EmperorZoron's page

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This thread must not be allowed to die! So I shall give you two ideas. I hope they help!

Tie two bags, that have been soaked in lamp oil, over the head of a mace or hammer. Then when combat is upon you, ignite the bags! This should add one point of fire damage to the weapon's damage roll. I figure this would last for one minute, before the bags burned away.

(This particular idea was actually inspired by something that I found in this very thread.) Tie a bit of rope around the end of a club, then let that end of the club soak in holy water for a bit. The rope will absorb the liquid like a crude sponge. This should add one point of holy damage to your weapon's damage roll for 10 successful strikes. After that, you'd need to soak it again. A nice trick for a cleric on a budget... Now that I think about it, this would probably also have some effect on the wood of the club itself eventually. Wood does absorb liquids, though slowly and it does not release it back out like a sponge. So what the effects of this would be, I can't really say. Something to consider though...

Dotted for being incredibly informative. This is just the thing that I have been looking for.