheese.
- For the Price uses priority system crowd, be a fast caster and make the item for less and sell at half. You now have made a profit.