Gibbering Mouther

narboots's page

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Wow thank you for the response! This clears it all up.

Any updates on finding this dev wiegh in on the natural attacks? I've not been able to find it.

I faqed this as i am in the same boat as benn, manually adjusting my herolab sheets. Would love to see some dev response.

My DM always asks us if we would like the tactical map or story driven fight. This way we can switch it up and keep each encounter fresh while giving the guys who love miniature tactical combat chances to do that as well. I can see how its not for everyone but I actually enjoy it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Or as a trap balance a bucket of gorgon blood on the door so when the wizard opens it he's drenched and cannot teleport away. Then you jump out and yell gotcha!


Dotting amazing thread

Darth Grall wrote:

My 2P:

You're gonna be pretty MAD since Samurai mainly is Str & Con focused as where Gunslinger needs Dex and Cha/Wis. Full BAB vs Touch will help your AB so you could skip the Dex but I wouldn't recommend it since your damage will stink especially if you plan to hit 5 levels of Gunslinger.

Reason why is, and this is something to keep in mind, challenge only works on melee attacks unlike a Paladins smite which benefits all attacks(against a specific target). Again, losing damage will hurt.

Now that said, you have a good set of kit(good fort/sorta good ref, resolve, d10 HD, etc) regardless of which archetype you chose. Plus the flavor is awesome so I'm not saying don't play this, just be aware of your strengths and your weaknesses.

If I were building this:


Full Sword Saint Levels(Cause GS isn't worth the dip)

Go Human & Pick up Exotic Weapon Proficiency with your bonus feat, then take Amateur Gunslinger later on for grit & quick clear.

Yeah the MAD part was what worried me most. I was going to dip 2levels gunslinger at most because i thought it was the cheapest way to get exotic weapon focus guns. I am not aware of this amateur gunslinger feat ill have to look that up as it might be best way tp go.

Definitely some of my favorite movies. I need to find a sweet head slot item to skin as a cowboy hat to go with my samurai armor. Also since it's S&S ill be a cowboy/samurai/pirate. Let the genre pot be stirred!

Not looking to optimize, but don't want to gimp my party either.
Using opening volley and then charging opponents with a katana seemed like a cool idea, not sure about a mount though, maybe use the sword saint archetype? I feel like i could take only a few levels of gunslinger just for that first shot then have a samurai built around charging the same target. Firstly, could this survive a tough AP like skull & Shackles. Secondly, would my party hate me?

Mage Evolving wrote:
Look up the raktavarna. It's a tiny outsider that can take the form of a blade or other object. I believe there was a thread a while back about actually using them in combat.

Raktavarna is the way to go. Sadly i believe it was ruled you cannot enchant it, good thing you're a magus!

Excellent artwork i really enjoy the perspective of the lovecraftian piece.

Can you use a wand to store a spell? I was under the impression that a caster must store it and that a wand could only cast the spell.

Awezome thank you! I had seen his magus guide but hadnt scrolled down all the way. this will really help!

Ps sorry about the necro

I am aware that white haired witch/hexcrafter may not be optimal, but i really like the flavor and enjoyed the examples posted above and i actually like having a limited spell list(i am terrible at making decisions). My question is would a build like those above survive in an AP such as Skull and Shackles (which my group will be running)? I dont mind being non-optimized but i also don't want to handicap my party.

Dot. And is there a good white haired witch/hexcrafter guide? Ive seen posts on them but no guide.